This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Missing serial code card images
This is a reverse-chronological list of event Pokémon distributions that were given away via serial codes to Japanese region Pokémon games in Generation VI. For Pokémon distributions that can be of either gender, the Pokémon's gender is fixed when the Wonder Card is obtained.
List of event Pokémon
Southeast Asian Nebel Volcanion
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Singapore Volcanion serial code card
This Volcanion was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at select movie theaters showing Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel. To receive a serial code players had to purchase two movie tickets. The serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from November 12, 2016 to January 25, 2017 on a Japanese or American region system. This Volcanion has 31 IVs in three random stats and players could receive it multiple times on the same game.
In Malaysia, the serial codes were given away at TGV Cinemas starting on November 12, 2016.
In Singapore, the serial codes were given away at the Fans Screening event, which was located at Golden Village in VivoCity on November 16, 2016. The serial codes were also given away at select Golden Village, Shaw Theatres, and WE Cinemas starting on November 23, 2016.
serial code
Japanese and American
November 12, 2016 to January 25, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the 2016 Pokémon Movie type text in the language of the receiving game.
The Movie's Volcanion will be given out to you as a gift!
Thank you for coming to see the 2016 Pokémon Movie! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
N's Darmanitan
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Darmanitan was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Unova Classic (Japanese: イッシュファイナル Unova Finals) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from August 26 to 28, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on September 6, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on September 6, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Darmanitan from September 6 to October 24, 2016. It is based on N's Darmanitan from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 and has 30 IVs in every stat.
serial code
September 6 to October 24, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい 「イッシュファイナル」に さんかした きねんに イッシュちほうの ポケモントレーナー Nの ヒヒダルマを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Cynthia's Garchomp
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Garchomp was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Sinnoh Classic (Japanese: シンオウダービー Sinnoh Derby) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from July 22 to 24, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on August 2, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on August 2, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Garchomp from August 2 to September 29, 2016. It is based on Cynthia's Garchomp from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and has 31 IVs in three random stats.
serial code
August 2 to September 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい 「シンオウダービー」に さんかした きねんに シンオウポケモンリーグ チャンピオン シロナの ガブリアスを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Game Freak Mew
This Mew was distributed to players who insert a serial code. The serial codes were given away to a limited number of players who pre-ordered Pokémon Sun or Moon at participating stores starting on July 16, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Mew from July 16 to December 18, 2016.
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
July 16 to December 18, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the GAME FREAK gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
Here we present Mew to thank for your pre-order of Pokémon Sun & Moon. Looking forward to the game release on 18th Nov,2016.
This is a gift from GAME FREAK! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Alva's Gengar
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Shiny Gengar was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at 7-Eleven stores in Japan from July 9 to 15, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Gengar from July 9 to August 31, 2016. It is based on the Gengar used by Alva in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.
To obtain a serial code, players had to connect their Nintendo 3DS system to a 7Spot using the Nintendo Zone Viewer, then access the campaign page, then select "Get serial code!" (Japanese: シリアルコードをゲット!); the campaign page that displayed the code and the Pokémon game couldn't be accessed at the same time.
serial code
July 9 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
アゾットおうこくの だいじんジャービスは きょうせいてきに ポケモンを メガシンカさせる ぎじゅつを はつめいし てもちポケモンの ゲンガーとともに おうこくの しはいを くわだてている! メガシンカぐんだんが くりひろげる あつい バトルは えいがかんで!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Kimia's Gardevoir
This Shiny Gardevoir was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating stores from June 17 to July 8, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Gardevoir from June 17 to August 31, 2016. It is based on the Gardevoir used by Kimia in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.
The code cards with the serial codes could be obtained at Apita, Piago, Æon, Æon Supercenter, Ito-Yokado, EDION, Joshin Denki, Toys "R" Us, Bic Camera, Fuji, Heiwado, Yamada Denki, Yodobashi Camera, Pokémon Center stores, and Pokémon Stores in Japan. At 7-Eleven stores in Japan, players could obtain the serial code by connecting their Nintendo 3DS system to a 7Spot using the Nintendo Zone Viewer, then accessing the campaign page, then selecting "Get serial code!" (Japanese: シリアルコードをゲット!); the campaign page that displayed the code and the Pokémon game couldn't be accessed at the same time.
serial code
June 17 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
アゾットおうこくの おうじょ キミアは だいじん ジャービスの ことを ふしんに おもい ひそかに ちょうさを すすめている。 かのじょとともに たたかう サーナイトの かつやくを えいがかんへ みにいこう!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Nintendo Hong Kong Mewtwo
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:
This Shiny Mewtwo was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the 2016 Pokémon Video Game National Championships in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Taiwan, the serial codes were given away at the Taipei City Mall on June 11, 2016. In Hong Kong, the serial codes were given away at an undisclosed location on July 3, 2016.
