Myths and legends involving Legendary and Mythical Pokémon

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Throughout the Pokémon world and across many regions, a number of myths and legends have been recorded about Legendary and Mythical Pokémon.

Orange Islands

Shamouti Island

Fire Island, Lightning Island, and Ice Island, as seen in The Power of One

An ancient prophecy circulates around the Orange Islands that says:


Japanese English
The god of fire, god of lightning, and god of ice must not be touched.
Else, heaven and earth will be angered and the world will face destruction.
The god of the sea will appear to stop the destruction.
But, it will not prevent the world's destruction.
Unless an exceptional trainer appears to calm the wrath of the gods....

English dub

Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning
Lest these Titans wreak destruction
Upon the world in which they clash
Though the Water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting
Alone its song will fail
Thus the earth shall turn to ash
O Chosen One
Into thine hands bring together all three
Their treasures combined tame the Beast of The Sea
From the trio of islands, ancient spheres shall you take
For between life and death, all the difference you'll make
Climb to the shrine to right what is wrong
And the world shall be healed by the Guardian's song...

A festival is held on Shamouti Island to honor the Chosen One.


The Tower duo, the Bell and Brass Towers, and the Legendary beasts

There's a legend that has been passed down by Ecruteak Gym Leaders for many years:

Two towers... Two Pokémon... But when one burned down, both Pokémon flew away, never to return.

700 years before Generation II, the people of Ecruteak built two nine-tier towers with the hopes of fostering friendship and hope between Pokémon and humans. They were the Brass Tower in the west, which was said to awaken Pokémon, and the Bell Tower in the east, where Pokémon were said to rest. Both towers became the roost of powerful flying Pokémon Lugia and Ho-Oh respectively with Lugia residing at Brass Tower while Ho-oh for the Bell. Both birds were said to be the guardian of the skies and seas. A friendship of harmony was formed between the people who communicated with the two legendary birds.

However, about 150 years before the games' events, something terrible happened as the town was bathed in the moonlit night. Lugia's peaceful rest was disturbed by a lightning storm that grew until a powerful lightning bolt struck the Brass Tower. It was engulfed in flames that raged for three days. Lugia at first tried to use the winds to stop the flame, but it threatened to destroy the town in the process. So Lugia decided to call upon rain to battle the fire until the blaze was finally extinguished, but it had already burnt to the ground. Three nameless Pokémon perished in the fire, but Ho-Oh descended from the sky and resurrected them. The Pokémon are said to embody three powers: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned the tower, and the rain that put out the fire. When the Pokémon appeared, they struck awe and terror in those who saw their rise. The reason was the people feared Ho-Oh's power to manipulate life and try to use violence on the Legendary beasts. The three Pokémon, knowing their own power, and choosing not to retaliate, fled, running like the wind off into the grassland to avoid being harmed by the townspeople of Ecruteak City. It is believed that the Legendary beasts will return only when the trio is ready to trust humans again.

Ho-Oh and Lugia haven't been seen since the fire. Ho-Oh fled due to the violence of the people who feared its power. Lugia fled due to being overwhelmed by the distress caused by fire damaging the Brass Tower and decided to live in the ocean's depths. According to legend, when the souls of Pokémon and humans commune, upon the emergence of a Trainer who has the ability to touch the souls of Pokémon, Ho-Oh will return from the heavens. While Lugia is said to return to the Ecruteak City only when some pure heart appears before it. The Brass Tower is left the way it is as a reminder of what can be lost and regained.

A similar legend is addressed in Pokémon the Series. In the Gold and Silver series episode A Ghost of a Chance, Morty says the two towers are the original Tin Tower, which burned down, and a rebuilt one. He says that invaders came and tried to steal Ho-Oh, who resisted and fled, and then they burned down the tower. When the legend is revisited in For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!, however, the story more closely parallels the game version, but the war aspect remains. Ash Ketchum seems to fulfill the prophecy as a Trainer who has the ability to touch the souls of Pokémon, as he has encountered both Ho-Oh and Suicune several times.

The Guardians of the Water Capital

The island city of Alto Mare's history is intertwined with the following tale:

