Calyrex (game)

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バドレックス Budrex
Calyrex SwShCT.png
Debuts in The Crown Tundra
Caught at Crown Shrine
Gender Genderless
Ability Unnerve
As One (As Ice/Shadow Rider Calrex)
Current location With the player/
At the Crown Shrine
This Pokémon is fully evolved.

Calyrex (Japanese: バドレックス Budrex) is a Pokémon and major character in The Crown Tundra expansion.

In the games

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

The Crown Tundra

Calyrex was once revered as the king of the Crown Tundra, known for riding a mighty steed and blessing the land with bountiful harvests. However, it began to lose its power as people stopped believing in it, and it passed on into legend.

In The Crown Tundra sub-story, The Sacred Bonds of Soverign and Steed!, the player meets Calyrex after fixing a wooden statue depicting it in Freezington by replacing the Wooden Crown Peony mistook for a pillow on the statue's head. Calyrex, thankful, beckons to the player, bringing them to an isolated part of the village before challenging them to a battle. After being defeated, Calyrex seems satisfied by the player's show of strength, but seems to have trouble with communicating what it wants to say. Just then, Peony, overhearing the commotion from the battle, comes to check in on the player, only to be possessed by the Legendary Pokémon's psychic powers. Using Peony as a proxy, Calyrex introduces itself to the player, explaining that people these days treat it as a fairy tale, and that its powers have diminished notably ever since it was departed from its loyal steed, which is depicted in the statue the player restored.

Calyrex, having itself forgotten the details of its legend after having lost its power for so long, asks for the player's assistance in reuniting it with its companion. Together, the two discover Calyrex's steed favored a certain type of carrot that grows in the tundra. After procuring a bag of Carrot Seeds, the player grows either an Iceroot Carrot or a Shaderoot Carrot, after which they catch a glimpse of Calyrex's steed, Glastrier (if the player grew an Iceroot Carrot) or Spectrier (if the player grew an Shaderoot Carrot). After stopping the now-untamed Pokémon from running loose in Freezington, the player and Calyrex, together with the town's mayor and Peony, make new Reins of Unity, and set forth to the place where Calyrex once lived and reigned, the Crown Shrine. There, Calyrex successfully uses the Reins of Unity to tame its steed again and regain its full power. Calyrex then challenges the player to a battle and lets itself be caught by them.

Personality and characteristics

Calyrex is highly intelligent Pokémon and has a regal demeanor, speaking in a polite tone to the player, and treating Peony with care while using him as a proxy. Despite the people of the Crown Tundra having forgotten about it, Calyrex is still concerned about their future, and is only able to move on from its past with the player's help.


Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass
The Crown Tundra
First battle
Second battle
(Crown Shrine)
If the player chooses Glastrier If the player chooses Spectrier
Psychic Grass
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Calyrex Lv.???
Psychic Special
Psychic Special
898Calyrex-Ice Rider.png
Psychic Ice
As One
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Calyrex Lv.80
Glacial Lance
Ice Physical
Psychic Special
Iron Defense
Steel Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special
898Calyrex-Shadow Rider.png
Psychic Ghost
As One
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Calyrex Lv.80
Astral Barrage
Ghost Special
Psychic Special
Psychic Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special


See also: List of Pokémon with form differences → Calyrex
Ice Rider Shadow Rider
Calyrex Ice Rider SwShCT.png Calyrex Shadow Rider SwShCT.png


050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Negative answers on Calyrex's questions and other answers than "Carrots".
"Crow own..."
"Craaaa... Crawwwwn."
  • Before battle
"Cra! Rowcrown!"
  • During battle
"Cro rown!"
  • After being defeated
"Cracrown crow. Roooooowwwn rown crown."
Who are you?/Did you have fun?: "Rooown. Crararown. Rrrow crow crow crown."
"Ricown Crocrocrown. Croooooown recrown."
"Hrm. Ruumm crorown. Cracrown."
  • After taking over Peony's body to communicate with player
"... ... ..."
"Ah, yes. A sturdy body, just as I expected."
"I hope he doesn't mind that I make use of it for the time being."
Chief Peony?: "An understandable reaction, but the answer is no."
Are you the Pokémon?: "Oh, I see you have grasped the situation already. Very astute of you!"
"I am Calyrex. I am the one known as the King of Bountiful Harvests. I have borrowed this man's body in order to thank you in to speak."
"Indeed, there are no words to adequately express my gratitude toward you for restoring my statue."
"In days past long, I reigned over these lands as king. The humans offered me their loyalty and respect, as I was able to bring lush vegetation to the land and give them plentiful harvests year after year. However, it seems that over many, many years, the people of this land have forgotten my existence. They used to make offerings to me every year, but even that tradition has long since been lost to the ravages of time. You see, it is the faith of the people that grants me strength... And now I have lost all but a fraction of my former power. Even my loyal steed has abandoned me..."
"However, you were kind enough to restore my statue! That act has returned some strength to me, at least enough to speak to you by borrowing the body of another."
"Now, kindhearthed human child... I have a favor to ask of you. I must know once and for all whether the people have truly forgotten about me. I wish to speak to the villagers and ask if they remember the King of Bountiful Harvests. I have tried asking the myself, you understand. But they treated me like some sort of fairy-tale creature or flew into a mild panic at the sight of me..."
"Please, kindhearthed human. I beg you to help me..."
  • After player talking with Freezington's villagers
"Ah, human child! I trust you were able to speak to the villagers. So, how was it? Did they say anything about me?"
They did, but.../Just that you were a fairy tale...: "Hmm... It is as I suspected. Nobody truly believes that I am real."
"It seems the people of this land have indeed forgotten the bond they once shared with me... Hm? Oh, no, of course I am not grieving! I am the King of Bountiful Harvests, after all! I know better than to count on humans to remember me. This proves beyond doubt that I cannot simply rely on human faith if I want my powers to return."
"If only my loyal steed were to return to me, I would regain something of what I've lost..."
Your loyal steed?/Is that a Pokémon?: "Yes! The four-legged Pokémon that I used to ride all across the land."
"The very same Pokémon that my statue in the village shows me riding. Alas, though in ancient times we spent many days together, dashing through the valleys and over the mountains of this land... my powers waned, and I was forced to part ways with it. Now, I know not where it may be. Even if we should succeed in locating my loyal steed, I have my doubts as to whether it has remained...well, loyal. I have lost so much power... "
"Perhaps the villagers know something about my... currently not-so-loyal steed. I would be in your debt if you could speak to the head of the village on my behalf."
"If you are able to find any information at all, I ask that you let me know..."
  • After player talking with Freezington's mayor
"Crow-row. Crrrrrown."
"Human child! Were you able to find something out about my loyal steed?"
Yes: "You say you found out about something that my loyal steed could not resist?!"
"It has been so long since we rode together that I had completely forgotten... With this information, we may be able to lure my loyal steed to me yet! So tell me - what is it mthat my loyal steed would find so inrresistible?"
Carrots: "Oho! Carrots, you say! Yes, yes, I remember now... Even back when we were together, it would leap at any chance to eat some kind of crop. It took everything I had to restrain it!"
"Looking back, the crop must have been carrots! I am in your debt, human child!"
"What we must do now is clear. If we are able to find carrots somewhere, it should be but a trifle to lure my loyal steed back to me! I wonder... Do the humans of the village grow any carrots? If we could obtain even a single seed, I could grow a carrot from it myself..."
  • When player comfirms they have Carrot Seeds
"By the stars! You say that you have Carrot Seeds? That strange bag contains the seeds of carrots? You humans never stop adapting and evolving. I am constantly amazed by your ingenuity."
"And yet... Hmm. The fields of the village simply won't do. They're not suited for growing carrots. If we could find rich soil, I could use my powers to grow the crops we need!"
"Now... where might we find soil suited for growing these crops in this tundra of mine?"
"Ah, I see two spots that might suit our needs. One is a field covered with pristine snow. Another spot is a field by gravestones, where those who moved on were laid to rest."
"Either of those locations should allow me to use my powers and grow the carrots we need. Please, I ask that you choose a field and plant those seeds!"
Snowslide Slope/Old Cemetery
"I see you have reached one of the fields. If you plant the seeds in this field, Iceroot Carrots will grow."
"It has been so long that my memory is hazy, but I believe that my loyal steed would often partake of this sort of vegetable. If Iceroot Carrots were what my steed preferred, it must have been Ice type, mustn't it?"
"It's most vexing that I can't recall. I supposed we will see."
"I will ask but once more... Are you sure this is the field in which you want to plant the seeds?"
Yes: "Very well. Then I ask that you plant the seeds."
"Kah hah hah! Very good, very good. You have an able hand for working with soil. Now then, it's time I did my part. Let me show you my powers!"
"Crownow! Rownwo! Crowrown!"
"*gasp gasp""
"You planted so many seeds, and yet my powers could only get one to grow... To think that I have fallen so low! It truly breaks my heart... But soon it will be time to bid my sorrow farewell!"
"Now, human child. I must ask that you pull that Iceroot Carrot free with all your might!"
"I see you have reached one of the fields. If you plant the seeds in this field, Shaderoot Carrots will grow."
