List of local German event Pokémon distributions in Generation IV

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050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing Wonder Card text for Nintendo Zone Pikachu, event descriptions, and event locations

This is a reverse-chronological list of event Pokémon distributions that were given away locally to German language Pokémon games in Generation IV.

List of event Pokémon

Winter 2011 Celebi

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Celebi was distributed at select McDonald's restaurants across Germany as part of the Celebi Tour. The overall distribution period was from February 18 to 27, 2011.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Normal Recover
Spr 4h 251.png Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Apparently had a Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from February 18 to 27, 2011.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Jaboca Berry Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 251MS3.png
Reise durch die Zeit mit CELEBI!
Lüfte Geheimnisse aus allen Epochen!
Sende CELEBI an Pokémon Schwarze
Edition oder Pokémon Weiße Edition
für ein besonderes Treffen! Hole CELEBI
aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere!


Location Date
Chemnitz February 18, 2011
Munich February 19, 2011
Nuremberg February 20, 2011
Freiburg im Breisgau February 25, 2011
Stuttgart February 26, 2011
Cologne February 27, 2011

2010 World Championships Crobat

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Crobat was distributed at the 2010 World Championships in Waikoloa, Hawaii, the United States on August 15, 2010 to English, Italian, and French games from 11am to 1pm, and to German, Spanish, and Japanese games from 2pm to 4pm. However, its language of origin and Wonder Card are always English.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png CROBAT Dex No. 0169 Timid nature. Fire Heat Wave Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Flying Air Slash
Spr 4h 169.png Poison Flying Pokémon Event Poison Sludge Bomb
OT WORLD10 Apparently had a Normal Super Fang
ID No. 08150 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in the United States
on August 15, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Life Orb Life Orb Inner Focus  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card 169MS3.png
Battle in Kona
Thanks for coming to the 2010
Pokémon World Championships!
Be sure to save your game after you
pick up the Pokémon at a Poké Mart.

Nintendo Zone Pikachu

This Pikachu was distributed at Nintendo Zones inside select McDonald's restaurants around the Stuttgart area from July 31 to August 27, 2010.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png PIKACHU Dex No. 0025 Bashful nature. Normal Present None
Lv. 20 Type   Normal Quick Attack
Spr 4d 025 f.png Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Electric ThunderShock
OT NZone Apparently had a Normal Tail Whip
ID No. 07310 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from July 31 to August 27, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 20.
Light Ball Light Ball Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 025MS3.png
Ein Geschenk Von PIKACHU!


Location Date
Aldingerstrasse, Kornwestheim July 31 to August 27, 2010
Felix-Wankel-Strasse, Fellbach
Marienstrasse, Stuttgart
Schulstrasse, Stuttgart
Heilbronner Strasse, Stuttgart
Heiligenwiesen, B 1, Stuttgart
Wollinstrasse, Stuttgart
Adlinger, Stuttgart-Mühlhausen
Arsenalplatz, Ludwigsburg
Felix-Wankel-Strasse, Filderstadt

Video Game Championships 2010 Eevee

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Eevee was distributed at a qualifying tournament for the 2010 World Championships to participants' HeartGold and SoulSilver games. The tournament was located at the Pullman Cologne Hotel in Cologne, Germany and took place on June 5, 2010.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png EVOLI Dex No. 0133 Hardy nature. Steel Iron Tail Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Normal Trump Card
Spr 4h 133 s.png ShinyIVStar.png Normal Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Flail
OT VGC10 Apparently had a Normal Quick Attack
ID No. 05080 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
on June 5, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Focus Sash Focus Sash Adaptability  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 133MS3.png
Wow! Ein andersfarbiges EVOLI!
Danke, dass du das Turnier der Pokemon
Video-Spiel Meisterschaften 2010
besucht hast! Vergiss nicht,dass Spiel zu Speichern, sobald du das Pokémon
aus dem PKM-Supermarkt abgeholt hast!

Michina Arceus

This Arceus was distributed at participating GameStop and Toys "R" Us stores across Germany from February 17 to April 9, 2010.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png ARCEUS Dex No. 0493 Random nature. Normal Judgment Classic Ribbon
Lv. 100 Type   Dragon Roar of Time
Spr 4p 493.png Normal Unknown Pokémon Event Dragon Spacial Rend
OT MICHINA Apparently had a Ghost Shadow Force
ID No. 02010 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from February 17 to April 9, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 100.
Rowap Berry Rowap Berry Multitype  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 493MS3.png
ARCEUS ist eingetroffen!
Übertrage dein ARCEUS per Tausch auf Pokémon HeartGold und SoulSilver
und sei bereit für eine Überraschung von legendären Ausmaßen! Hole ARCEUS
aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!

Summer 2009 Regigigas

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Regigigas was distributed at select McDonald's restaurants during the stops for Pokémon Day. The overall distribution period was from August 29 to October 4, 2009.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png REGIGIGAS Dex No. 0486 Random nature. Steel Iron Head None
Lv. 100 Type   Rock Rock Slide
Spr 4p 486.png Normal Unknown Pokémon Event Ice Icy Wind
OT EUSMR09 Apparently had a Normal Crush Grip
ID No. 07189 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from August 29 to October 4, 2009.
Item Ability Lv. 100.
Custap Berry Custap Berry Slow Start  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 486MS3.png
Hier kommt REGIGIGAS!
Eklusiv in der Pokémon Platin-Edition
eröffnet dir REGIGIGAS neue Areale, in
denen du drei mächtige Pokémon fangen
kannst. Hole dir deins im Pokémon-
Supermarkt ab und sichere dein Spiel!


