Quick Attack (move)

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Quick Attack
でんこうせっか Lightning Speed
Quick Attack IX.png
Type  Normal
Category  Physical
PP  30 (max. 48)
Power  40
Accuracy  100%
Priority  +1
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Cool
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jam  0  
The next appeal can be made earlier next turn.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Causes the user to move earlier on the next turn.

Quick Attack (Japanese: でんこうせっか Lightning Speed) is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.


Generation I

Quick Attack inflicts damage. It has a priority of +1, so it is used before all moves that do not have increased priority.

If the user is put to sleep or frozen during the turn that Quick Attack is (or attempts to be) used, its increased priority will not be reset during the sleep or freeze. Subsequently, it can only be reset on the turn after the user wakes up or is defrosted, or if the user switches out.

Generation II onwards

Quick Attack's increased priority will no longer carry over to sleeping or frozen Pokémon; instead, the priority at which a sleeping or frozen Pokémon acts depends on the move it selects each turn.

Quick Attack can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 3 bonus appeal points if Double Team was used in the previous turn.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Category  Physical
PP  20
Agile Strong
Power  40  30  50
Accuracy  100%  100%  100%
Action speed modifier
Self  -4  -4  +2
Target  0  +3  0
Additional effect
   ?  ?
   ?  ?
   ?  ?


