List of moves by range in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

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In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, moves function differently from the core series games. Each move has its own range (Japanese: こうかはんい effect range prior to Gates to Infinity, はんい range Gates to Infinity onwards) that determines what tiles they affect. Additionally, each move has its own target (Japanese: あいて) classification that determines specific Pokémon affected.

There are certain things to note about how range works:

  • A move that cannot cut corners will fail if used diagonally and there is a wall between the user and the target. Moves that can't cut corners will be able to do so when performed by a Pokémon that can travel through walls or a gigantic Pokémon.
  • A confused Pokémon will hit team members with moves that target enemies, and enemies with moves that target allies, unless prevented by an effect such as Nontraitor IQ skill or Self-Control Team Skill.
    • Prior to Gates to Infinity, this also includes the user affecting themselves with moves that target the entire room or floor.
  • Room-wide moves also target the tiles that border the room. In a hallway:
    • Prior to Gates to Infinity, such move by default hits targets two tiles within the user (certain dungeons will restrict this to just one tile). The move will not extend into the hallway if on the edge of a room.
    • Since Gates to Infinity, if the Pokémon is on the edge of a room, the attack will extend into the hallway.
    • In Super Mystery Dungeon, the default range in hallways is now 3 tiles for party members and just one tile for enemies.
  • If a Pokémon is in middle of semi-invulnerable turn, projectiles will go through it.
    • Prior to Gates to Infinity, if a Pokémon faints in middle of a multistrike move, the projectile will keep going and can target a new Pokémon.
    • Since Gates to Infinity, multistrike projectiles will damage only the first target in line.
    • Prior to Super Mystery Dungeon, projectiles hit allies by default, unless prevented by Gap Prober IQ skill, Slip-Through Team Skill or an exclusive item.
  • Pokémon inside the walls cannot be hit unless the user can travel through walls, or has used a move that hits multiple tiles at once (except for moves with piercing when used by normal Pokémon).
    • In Red and Blue Rescue Team, as well as Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, moves that could hit two tiles ahead would be able to hit a target inside either wall tile.
      In Super Mystery Dungeon, these moves will hit only a wall directly in front of the user, similarly to normal projectiles.
    • In Gates to Infinity only, the Mobile status does not allow moves to hit inside walls unless they could already do so.
  • For certain moves, the AI is designed to not use the full range. For example, in Red and Blue Rescue Team, as well as Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, AI will treat Powder Snow as if it hit only in front of the user.

The following is a list of all range categories as they are displayed in-game.

List of moves by range

Prior to Gates to Infinity

While the moves have range and target values like in Gates to Infinity onwards, the game shows to player only a basic description of the move's range.