Japanese English
昔々、アルトマーレという島におじいさんとおばあさんがいました。 A long time ago on an island called Alto Mare there lived an old man and a woman.
ある日、二人は海岸で、小さな兄弟がけがをしているのを見つけました。 One day, they found two wounded children on the seaside.
おじいさんとおばあさんの手厚い看護で二人がみるみる良くなっていきました。 With the old couple's careful nursing, the children got better quickly.
しかし突然、邪悪な怪物が島を攻めてきたのです。 But then suddenly an evil monster appeared and attacked the city.
島はたちまち怪物に飲み込まれました。 The island was instantly swallowed up by the monster.
と、その時、おじいさんとおばあさんの目の前で二人の姿は変わっていきました。 But then before the man's and the woman's eyes, the children transformed.
二人は夢幻ポケモン、ラティオスとラティアスだったのです。 They were the mirage Pokémon Latias and Latios.
二匹は空から仲間を呼び寄せました。 The two of them called their friends from the sky.
彼らは、邪悪な闇を追い払う力を持って来てくれました。 They brought the power to drive away the evil darkness.
それは、「心のしずく」という宝石だったのです。 That power was a jewel called the Soul Dew.
島には平和が戻りました。 Peace returned to the island.
それからというもの、「心のしずく」のあるこの島に、ラティオスとラティアスはしばしば立ち寄るようになりました。 And after that, Latias and Latios often visited this island, where the Soul Dew is.
この島が邪悪な怪物に襲われる事はその後、二度とありませんでした。 The island was never attacked again by the evil monster.

Note: The legend sequence was cut from the dub version of the movie, so there is no official English translation.

Whirl Islands

The Whirl Islands used to be one large island, but at some point, in time two countries began fighting over the island. Lugia, the guardian of the then singular Whirl Island, got upset and cast lightning bolts that tore the island into four pieces. Lugia then disappeared into the deep end of the waterfall basin, longing for the invisible trust between people and Pokémon to manifest once more.

Embedded Tower

A long time ago, people from the Hoenn region came to visit the Johto region. The people built a very tall tower on Route 47. This tower was built in honor of the Super-ancient Pokémon. The tower connects to the sky, part of the cliff, and deep into the ocean. The Legendary Pokémon are said to appear at the Embedded Tower when the respective Colored orbs are brought inside it.


The Regis

In addition to the Unown, Braille has also been used to tell legends. In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, the player can use the Braille to uncover Regirock, Regice, and Registeel.

The legend, found on various rocks in the Sealed Chamber, reads:

In this cave we have lived.
We owe all to the Pokémon.
But, we sealed the Pokémon away.
We feared it.
Those with courage, those with hope.
Open a door. An eternal Pokémon waits.

Because the message is in singular instead of plural, it is possible that the Pokémon being referred to is Regigigas, and that the people of Snowpoint City wanted to seal Regigigas away, and created three keys, the legendary giants, that had to be obtained to awaken Regigigas. To make it as hard as possible to reawaken Regigigas, the people of Snowpoint City sealed the legendary giants away in another region. Otherwise, since Regigigas didn't exist yet when the games were made, it might refer to the three Regi's separately or a hint that meant that Regigigas will come back then.

Super-ancient Pokémon

The legend of the Super-ancient Pokémon was passed down by the Draconids tribe who have witnessed this history.

Thousands of years ago during the lost primal age when the Hoenn region was filled with natural primal energy, Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon were created from said energy.[1]. There are legends when the duo have saved the region from respective droughts and floods with their power. However, the duo were known to engage in violent and endless battles with each other in order to obtain the primal energy for themselves. The reason is due to being the embodiments of nature, they are compelled to seek it out despite the risk of losing control for absorbing too much. During this, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre created the land and sea of the Hoenn region as a result of these clashes. Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre recieved their names from the people they tormented during their endless clashes.[2]

The people living in the Hoenn were helpless to stop these ancient clashes as disaster after disaster kept emerging. During this time, meteorites fell into the Meteor Falls where the Draconids, Dragon-type users lived. Some of these meteors contained the first Mega Stones, which its brilliant light allowed Rayquaza to descend onto the Hoenn region for the first time. Rayquaza then proceeded to use its power to overwhelm Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, putting an end to their endless conflict and restoring peace to the region. Rayquaza was worshiped by the people of Hoenn as their true savior.

1,000 years after this event, the meteors returned to fall in the Hoenn region. One of these meteorites, far greater and bigger than the previous ones crashed deep into the region's core at the bottom of the ocean. The crater was later filled with rainwater. This resulted in people coming to live in the crater for the freshwater it had, thus creating the city of Sootopolis City.

Unfortunately, this meteor impact will be the start of many disasters to befall the Hoenn region afterwards. The impact caused the natural energy from the Primal age to return, overwhelming the region with its energy. This causes Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre to fully awaken again. The duo proceeded to fight each other in a violent clash for twenty dawns and twenty nights. This catastrophic battle threatened to disrupt the planet's balance and destroy the world if left unchecked.[3]

Through a memory from the ancient past, a Lorekeeper of the Draconid tribe with a Key Stone along with the people of Sootopolis City wished for Rayquaza to return and help save the world. The meteor that laid within Sootopolis shone a huge brilliant light that allowed Rayquaza to return. The people bowed before Rayquaza and prayed for salvation. After hearing their prayers, Rayquaza was filled with a great change, achieving the first ever recorded Mega Evolution. Thus, Mega Rayquaza was born by the bonds of humanity's wish channeled through the Key Stone.