Games Description
Stad An attack that always strikes first. If both Pokémon use this, the one with higher Speed attacks first.
Stad2 Always strikes first. If both Pokémon use this, the one with higher Speed attacks first.
GSC Lets the user get in the first hit.
RSEColoXD An extremely fast attack that always strikes first.
FRLG An almost invisibly fast attack that is certain to strike first.
DPPtHGSSPBR The user lunges at the foe at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
BWB2W2 The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes first.
LA The user lunges at the target to deal damage, moving at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This also raises the user's action speed.
SV The user lunges at the target to inflict damage, moving at blinding speed. This move always goes first.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
0016 Pidgey NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 12 15 13 13 13 13 13 11 13
0017 Pidgeotto NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 12 15 13 13 13 13 13 1, 9 13
0018 Pidgeot NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1, 12 1, 15 1, 13 1, 13 1, 13 1, 13 1, 13 1, 9 1, 13
0019 Rattata NormalIC Big.png Field Field 7 7 7 4 4 4 4 6 4
0019 Rattata
Alolan Form
DarkIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field 4 6
0020 Raticate NormalIC Big.png Field Field 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 4 1, 4 1, 4 1, 4 1, 6 1, 4
0020 Raticate
Alolan Form
DarkIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field 1, 4 1, 6
0022 Fearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1
0025 Pikachu ElectricIC Big.png Field Fairy 16RGB
11 11 13 13 10 10 6 1 1 5 1
0026 Raichu ElectricIC Big.png Field Fairy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1
0026 Raichu
Alolan Form
ElectricIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
Field Fairy 1 1 1
0037 Vulpix FireIC Big.png Field Field 16 7 13 11 11BW
10 10 10 8 8 5 8
0037 Vulpix
Alolan Form
IceIC Big.png Field Field 5
0038 Ninetales FireIC Big.png Field Field 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1
0038 Ninetales
Alolan Form
IceIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Field Field 5
0042 Golbat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1
0077 Ponyta FireIC Big.png Field Field 1FRLG 10
0078 Rapidash FireIC Big.png Field Field 1FRLG 1 1 1 1 10 1 1
0078 Rapidash
Galarian Form
PsychicIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
Field Field 1
0083 Farfetch'd NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Field 1
0084 Doduo NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
0085 Dodrio NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1
0118 Goldeen WaterIC Big.png Water 2 Water 2 10
0119 Seaking WaterIC Big.png Water 2 Water 2 1, 10
0123 Scyther BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0125 Electabuzz ElectricIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 6 1
0133 Eevee NormalIC Big.png Field Field 27RGB
23 23 22 22BW
13 13 6 10 10 6 10
0134 Vaporeon WaterIC Big.png Field Field 1, 27RGB
1, 23Y
23 23 22 22BW
13 13 6 10 10 6 10
0135 Jolteon ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 1, 27RGB
1, 23Y
23 23 22 22BW
13 13 6 10 10 6 10
0136 Flareon FireIC Big.png Field Field 1, 27RGB
1, 23Y
23 23 22 22BW
13 13 6 10 10 6 10
0155 Cyndaquil FireIC Big.png Field Field 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 1 13
0156 Quilava FireIC Big.png Field Field 21 21 13 13 13 13 13 1 13
0157 Typhlosion FireIC Big.png Field Field 21 21 13 13 13 13 13 13
0157 Typhlosion
Hisuian Form
FireIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Field Field 1 13
0161 Sentret NormalIC Big.png Field Field 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
0162 Furret NormalIC Big.png Field Field 1, 11 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1
0172 Pichu ElectricIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
0190 Aipom NormalIC Big.png Field Field 1
0193 Yanma BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 7 7RSE
6 6 6 6 6 1 6
0196 Espeon PsychicIC Big.png Field Field 23 23 22 22BW
13 13 10 10 6 10
0197 Umbreon DarkIC Big.png Field Field 23 23 22 22BW
13 13 10 10 6 10
0207 Gligar GroundIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 20 20 16 16BW
13 13 13 6 13
0212 Scizor BugIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Bug Bug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0215 Sneasel DarkIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
Field Field 9 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 1 12
0215 Sneasel
Hisuian Form
FightingIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Field Field 1 12
0237 Hitmontop FightingIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like 19 19 15 15 15 1, 15 4 4 4
0239 Elekid ElectricIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1
0243 Raikou ElectricIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 31 31 22 22 22 22 1 1 1
0252 Treecko GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon 11 11 11 11XY
9 6 6 6
0253 Grovyle GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon 1, 11 1, 11 1, 11 1, 11XY
1, 9ORAS
1, 9 1 1 1
0254 Sceptile GrassIC Big.png Monster Dragon 1, 11 1, 11 1, 11 1, 11XY
1, 9ORAS
1, 9 1 1 1
0255 Torchic FireIC Big.png Field Field 28 28 28 28XY
23 6 6 6
0256 Combusken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field 32 32 32 32XY
25 1 1 1
0257 Blaziken FireIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field 32 32 32 32XY
25 1 1 1
0276 Taillow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 8 8 8 7XY
9 9
0277 Swellow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1, 8 1, 8 1, 8 1, 7XY
1, 9ORAS
1, 9 1, 9
0278 Wingull WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 31 24 24BW
19 5 5 5
0279 Pelipper WaterIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 1 1 1
0283 Surskit BugIC Big.png
WaterIC Big.png
Water 1 Bug 7 7 7 7XY
6 6 6
0284 Masquerain BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Bug 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7XY
1, 6ORAS
1, 6 1, 6 1
0309 Electrike ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 17 17 17 17XY
10 12 12
0310 Manectric ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 17 17 17 17XY
10 12 12
0311 Plusle ElectricIC Big.png Fairy Fairy 10 7 7 7XY
1 1 1
0312 Minun ElectricIC Big.png Fairy Fairy 10 7 7 7XY
1 1 1
0313 Volbeat BugIC Big.png Bug Human-Like 17 17 17 17XY
12 12 12
0314 Illumise BugIC Big.png Bug Human-Like 17 17 17 17XY
12 12 12
0335 Zangoose NormalIC Big.png Field Field 7 5 5 5 5 5 5
0359 Absol DarkIC Big.png Field Field 13 12 12BW
1, 7ORAS
1, 7 1 1
0396 Starly NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
0397 Staravia NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 5 1
0398 Staraptor NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 1, 5 5 1
0417 Pachirisu ElectricIC Big.png Field Fairy 5 5 5 5 5 1 5
0418 Buizel WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field 3 3BW