The serial codes were also given away to players who sent an email to [email protected] from June 15 to 22, 2016. The serial codes were sent out from June 23 to July 14, 2016.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Mewtwo from June 9 to July 14, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. The serial codes were originally scheduled to expire on June 18, 2016, but were extended until July 24, 2016
In Hong Kong, the 2016 Pokémon Video Game National Championships were going to be located at iSQUARE on June 9, 2016. However, it was later postponed for unspecified reasons.
serial code
Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese
June 9 to July 24, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the 2016 Pokémon Video Game Championships event participation type text in the language of the receiving game.
First HKTW National Championships!
To celebrate the 2016 Pokémon Video Game National Championships to be held in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Shiny Mewtwo is presented to you!
First HKTW National Championships!
Thank you for participating in a 2016 Pokémon Video Game Championships event! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Whitney's Miltank
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Miltank was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Johto Classic (Japanese: ジョウトオープン Johto Open) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from May 27 to 29, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on June 7, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on June 7, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Miltank from June 7 to July 31, 2016. It is based on Whitney's Miltank from Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. It has 31 IVs in three random stats.
serial code
June 7 to July 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい 「ジョウトオープン」に さんかした きねんに コガネシティジム ジムリーダー アカネの ミルタンクを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Pokémon Cafe Pikachu
This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who went to the Pokémon Cafe, which was located at Everything with Fries, Bugis Junction, Singapore from May 27 to July 31, 2016. To receive a serial code, customers had to present their receipt from Pokémon Cafe to the cashier. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from May 27 to August 31, 2016 on a Japanese or American region system.
serial code
Japanese and American
May 27 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Store type text in the language of the receiving game.
Pokémon Cafe Opening Event Special Pikachu will be given to you. Enjoy!!
Thank you for coming to the store! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Hyadain's Landorus
This Landorus was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least five battles during the Pokémon Japan Championships 2016 qualifiers (Japanese: ポケモンジャパンチャンピオンシップス2016 予選) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from April 28 to May 2, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on May 18, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on May 24, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Landorus from May 24 to June 30, 2016. It is based on the Landorus used by Pokénchi host Hyadain. It has set IVs in all stats: 31 in HP, 31 in Attack, 31 in Defense, 1 in Special Attack, 31 in Special Defense, and 24 in Speed.
serial code
May 24 to June 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is Japanese in origin, regardless of the language of the game.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Battle Competition type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい 「ポケモンジャパンチャンピオンシップス2016 よせん」に さんかした きねんに テレビ「ポケモンの家(うち)あつまる?」の ヒャダインの ランドロスを プレゼント!
バトル大会に 参加してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
East Asian Nebel Volcanion
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:
This Volcanion was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was included on preordered tickets for Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.
In Japan, tickets could be preordered at 7-Eleven, Ito-Yokado, Æon, Æon Supercenter, Toys "R" Us, Apita, Piago, AL.PLAZA, Heiwadou, Daiei, Fuji, Pokémon Center stores, Pokémon Stores, and cinemas showing Pokémon movies from April 16 to July 15, 2016. These serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from April 16 to September 30, 2016.
In Taiwan, tickets could be preordered from Books.com.tw from November 8 to 23, 2016. These serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from November 8 to December 15, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system.
In Hong Kong, this Volcanion was also distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was given away to players who attended selected screenings of Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel at participating cinemas from January 21 to 22, 2017 and January 26 to 27, 2017. The serial codes could be used to obtain Volcanion from January 21 to February 28, 2017 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system.
serial code
April 16 to September 30, 2016
serial code
Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese
November 8 to December 15, 2016
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
January 21 to February 28, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the 2016 Pokémon Movie type text in the language of the receiving game.
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント! スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!