Eventually, Mega Rayquaza went to confront Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. Using the power of its emerald light and terrible wind, the duo were stripped of their primal powers, reverting Groudon and Kyogre to their current state. The duo proceeded to return to the depths of land and sea in order to slumber. Reverting to normal, Rayquaza returned to the sky with its duty completed. AZ, who witnessed the events spoke this line, “It is the Δ (Delta), born of the great disturbances in this world. By the bonds born of mankind's wish and the power of the stones, it will calm the troubles that plague the world.” AZ would later give a giant tree as a gift for Sootopolis City placed in the center of the city.

In gratitude, the Draconid people built the Sky Pillar in order to store the power of Key Stone, get closer to Rayquaza, and record the history of these events through mural paintings. For 1,000 years after this, there was peace in the Hoenn region. However, the Draconid people predicted a huge meteor known as the Grand Meteor Delta would come, and its impact would destroy the world. In preparation for this event, the Draconid people came up with a plan where a Lorekeeper would summon Rayquaza back to the Hoenn region before the Grand Meteor Delta could strike. Then Lorekeeper would pray for Rayquaza to Mega evolve and destroy the meteor for good.

At some point, the Red Orb and Blue Orb were created. These orbs had the power to both calm and put Groudon and Kyogre into a deep slumber. The only way for this slumber to end is that the respective Orbs be used on either Groudon or Kyogre. The Orbs can also unlock Groudon and Kyogre's Primal forms through a process known as Primal Reversion, allowing the duo to regain their lost primal state.[4] The orbs were safely hidden away on Mt. Pyre. A third orb called the Jade Orb was also created with the power to call Rayquaza as well.


Main article: Sinnoh myths

Regigigas and the Snowpoint Temple

Encountering Regigigas in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

There's a legend that has been passed down by the people of Snowpoint City for many years:

Once after a volcano violently erupted, the Snowpoint Forest, rich in natural resources and beauty, was transformed into a sea of flowing lava.
Then, out of a bright blue light, Regigigas appeared. Along with Regirock, Regice, and Registeel.
Together, the four of them halted the volcano's eruption, thus saving Snowpoint City from destruction.
Later Regigigas transformed itself into a stone of life and fell into a deep sleep, while in order to protect Regigigas, the legend says that Regice, Regirock, and Registeel transformed into three guardian pillars made of the basic elements of rock, ice, and steel.

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the player can travel to Snowpoint Temple after obtaining the National Pokédex. If the player has all three of the legendary giants in their party, Regigigas will awaken and be able to be battled and captured.

The creation of Sinnoh

According to myths, legends, and the Old Verses, before the beginning of the Pokémon universe there was only a vortex of complete chaos and nothingness, from which a single Egg comes into being, which then hatches into Arceus, the first being in existence. When Arceus hatched from this egg, it shaped the world with its thousand arms and created the land of Sinnoh. Arceus then created the Origin Forme of the Pokémon of time, the Pokémon of space, and the Pokémon of antimatter. Eventually, humans began to inhabit the land Arceus created. Arceus then created three new Pokémon to give all living things that come into existence knowledge, emotions, and willpower. These three Pokémon are said to inhabit lakes in the land of Sinnoh. Dialga and Palkia each inhabit their own dimensions, while Giratina was banished to the Distortion World by Arceus, who created it for Giratina.

Heatran and Stark Mountain would be created indirectly in the progress. Upon creating the certain orbs for the Pokémon of Myth, Arceus proceeds to enter a deep slumber in Hall of Origin located in Arceus's dimension.

These Pokémon are encountered in their respective games, coming from their respective dimensions. Also, they can be encountered in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver through a special event. If the player has an Arceus in their party while in the Ruins of Alph, they can go to the Sinjoh Ruins and obtain (an egg with) one of the Legendary Pokémon of their choice.


Arceus was worshiped by a human society called Celestica that first came to Hisui around one or two millennia ago. They refer to Arceus as great Sinnoh and the first Almighty Sinnoh. They built ancient ruins around the region in honor of Arceus. Sometime after, an ancient hero along with a group of ten Pokémon gather eighteen Plates of Arceus to find it. Upon finding Arceus, it struck the hero's Pokémon ten times each, blessing them with its power. These would become the first noble Pokémon and Ride Pokémon and the ancient hero's strength. Arceus would then return to its home dimension in the Hall of Origin. The people would worship these Pokémon, and their power would spread each generation. A Celestica Flute was created to call for the Ride Pokémon aid when needed. The Plates were then scattered to be guarded by the Legendary Pokémon, Noble Pokémon, and Ride Pokémon until someone was worthy to obtain them.