11 11 11 1 11
0419 Floatzel WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Field 1, 3 1, 3BW
1, 11B2W2
1, 11 1, 11 1, 11 1 1
0424 Ambipom NormalIC Big.png Field Field 1
0427 Buneary NormalIC Big.png Field Human-Like 16 16 16 16 16 16 1
0428 Lopunny NormalIC Big.png Field Human-Like 16 16 16 16 16 16 1
0447 Riolu FightingIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0448 Lucario FightingIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
Field Human-Like 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0461 Weavile DarkIC Big.png
IceIC Big.png
Field Field 1, 8 1, 8 1, 8 1, 8 1 1 1 1
0466 Electivire ElectricIC Big.png Human-Like Human-Like 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1
0469 Yanmega BugIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1 14
0470 Leafeon GrassIC Big.png Field Field 22 22BW
13 13 10 10 6 10
0471 Glaceon IceIC Big.png Field Field 22 22BW
13 13 10 10 6 10
0472 Gliscor GroundIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Bug Bug 16 16BW
13 13 13 6 13
0491 Darkrai DarkIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 11 11 11 11 11 11
0492 Shaymin
Land Forme
GrassIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
0492 Shaymin
Sky Forme
GrassIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 28PtHGSS 28 28 28 28 6 28
0493 Arceus
All forms
NormalIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
0494 Victini PsychicIC Big.png
FireIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1
0519 Pidove NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 11 11 11 8
0520 Tranquill NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1,11 1,11 1,11 1
0521 Unfezant
All forms
NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1,11 1,11 1,11 1
0522 Blitzle ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 1 1 1 1
0523 Zebstrika ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 1 1 1 1
0566 Archen RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Water 3 1 1 1 1
0567 Archeops RockIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Water 3 1 1 1 1
0587 Emolga ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Field Field 4 4 4 10
0617 Accelgor BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 1, 13 1, 13 1, 13 1
0627 Rufflet NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1
0628 Braviary
Hisuian Form
PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 1
0638 Cobalion SteelIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1
0639 Terrakion RockIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1
0640 Virizion GrassIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1 1
0648 Meloetta NormalIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 6 6 1, 6 1
0649 Genesect
All forms
BugIC Big.png
SteelIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1 1 1
0656 Froakie WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 1 8 8 8
0657 Frogadier WaterIC Big.png Water 1 Water 1 8 8 8
0658 Greninja
All available forms
WaterIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Water 1 Water 1 8 1, 8 1
0659 Bunnelby NormalIC Big.png Field Field 7 7 9
0660 Diggersby NormalIC Big.png
GroundIC Big.png
Field Field 7 7 9
0661 Fletchling NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 6 6 5 5
0662 Fletchinder FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 6 1, 6 1 1
0663 Talonflame FireIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 6 1, 6 1 1
0694 Helioptile ElectricIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Monster Dragon 17 17 12
0695 Heliolisk ElectricIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Monster Dragon 1 1 1
0700 Sylveon FairyIC Big.png Field Field 13 13 10 6 10
0745 Lycanroc
Midday Form
RockIC Big.png Field Field 1 1 1
0745 Lycanroc
Dusk Form
RockIC Big.png Field Field 1 1
0785 Tapu Koko ElectricIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1
0807 Zeraora ElectricIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 8USUM 1
0813 Scorbunny FireIC Big.png Field Human-Like 8 8
0814 Raboot FireIC Big.png Field Human-Like 1 1
0815 Cinderace FireIC Big.png Field Human-Like 1 1
0827 Nickit DarkIC Big.png Field Field 1
0828 Thievul DarkIC Big.png Field Field 1
0877 Morpeko ElectricIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Fairy 15 15
0885 Dreepy DragonIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Amorphous Dragon 1 1
0886 Drakloak DragonIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Amorphous Dragon 1 1
0887 Dragapult DragonIC Big.png
GhostIC Big.png
Amorphous Dragon 1 1
0888 Zacian
All forms
FairyIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1
0889 Zamazenta
All forms
FightingIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1 1
0900 Kleavor BugIC Big.png
RockIC Big.png
Bug Bug 1 1
0903 Sneasler FightingIC Big.png
PoisonIC Big.png
Field Field 1 12
0906 Sprigatito GrassIC Big.png Field Grass 15
0907 Floragato GrassIC Big.png Field Grass 15
0908 Meowscarada GrassIC Big.png
DarkIC Big.png
Field Grass 15
0921 Pawmi ElectricIC Big.png Field Field 6
0922 Pawmo ElectricIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field 6
0923 Pawmot ElectricIC Big.png
FightingIC Big.png
Field Field 6
0931 Squawkabilly
All forms
NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying 6
0940 Wattrel ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 7
0941 Kilowattrel ElectricIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Flying 7
0955 Flittle PsychicIC Big.png Flying Flying 15
0956 Espathra PsychicIC Big.png Flying Flying 15
0967 Cyclizar DragonIC Big.png
NormalIC Big.png
Field Field 18
1010 Iron Leaves GrassIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
1016 Fezandipiti PoisonIC Big.png
FairyIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 8
1017 Ogerpon
All forms
GrassIC Big.png No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 1
1022 Iron Boulder RockIC Big.png
PsychicIC Big.png
No Eggs Discovered No Eggs Discovered 7
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Egg Move
0021 Spearow NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0041 Zubat PoisonIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0077 Ponyta FireIC Big.png Field Field
0083 Farfetch'd NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Field
0083 Farfetch'd
Galarian Form
FightingIC Big.png Flying Field
0084 Doduo NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0127 Pinsir BugIC Big.png Bug Bug
0155 Cyndaquil FireIC Big.png Field Field
0177 Natu PsychicIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0198 Murkrow DarkIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Flying
0225 Delibird IceIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Water 1 Field
0273 Seedot GrassIC Big.png Field Grass
0328 Trapinch GroundIC Big.png Bug Dragon
0399 Bidoof NormalIC Big.png Water 1 Field
0403 Shinx ElectricIC Big.png Field Field
0431 Glameow NormalIC Big.png Field Field
0509 Purrloin DarkIC Big.png Field Field
0766 Passimian FightingIC Big.png Field Field
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation VIII