ポケモン映画2016を 観に来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Lance's Dragonite
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Dragonite was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Kanto Classic (Japanese: カントークラシック) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from March 4 to 6, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 15, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on March 15, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Dragonite from March 15 to April 27, 2016. It is based on Lance's Dragonite from Pokémon Red, Green, and Blue. Additionally, it has 31 IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense.
serial code
March 15 to April 27, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい 「カントークラシック」に さんかした きねんに カントーポケモンリーグ してんのうの たいしょう ワタルの カイリューを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Tohoku Pikachu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was given away to players who made a donation to Pokémon with You from March 11 to 31, 2016. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from March 11 to April 21, 2016. It was distributed to help the people affected by the Great East Japan earthquake that occurred in 2011.
serial code
March 11 to April 21, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Generic type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンウィズユーぼきんに きょうりょく してくれて ありがとう! やさしい きもしに かんしゃして ギフトパスを おぼえた ピカチュウを プレゼント!
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Pokémon Scrap 2016 Pokémon
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who entered the codes from Pokémon Scraps onto the official site in exchange for a serial code. Pokémon Scraps could be entered into Course A from March 1 to August 31, 2016 and Pokémon Scraps could be entered into Course B from April 28 to August 31, 2016. Pokémon Scraps could be found in participating types of Pokémon merchandise starting on February 1, 2016.
The number of codes entered into Course A determined what type of serial code was received; one Pokémon Scrap resulted in a Shiny Eevee code, four Pokémon Scraps resulted in an Articuno code, 12 Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Zapdos code, and 16 Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Moltres code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from March 1 to August 31, 2016.
The number of codes entered into Course B determined what type of serial code was received; one Pokémon Scrap resulted in a Venusaur code, four Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Charizard code, 12 Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Blastoise code, and 16 Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Shiny Mewtwo code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from April 28 to August 31, 2016.
serial code
April 28 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 1まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの フシギバナを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
April 28 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 4まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの リザードンを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
April 28 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 12まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの カメックスを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
April 28 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 16まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいで いろちがいの ミュウツーを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
March 1 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 1まい あつめた ごほうびに いろちがいの イーブイを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
March 1 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 4まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの でんせつのポケモン フリーザーを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
March 1 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 12まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの でんせつのポケモン サンダーを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
March 1 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンスクラップを 16まい あつめた ごほうびに かくれとくせいの でんせつのポケモン ファイヤーを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Game Freak Mew
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Serial code card from Nintendo 2DS bundles, also featuring a download code for a
Pokémon Red menu theme
This Mew was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was included with the special Nintendo 2DS that came bundled with Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, or Yellow. The serial codes were also given away to players who purchased Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, or Yellow for the Virtual Console from February 27, 2016 to February 28, 2017. The serial codes could be used to obtain Mew from February 27, 2016 to March 31, 2017.
serial code
February 27, 2016 to March 31, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the GAME FREAK gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
『ポケットモンスター 赤・緑・青・ピカチュウ』を ダウンロードしてくれて ありがとう! きよらかな こころと つよく あいたい という きもちを もつと すがたを あらわす まぼろしのポケモン ミュウを プレゼント!
ゲームフリークからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!!
Pokémon Center Online Pikachu
This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was given away to players who made their first purchase from the Pokémon Center Online from February 16 to May 22, 2016. The card containing the serial code was sent with the merchandise. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from February 16 to August 31, 2016. It was distributed to promote the opening of the Pokémon Center Online.
serial code
February 16 to August 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Center type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンセンターオンラインで おかいものを してくれて ありがとう! これから よろしくね!
ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームの中の 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Jade Infernape
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Infernape was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that were given away through Antavo. The serial codes were given away from January 28 to February 4, 2016 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook and Weibo pages on January 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm HKT.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Infernape from January 28 to February 29, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate the Chinese New Year, with 2016 being the Year of the Fire Monkey.
serial code
Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese
January 28 to February 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
Year of Monkey Present "Infernape"
Happy Lunar New Year! This Infernape with a hidden ability is especially strong in punching moves! Let's use the two punching moves that "Infernape" knows as soon as it joins you!
