Contest combination

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A Contest combination is a group of several moves, which, when used in Contests and Super Contests, will form a specially recognized combination with another move used afterwards, gaining the user more appeal points.

Several of these combinations were actually introduced in Generation II before Contests as "combination attacks" which offered beneficial bonuses when used in battle, such as Defense Curl and Rollout.

Many moves are both a follow-up move for one combination while themselves able to be followed up by another move. This, however, is not allowed, and if a move is used as a follow-up move, it will not set up another move to follow it.

Combinations usable in Pokémon Contests

When the second move of any of the below are used it will receive double the base appeal points it would have earned otherwise. Extra hearts from increased condition and applause are not doubled.

Lead Move Category: Cute

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Belly Drum Cute 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.
Second Rest Cute 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Charm Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal.
Second Flatter Smart 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Growl Cute 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed last.
Second Rest Cute 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Sweet Kiss Cute 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Tail Whip Cute 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if used last

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Defense Curl Cute 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Rollout Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Tackle Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Dive Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Surf Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Fake Out Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made Cute appeals earlier in the same round.
Second Arm Thrust Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Faint Attack Smart 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Knock Off Smart 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Seismic Toss Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made a Tough-type appeal earlier in the same turn.
Second Vital Throw Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  The user will appeal later in the next turn.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Mud Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Mud-Slap Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Water Gun Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Water Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Mud-Slap Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Mud Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Sand-Attack Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Rest Cute 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Sleep Talk Cute 3♥♥♥ 0  Can be repeatedly used without boring the Judge.
Second Snore Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sand-Attack Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Mud-Slap Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sing Cute 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Perish Song Beauty 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second Refresh Cute 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sweet Scent Cute 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made their appeals for this turn.
Second PoisonPowder Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Worsens the condition of those that made appeals.
Second Sleep Powder Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Stun Spore Smart 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Water Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Mud Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Refresh Cute 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.
Second Water Gun Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Yawn Cute 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Rest Cute 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Slack Off Cute 1 0  It works better the later it is performed.

Lead Move Category: Smart

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Calm Mind Smart 2♥♥ 0  Prevents the user from receiving counter appeal points once during the current round.
Second Confusion Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Dream Eater Smart 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have done their appeals.
Second Future Sight Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Light Screen Beauty 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.
Second Luster Purge Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Meditate Beauty 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.
Second Mist Ball Smart 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Psybeam Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Scrambles the order of appeals on the next turn.
Second Psychic Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Psywave Smart 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second Reflect Smart 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Charge Smart 2♥♥ 0  If the Pokémon who appealed right before the user used the same type of move, the user gets triple the points.
Second Shock Wave Cool 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Spark Cool 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Thunder Cool 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have already appealed.
Second Thunder Wave Cool 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second Thunderbolt Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderPunch Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderShock Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Confusion Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Future Sight Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Teleport Cool 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.
Second Shock Wave Cool 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Spark Cool 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Thunder Cool 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have already appealed.
Second Thunder Wave Cool 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second Thunderbolt Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderPunch Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderShock Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Hypnosis Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Dream Eater Smart 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have done their appeals.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Kinesis Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Confusion Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Future Sight Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Psychic Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Teleport Cool 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Lock-On Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Superpower Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.
Second Thunder Cool 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have already appealed.
Second Tri Attack Beauty 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have done their appeals.
Second Zap Cannon Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Metal Sound Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Metal Claw Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Mind Reader Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited.
Second DynamicPunch Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Hi Jump Kick Cool 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move the user is more easily startled.
Second Submission Cool 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.
Second Superpower Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Psychic Smart 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Confusion Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Future Sight Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Kinesis Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Teleport Cool 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Taunt Smart 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Counter Tough 2♥♥ 0  Prevents user from receiving counter appeal points once during the current round.
Second Detect Cool 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Mirror Coat Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.

Lead Move Category: Tough

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Curse Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  The next appeal can be made later next turn.
Second Destiny Bond Smart 8♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  Makes a great appeal, but allows no more to the end.
Second Grudge Tough 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second Mean Look Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Spite Tough 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Earthquake Tough 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Eruption Beauty 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second Fissure Tough 2♥♥ 1 Cuts in half the appeal points of all Pokémon that appealed before the user.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Endure Tough 2♥♥ 0  Avoids being startled once.
Second Flail Cute 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second Reversal Cool 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed last.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Harden Tough 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by other once.
Second Double-Edge Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  If the user is jammed on the same turn after using this move, they lose twice as many hearts as usual.
Second Protect Cute 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.
Second Rollout Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Tackle Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Take Down Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Pound Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  No additional effect.
Second DoubleSlap Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Faint Attack Smart 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Slam Tough 2♥♥ 1 ???

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Rain Dance Tough 1 0  Works best if the crowd is excited.
Second Bubble Cute 2♥♥ 2♥♥ Startles all Pokémon that have made their appeals for this turn.
Second BubbleBeam Beauty 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those who have made appeals.
Second Clamp Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  When the user makes the appeal, the crowd's excitement continues until the end of the round.
Second Crabhammer Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  ?
Second Dive Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Hydro Pump Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Muddy Water Tough 2♥♥ 1 ???
Second Surf Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.
Second Thunder Cool 2♥♥ 0  Startles all Pokémon that have already appealed.
Second Water Gun Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Water Pulse Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Scrambles the order of appeals on the next turn.
Second Water Sport Cute 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Water Spout Beauty 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second Waterfall Tough 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed last.
Second Weather Ball Smart 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Whirlpool Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Rock Throw Tough 2♥♥ 0  Works well if it's the same type as the one before.
Second Rock Slide Tough 1 3♥♥♥ ???
Second Rock Tomb Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sandstorm Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  Scrambles the order of appeals on the next turn.
Second Mud-Slap Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Sand Tomb Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Sand-Attack Cute 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Weather Ball Smart 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Scary Face Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Bite Tough 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Crunch Tough 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Leer Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Scratch Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fury Swipes Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Slash Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sludge Tough 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Sludge Bomb Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sludge Bomb Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Sludge Tough 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Smog Tough 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second SmokeScreen Smart 3♥♥♥ 0  Shift the judge's attention from others.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Stockpile Tough 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.
Second Spit Up Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Swallow Tough 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First ViceGrip Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Bind Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited.
Second Guillotine Cool 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.