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0083 Farfetch'd NormalIC Big.png
FlyingIC Big.png
Flying Field Regina's Farfetch'd (The Isle of Armor)Sw
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By event

Generation II

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0128 Tauros NormalIC Big.png Field Field New York Pokémon Center
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation IV

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0004 Charmander FireIC Big.png Monster Dragon 2007 Birthday Charmander
2008 Birthday Charmander
2009 Birthday Charmander
2010 Birthday Charmander
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Generation VI

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Obtained with
0127 Pinsir BugIC Big.png Bug Bug 2014 Korean World Championship Series Pinsir
0700 Sylveon
SylveonLv. 10
FairyIC Big.png Field Field Eevee House Sylveon
XY Sylveon
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Game Base
Range Target Cuts
MDRB 4 - 13 - 88% - 2 tiles away Enemy Yes
MDTDS 4 - 13 - 88% - 2 tiles away Enemy Yes
BSL 4 - 13 - 88% - 2 tiles away Enemy Yes
MDGtI 2 99 15 50 90% 98% 2 tiles away Enemy No
SMD 2 50 16 20 90% 98% 2 tiles away Enemy No
With some exceptions, Pokémon learnsets match those from the core series games:

Super Smash Bros. series

Pikachu uses Quick Attack as its up special. Pikachu dashes quickly, and can do so in two different directions, provided the angle difference is large enough. In the original Super Smash Bros., this move did no damage.

Pokémon Conquest

Stars: ★★★
Power: 31
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: None
Users: Eevee   Starly
Grid assumes the user is in the square marked by > facing to the right.
Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit.
Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.
A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move.

Pokémon GO

GO Normal.png Quick Attack
Fast Attack
Gyms & Raids
Power 8
Energy boost 10
Duration 0.8 seconds
Damage window 0.25 - 0.55 seconds
Quick Attack GO.png
Trainer Battles
Power 5
Energy boost 8
Turns 2
Eligible Pokémon:
Standard eligibility
PidgeyRattataRattata (Alolan Form)RaticateRaticate (Alolan Form)SpearowPikachuVulpixZubatDoduoEeveeSentretFurretNatuYanmaGrovyleSeedotTaillowWingullElectrikePlusleMinunStarlyStaraviaStaraptorBuizelBunearyGlameowRioluLeafeonVictiniPidoveBlitzleArchenEmolgaVirizionMeloetta (Aria Forme)Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)BunnelbyDiggersbyFletchlingHelioptileHelioliskSylveonTapu KokoDreepyZacianZamazentaKleavor
By Elite Fast TM
By GO Snapshot
As Shadow Pokémon
As Purified Pokémon
Formerly eligible


Gyms & Raids
  • July 30, 2016
    • Energy boost: 7 → 12
  • February 16, 2017
    • Energy boost: 12 → 8
    • Duration: 1.33 → 1.25 seconds
    • Damage window: 1.13 - 1.33 → 0.25 - 0.55 seconds
  • February 21, 2017
    • Power: 10 → 8
    • Energy boost: 8 → 10
    • Duration: 1.25 → 0.8 seconds
Trainer Battles
  • September 1, 2022
    • Energy boost: 7 → 8

Pokémon Rumble Rush

NormalIC RR.png Quick Attack
Attack power 13.10941
Charge time 0.86 seconds
Range type Dash
Number of hits 3
Number of projectiles 1
Critical hit rate 1.5%
Additional effect None
Quick Attack Rumble Rush.png

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Move gauge cost MP
Base power Max power Accuracy Target Effect tag Description Playable sync pair(s)
Quick Attack Physical 3 94 112 100% An opponent Quick Move No additional effect. Ingo (Special Costume) & Accelgor
Lisia (New Year's 2023) & Rapidash
Elaine & Eevee
Malva & Talonflame
Buddy move
Boundless Quick Attack Physical 2 150 180 —% An opponent • Quick Move
• Sure Hit
Activation Condition: When any allies' attack moves hit a total of 10 times while this move is deactivated.