The ancient hero

A long time ago, an ancient hero went to collect 18 Plates in order to find Arceus. Aiding him were ten different Pokémon from the Hisui region. There were as follows: Wyrdeer, Kleavor, Ursaluna, Hisuian Lilligant, Basculegion, Hisuian Arcanine, Sneasler, Hisuian Electrode, Hisuian Braviary, and Hisuian Avalugg. Eventually, the ten and the hero would find Arceus at Mount Coronet. They proceed to battle Sinnoh, during which Arceus struck them down ten times, and each Pokémon received a blessing as a result. They would become the first Noble Pokémon and Ride Pokémon.

In gratitude, the Temple of Sinnoh was built in honor of the ancient hero and his 10 Pokémon who were blessed by Arceus. This power would pass on to their descendants. Eventually, the Diamond Clan and Pearl Clan would watch over these 10 Pokémon, each guarded by a Warden. The wardens ensured these Pokémon were protected, while the Noble Pokémon would regularly receive food and water as offerings. They also guarded the Plates of Arceus.

Lake guardians

After Arceus created the universe along with the Pokémon of Myth, it proceeds to create a single egg. From that egg, the Lake guardians Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf emerged from it. When the trio were created, Knowledge, Emotion, and Willpower emerged into the universe. Arceus created the trio with the duty to guide and protect humans. Additionally, they were given the duty to calm Dialga and Palkia should the deities be enraged. Either by uniting together or by creating the Red Chain which has the power to tame and calm the Legendary Pokémon. The trio lives at the bottom of three different lakes in Sinnoh called Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor.

The trio were worshipped by the ancient people of Hisui for providing them with different gifts. Uxie allows humans the ability to solve problems and improve their life. From Mesprit, the ability to feel emotions such as sorrow, pain, and joy. From Azelf, the willpower to deal with any challenges in their way regardless of the difficulty. However, the Lake Guardians were also feared due to their ability to take away knowledge, emotion, and willpower if provoked to protect themselves.

Pokémon of Myth

Dialga and Palkia were both worshiped by the Diamond Clan and Pearl Clan where they first arrived in the Hisui region as almighty Sinnoh. However, neither clans are the time knew there were two and thought there was only one. The Diamond Clan believed almighty Sinnoh created time while the Pearl Clan believed it created space. This led to a bitter quarrel between both tribes for many years.

Giratina meanwhile was banished to a world created by Arceus called the Distortion World. Giratina would carry a grudge against its creator for a time and sought revenge. Eventually, it would become a silent protector for both worlds. Due to its nature, the ancient people feared Giratina to the point they avoid speaking its name and covered the history surrounding it.

Landorus and Enamorus

According to legend, Landorus and Enamorus both arrived at Hisui during the end of winter and the start of spring through the winds. Landorus and Enamorus used their powers to bring fresh life to the region. In gratitude, both Legendary Pokémon were referred to as the gods of field and spring respectively in the Hisui Region. Additionally, Enamorus was given the title of Herald of Spring.


Tao trio

Several of the Unova myths revolve around Zekrom and Reshiram. It is said that the two Dragon Pokémon were once a single powerful Pokémon owned by twin heroes. However, it was split apart by the pursuit of the different beliefs of the two brothers.

The legends of Lacunosa Town dictate that when a meteorite crashed outside of the city limits, Kyurem would come out at night and eat both Pokémon and people. To prevent further raids, the people of Lacunosa built walls and forbade night travel. Even during the events of Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, everyone in Lacunosa Town stays indoors at night.

In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, a conflicting story arises: It is said that when the Original Dragon split its essence into Reshiram and Zekrom, its purposeless body became Kyurem, which stayed inside the Giant Chasm. Kyurem awaited "a hero to fill its body with truth or ideals," presumably meaning a fusion with Reshiram or Zekrom. Vague words from Professor Juniper imply that the meteor mentioned in Lacunosa Town is similar to the Dark StoneB2/Light StoneW2 in some way.

Swords of Justice

Long ago, two opposing human factions were at war, their strife resulting in a forest fire that threatened the lives of many wild Pokémon. Ensnared by the smoke, they could not escape, and their demise seemed certain until three figures appeared.

Terrakion shaped the earth and created a passage by which to escape, Virizion used its speed to shield the Pokémon from sparks and embers, while their leader, Cobalion, ushered Pokémon to safety.

Despite their attempts, they were unsuccessful, as the forest had been burned to the ground. However, amongst the ashes, the three came across a lone Pokémon, Keldeo, who they took in as their own.

The trio proceeded to fight back the armies, overwhelming them with their combined might. Legends of them continue to be told today, and it has been said that if human conflict ever again threatened the safety of Pokémon, they would return to quell the fighting and preserve a climate of peace.

Forces of nature

Long ago, the Pokémon Thundurus and Tornadus began to fight, destroying the landscape in the process. Landorus then descended upon the two to end the dispute. It is said that should Tornadus and Thundurus ever fight again, Landorus will return to keep the peace.

