List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Sword and Shield/Gentleman

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The following lists all the possible Pokémon that may be used by Gentlemen and Madames in the Battle Tower.

Isla and Laguna

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Life Orb Life Orb Drum Beating High Horsepower Darkest Lariat Body Slam Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace King's Rock King's Rock Double Kick Fire Fang Zen Headbutt Iron Head Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Assault Vest Assault Vest Sucker Punch Waterfall Icicle Spear Fell Stinger Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Eject Button Eject Button Burn Up Fire Blast Dragon Pulse Extreme Speed Timid - - - 252 - 252
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Leftovers Leftovers Protect Drain Punch Swords Dance Leech Seed Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace Focus Sash Focus Sash Blaze Kick Feint Focus Energy Sucker Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Bright Powder Bright Powder Muddy Water Shadow Ball Baton Pass Double Team Timid - - - 252 - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Overheat Flare Blitz Extreme Speed Howl Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Sheer Cold Avalanche Explosion Ice Shard Brave - 252 252 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Leftovers Leftovers Rest Ancient Power Fissure Sleep Talk Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Salac Berry Salac Berry Destiny Bond Spikes Shadow Ball Ice Beam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Flame Orb Flame Orb Facade Trick Fly Dig Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Bright Powder Bright Powder Confuse Ray Mud-Slap Shadow Sneak Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Hex Will-O-Wisp Calm Mind Baton Pass Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Leftovers Leftovers Curse Will-O-Wisp Hex Protect Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Mental Herb Mental Herb Perish Song Will-O-Wisp Mean Look Drain Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Eject Button Eject Button Giga Impact Outrage Thrash Stone Edge Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Coil Breaking Swipe Aqua Tail Iron Tail Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Red Card Red Card Super Fang U-turn Acrobatics Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Expert Belt Expert Belt Shadow Ball Foul Play Energy Ball Trick-or-Treat Modest - - - 252 - 252
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Scope Lens Scope Lens First Impression Shadow Claw Razor Shell Drill Run Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Will-O-Wisp Strength Sap Hex Amnesia Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss King's Rock King's Rock Thunder Wave Air Slash Extrasensory Morning Sun Timid - - - 252 - 252
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Leftovers Leftovers Yawn Protect Heavy Slam Heat Crash Impish - 252 252 - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Passho Berry Passho Berry Rock Slide High Horsepower Ice Punch Protect Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Trick Room Curse Flamethrower Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Fake Out Metal Burst Sucker Punch Taunt Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Lum Berry Lum Berry Curse Substitute Pain Split Play Rough Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Binding Band Binding Band Whirlpool Protect Recover Night Shade Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Lum Berry Lum Berry Attract Outrage Earthquake Poison Jab Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Leftovers Leftovers Curse Protect Amnesia Stone Edge Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Assault Vest Assault Vest Shadow Sneak Sacred Sword Shadow Ball Flash Cannon Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Teatime Giga Drain Shadow Ball Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Quick Claw Quick Claw Forest's Curse X-Scissor Poison Jab Shadow Claw Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Binding Band Binding Band Whirlpool Protect Giga Drain Phantom Force Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Rest Sleep Talk Sheer Cold Horn Drill Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Charti Berry Charti Berry Power-Up Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Body Slam Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Icy Rock Icy Rock Blizzard Flash Cannon Aurora Veil Hail Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Lum Berry Lum Berry High Horsepower Avalanche Curse Body Press Brave - 252 252 - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Expert Belt Expert Belt Thunderbolt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Expert Belt Expert Belt Drain Punch Shadow Punch Thunder Punch Fire Punch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Bug Buzz Shadow Sneak Protect Modest - - - 252 - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Phantom Force Acrobatics Body Slam Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Shadow Ball Focus Blast Psychic Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Bright Powder Bright Powder Curse Protect Sucker Punch Phantom Force Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Life Orb Life Orb Rain Dance Hurricane Thunder Hydro Pump Modest - - - 252 - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Sleep Talk Rest Mirror Coat Scald Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Yache Berry Yache Berry Dragon Rush Wild Charge Iron Tail Acrobatics Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Leech Seed Bullet Seed Phantom Force Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Life Orb Life Orb Aqua Jet Sucker Punch First Impression Liquidation Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Shadow Ball Revenge Stone Edge Leech Life Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Assault Vest Assault Vest Extreme Speed Play Rough Zen Headbutt Brick Break Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Quick Claw Quick Claw Body Slam High Horsepower Fire Punch Ice Punch Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Rock Slide High Horsepower Thunder Punch Protect Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Fire Blast Shadow Ball Energy Ball Psychic Timid - - - 252 - 252
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Psychic Power Gem Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Play Rough Shadow Claw Destiny Bond Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Scald Shadow Ball Giga Drain Trick Room Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Focus Sash Focus Sash Dragon Dance Dual Chop Reversal Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Life Orb Life Orb Trick Room Shadow Ball Earth Power Dragon Pulse Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Weakness Policy Weakness Policy King's Shield Shadow Ball Flash Cannon Air Slash Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Strength Sap Giga Drain Shadow Ball Will-O-Wisp Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Curse Leech Seed Protect Sucker Punch Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Expert Belt Expert Belt Anchor Shot Power Whip Phantom Force Liquidation Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Perish Song Protect Whirlpool Avalanche Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan King's Rock King's Rock Icicle Crash Rock Slide Iron Head Zen Headbutt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Charti Berry Charti Berry Fire Pledge Dragon Pulse Air Slash Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0773 Silvally (Pokémon) Silvally Heavy-Duty Boots Heavy-Duty Boots Thunder Wave Parting Shot Crunch Explosion Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Assault Vest Assault Vest Fire Blast Blizzard Dark Pulse Thunder Modest - - 252 252 - -
0635 Hydreigon (Pokémon) Hydreigon Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Dragon Pulse Dark Pulse Earth Power Belch Timid - - - 252 - 252
0706 Goodra (Pokémon) Goodra Assault Vest Assault Vest Draco Meteor Iron Tail Earthquake Counter Brave - 252 - 252 - -
0784 Kommo-o (Pokémon) Kommo-o Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Drain Punch Iron Head Dragon Claw Clangorous Soul Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0887 Dragapult (Pokémon) Dragapult Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Darts Psychic Fangs Sucker Punch Acrobatics Adamant 252 252 - - - -

Wellington and Fairamay

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Eject Pack Eject Pack Wood Hammer U-turn Superpower Fake Out Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Pyro Ball High Jump Kick Sucker Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Focus Sash Focus Sash Snipe Shot Air Slash Dark Pulse Focus Energy Modest - - - 252 - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Assault Vest Assault Vest Flare Blitz Close Combat Extreme Speed Play Rough Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Life Orb Life Orb Drum Beating High Horsepower Darkest Lariat Body Slam Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace King's Rock King's Rock Double Kick Fire Fang Zen Headbutt Iron Head Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Assault Vest Assault Vest Sucker Punch Waterfall Icicle Spear Fell Stinger Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Eject Button Eject Button Burn Up Fire Blast Dragon Pulse Extreme Speed Timid - - - 252 - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Icy Rock Icy Rock Blizzard Flash Cannon Aurora Veil Hail Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Lum Berry Lum Berry High Horsepower Avalanche Curse Body Press Brave - 252 252 - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Expert Belt Expert Belt Thunderbolt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Expert Belt Expert Belt Drain Punch Shadow Punch Thunder Punch Fire Punch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Bug Buzz