Lead Move Category: Cool

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Double Team Cool 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by other once.
Second Agility Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Turns the next round to the first round of appeals.
Second Quick Attack Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  The user's appeal can be made earlier on the next turn.
Second Teleport Cool 1 0  Can avoid being startled by others.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Dragon Dance Cool 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.
Second DragonBreath Cool 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Dragon Claw Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal.
Second Dragon Rage Cool 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Dragon Rage Cool 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second DragonBreath Cool 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Dragon Claw Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal.
Second Dragon Dance Cool 1 0  Ups the user's condition. Helps prevent nervousness.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Focus Energy Cool 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals earlier in the same turn.
Second Arm Thrust Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Brick Break Cool 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Cross Chop Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  If the appeal points for the Pokémon who appealed right before the user were less than 3, the user gets double the appeal points. (If they were greater than 3, user gets 0 appeal points.)
Second Double-Edge Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  If the user is jammed on the same turn after using this move, they lose twice as many hearts as usual.
Second DynamicPunch Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the Judge's attention.
Second Focus Punch Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  ???
Second Headbutt Tough 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
Second Karate Chop Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.
Second Sky Uppercut Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal.
Second Take Down Tough 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Horn Attack Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fury Attack Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Horn Drill Cool 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Leer Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Bite Tough 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Faint Attack Smart 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Glare Tough 1 3♥♥♥ ???
Second Horn Attack Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Scary Face Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Scratch Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Stomp Tough 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.
Second Tackle Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Peck Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Drill Peck Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fury Attack Cool 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Rage Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Can be repeatedly used without boring the judge.
Second Leer Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Scary Face Tough 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Thrash Tough 4♥♥♥♥ 4♥♥♥♥ ???

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First ThunderPunch Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fire Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Ice Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Lead Move Category: Beauty

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Fire Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Ice Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderPunch Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Growth Beauty 1 0  Ups the user's condition and helps prevent nervousness.
Second Absorb Smart 2♥♥ 3♥♥♥ Subtracts 3 appeal points from the preceeding Pokémon.
Second Bullet Seed Cool 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second Giga Drain Smart 2♥♥ 1 Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention.
Second Magical Leaf Beauty 2♥♥ 0  The appeal works great if performed first.
Second Mega Drain Smart 1 4♥♥♥♥ ???
Second Petal Dance Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 4♥♥♥♥ Jams the others, and misses one turn of appeals.
Second Razor Leaf Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.
Second SolarBeam Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Hail Beauty 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Blizzard Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Powder Snow Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Weather Ball Smart 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Ice Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fire Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second ThunderPunch Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Mean Look Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
Second Destiny Bond Smart 8♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  Makes a great appeal, but allows no more to the end.
Second Perish Song Beauty 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Powder Snow Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Blizzard Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Sunny Day Beauty 1 0  The appeal works the best the more the crowd is excited.
Second Blaze Kick Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Ember Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Eruption Beauty 1 0  The appeal works better the later it is performed.
Second Fire Blast Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fire Punch Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Fire Spin Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited.
Second Flamethrower Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Heat Wave Beauty 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Moonlight Beauty 1 0  The appeal's quality varies depending on its timing.
Second Morning Sun Beauty 1 0  The appeal's quality varies depending on its timing.
Second Overheat Beauty 6♥♥♥♥♥♥ 0  After this move, the user is more easily startled.
Second SolarBeam Cool 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Synthesis Smart 1 0  Changes the appeal points to 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
Second Weather Ball Smart 4♥♥♥♥ 0  A highly appealing move.
Second Will-O-Wisp Beauty 1 4♥♥♥♥ Badly startles the Pokémon in front.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Surf Beauty 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.
Second Dive Beauty 2♥♥ 0  Can avoid being startled by others once.

Turn Attack Category Appeal Jam Description
First Swords Dance Beauty 1 0  Ups the user's condition and helps prevent nervousness.
Second Crabhammer Tough 3♥♥♥ 0  ???
Second Crush Claw Cool 1 4♥♥♥♥ Subtract 4 appeal points from the Pokémon who appealed right before the user.
Second Cut Cool 2♥♥ 1 Badly startles all Pokémon that made good appeals.
Second False Swipe Cool 1 3♥♥♥ Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Second Fury Cutter Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Can be repeatedly used without boring the judge.
Second Slash Cool 3♥♥♥ 0  Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.

Combinations in Super Contests

Unlike in Hoenn region contests, Super Contest combos do not double the amount of appeal points of the second move, but instead add some amount. Additionally, many combos legal in Hoenn contests do nothing in Super Contests.

The following is a list of combinations in Sinnoh Super Contests:

First Turn: Charge
Follow Up: Thunder Fang

First Turn: Defense Curl
Follow Up: Rollout

First Turn: Focus Energy
Follow Up: Night Slash

First Turn: Growth
Follow Up: Magical Leaf

First Turn: Meditate
Follow Up: Hi Jump Kick

First Turn: Psych Up
Follow Up: Hydro Pump

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