Year of Monkey Present "Infernape"
Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
PGL Delibird
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Delibird was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Festive Feud (Japanese: クリスマス・トライ Christmas Tri) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from December 11 to 13, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on December 18, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on December 25, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Delibird from December 25, 2015 to February 29, 2016.
serial code
December 25, 2015 to February 29, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい クリスマス・トライに さんかしてくれた きみの もとに デリバードが クリスマスプレゼントを もってきたよ!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Pokémon Lab Johto first partner Pokémon
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted serial codes that were given away at the Pokémon Lab (Japanese: ポケモン研究所) events in Japan. The serial codes were given away to players who completed the Professor's Mission at the Pokémon Laboratory in the "Lab 1" area.
The serial codes were first given away at the Pokémon Lab event located at the Nagoya City Science Museum in Sakae, Nagoya, Japan from December 23, 2015 to March 6, 2016. The serial codes obtained from this location could be used to obtain the Pokémon from December 23, 2015 to May 9, 2016.
The serial codes were also given away at the Pokémon Lab event located at the Grand Front Osaka North Building, Knowledge Capital, Osaka, Japan from July 16 to September 4, 2016. The serial codes obtained from this location can be used to obtain the Pokémon from July 16 to October 31, 2016.
serial code
December 23, 2015 to May 9, 2016
serial code
July 16 to October 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに チコリータを プレゼントするぞ! たいせつに そだててね!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
December 23, 2015 to May 9, 2016
serial code
July 16 to October 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに ヒノアラシを プレゼントするぞ! たいせつに そだててね!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
December 23, 2015 to May 9, 2016
serial code
July 16 to October 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに ワニノコを プレゼントするぞ! たいせつに そだててね!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Manesh Arceus
This Arceus was distributed to players who inserted a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Arceus from December 21, 2015 to January 30, 2016 on a Japanese or American region system.
The serial codes were given away through Woobox from December 21 to 25, 2015 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Maxsoft's Facebook page on December 21, 2015 at 11:40 am SST.
The serial codes were also given away by Qisahn starting on December 23, 2015. To receive a serial code, customers had to purchase any BREAKthrough product and submit a ticket to Qisahn including their receipt number. Players could receive one code for each BREAKthrough product purchased.
The serial codes were also given away to players who downloaded the PLAYe App on iOS or Android, searched for "Pokémon Arceus", and added it to their wishlist. The serial codes were available from December 25, 2015 until supplies ran out and again from January 13, 2016 until supplies ran out.
In the Philippines, the serial codes were given away at participating DATABLITZ stores starting on December 23, 2015. Players needed to purchase any Pokémon Trading Card Game product, Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire to receive a serial code
serial code
Japanese and American
December 21, 2015 to January 30, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
Christmas Present - Arceus
Arceus will be given to you as a Christmas Gift!! Merry Christmas and hope you have a delightful holiday.
Christmas Present - Arceus
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Nintendo Hong Kong Jirachi
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Shiny Jirachi was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the Mikiki X Pika Fever event, which was located at the Mikki shopping mall in San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong from December 11, 2015 to January 3, 2016. The first 1,000 players who attended the event on December 12, 2015 at 3:00 pm received a serial code. The serial codes were also given away through Woobox from December 23 to 25, 2015 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook and Weibo pages on December 23, 2015 at 6:30 pm HKT.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Jirachi from December 12, 2015 to January 31, 2016 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate Christmas.
serial code
Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese
December 12, 2015 to January 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi"
Receive a shiny Jirachi equipped with a special move "Happy Hour"! Wish you a Merry Christmas !
Christmas Present "Shiny Jirachi"
Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Pokémon EXPO Gym Pokémon
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the Pokémon EXPO Gym (Japanese: ポケモンEXPOジム) event, which was located at EXPOCITY in Osaka, Japan starting on November 19, 2015. The program completed determined what type of serial code was received; completing the Charizard Battle Colosseum (Japanese: リザードンのバトルコロシアム) resulted in a Charizard code, completing the Machamp of the Aid Center (Japanese: カイリキーのエイドセンター) resulted in a Machamp code, completing the Smeargle Promo Studio (Japanese: ドーブルのプロモスタジオ) resulted in a Smeargle code, and completing the Zoroark from the Evil Dojo (Japanese: ゾロアークのちょい悪道場) resulted in a Zoroark code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from November 19, 2015 to May 31, 2016.
serial code
November 19, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
「リザードンのバトルコロシアム」に ボクの バトルを みにきてくれて ありがとう!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
November 19, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
「カイリキーのエイドセンター」で オレの なやみを きいてくれて ありがとな!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
November 19, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
「ドーブルのプロモスタジオ」に オーデイションを うけに きてくれて ありがとね一!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
November 19, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
「ゾロアークのちょいわるどうじょう」に たいけんにゅうもん してくれて ありがとよ!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Mighty Hoopa
This Hoopa was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who preordered tickets for M18 from Books.com.tw from November 3 to 19, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Hoopa from November 3 to 30, 2015 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system.