Shadow Sneak Protect Modest - - - 252 - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Phantom Force Acrobatics Body Slam Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Shadow Ball Focus Blast Psychic Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Bright Powder Bright Powder Curse Protect Sucker Punch Phantom Force Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Life Orb Life Orb Rain Dance Hurricane Thunder Hydro Pump Modest - - - 252 - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Sleep Talk Rest Mirror Coat Scald Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Yache Berry Yache Berry Dragon Rush Wild Charge Iron Tail Acrobatics Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Leech Seed Bullet Seed Phantom Force Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Life Orb Life Orb Aqua Jet Sucker Punch First Impression Liquidation Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Shadow Ball Revenge Stone Edge Leech Life Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Assault Vest Assault Vest Extreme Speed Play Rough Zen Headbutt Brick Break Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Quick Claw Quick Claw Body Slam High Horsepower Fire Punch Ice Punch Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Rock Slide High Horsepower Thunder Punch Protect Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Fire Blast Shadow Ball Energy Ball Psychic Timid - - - 252 - 252
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Psychic Power Gem Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Play Rough Shadow Claw Destiny Bond Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Scald Shadow Ball Giga Drain Trick Room Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Focus Sash Focus Sash Dragon Dance Dual Chop Reversal Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Life Orb Life Orb Trick Room Shadow Ball Earth Power Dragon Pulse Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Weakness Policy Weakness Policy King's Shield Shadow Ball Flash Cannon Air Slash Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Strength Sap Giga Drain Shadow Ball Will-O-Wisp Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Curse Leech Seed Protect Sucker Punch Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Expert Belt Expert Belt Anchor Shot Power Whip Phantom Force Liquidation Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Perish Song Protect Whirlpool Avalanche Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan King's Rock King's Rock Icicle Crash Rock Slide Iron Head Zen Headbutt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Charti Berry Charti Berry Fire Pledge Dragon Pulse Air Slash Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0773 Silvally (Pokémon) Silvally Heavy-Duty Boots Heavy-Duty Boots Thunder Wave Parting Shot Crunch Explosion Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Assault Vest Assault Vest Fire Blast Blizzard Dark Pulse Thunder Modest - - 252 252 - -
0635 Hydreigon (Pokémon) Hydreigon Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Dragon Pulse Dark Pulse Earth Power Belch Timid - - - 252 - 252
0706 Goodra (Pokémon) Goodra Assault Vest Assault Vest Draco Meteor Iron Tail Earthquake Counter Brave - 252 - 252 - -
0784 Kommo-o (Pokémon) Kommo-o Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Drain Punch Iron Head Dragon Claw Clangorous Soul Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0887 Dragapult (Pokémon) Dragapult Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Darts Psychic Fangs Sucker Punch Acrobatics Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Assault Vest Assault Vest Ice Shard Blizzard Flash Cannon Mirror Coat Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Icicle Crash Stone Edge Ice Shard Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Icy Rock Icy Rock Shadow Ball Blizzard Aurora Veil Hail Modest - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Dynamic Punch Stone Edge Phantom Force Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Claw X-Scissor Shadow Sneak Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Flame Orb Flame Orb Explosion Shadow Ball Trick Thunderbolt Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Shadow Punch Brick Break Ice Punch Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Choice Specs Choice Specs Shadow Ball Psychic Sludge Wave Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Assault Vest Assault Vest Hydro Pump Blizzard Dragon Pulse Mud Shot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Throat Spray Throat Spray Boomburst Flamethrower Air Slash Dragon Pulse Timid - - - 252 - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Life Orb Life Orb Seed Bomb Shadow Sneak Phantom Force Rock Slide Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Quick Claw Quick Claw First Impression Close Combat Liquidation Iron Head Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Assault Vest Assault Vest Power Gem Shadow Ball Scald Earth Power Modest - - - 252 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Scope Lens Scope Lens Aura Sphere Air Slash Dazzling Gleam Grass Knot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Figy Berry Figy Berry Curse Recycle Facade Crunch Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Stone Edge Avalanche Hammer Arm Brave - 252 252 - - -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure White Herb White Herb Overheat Shadow Ball Energy Ball Haze Modest - - - 252 - 252
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Will-O-Wisp Recover Shadow Claw Knock Off Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Life Orb Life Orb Play Rough Shadow Sneak Shadow Claw Swords Dance Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Assault Vest Assault Vest Hydro Pump Shadow Ball Ice Beam Energy Ball Calm - - - 252 252 -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Life Orb Life Orb First Impression Dual Chop Close Combat Poison Jab Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Quick Claw Quick Claw Will-O-Wisp Phantom Force Earthquake Stone Edge Relaxed - 252 252 - - -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Life Orb Life Orb King's Shield Shadow Sneak Psycho Cut Sacred Sword Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Focus Sash Focus Sash Shell Smash Sucker Punch Shadow Ball Stored Power Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Assault Vest Assault Vest Wood Hammer Shadow Claw Sucker Punch Earthquake Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Gyro Ball Power Whip Shadow Ball Hydro Pump Quiet - 252 - 252 - -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Assault Vest Assault Vest Ice Shard Freeze-Dry Hydro Pump Psychic Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Expert Belt Expert Belt Stone Edge Flare Blitz Hammer Arm Icicle Crash Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Life Orb Life Orb Fire Blast Solar Beam Hurricane Sunny Day Modest - - - 252 - 252
0773 Silvally (Pokémon) Silvally Throat Spray Throat Spray Hyper Voice Shadow Ball Ice Beam Flamethrower Modest - - - 252 - 252
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Chople Berry Chople Berry Stone Edge Crunch High Horsepower Iron Tail Brave 252 252 - - - -
0635 Hydreigon (Pokémon) Hydreigon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Dark Pulse Earth Power U-turn Modest - - - 252 - 252
0706 Goodra (Pokémon) Goodra White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0784 Kommo-o (Pokémon) Kommo-o Life Orb Life Orb Clanging Scales Focus Blast Flamethrower Flash Cannon Modest - - 252 252 - -
0887 Dragapult (Pokémon) Dragapult Eject Button Eject Button Draco Meteor Scald Shadow Ball U-turn Timid - - - 252 - 252

Wilde, Rich, Navin, and Tansy

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Eject Pack Eject Pack Wood Hammer U-turn Superpower Fake Out Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Pyro Ball High Jump Kick Sucker Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Focus Sash Focus Sash Snipe Shot Air Slash Dark Pulse Focus Energy Modest - - - 252 - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Assault Vest Assault Vest Flare Blitz Close Combat Extreme Speed Play Rough Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Assault Vest Assault Vest Grass Pledge Earth Power Focus Blast Snarl Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Fire Pledge Shadow Ball Focus Blast Electro Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Expert Belt Expert Belt Water Pledge Shadow Ball Blizzard Mud Shot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Dig Protect Fire Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Leftovers Leftovers Imprison Icicle Crash Explosion Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Bright Powder Bright Powder Icy Wind Rock Slide Stealth Rock Hail Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Bright Powder Bright Powder Will-O-Wisp Double Team Draining Kiss Hail Timid - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Leftovers Leftovers Curse Protect Mud-Slap Drain Punch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Safety Goggles Safety Goggles Will-O-Wisp Phantom Force Shadow Sneak Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Haze Defog Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Shadow Sneak Pain Split Will-O-Wisp Protect Careful - - 252 - 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Focus Sash Focus Sash Toxic Protect Venoshock Hex Modest - - - 252 - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Ice Beam Hurricane Hydro Pump Thunderbolt Timid - - - 252 - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Scald Recover Icy Wind Timid - - - 252 252 -
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Razor Fang Razor Fang Air Cutter Heat Wave Defog Tailwind Modest - - - 252 - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Curse Ally Switch Protect Razor Leaf Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Choice Specs Choice Specs Muddy Water Sludge Wave Bug Buzz Focus Blast Modest - - 252 252 - -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Leftovers Leftovers Stealth Rock Curse Giga Drain Protect Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Encore Light Screen Dazzling Gleam Follow Me Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Rest Sleep Talk Body Slam Crunch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Rock Polish Rock Blast Earthquake Dragon Rush Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Grip Claw Grip Claw Curse Fire Spin Protect Rest Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Torment Mean Look Foul Play Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Leftovers Leftovers Curse Protect Phantom Force Will-O-Wisp Jolly - - - - 252 252
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Recover Scald Hex Acid Armor Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Scope Lens Scope Lens Breaking Swipe Rock Slide Leer Snarl Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Will-O-Wisp Power Split Night Shade Body Press Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry King's Shield Swords Dance Shadow Sneak Iron Head Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Leftovers Leftovers Curse Protect Shadow Ball Psychic Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Big Root Big Root Horn Leech Drain Punch Will-O-Wisp Protect Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Assault Vest Assault Vest Grass Knot Flash Cannon Shadow Ball Hydro Pump Modest - - - 252 252 -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras King's Rock King's Rock Waterfall Iron Head Zen Headbutt Dragon Dance Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Eject Button Eject Button Yawn U-turn Ice Fang Fire Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Leftovers Leftovers Protect Drain Punch Swords Dance Leech Seed Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace Focus Sash Focus Sash Blaze Kick Feint Focus Energy Sucker Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Bright Powder Bright Powder Muddy Water Shadow Ball Baton Pass Double Team Timid - - - 252 - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Overheat Flare Blitz Extreme Speed Howl Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Sheer Cold Avalanche Explosion Ice Shard Brave - 252 252 - - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Leftovers Leftovers Rest Ancient Power Fissure Sleep Talk Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Salac Berry Salac Berry Destiny Bond Spikes Shadow Ball Ice Beam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Flame Orb Flame Orb Facade Trick Fly Dig Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Bright Powder Bright Powder Confuse Ray Mud-Slap Shadow Sneak Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Hex Will-O-Wisp Calm Mind Baton Pass Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Leftovers Leftovers Curse Will-O-Wisp Hex Protect Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Mental Herb Mental Herb Perish Song Will-O-Wisp Mean Look Drain Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Eject Button Eject Button Giga Impact Outrage Thrash Stone Edge Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Coil Breaking Swipe Aqua Tail Iron Tail Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Red Card Red Card Super Fang U-turn Acrobatics Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Expert Belt Expert Belt Shadow Ball Foul Play Energy Ball Trick-or-Treat Modest - - - 252 - 252
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Scope Lens Scope Lens First Impression Shadow Claw Razor Shell Drill Run Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Will-O-Wisp Strength Sap Hex Amnesia Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss King's Rock King's Rock Thunder Wave Air Slash Extrasensory Morning Sun Timid - - - 252 - 252
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Leftovers Leftovers Yawn Protect Heavy Slam Heat Crash Impish - 252 252 - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Passho Berry Passho Berry Rock Slide High Horsepower Ice Punch Protect Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Trick Room Curse Flamethrower Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Fake Out Metal Burst Sucker Punch Taunt Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Lum Berry Lum Berry Curse Substitute Pain Split Play Rough Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Binding Band Binding Band Whirlpool Protect Recover Night Shade Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Lum Berry Lum Berry Attract Outrage Earthquake Poison Jab Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Leftovers Leftovers Curse Protect Amnesia Stone Edge Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Assault Vest Assault Vest Shadow Sneak Sacred Sword Shadow Ball Flash Cannon Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Teatime Giga Drain Shadow Ball Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Quick Claw Quick Claw Forest's Curse X-Scissor Poison Jab Shadow Claw Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Binding Band Binding Band Whirlpool Protect Giga Drain Phantom Force Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Rest Sleep Talk Sheer Cold Horn Drill Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Charti Berry Charti Berry Power-Up Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Body Slam Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0812 Rillaboom (Pokémon) Rillaboom Life Orb Life Orb Drum Beating High Horsepower Darkest Lariat Body Slam Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0815 Cinderace (Pokémon) Cinderace King's Rock King's Rock Double Kick Fire Fang Zen Headbutt Iron Head Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0818 Inteleon (Pokémon) Inteleon Assault Vest Assault Vest Sucker Punch Waterfall Icicle Spear Fell Stinger Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0059 Arcanine (Pokémon) Arcanine Eject Button Eject Button Burn Up Fire Blast Dragon Pulse Extreme Speed Timid - - - 252 - 252
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Icy Rock Icy Rock Blizzard Flash Cannon Aurora Veil Hail Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Lum Berry Lum Berry High Horsepower Avalanche Curse Body Press Brave - 252 252 - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Expert Belt Expert Belt Thunderbolt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Expert Belt Expert Belt Drain Punch Shadow Punch Thunder Punch Fire Punch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Bug Buzz Shadow Sneak Protect Modest - - - 252 - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Phantom Force Acrobatics Body Slam Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Shadow Ball Focus Blast Psychic Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Bright Powder Bright Powder Curse Protect Sucker Punch Phantom Force Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Life Orb Life Orb Rain Dance Hurricane Thunder Hydro Pump Modest - - - 252 - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Sleep Talk Rest Mirror Coat Scald Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Yache Berry Yache Berry Dragon Rush Wild Charge Iron Tail Acrobatics Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Leech Seed Bullet Seed Phantom Force Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Life Orb Life Orb Aqua Jet Sucker Punch First Impression Liquidation Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Shadow Ball Revenge Stone Edge Leech Life Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Assault Vest Assault Vest Extreme Speed Play Rough Zen Headbutt Brick Break Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Quick Claw Quick Claw Body Slam High Horsepower Fire Punch Ice Punch Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Rock Slide High Horsepower Thunder Punch Protect Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Fire Blast Shadow Ball Energy Ball Psychic Timid - - - 252 - 252
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Quick Claw Quick Claw Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Psychic Power Gem Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Mental Herb Mental Herb Trick Room Play Rough Shadow Claw Destiny Bond Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Scald Shadow Ball Giga Drain Trick Room Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Focus Sash Focus Sash Dragon Dance Dual Chop Reversal Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Life Orb Life Orb Trick Room Shadow Ball Earth Power Dragon Pulse Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Weakness Policy Weakness Policy King's Shield Shadow Ball Flash Cannon Air Slash Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Strength Sap Giga Drain Shadow Ball Will-O-Wisp Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Curse Leech Seed Protect Sucker Punch Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Expert Belt Expert Belt Anchor Shot Power Whip Phantom Force Liquidation Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Perish Song Protect Whirlpool Avalanche Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan King's Rock King's Rock Icicle Crash Rock Slide Iron Head Zen Headbutt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Charti Berry Charti Berry Fire Pledge Dragon Pulse Air Slash Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0773 Silvally (Pokémon) Silvally Heavy-Duty Boots Heavy-Duty Boots Thunder Wave Parting Shot Crunch Explosion Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Assault Vest Assault Vest Fire Blast Blizzard Dark Pulse Thunder Modest - - 252 252 - -
0635 Hydreigon (Pokémon) Hydreigon Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Dragon Pulse Dark Pulse Earth Power Belch Timid - - - 252 - 252
0706 Goodra (Pokémon) Goodra Assault Vest Assault Vest Draco Meteor Iron Tail Earthquake Counter Brave - 252 - 252 - -
0784 Kommo-o (Pokémon) Kommo-o Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Drain Punch Iron Head Dragon Claw Clangorous Soul Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0887 Dragapult (Pokémon) Dragapult Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Darts Psychic Fangs Sucker Punch Acrobatics Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0584 Vanilluxe (Pokémon) Vanilluxe Assault Vest Assault Vest Ice Shard Blizzard Flash Cannon Mirror Coat Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0473 Mamoswine (Pokémon) Mamoswine Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Icicle Crash Stone Edge Ice Shard Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Icy Rock Icy Rock Shadow Ball Blizzard Aurora Veil Hail Modest - - - 252 - 252
0623 Golurk (Pokémon) Golurk Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Dynamic Punch Stone Edge Phantom Force Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Claw X-Scissor Shadow Sneak Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0426 Drifblim (Pokémon) Drifblim Flame Orb Flame Orb Explosion Shadow Ball Trick Thunderbolt Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0477 Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Shadow Punch Brick Break Ice Punch Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0094 Gengar (Pokémon) Gengar Choice Specs Choice Specs Shadow Ball Psychic Sludge Wave Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 - 252
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Assault Vest Assault Vest Hydro Pump Blizzard Dragon Pulse Mud Shot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0715 Noivern (Pokémon) Noivern Throat Spray Throat Spray Boomburst Flamethrower Air Slash Dragon Pulse Timid - - - 252 - 252
0711 Gourgeist (Pokémon) Gourgeist Life Orb Life Orb Seed Bomb Shadow Sneak Phantom Force Rock Slide Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0768 Golisopod (Pokémon) Golisopod Quick Claw Quick Claw First Impression Close Combat Liquidation Iron Head Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0864 Cursola (Pokémon) Cursola Assault Vest Assault Vest Power Gem Shadow Ball Scald Earth Power Modest - - - 252 252 -
0468 Togekiss (Pokémon) Togekiss Scope Lens Scope Lens Aura Sphere Air Slash Dazzling Gleam Grass Knot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0143 Snorlax (Pokémon) Snorlax Figy Berry Figy Berry Curse Recycle Facade Crunch Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0464 Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior Assault Vest Assault Vest Earthquake Stone Edge Avalanche Hammer Arm Brave - 252 252 - - -
0609 Chandelure (Pokémon) Chandelure White Herb White Herb Overheat Shadow Ball Energy Ball Haze Modest - - - 252 - 252
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Will-O-Wisp Recover Shadow Claw Knock Off Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0778 Mimikyu (Pokémon) Mimikyu Life Orb Life Orb Play Rough Shadow Sneak Shadow Claw Swords Dance Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0593 Jellicent (Pokémon) Jellicent Assault Vest Assault Vest Hydro Pump Shadow Ball Ice Beam Energy Ball Calm - - - 252 252 -
0612 Haxorus (Pokémon) Haxorus Life Orb Life Orb First Impression Dual Chop Close Combat Poison Jab Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0867 Runerigus (Pokémon) Runerigus Quick Claw Quick Claw Will-O-Wisp Phantom Force Earthquake Stone Edge Relaxed - 252 252 - - -
0681 Aegislash (Pokémon) Aegislash Life Orb Life Orb King's Shield Shadow Sneak Psycho Cut Sacred Sword Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0855 Polteageist (Pokémon) Polteageist Focus Sash Focus Sash Shell Smash Sucker Punch Shadow Ball Stored Power Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0709 Trevenant (Pokémon) Trevenant Assault Vest Assault Vest Wood Hammer Shadow Claw Sucker Punch Earthquake Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0781 Dhelmise (Pokémon) Dhelmise Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Gyro Ball Power Whip Shadow Ball Hydro Pump Quiet - 252 - 252 - -
0131 Lapras (Pokémon) Lapras Assault Vest Assault Vest Ice Shard Freeze-Dry Hydro Pump Psychic Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0555 Darmanitan (Pokémon) Darmanitan Expert Belt Expert Belt Stone Edge Flare Blitz Hammer Arm Icicle Crash Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Life Orb Life Orb Fire Blast Solar Beam Hurricane Sunny Day Modest - - - 252 - 252
0773 Silvally (Pokémon) Silvally Throat Spray Throat Spray Hyper Voice Shadow Ball Ice Beam Flamethrower Modest - - - 252 - 252
0248 Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar Chople Berry Chople Berry Stone Edge Crunch High Horsepower Iron Tail Brave 252 252 - - - -
0635 Hydreigon (Pokémon) Hydreigon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Dark Pulse Earth Power U-turn Modest - - - 252 - 252
0706 Goodra (Pokémon) Goodra White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0784 Kommo-o (Pokémon) Kommo-o Life Orb Life Orb Clanging Scales Focus Blast Flamethrower Flash Cannon Modest - - 252 252 - -
0887 Dragapult (Pokémon) Dragapult Eject Button Eject Button Draco Meteor Scald Shadow Ball U-turn Timid - - - 252 - 252

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