Location Date
Frankfurt August 29, 2009
Hamburg September 5, 2009
Oberhausen September 12, 2009
Hanover September 19, 2009
Munich September 26, 2009
Stuttgart October 4, 2009

2009 World Championships Weavile

This Weavile was distributed at the 2009 World Championships in San Diego, California, the United States on August 15, 2009 to English, Italian, and German games from 11am to 1pm, and to French, Spanish, and Japanese games from 2pm to 4pm. However, its language of origin and Wonder Card are always English.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png WEAVILE Dex No. 0461 Jolly nature. Normal Fake Out Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Ice Ice Shard
Spr 4p 461 m.png Dark Ice Pokémon Event Dark Night Slash
OT WORLD09 Apparently had a Fighting Brick Break
ID No. 08159 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in the United States
on August 15, 2009.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Focus Sash Focus Sash Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card 461MS3.png
Battle in San Diego
Thanks for coming to the 2009
Pokémon World Championships!
Be sure to save your game after you
pick up the Pokémon at a Poké Mart.

Europe Video Game Championships 2009 Milotic

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Milotic was distributed at the qualifying tournament for the 2009 World Championships to participants' Platinum games. The tournament was located at the Andel's Hotel in Berlin, Germany on June 13, 2009.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png MILOTIC Dex No. 0350 Timid nature. Water Rain Dance Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Normal Recover
Spr 4p 350 m s.png ShinyIVStar.png Water Unknown Pokémon Event Water Hydro Pump
OT VGC09 Apparently had a Ice Icy Wind
ID No. 05309 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
on June 13, 2009.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Flame Orb Flame Orb Marvel Scale  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
The Beauty condition and sheen of this Pokémon are at maximum.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 350MS3.png
Toll! Ein goldenes MILOTIC!
Danke, dass du zu den 2009 Pokémon
Video Game Championships gekommen
bist! Vergiss nicht deinen Spielstand
zu speichern, wenn du dein Pokémon
im Pokémon-Supermarkt abgeholt hast.

Movie 11 Shaymin

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Shaymin was distributed at select McDonald's restaurants during the stops for the Shaymin Tour. It was also distributed at the Platinum Launch Party in Cologne, Germany on May 22, 2009. The overall distribution period for the Shaymin Tour was from April 25 to May 17, 2009.

Excluding the Wonder Card text, this event is identical to the French version of the event, including a French Language of origin tag, despite being distributed in Germany.[1]

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png SHAYMIN Dex No. 0492 Random nature. Grass Seed Flare Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Grass Aromatherapy
Spr 4d 492.png Grass Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Substitute
OT Film11 Apparently had a Grass Energy Ball
ID No. 04019 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from April 25 to May 17, 2009; May 22, 2009.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Micle Berry Micle Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 492MS3.png
Lerne SHAYMIN kennen!
Tausche SHAYMIN zur Pokémon
Platin-Edition. In Kombination mit
GRACIDEA wird es die FORM
wechseln! Sieh dir SHAYMIN im
elften Film an!


Location Date
Berlin April 25, 2009
Leipzig April 26, 2009
Hamburg May 2, 2009
Hanover May 3, 2009
Munich May 8, 2009
Nuremberg May 9, 2009
Stuttgart May 10, 2009
Karlsruhe May 15, 2009
Frankfurt May 16, 2009
Mülheim May 17, 2009

Alamos Darkrai

This Darkrai was distributed at select McDonald's restaurants during the stops for Pokémon Day. The overall distribution period was from September 6 to November 2, 2008.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png DARKRAI Dex No. 0491 Random nature. Dragon Roar of Time Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Dragon Spacial Rend
Spr 4d 491.png Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT ALAMOS Apparently had a Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 07038 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Germany
from September 6 to November 2, 2008.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

*Wunderkarte 491MS3.png
Der Aufstieg von Darkrai
Viel Spaß mit
deinem DARKRAI!
Weitere Infos
findest du hier:


Location Date
Berlin September 6, 2008
Hanover September 7, 2008
Frankfurt September 13, 2008
Stuttgart September 14, 2008
Oberhausen September 20, 2008
Cologne September 21, 2008
Bremen September 27, 2008
Hamburg September 28, 2008
Augsburg October 4, 2008
Munich October 5, 2008
Leipzig October 11, 2008
Dresden October 12, 2008
Nuremberg October 18, 2008
Würzburg October 19, 2008
Kassel October 25, 2008
Mülheim October 26, 2008
Frankfurt November 2, 2008

2008 World Championships Lucario

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

This Lucario was distributed at the Pokémon Video Game Showdown 2008 in Orlando, Florida, the United States on August 17, 2008 to English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish games. However, its language of origin and Wonder Card are always English.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
Cherish Ball summary IV.png LUCARIO Dex No. 0448 Adamant nature. Fighting Force Palm Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Ground Bone Rush
Spr 4d 448.png Fighting Steel Pokémon Event Fire Sunny Day
OT WORLD08 Apparently had a Fire Blaze Kick
ID No. 08178 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in the United States
on August 17, 2008.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Leftovers Leftovers Inner Focus  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card 448MS3.png
Battle in Orlando
Thanks for coming
to the Pokémon TCG
World Championships
and Video Game

See also

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes