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This article is about the character from HeartGold and SoulSilver. For Badge given by Skyla, see Badge → Jet Badge.
If you were looking for the original character from a Tracey West novel, see Race to Danger.

ジェット Jet
Jet Adventures.png
Jet in Pokémon Adventures
Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Johto
Trainer class Pokéathlete
Generation IV
Games HeartGold, SoulSilver

Jet (Japanese: ジェット Jet) is a character from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

In the games

Jet is a competitor in the Pokéathlon. He only appears in the Supreme Cup and faces the player in the Speed Course.


Ace Trainer m HGSS OD.png  Speed  Course
Supreme Cup
085OD.png Dodrio
078OD.png Rapidash
128OD.png Tauros


Ace Trainer m HGSS OD.png
Overworld sprite from
HeartGold and SoulSilver

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Jet appeared in Out-Odding Oddish as a Top Pokéathlete of the Pokéathlon, with the highest scores in every event and course. Jet is very popular, and has many fans that come rushing to see him compete. He faced Gold in the Speed Course, and proved to be a very powerful opponent for him.

After easily winning Pennant Capture and Hurdle Dash, Jet faced Gold in Relay Run, the last event of the Speed Course. Although it seemed like Jet would win, Gold managed to beat him with his Togebo, giving Gold enough points to win the entire Speed Course, while Jet came in second. Afterward, Jet congratulated Gold for his performance.


Jet's Voltorb
Jet registered Voltorb in the Speed Course. In Hurdle Dash, it managed to easily beat Gold's Sudobo. It was also used in Relay Run, where it got a huge lead in the race.

None of Voltorb's moves are known.

Debut Out-Odding Oddish
Jet's Oddish
Jet registered Oddish in the Speed Course. In Pennant Capture, it easily beat Gold's Sunbo by stealing many flags with the leaves on its head. It was also used in the Relay Run event, where it replaced Jet's Voltorb and was later switched with Dodrio.

None of Oddish's moves are known.

Debut Out-Odding Oddish
Jet's Dodrio
Jet registered Dodrio in the Speed Course. During the Relay Run event, she replaced Jet's Oddish. As she raced, she kicked Gold's Togebo into the sand, blinding him in the process. Despite this disadvantage, Gold managed to command Togebo where to go, allowing him to beat Dodrio.

None of Dodrio's moves are known.

Debut Out-Odding Oddish

Pokémon competitions

Jet has competed in the following Pokémon competitions:


  • Jet's physical appearance in Pokémon Adventures is likely based on the character Jet Link, aka Cyborg 002, from Cyborg 009. Aside from sharing the same name and similar resemblance, 002's second main function is super speed.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 捷特 Jiht Dahk
Mandarin 捷特 Jié Tè
France Flag.png European French Lenny
Germany Flag.png German Caspar
Italy Flag.png Italian Clinio
South Korea Flag.png Korean 제트 Jet
Spain Flag.png European Spanish Jet
Vietnam Flag.png Vietnamese Jet

Non-player characters in the core series games
Johto Professor ElmProfessor OakMomEthanLyraSilverMr. PokémonEusineLanceRedKiyoBaobaMagnusEarlKurtCarrieDude
MaryBuenaRadio DirectorHaircut brothersWebsterMasterLiWilmaPrimoMaximoJetCaitlinCynthiaCameronMr. GameFelicityTeala
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersFrontier BrainsKimono GirlsWeek SiblingsName RaterPoké SeerDay-Care CoupleProfessors' aides
Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.