In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, it is said the Therian Formes of the forces of nature were the ones to fight, with Landorus coming to quell the harsh battle.


According to Unova artists, Meloetta long ago brought joy to the world through its beautiful melody and dance. The song and dance fill the people with joy. However, when sorrow darkened the world, Meloetta lost the melody it used to sing along, the ability to dance, and its red shoes. Meloetta's lost song was passed on by musicians, ensuring it lives on. Should Meloetta listen to this song, it will remember the lost melody and regain the Relic Song move.


Aura trio

Xerneas and Yveltal are great forces capable of giving and stealing life energy respectively. Xerneas shares life by glowing its horns in seven colors, while Yveltal's feathers near the gray pattern on its chest glow when it is about to steal life energy. When they are at the end of their lifespan, Xerneas releases all of its life energy into all the living things around it, while Yveltal expands its wings and steals all of the life energy of every living thing around it. Afterwards, they transform into a tree and a cocoon, respectively, to sleep for a thousand years. Zygarde Cells are always monitoring the balance between Xerneas and Yveltal, and whenever it is disrupted or destroyed, Zygarde comes to unleash its wrath. These three Pokémon, according to Professor Sycamore, are "incarnations of nature that take care of the land". XerneasX/YveltalY both appeared during the ancient war between Kalos and another country either to rescue injured Pokémon from said conflictX/taken away the life energy of Pokémon involved in conflictY. They showed up again 2,200 years later to either brightenX/darkenY the Kalos region with its power.

One of Professor Sycamore's theories state that the Mega Stones used in Mega Evolution, originated from special stones, possibly Evolution stones, that were irradiated by the light of XerneasX/YveltalY fired from the Ultimate weapon 3,000 years ago. AZ used the power of XerneasX/YveltalY to create the Ultimate weapon. First, he used the Legendary Pokémon's power to first revive his Floette. Next, he used the weapon to end the war by destroying both sides in revenge.

A Monsieur in Anistar City recounts the legends of XerneasX/YveltalY:


"It happened around 800 years ago. The Pokémon known as Xerneas used its shining horns to illuminate the lands of Kalos. At that very moment, people and Pokémon throughout the land felt great energy and vitality surge through their bodies. At the same time, a vast forest sprang up, with Xerneas at its center. Legend has it that, when it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Xerneas releases all of its remaining energy, sharing it with all living things nearby. There's another story I know that talks of the appearance of just such a fortuitous Pokémon. Back 3,000 years ago, the Kalos region was engulfed in a terrible war. So the tale goes, a Pokémon came to the rescue of all the wounded Pokémon that had been caught up in the conflict. Some people suspect the Pokémon that appeared was Xerneas, but there's no way to know. Maybe they just wished a Legendary Pokémon had come to the rescue to brighten a tale of woe. Supposedly, after Xerneas had released its remaining energy, it transformed into a dried-up tree. It remains in hiding deep within the forest. According to old tales, as I say. Stories and tales."


"It happened around 800 years ago. The Pokémon known as Yveltal spread its ominous wings, engulfing the lands of Kalos in darkness. At that moment, people and Pokémon throughout the land began to fall one by one. Yveltal let out a piercing cry and took to the sky, vanishing to an unknown location. Stories say that when it nears the end of its thousand-year life span, Yveltal absorbs the life force of the living things around it in order to charge its own energy. Another tale talks of the appearance of just such a terrifying Pokémon. Back 3,000 years ago, the Kalos region was engulfed in a terrible war. According to the stories, a Pokémon appeared and stole the life force of countless living beings. Some people suspect the Pokémon that appeared was Yveltal, but there's no way to know. Maybe they're just using a Legendary Pokémon as a metaphor for war and pestilence. In the tales, after Yveltal finished storing the energy it had absorbed, it transformed into a kind of cocoon, remaining in hiding deep in the mountains. According to old tales, as I say. Tales and stories."


According to a traveler at the Parfum Palace, Hoopa is connected to many strange events and has mysterious powers. Hoopa Confined uses its three rings to move an object it wants. At Hoopa's full power, particularly its Unbound Form, it can increase the size of its rings to grow multiple miles in length. Said massive rings can transport entire islands. The lair of Hoopa is said to contain objects and treasures it obtained over the years, claiming as its own. One rumor of Hoopa's lair claims that there are mountains of gold and silver treasures stolen from ancient kings and wealthy land barons. Rumor has it that Hoopa's lair is inside an oasis in the desert. However, no one has ever found it. According to a tale, an organization tried to manipulate Hoopa for its power. In retaliation, Hoopa causes individual objects to disappear from the organization's lair. These objects were weapons, vehicles, and money. This action terrified the organization to the point they hid inside their headquarters. Once they did, the objects stopped disappearing. When the organization finally decided to leave its headquarters, they discovered that Hoopa had teleported their headquarters to the middle of the desert. Due to the Hoopa's actions, the terrified organization disbanded. to the middle of the desert. Due to the Hoopa's actions, the terrifed organziartion choose to disband as a reuslt. A long, long time ago, Hoopa's true power was sealed within the Prison Bottle to prevent it from causing havoc.


Guardian deities

According to the legends of Alola, the Guardian deities served as protectors of the islands they reside in, and led the armies on each island. At one point in the past, they participated in a war against each other, while serving the royals of their representative island and using giant forms, which is seen through their signature z-move, Guardian of Alola. Due to the destruction the war brought, they stopped being involved in human wars. They occasionally fought to see who was the strongest, which led to the creation of the modern Battle Royal format, though it is said they prefer to spend time closed in their shells, absorbing nature's energy. Whenever an Ultra Beast appears in Alola, it is the duty of the deities to fiercely fight against it in order to protect their islands from invaders.

According to a book called "The Light of Alola" found in the upper floor of the Malie Library, SolgaleoSUS/LunalaMUM emerged from an Ultra Wormhole and fought against the Guardian deities, starting a great battle in which neither side could win. Finding SolgaleoSUS/LunalaMUM to be their equals, the island guardians bestowed the Tapunium Z upon them. Then along with LunalaSUS/SolgaleoMUM, the pair proceeded to create the Nebula Pokémon known as Cosmog for the Tapus to protect and watch over until they fully evolved before returning to Ultra Space.

According to the secret notes found hidden in the Malie Library, at one point, Necrozma the "Pillager of Light" invaded Alola, stealing all of its light, and shrouding the region in darkness, the Tapus fought hard to regain back the light stolen, and through the assistance of a youth, and injection with the Z-Crystals/Sparkling Stones, proceeded to banish Necrozma from Alola, restoring light back to Alola while also freeing SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM who had been absorbed by Necrozma.

Light trio

As said in an ancient legend on the origins of Alola, the legendary trio brought light into the Alola region when it was first created. Ultra Necrozma's light shined the brightest of the trio, making the ancient people call it the "Blinding One". After sharing all of its light, Necrozma transformed and entered a deep slumber. Eventually, Solgaleo and Lunala returned and shared their light with Necrozma, restoring its light. Ultra Necrozma returned to Ultra Space afterwards. This lead to the creation of both Z-Moves and Z-Crystals.

According to a book called "The Light of Alola" found in Malie Library, a SolgaleoSUS/LunalaMUM appeared in Alola many years ago through an Ultra Wormhole. The ancient kings of Alola bowed down to the Legendary Pokémon, worshipping it. The guardian deities battled it but were defeated by it, who then however gave the Tapunium Z to them as a reward. The Legendary Pokémon then created several Cosmog as heirs for Alola, giving the Guardian deities the task of watching over them until they have fully evolved. In gratitude, the kings of Alola gave their thanks with a song on the Sun and Moon Flutes at the Altar of the Sunne SUS/Altar of the Moone MUM, at which point the Legendary Pokémon returned to Ultra Space.

Long ago in ancient times, Necrozma as the "Blinding One" once shared its light across Ultra Space and Alola. This led to the creation of Z-Moves and the aura that surrounds Totem Pokémon. However, the residents of Ultra Megalopolis attempted to control the Prism Pokémon in order to create light. This resulted in Necrozma being permanently injured, reducing it to a crystalline body while in constant pain. Pieces of its original body rained down onto Alola in the form of Sparkling Stones. In retaliation, Necrozma stole all the light from Ultra Megalopolis, leaving that world forever in darkness. In response, the residents locked Necrozma in the Megalo Tower in order to prevent it from escaping.

According to the secret notes found hidden in the Malie Library, Necrozma invaded Alola and stole its light, causing the region to be covered in darkness. It fought fiercely against the guardian deities near Tapu Village and a SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM. During which, it absorbed SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM and transforms into Dusk ManeUS/Dawn WingsUM Necrozma. When a youth came together with the Tapu and by using the power of the Z-Crystals and Sparkling Stones, they freed the Legendary Pokémon and banished Necrozma from Alola, bringing light back to it. Dubbed the "Pillager of Light" as a result of this moment in history, the king of Alola had all books mentioning Necrozma burned in order to prevent further panic.


The Legendary heroes and the young heroes

The legendary heroes were said to have guarded Galar and were believed to be the rulers of the Galar region. Both were referred to as the Fairy King's Sword and Fighting Master's Shield respectively, earning the respect of some and the fear of others. 3,000 years ago, the duo witnessed a Wishing Star, from where Eternatus appears. As a result of Eternatus attempting to absorb Galar's energy to stay alive, a phenomenon known as the Darkest Day was said to have occurred. This black storm caused Pokémon to Dynamax and Gigantamax while going on rampages in the process. During this event, the legendary heroes would encounter two youths wielding a sword and shield. Zacian and Zamazenta fought a hard battle against Eternatus, defeating it, before sealing it deep within the Galar region.