Deactivation Condition: When this move is used.

Never misses. Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 2 stat ranks. Lowers the target's Water Type Rebuff by 1 rank when the user's sync move is Water type. Lowers the target's Dark Type Rebuff by 1 rank when the user's sync move is Dark type. Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks.

Serena (Champion) & Greninja


Pokémon UNITE

In Pokémon UNITE, Quick Attack is one of Lucario, Scizor and Dodrio's two starting moves. Lucario and Scizor can learn it either at level 1 or 3 (depending if Meteor Mash or Fury Cutter, respectively, are learned first), and Dodrio can learn it either at level 1 or 2 (depending if Peck is learned first).

With Lucario, Quick Attack has the user lunge forward at a speed that makes it almost invisible, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits along the way.

By reaching level 5 with Lucario, Quick Attack is upgraded into either Extreme Speed or Power-Up Punch.

With Scizor, Quick Attack has the user dash forward, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits along the way.

By reaching level 7 with Scizor, Quick Attack is upgraded into either Double Hit or Swords Dance.

With Dodrio, Quick Attack has the user dash forward, increasing its movement speed for a short time and dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits along the way. Hitting opposing Pokémon reduces the move's cooldown.

By reaching level 7 with Dodrio, Quick Attack is upgraded into either Agility or Jump Kick.


Games Description
MDRB Inflicts damage on a target up to two tiles ahead.
MDTDS Inflicts damage on a target up to 2 tiles away.
BSL てきポケモンに ダメージをあたえる 2マスまで とどく
Conq. The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible.
It damages an enemy.*
It damages an enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.*
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U Dash up to twice in the directions of your choosing.*

In animation

Pokémon animated series

Pokémon Origins

In the manga

Aim to Be a Card Master!!

Ash & Pikachu

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

How I Became a Pokémon Card

Movie adaptations

Phantom Thief Pokémon 7

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ranse's Color Picture Scroll ~

Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Colosseum Snatcher Leo

Pokémon Colosseum Snatchers

Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team

Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 電光一閃 Dihngwōng Yātsím *
電光石火 Dihngwōng Sehkfó *
電光火石 Dihngwōng Fósehk *
Mandarin 電光一閃 / 电光一闪 Diànguāng Yīshǎn *
电光火石 Diànguāng Huǒshí *
The Czech Republic Flag.png Czech Rychlý Útok
Denmark Flag.png Danish Hurtigt Angreb
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Snelle Aanval
Finland Flag.png Finnish Äkkisyöksy (original series)
Pikaisku (Advanced Generation)
France Flag.png French Vive-Attaque
Germany Flag.png German Ruckzuckhieb
Greece Flag.png Greek Βολίδα
Israel Flag.png Hebrew מתקפה מהירה Mitkafa Mehira
India Flag.png Hindi जल्द अक्रमंद Jald Akramand
फुर्तीला अक्रमंद Phurteela Akramand
Hungary Flag.png Hungarian Gyorstámadás
Iceland Flag.png Icelandic Snerpuárás
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Kecepatan Cahaya
Serangan Kilat
Serangan Cepat
Italy Flag.png Italian Attacco RapidoIV+
Att. RapidoIIII
South Korea Flag.png Korean 전광석화 Jeon-gwangseokwa
Norway Flag.png Norwegian Lynangrep
Poland Flag.png Polish Szybki Atak*
Iskra Elektryczna*
Portugal Flag.png Portuguese Ataque Rápido
Romania Flag.png Romanian Atac Rapid
Russia Flag.png Russian Быстрая атака Bystraya ataka
Serbia Flag.png Serbian Brzi Napad
Spanish CELAC Flag.png Latin America Ataque Rápido (EP003EP081, EP118AG101, AG111, AG128, DP118–present)
Ataque Sorpresa (AG076, AG081, AG103DP098)
Rapidez* (EP183)
Ataque de Velocidad (EP131*)
Agilidad* (EP103EP116)
Embestida* (EP063)
Spain Flag.png Spain Ataque RápidoV+
At. RápidoIIIV
Ata. RápidoI
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Snabbattack
Thailand Flag.png Thai เคลื่อนที่ความไวแสง
Turkey Flag.png Turkish Hızlı Saldırı
Tez Saldırı
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Tấn Công Tốc Độ

Variations of the move Quick Attack
PhysicalIC HOME.png Quick AttackMach PunchBullet Punch
Ice ShardShadow Sneak
SpecialIC HOME.png Vacuum Wave

Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.