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
November 3 to 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the 2015 Pokémon Movie type text in the language of the receiving game.
フーパの かつやくを げきじょうに みにきてくれて ありがとう! 「ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・ アルファサファイア」の フレンドリィショップで フーパに かかわる なにかが おこる!?
ポケモン映画2015を 観に来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
XY&Z Pokémon
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted common serial codes that were available in the active features of the anime.
The serial code for Xerneas was found during the airing of XYS04 and XY094 on October 29, 2015, the serial code for Yveltal was found during the airing of XY094 on November 5, 2015, and the serial code for Zygarde was found during the airing of XY094 on November 12, 2015. The common serial code for Xerneas was MOKUYO7JI, the common serial code for Yveltal was PUNICHAN, and the common serial code for Zygarde was MEGAMEGA.
The serial code for Xerneas could be used from October 29, 2015 to January 12, 2016, the serial code for Yveltal could be used from November 5, 2015 to January 12, 2016, and the serial code for Zygarde could be used from November 12, 2015 to January 12, 2016. They were distributed to promote the XY&Z arc of Pokémon the Series: XY.
serial code
November 12, 2015 to January 12, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon animation type text in the language of the receiving game.
テレビアニメ 「ポケットモンスター XY&Z」の ほうそうスタートを きねんして ついに うごきだした カロスちほうの かんししゃZ でんせつの ポケモン ジガルデを プレゼント!
ポケモンの アニメを 観てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!!
Art associated with the event
serial code
November 5, 2015 to January 12, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon animation type text in the language of the receiving game.
テレビアニメ 「ポケットモンスター XY&Z」の ほうそうスタートを きねんして ダークオーラ をまとう でんせつの ポケモンY イベルタルを プレゼント!
ポケモンの アニメを 観てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!!
Art associated with the event
serial code
October 29, 2015 to January 12, 2016
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon animation type text in the language of the receiving game.
テレビアニメ 「ポケットモンスター XY&Z」の ほうそうスタートを きねんして フェアリーオーラ をまとう でんせつの ポケモンX ゼルネアスを プレゼント!
ポケモンの アニメを 観てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!!
Universe Diancie
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Diancie was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away through Woobox on two separate occasions. The serial codes were first given away starting on October 15, 2015 until codes ran out. They were given away for a second time starting on October 29, 2015 until codes ran out. Both giveaways were linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook page.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Diancie from October 15 to November 30, 2015 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to promote the release of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction on DVD.
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
October 15 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
Mythical Pokémon Diancie which plays an active role in the movie this year will be presented!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Nintendo Hong Kong Rayquaza
This Shiny Rayquaza was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away through Woobox on two separate occasions. The serial codes were first given away starting on September 11, 2015 until codes ran out. They were given away for a second time starting on September 24, 2015 until codes ran out. Both giveaways were linked from Nintendo Hong Kong's Facebook page.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Rayquaza from September 11 to October 31, 2015 on a Japanese, PAL, or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
serial code
Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese
September 11 to October 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
A special shiny Rayquaza!
A rare shiny Rayquaza will be given to you as a gift!
A special shiny Rayquaza!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
PGL Pikachu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Pikachu Cup (Japanese: 戦う!ピカチュウ大会チュウ! Fight! Pikachu tournament Chu!) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from August 21 to 23, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on September 1, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on September 1, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from September 1 to October 29, 2015.