The two youths were crowned the kings of Galar for their role in the Darkest Day. However, due to receiving injuries from the fight, the Legendary duo retreated to the Slumbering Weald. They then transformed into statues before entering deep sleep, supposedly lasting for eons. The legendary heroes also left behind the Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield. In time, the heroes became nearly forgotten due to slumbering for so long. The ancestors of the first kings of Galar covered up their history as well, replacing it with two young youths who saved Galar from the Darkest Day, as opposed to Zacian and Zamazenta.


Eternatus arrived in Galar inside of a meteor 20,000 years prior to the events of Pokémon Sword and Shield. 17,000 years later, Eternatus began absorbing all of Galar's energy to stay alive. As a result, it caused a phenomenon in the shape of a black storm: the Darkest Day. This phenomenon unleashed Dynamax energy throughout the region. Eternatus's presence caused Pokémon to Dynamax and Gigantamax before going on rampages across Galar. Later, Eternatus fought a long and difficult battle against the legendary heroes Zacian and Zamazenta plus the two Ancient Galarian kings, ultimately being defeated by the four heroes. The Pokémon was sealed deep within the center of Galar in order to prevent it from awakening and causing a second Darkest Day.

Eternatus then proceeded to enter a deep slumber in order to fully heal from its injuries. In time, Eternatus's power began to slowly leak out in the form of Galar particles. As the particles spread throughout the region, they created Power Spots and Pokémon Dens where Dynamax and Gigantamax transformations can occur. Solid pieces — physical manifestations — of Eternatus's energy also rained down as Wishing Pieces, Wishing Chips, and Wishing Stars. Still holding Eternatus's power, Wishing Pieces, Chips, and Stars can summon Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon.

Kubfu and Urshifu

Kubfu originated from a mountain region far away from Galar. It served as a guide for explorations to uncharted lands, where the descendants of Kubfu often settled. Some Kubfu eventually ended up at the Master Dojo, where they became its "sacred armor" for those who completed the three trials. The Towers of Two Fists were built to allow Kubfu to evolve into Urshifu. Urshifu's Gigantamax forms are believed to have the power to cleanse the world of evil spirits.

Galarian legendary birds

The three legendary birds migrate every 10 years to the Dyna Tree in the Crown Tundra. They feed on food from the tree when the sun reaches its zenith and shines directly on it. However, the three tend to clash with each other for the right to roost and feed on said tree. They were once believed to be the same as their Kantonian counterparts. Notably, their Pokédex entries seem to imply that they are not really forms of the legendary birds, but instead completely different Pokémon that just happen to look like them.

Regieleki and Regidrago

The duo was created by Regigigas using pure electric energy and crystallized dragon energy. They were later sealed away in the Split-Decision Ruins in Crown Tundra due to ancient people fearing them. The Split-Decision Ruins can only be unlocked when the three original legendary giants are gathered near it.

Glastrier and Spectrier

Depending on where the player plants the Carrot Seeds, one of the two Legendary Pokémon appears, and is stated to be the steed of Calyrex. Glastrier/Spectrier was known as a ruffian that once ruled over the Crown Tundra as lord of all Pokémon[5]. It was known to be proud and arrogant, and only followed those it deemed the strongest. Every now and then, the steed grew angry at humans for invading its territory, so it retaliates against the humans and their Pokémon with vengeance. It regularly terrorized the residents of Freezington, a town located in the Crown Tundra. It ravaged and raided the food grown by the people, particularly the Carrot Seeds for the rare Iceroot Carrots/Shaderoot Carrots. Eventually, the horse was tamed by Calyrex who defeated the ruffian, which then became the King's loyal steed.

In gratitude, the villagers created the Reins of Unity which allowed Calyrex to fuse with its steed. When they combined for the first time, a forest was created from their union. Together, the duo spread greenery and harvest across the land of Galar. The duo resided in the Crown Shrine which was built by the villagers.

However, when the people began to lose faith in Calyrex, it became weak, and the steed abandoned it. It then went to the Crown Shrine, the former home of its partner, as a way of taunting it. It eventually faded into legend, and the people of the Crown Tundra wondered if the horse existed, and even what color it was.


Calyrex once ruled all of Galar and later on, the Crown Tundra, in ancient times as a benevolent king. It has the power to see every known past, present, and future event. It was known as "The King of Bountiful Harvests" as it brought lush vegetation and a good harvest to the land every year. Using its right hand can cause the land to be covered in verdant glass and blooms, while the left hand can make the fields of fruit ripen and heavy.