Description Explanation Moves
Glitch moves
Foe in frontRB
Enemy in frontTDS
Moves that target enemy on the tile
the user is facing.
Does not cut corners.
All other moves
Foe in front, cuts cornersRB
Enemy in front, cuts cornersTDS
しょうめんのてき かどぬけ
Moves that target enemy on the tile
the user is facing.
Pokémon in frontRB
Facing PokémonTDS
Moves that target any Pokémon on the
tile the user is facing.
Does not cut corners.
Facing Pokémon, cuts corners
しょうめんのポケモン かどぬけ
Moves that target any Pokémon on the
tile the user is facing.
Pokémon at sideRB
Adjacent PokémonTDS
Targets a random adjacent tile.
Does not cut corners.
Foe at sideRB
Adjacent enemyTDS
3 tiles diagonally and in frontRB
Facing tile and 2 flanking tilesTDS
Targets enemies on the tile in front of
the user, as well as the adjacent tiles
on diagonals.
Foe up to 2 tiles aheadRB
Enemy up to 2 tiles awayTDS
Moves that target an enemy up to two
tiles in front of the user.
If there are two enemies in range, hits
the first one.
Foes within 1-tile rangeRB
Enemies within 1-tile rangeTDS
Moves that target enemies adjacent to
the user.
Pokémon within 1-tile range
Targets all Pokémon within 1-tile range,
including the user.
Pokémon within 2-tile range
Targets all Pokémon within 2-tile range,
including the user.
Straight lineRB
Line of sightTDS
Moves that release a projectile in the
direction the user is facing, damaging
the first Pokémon in line.
The projectile disappears after traveling
10 tiles or if it hits a wall.
Foes in roomRB
All enemies in the roomTDS
Moves that target all enemies in the
same room as the user.
Allies in roomRB
All team members in the roomTDS
Moves that target team members in the
same room as the user.
Members in room onlyRB
Only the allies in the roomTDS
Targets user's allies in the same room as
the user.
All in room except userRB
All in the room except userTDS
Moves that target all other Pokémon in
the same room as the user.
All Pokémon in roomRB
All Pokémon in the roomTDS
Moves that target all Pokémon in the
same room as the user.
Foes on floorRB
All enemies on the floorTDS
Targets all enemies on the current floor.
Members on floorRB
Team members on the floorTDS
Moves that target all team members on
the current floor.
Pokémon on floorRB
All Pokémon on the floorTDS
Moves that affect the current floor
Moves that target all Pokémon on the
current floor.
Targets the user's inventory.
Moves that affect the current floor
Moves that target the tile the user
is currently on.
Targets a wall in front of the user.
Does not cut corners.
Moves that call other moves,
performing them in the direction
the user is facing.
Ghost-type version targets enemy in
front, otherwise targets user.
Does not cut corners.
Targets enemy in front.
Does not cut corners.
Is performed automatically in the
direction of the attacker.
Targets any Pokémon on the
tile the user is facing, and calls
one of their damaging moves.
Does not cut corners.
Moves that target its user.
Targets user and a random adjacent tile.
Moves that require user to charge,
hitting an enemy in front once released.
Does not cut corners.
User, cuts corners
じぶん かどぬけ
Moves that require user to charge,
hitting an enemy in front once released.

Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon

Moves marked with † are the variants performed by Gigantic Pokémon.

Name Explanation Target Moves
Front Moves that target the tile in front of the user.
Does not cut corners.
Enemy All other moves
Front, cuts cornersGtI
Moves that target the tile in front of the user. Enemy
Front 3-tile range Unused
Front area Moves that can target a tile in a fan-like area,
up to 5 tiles away.
Moves that target all tiles in a 5×5 area in front
of the user.
2 tiles away Moves that can target a tile in front of the user
or the one behind it.
Does not cut corners.
Flies 2 tiles awayGtI
2 tiles awaySMD
Moves that can target a tile in front of the user
or the one behind it.
Flies 10 tiles awayGtI
4 tiles awaySMD
Moves that can hit a target up to 10GtI/4SMD tiles
ahead of the user.
10 tiles away (piercing) Moves that attack 10 tiles ahead.
Hits all targets in the path.
If gigantic, goes through walls.
Flies endlessly Moves that release a projectile that travels until
it hits something.
Certain items
Nearby Pokémon Moves that target all tiles adjacent to the user. Enemy
Moves that target all tiles within 1 step of the user. All
Moves that target all tiles within 2 steps of the user.* All
Entire room Moves that affect all targets in the same room
as the user.
All except user
Entire floor Moves that affect all targets on the current floor. Enemy
Moves that affect the floor itself. Others
Others Variants of moves used by bosses. All
Lv. 5-39: Enemy in front, cuts corners
Lv. 40-79: Fan-style front area within field of vision
Lv. 80+: Fan-style front area with unlimited range
Moves that affect the floor itself. Others
Moves that affect a floor tile.
Moves that target the user and an ally in front.
Ghost-type version targets enemy in
front, otherwise targets user.
Does not cut corners.
Moves that interact with the user's inventory. Others
Moves that call other moves. Others
User Moves that target the user. User
Moves that target the user and an ally. Party

In other languages

Prior to Gates to Infinity

English English Japanese Kana Japanese Rōmaji French French German German Italian Italian Spanish Spanish Korean Hangul Korean Romanized
None なし Aucun Keines dummyRB
User じぶん Lanceur Anwender Chi la usa Usuario 자신
User, cuts corners じぶん かどぬけ Lanceur, coupe les angles Anwender, über Ecke Chi la usa, salta angoli Usuario, salva esquinasRB
Usuario (salvaesquinas)TDS
자신, 모퉁이 관통
Foe in frontRB
Enemy in frontTDS
しょうめんのてき Ennemi devant Direkter Gegner Nemico di fronte Rival de enfrente 정면의 상대
Foe in front, cuts cornersRB
Enemy in front, cuts cornersTDS
しょうめんのてき かどぬけ Ennemi devant, coupe angles Gegner vorne, über Ecke Nemico di fronte, salta angoli Rival enfrente, salva esquinasRB
Rival enfrente (salvaesquinas)TDS
정면의 상대, 모퉁이 관통
Pokémon in frontRB
Facing PokémonTDS
しょうめんのポケモン Pokémon en faceRB
Pokémon devantTDS
Pokémon vorne Pokémon di fronte Pokémon de enfrente 정면의 포켓몬
Facing Pokémon, cuts corners しょうめんのポケモン かどぬけ Pokémon devant, coupe angles Pokémon vorne, über Ecke Pokémon di fronte, salta angoli Pokémon enfrente (salvaesq.) 정면의 포켓몬, 모퉁이 관통
Pokémon at sideRB
Adjacent PokémonTDS
となりのポケモン Pokémon sur le côtéRB
Pokémon adjacentsTDS
Pokémon willkürlich rundum Pokémon a lato Pokémon de al lado 옆의 포켓몬
Foe at sideRB
Adjacent enemyTDS
となりのてき Ennemi de côtéRB
Ennemi adjacentTDS
Gegner seitlich Nemico di fianco Enemigo al ladoRB
Enemigo de al ladoTDS
옆의 상대
3 tiles diagonally and in frontRB
Facing tile and 2 flanking tilesTDS
1マスまえ3ほうこうのてき 3 cases en diagonale et devantRB
3 cases devant et en diagonaleTDS
Die 3 Felder diagonal und vorneRB
Je 1 Feld diagonal und vorneTDS
I 3 spazi in diagonale e davantiRB
1 spazio di fronte e i 2 ai latiTDS
Baldosa del. y sus adyacentesRB
Baldosa frontal y sus lateralesTDS
1칸 앞 3방향의 상대
Foe up to 2 tiles aheadRB
Enemy up to 2 tiles awayTDS
2マスさきのてき Ennemi devant, 2 casesRB
Ennemi, 2 cases ou moinsTDS
Gegner bis zu 2 Felder vorausRB
Gegner bis 2 Felder entferntTDS
Nemico di fronte entro 2 spazi Rival de enfrente, 2 baldosasRB
Rival hasta a 2 baldosasTDS
2칸 앞의 상대
Foes within 1-tile rangeRB
Enemies within 1-tile rangeTDS
まわり1マスのてき Ennemis dans un rayon d'1 caseRB
Ennemis (rayon d'1 case)TDS
Gegner 1 Feld entfernt Nemici entro 1 spazio Rivales a 1 baldosa 주변 1칸의 상대
Pokémon within 1-tile range まわり1マスのポケモン Rayon d'1 case Pokémon 1 Feld entfernt Pokémon entro 1 spazio Pokémon a 1 baldosa 주변 1칸의 포켓몬
Pokémon within 2-tile range まわり2マスのポケモン Rayon de 2 cases Pokémon 2 Felder entferntRB
PKMN bis 2 Felder entferntTDS
Pokémon entro 2 spazi Pokémon a 2 baldosas 주변 2칸의 포켓몬
Straight lineRB
Line of sightTDS
ちょくせんじょう Ligne droite In gerader Linie In linea retta Linea rectaRB
Pokémon en línea rectaTDS
Foes in roomRB
All enemies in the roomTDS
へやのてき Ennemis dans la salleRB
Tous les ennemis dans la salleTDS
Gegner im Raum Nemici nella salaRB
Tutti i nemici nella salaTDS
Rivales en la sala 방의 상대
Allies in roomRB
All team members in the roomTDS
へやにいるみかた Alliés dans la salleRB
Tous les alliés dans la salleTDS
Verbündete im RaumRBRB
Team-Mitglieder im RaumTDS
Alleati nella salaRB
Tutti i compagni nella salaTDS
Miembros en la salaRB
Miembros del equipo en la salaTDS
방에 있는 우리 편
Members in room onlyRB
Only the allies in the roomTDS
へやのなかまだけ Coéquipiers dans la salleRB
Seulement alliés dans la salleTDS
Nur Partner im RaumRB
Nur Mitglieder im RaumTDS
Compagni solo nella salaRB
Amici in sala, non chi la usaTDS
Miembros en la salaRB
Aliados en la salaTDS
방 안의 동료만
All in room except userRB
All in the room except userTDS
へやのじぶんいがい Salle sauf le lanceurRB
Toute la salle sauf le lanceurTDS
Alle im Raum außer Anwender Tutti in sala tranne chi la usa Los demás Pokémon de la sala 방의 자신 이외
All Pokémon in roomRB
All Pokémon in the roomTDS
へやじゅうのポケモン Pokémon dans la salleRB
Tous les Pokémon de la salleTDS
Alle Pokémon im Raum Tutti i Pokémon nella sala Todos los Pokémon de la sala 방 안의 포켓몬
Foes on floorRB
All enemies on the floorTDS
フロアのてき Ennemis de l'étageRB
Tous les ennemis de l'étageTDS
Gegner auf der Ebene Nemici sul pianoRB
Tutti i nemici sul pianoTDS
Rivales en el pisoRB
Todos los rivales del pisoTDS
플로어의 상대
Members on floorRB
Team members on the floorTDS
フロアのなかま Coéquipiers de l'étage Partner auf der EbeneRB
Team-Mitglieder auf EbeneTDS
Compagni sul piano Miembros en el pisoRB
Miembros del equipo en el pisoTDS
플로어의 동료
Pokémon on floorRB
All Pokémon on the floorTDS
フロアのポケモン Pokémon de l'étageRB
Tous les Pokémon de l'étageTDS
Pokémon auf der Ebene Pokémon sul pianoRB
Tutti i Pokémon sul pianoTDS
Pokémon en el pisoRB
Todos los Pokémon del pisoTDS
플로어의 포켓몬
どうぐ ObjetsRB
Strumenti ObjetosRB
Floor フロア Etage Ebene Piano PisoRB
Todo el pisoTDS
Wall かべ Mur Wand Parete ParedesRB
Special とくしゅRB
Spécial SpezialRB
Speciale Especial 특수B

Gates to Infinity onwards

English English Japanese Kana Japanese Rōmaji French French German German Italian Italian Spanish Spanish
Front しょうめん En face Direktes Feld in Blickrichtung Di fronte Enfrente
Front, cuts corners しょうめん かどぬけ En face, en arc de cercle Direktes Feld in Blickricht., über Ecke Di fronte, aggira gli angoli Enfrente (dobla esquinas)
Front 3-tile range しょうめん3マス 3 cases devant 3 Felder in Blickrichtung 3 caselle di fronte Máx. 3 cuadrículas de frente
Front area しょうめん はんい case en face Flächendeckend in Blickrichtung Area di fronte Casilla frontal
2 tiles away 2マスさき 2 cases de distanceGtI
2 casesSMD
2 Feld in BlickrichtungGtI
2 Felder in BlickrichtungSMD
Fino a 2 caselle di fronteGtI
Fino a 2 caselleSMD
Máx. 2 cuadrículas de frenteGtI
2 casillasSMD
4 tiles away 4マスさき 4 cases 4 Felder in Blickrichtung Fino a 4 caselle 4 cassilas
10 tiles away (piercing) 10マスさき かんつう 10 cases (en percée) 10 Felder in Blickrichtung (ungehindert) Fino a 10 caselle di fronte trapassando 10 casillas salvando obstáculos
Flies 2 tiles away 2マスとぶ Jusqu'à 2 cases Fliegt 2 Felder weit Fino a 2 caselle Máximo de 2 cuadrículas
Flies 10 tiles away 10マスとぶ Jusqu'à 10 cases Fliegt 10 Felder weit Fino a 10 caselle Máximo de 10 cuadrículas
Flies endlessly どこまでもとぶ Vole sans s'arrêter Fliegt unbegrenzt weit Senza limiti Sin límite
Nearby Pokémon まわり Pokémon proches Umgebung Pokémon vicini Pokémon adyacentes
Entire room へやじゅう Toute la pièce Gesamter Raum Tutta la sala Toda la sala
Entire floor フロアじゅう Tout l'étage Gesamte Ebene Tutto id piano Todo el piso
Others そのた Autre Andere Ziele Altro Otres
User じぶん Lanceur Anwender Chi la usa Usuario
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