The first three moves this Pikachu knows are the three Egg Moves most commonly found on Pikachu during both the Juniors Division and the Masters Division tournaments (including Volt Tackle, which is similar due to being learned only via breeding). Additionally, Pikachu has two 31 IVs in two randomly chosen stats.
serial code
September 1 to October 29, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンランキングで ピカチュウが じょういに ランクインした きねんに とくべつな ピカチュウを プレゼント! この ピカチュウと いっしょに せかいを めざせ!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Manesh Hoopa
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Hoopa was distributed to players who inserted a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Hoopa from August 21 to November 30, 2015 on a Japanese or American region system.
In the Philippines, serial codes were given away at participating DATABLITZ stores starting on August 21, 2015. Players needed to purchase any Pokémon Trading Card Game product, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire to receive a serial code.
In Singapore, serial codes were given away at participating Eplay Modern Gaming, Funz Centre, GameMartz, GameXtreme, Gaming World, Mega Multimedia, Playtecnix, Qisahn, Takashimya, TOG - Toy Or Game, Zark Games, and Zepy Games stores starting on August 21, 2015. At most stores, players needed to purchase Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, three Ancient Origins booster packs, an Ancient Origins 3-Blister Pack, or an Ancient Origins Theme Deck to receive a serial code.
- At GameXtreme, customers could receive a code by purchasing Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, any Pokémon Guidebook, a Pokémon plushie product, or four Pokémon Trading Card Game booster packs of any series. GameXtreme also posted 25 serial codes for free on Facebook.
- At Qisahn, customers could receive a code by purchasing Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X or Pokémon Y, or a Pokémon Nanoblock or plushie product. Customers who placed an online order had to submit a ticket to Qisahn. Players could receive one code for each eligible product purchased.
- At Zepy Games, codes were given away for free to players who brought in a copy of Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Players could receive one code for each game brought to a participating store.
Serial codes were also given away through Woobox from October 9 to November 30, 2015 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Maxsoft's Facebook page on October 9, 2015 at 10:00 am SST. The distribution was intended for players in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
serial code
Japanese and American
August 21 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
Hoopa will be given to you as a gift! Something related to Hoopa happens when you enter a Poké Mart in Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Satay King Pikachu
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Pikachu was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at Satay King restaurants in Hong Kong. The first 1,250 players who went to a Satay King restaurant on a Sunday in August and September between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm received a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Pikachu from August 9 to September 30, 2015 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to promote Satay King selling Pokémon-themed food from July 23 to October 25, 2015.
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
August 9 to September 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Store type text in the language of the receiving game.
Pokémon x Satay King's Pikachu
Pokémon x Satay King Grand Opens! Distributing Pikachu as a gift! Don't miss the chance♪
Pokémon x Satay King's Pikachu
Thank you for coming to the store! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
7-Eleven Pokémon
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at 7-Eleven stores in Japan over two different distribution periods. The serial codes for Pikachu and Pancham were available from July 18 to 31, 2015 and the serial codes for Lugia and Latios were available from August 1 to 16, 2015. The serial codes for Pikachu and Pancham could be used from July 18 to September 30, 2015 and the serial codes for Lugia and Latios could be used from August 1 to September 30, 2015. The Pikachu and Pancham are based on Ash's Pikachu and Serena's Pancham.
To obtain the serial codes, players had to compete in a stamp rally. To collect a stamp players had to connect their Nintendo 3DS system to a 7Spot using the Nintendo Zone Viewer, touch "DS at 7SPOT", then touch "Pokémon DS Rally" (Japanese: ポケモンDSラリー), and then touch the "Get Stamp" (Japanese: スタンプを押す) button. Upon touching the "Get Stamp" button the Nintendo 3DS system obtained a virtual stamp. Players were only able to obtain one stamp per store per day. Players who had two stamps could choose which of the two Pokémon available during that period that they wanted, then were given a serial code for that Pokémon. If the player decided to save the page, they could access it later, although promotional material recommended that players write the serial code down.
serial code
August 1 to September 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンDSラリー2015に さんかしてくれて ありがとう! ルギアは えいがでも だいかつやく! たいせつに そだててね!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
August 1 to September 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンDSラリー2015に さんかしてくれて ありがとう! ラティオスは えいがでも だいかつやく! たいせつに そだててね!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Ash's Pikachu
serial code
July 18 to September 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンDSラリー2015に さんかしてくれて ありがとう! ピカチュウは えいがでも だいかつやく! たいせつに そだててね!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Serena's Pancham
serial code
July 18 to September 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンDSラリー2015に さんかしてくれて ありがとう! ヤンチャムは えいがでも だいかつやく! たいせつに そだててね!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Pokémon Lab Kanto first partner Pokémon
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at the Pokémon Lab (Japanese: ポケモン研究所) event, which was located at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan from July 8 to October 12, 2015. The serial codes were given away to players who completed the Professor's Mission (Japanese: 博士のミッション) at the Pokémon Laboratory in the "Lab 1" area. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from July 8 to November 30, 2015.