"It has been so long that my memory is hazy, but I believe that my loyal steed would often partake of this sort of vegetable. If Shaderoot Carrots were what my steed preferred, it must have been Ghost type, mustn't it?"
"It's most vexing that I can't recall. I supposed we will see."
"I will ask but once more... Are you sure this is the field in which you want to plant the seeds?"
Yes: "Very well. Then I ask that you plant the seeds."
"Kah hah hah! Very good, very good. You have an able hand for working with soil. Now then, it's time I did my part. Let me show you my powers!"
"Crownow! Rownwo! Crowrown!"
"*gasp gasp""
"You planted so many seeds, and yet my powers could only get one to grow... To think that I have fallen so low! It truly breaks my heart... But soon it will be time to bid my sorrow farewell!"
"Now, human child. I must ask that you pull that Shaderoot Carrot free with all your might!"
  • When player pull Iceroot Carrot/Shaderoot Carrot out of field
"Well done, humand child! That carrot will be they key to luring my loyal steed back to me. Now all I need are the Reins of Unity. They will amplify my power, letting me ride my loyal steed with ease. But I doubt I shall ever get another set from the humans in the village."
  • When Glastrier/Spectrier passing by
"What?! Glastrier/Spectrier, my loyal steed! Is it truly you?! That glistering white pelt/glossy black pelt... That rough, violent gallop... It has no changed from the day we first met! Oh, how this brings back my memories..."
"It is my belief that while my steed picked up on the scent of the carrot, it could not determine where the scent was coming from. Judging from the direction it ran off in, it must be headed to the village, in the attempt to pillage carrots there!"
"If that is true, then Freezington is in danger! Human child, we must make haste!"
"You have my thanks for protecting the village, human child. Were I at my full power, I could have tamed my steed and regained its loyalty... But weakened as I am now, the most I could do was influence its will and make it depart. If only I had the Reins of Unity! They would have allowed me to tame my steed in short order!
We can make a set!/We need a flower!: "What's that? We can make a set of reins with mane hair from my loyal steed...and a flower that I can grow?!"
"A flower... A flower... Yes, but of course! I had assumed that the humans stopped making the Reins of Unity because they had lost their faith in me..."
"But it was because I lost the power to grow the material needed! I have spent far too long holding my misguided assumptions, it seems. It has been many centuries since I was able to grow a radiant flower. Doing so drains much of my power. But for whatever reason, a fraction of my power seems to have returned to me just now! There is only one thing to be done! Let the radiant flower bloom!"
"Crownus bloomus!"
"Take this, human child."
"*pant pant*"
"It shames me to admit it, but a whole flower is beyond me right now... I do not know if that petal will be enough, but I still must ask that you use it to try to create the Reins of Unity."
"The descendants of the family who once made the reins for me should still live in the village. I put my hopes on you, human child..."
"Human child! Were you able to make the Reins of Unity?"
You bet!: "Oh joy! What glorious news!"
Chief Peony did!: "Indeed? This man has done so much to aid me... I do hope I can repay him sometime."
"I have some good news of my own. I was finally able to track down my loyal steed! Glastrier/Spectrier is making its home in the Crown Shrine! It is a place where my loyal steed and I spent much time together! I had been avoiding the place, as I feared I would get trapped in mine own nostalgia... Why has my loyal steed made the shrine its home? Is it reminiscing about our time together? No, it can't be."
"The Crown Shrine stands majestically atop the mountain to the north. Bring the carrot and the Reins of Unity, and meet me there. I shall hasten there now, but you may come, when you feel you are ready! I am counting on you, child..."
Crown Shrine
"I have been waiting, human child."
"The Crown Shrine is a place I once called home. Glastrier/Spectrier must think me helpless now that I have lost my powers. It taunts me by making its place its own dwelling."
"Ah... I see you have indeed brought me the Reins of Unity. You have my thanks, child."
  • After player gives Calyrex the Reins of Unity
"Ahhh... The feeling of holding these again... The color... The way they shine in the light... Oh, how this brings brings back memories..."
"Glastrier/Spectrier is a very proud Pokémon. One might even call it arrogant. It will not accept me as its master again unless I am prove that my power outweighs its own. I will use the Reins of Unity to pour my power into the very body of my loyal steed. That should convince it that I am indeed still deserving of its loyalty!"
"Now, humand child, in order to lure my loyal steed to me... place the Iceroot Carrot/Shaderoot Carrot into the basket near where Glastrier's/Spectrier's made its bed."
  • After player place Iceroot Carrot/Shaderoot Carrot on its place
"The time has come, human child! But you have successfully defeated my loyal steed once already... It will not willingly approach anyone it considers to be a threat. We must hide and wait for it to appear!"
  • After Calyrex tame Glastrier/Spectrier and becode Ice Rider/Shadow Rider
"Craw! Rrrownrawn! Rooowwwn crown!"
"Crooown... Crownrown."
"Rowrooowwwn crrrooowwwn."
(After taking control over Peony again): "Human child! Thanks to your efforts, I have been reunited with my loyal steed. And now I am finally at my full power!"
"I was convinced that the people no longer believed in me... And I had also lost my loyal steed... I was trapped in the throes of deep loneliness."
"But you saved me. There are truly no words with which to fully express my gratitude to you. So... I have a suggestion. If you are able to catch me even with my powers restored... it will prove your worth beyond any doubt, and I will lend you my strength on your journey. Once you have readied yourself, come face me."
"Ah, but first... I should get this man back to where I found him. It would be no good to let him freeze out in this frigid clime."
  • Before battle
"Carown craaawn."
Yes: "Crowon!"
  • During battle
"Ro cro own!"
  • After being caught by player
(Telepathically): "Human child... No, I should refer to you by your name now. <Player's name>. I look forward to what adventures we might have together."

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Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.