serial code
July 8 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに フシギダネを プレゼントするぞ! そだてて メガシンカ させよう!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
July 8 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに ヒトカゲを プレゼントするぞ! そだてて メガシンカ させよう!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
serial code
July 8 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event attendance type text in the language of the receiving game.
ポケモンけんきゅうじょに きてくれて ありがとう! はかせからの ミッションに ちょうせん してくれた キミに ゼニガメを プレゼントするぞ! そだてて メガシンカ させよう!
ポケモンイベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Singapore Summer 2015 Rayquaza
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Shiny Rayquaza was distributed to players who inserted a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Rayquaza from May 6 to July 31, 2015 on a Japanese or American region system.
Serial codes were given away at participating Funz Centre, GameXtreme, Mega Multimedia, Qisahn, Rakuten, War Games, Zark Games, and Zepy Games stores starting on May 6, 2015. At most stores, players needed to purchase Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, six Roaring Skies booster packs, or a Roaring Skies Theme Deck to receive a serial code.
- At GameXtreme, customers could receive a code by purchasing any Pokémon X and Y or Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire guidebook or Pokédex; purchasing both a Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL and one of Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire; or trading in any one of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire.
- At Qisahn, customers who purchased Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire or Pokémon Y, or a Pokémon Nanoblock or plushie product could submit a ticket to Qisahn including their receipt number and the message "Send me a Shiny Mega Rayquaza". Additionally, customers who purchased Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire at Qisahn before the start of the promotion could submit a ticket with their receipt number of their purchase and the message "Gimme a Shiny Mega Rayquaza"; the first 100 players who did this received a code. Players could receive one code for each eligible product purchased.
- At Zepy Games, codes were given away for free to players who brought Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire and proof of membership.
Serial codes were also given away via email to customers who purchased any item from Rakuten's online Pokémon Center store from May 6 to 17, 2015 or until supplies ran out. During this period, customers were entitled to free shipping on items from the Pokémon Center (although the items could only be shipped within Singapore).
Serial codes were also given away to 100 customers who liked and shared Qisahn's Facebook announcement of the promotion, selected at random. The post was put up on May 6, and the winners were decided on May 9, 2015. The 100 winners were announced in a post on Qisahn's Facebook page.
Serial codes were also given away through Woobox from May 22 to July 31, 2015 or until codes ran out. This was linked from Maxsoft's Facebook page on May 22, 2015 at 12:00 pm SST. The distribution was intended for players in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
Since its release, this Rayquaza is unable to be traded and cannot be used in Random Matchup, Online Competitions and sanctioned live events. The Pokémon Global Link issued a statement acknowledging and apologizing for the inability to use it in these battles (although it did not acknowledge the inability to trade it).
serial code
Japanese and American
May 6 to July 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
A special shiny Rayquaza!
A rare shiny Rayquaza will be given to you as a gift!
A special shiny Rayquaza!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Spring 2015 Kangaskhan
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Kangaskhan was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who posted on the event's Facebook pages about what type of Pokémon distribution they would like. The first 1,000 players who posted on the event's Nintendo Taiwan Facebook page and the first 1,000 players who posted on the event's Nintendo Hong Kong page received a code by Facebook message.
The serial codes could be used to obtain Kangaskhan from April 3 to 9, 2015 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system. It was distributed to celebrate Easter and Children's Day.
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
April 3 to 9, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Center type text in the language of the receiving game.
Getting Kangaskhan in spring!
To celebrate spring holiday, Kangaskhan will be given to you as a gift!
Getting Kangaskhan in spring!
Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.
PGL Amaura
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Amaura was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Enter the Dragon Type (Japanese: 燃えよ!ドラゴンタイプ! Fired up! Dragon type!) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from March 20 to 22, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 27, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on March 31, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Amaura from March 31 to May 31, 2015.
serial code
March 31 to May 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい さんかきねん かくれとくせいの アマルスを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
CoroCoro Rayquaza
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Shiny Rayquaza was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at participating stores from March 14 to April 12, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Rayquaza from March 14 to May 15, 2015.
The code cards with the serial codes could be obtained at Ito-Yokado, Æon, Æon Supercenter, Toys "R" Us, Apita, Piago, AL.PLAZA, Heiwadou, Daiei, Fuji, and Pokémon Center stores in Japan. At 7-Eleven stores in Japan, players could obtain the serial code by connecting their Nintendo 3DS system to a 7Spot using the Nintendo Zone Viewer, then accessing the campaign page for the "Pokémon Black Rayquaza present" (Japanese: ポケモン 黒いレックウザプレゼント), then selecting "Get serial code!" (Japanese: シリアルコードをゲット!); the campaign page that displays the code and the Pokémon game cannot be accessed at the same time.
serial code
March 14 to May 15, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.
とてもめずらしい いろちがいの レックウザを プレゼント!
ポケモンを 遊んでくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Dahara City Arceus
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Japanese serial code card
These Arceus were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was found on preordered tickets for the 18th Pokémon movie in Japan. Non-Shiny Arceus is holding either a Silk Scarf or a random Plate, while the Shiny Arceus will always be holding a Silk Scarf. All 19 variations of Arceus had an even chance of appearing. The tickets containing the serial codes could be preordered from March 7 to July 17, 2015 and the serial codes could be used to obtain Arceus from March 7 to August 31, 2015. Unlike most events, players are able to redeem multiple serial codes on the same game. It was distributed to promote its appearance in the 18th Pokémon movie, and its original Trainer Dahara City is the primary setting of the movie.
In Taiwan, Arceus was also available to players who inserted a serial code that could be obtained by exchanging a movie ticket to see M18 for a serial code card at participating Funbox stores from November 20 to December 15, 2015. The serial codes could be used to obtain Arceus from November 20 to December 17, 2015 on a Japanese or Taiwanese region system. However, unlike the original Japanese distribution this Arceus cannot be Shiny and will only be holding a Silk Scarf.
serial code
March 7 to August 31, 2015
serial code
Japanese and Taiwanese
November 20 to December 17, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Held items
serial code
March 7 to August 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the 2015 Pokémon Movie type text in the language of the receiving game.
ことしの ポケモンえいがに とうじょうする アルセウスを プレゼント! もっている どうぐによって タイプが ちがうぞ!
ポケモン映画2015を 観に来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Serena's Fennekin
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:
This Fennekin was distributed to players who inserted a common serial code that was available in the interactive features of XY062. The serial code could be used to obtain Fennekin from February 26 to March 31, 2015. The common serial code was SERENA01 and this Fennekin is based on Serena's Fennekin.
serial code
February 26 to March 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon animation type text in the language of the receiving game.
アニメ「ポケットモンスター XY」から セレナの パートナーポケモン フォッコを プレゼント!
ポケモンの アニメを 観てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!!
PGL Tyrunt
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
This Tyrunt was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away to players who completed at least three battles during the Battle of Hoenn (Japanese: バトル オブ ホウエン) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from January 23 to 25, 2015. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on January 30, 2015. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on February 17, 2015 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain Tyrunt from February 17 to April 30, 2015.
serial code
February 17 to April 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.
インターネットたいかい さんかきねん かくれとくせいの チゴラスを プレゼント!
ポケモングローバルリンクからの プレゼント! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!
Hidden Ability Present Pokémon
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:
These Pokémon were distributed to players who inserted common serial codes that were either given away by Pokémon Get☆TV or inside the February issue of CoroCoro.
Pokémon Get☆TV announced the serial code for Serperior on December 28, 2014 and the serial code for Emboar on January 11, 2015. The serial code for Samurott was available inside the February issue of CoroCoro.
The serial code for Serperior could be used from January 9 to November 30, 2015 and the serial codes for Emboar and Samurott could be used from January 16 to November 30, 2015. The common serial code for Serperior was POKEMON497, the common serial code for Emboar was POKEMON500, and the common serial code for Samurott was POKEMON503.
serial code
January 9 to November 30, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.
とてもめずらしい かくれとくせいの ジャローダを プレゼント!
ダウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!