At one point, the Freezington's people's ancestors met Calyrex when it was injured during a time when the Crown Tundra was barren and uninhabitable. It reacted in fear when the humans opened their palms, so they closed their palms in order to make Calyrex feel safe. The King Pokémon was then healed by humans living in the Crown Tundra. Upon being nursed back to its full strength, Calyrex emitted a dazzling blue light. Then in gratitude, Calyrex turns the frozen Tundra they lived in into a habitable land filled with lush and rich soil called the Crown Plains. This allowed the people to thrive successfully in the cold region.

This act earned the respect and loyalty of the people who worshiped it. They began to refer to Calyrex as a king. At one point, Calyrex saved the people again from Glastrier/Spectrier, a ruffian who was the lord of the Crown Tundra. This also gave rise to the tradition of giving it an offering in gratitude each year— the Reins of Unity, which bonds Calyrex to the people it worshipped. The Reins of Unity were made by a Radiant Petal from Calyrex and mane hair from its loyal steed, Glastrier/Spectrier. The Reins of Unity allowed Calyrex to command Glastrier/Spectrier with ease. The villagers then created the Crown Shrine in order to give Calyrex and its royal steed a worthy home.

However, as time went by, people began to slowly forget about and lose faith in Calyrex. As Calyrex depends on the people's faith, it slowly lost its great power. Eventually, its steed abandoned it, leaving it with only a fraction of its power. Thus, Calyrex faded into legend and fairy tales. One such tale claims that Calyrex would steal the body of a person who misbehaved.

Pedestals inscribed with the story of Calyrex are found throughout the Crown Tundra:

Giant's Foot
May 7
Once, these lusciously green lands of ours lay barren. The grass wilted. Our crops withered. This was a tundra shrouded in frigid cold. Many days into a bleak winter, a Pokémon appeared on the tundra—adorned with a regal crown yet wounded and weak. Full of pity, our people brought the Pokémon to our village and saw to its care.

Ballimere Lake
August 18
Under the care of our ancestors’ healing ways, the visitor's wounds mended. It shrank back in fear if approached with open palms, so all kept their hands closed in its presence. Once it regained its full strength, the visitor emitted a dazzling blue light that breathed life back into our wilted fields, blessing them with the promise of harvests once more. Perhaps this was its way of showing its gratitude.

Old Cemetery
November 30
Green flourished once more around our village, and rich soil began to spread. Vast lands lay open for farming once more. The village folk began to call the visitor a king in appreciation. Our village had long been plagued by a ruffian that ran rampant through the fields, devouring crops as it pleased. But the king, resplendent in its full power, suddenly spoke to us in our tongue, vowing to rein in the ruffian.

Giant's Bed
January 2
Before long, the ruffian had bent its knees to the king and become its loyal steed. Our people's faith in the king grew firm and unwavering. Our ancestors built a temple around the sacred sapling atop a tall mountain to give the king a worthy home. Moreover, they crafted a set of reins to let the king command its proud steed with ease.

Snowslide Slope
April 21
The king brought abundance and life to this land that was once frozen tundra. We owe these very Crown Plains to our king. As long as the bond between us people and our king holds strong, these lands will no doubt thrive for all time in fertile green.


Illumina Pokémon

According to legend, the Lental region was protected by the Illumina Pokémon, seven powerful Pokémon guarding the region: Meganium, Wishiwashi, Milotic, two Volcarona, Steelix, and Xerneas. 2,000 years ago, when a meteorite threatened to destroy Lental, Xerneas formed a shield around the region to protect it. The process left it exhausted, so Xerneas lay dormant in the Ruins of Remembrance on Aurus Island for many years until someone who loves Pokémon appears. The other Illumina Pokémon went to sleep as well and faded into legend. The Illumina Pokémon would only awaken and appear when a person who loves Pokémon appears before them.


Paradox duo

According to legends and the Pokédex, the Legendary duo is believed to be versions of Cyclizar from the distant past and the far future, respectively. However, they are said to be more aggressive and powerful than Cyclizar. They have been referred to as the Winged King and the Iron Serpent, respectively, from the ancient books.

Treasures of ruin

According to Raifort's research on history from various sources, four treasures were collected by a king which led to the kingdom's destruction. Once upon a time during the Paldean Empire, there was a wicked king who loved to collect treasures, particularly ones from other countries. Eventually, a merchant from the East came to visit the rumored King. The merchant would show the king a set of four ancient treasures. These treasures consist of a vessel, a broken sword, a set of tablets, and a set of beads. The king was happy to see such wonderful treasures before him. He paid the merchant golden coins before obtaining the treasures for himself.

Unknown to the king, the treasures held a curse. These four treasures had been passed from person to person for a very long time and had become corrupted by the negative emotions of humanity's hubris and greed. These negative emotions would be fear, hatred, grudges, and envy. Upon being exposed to the Paldean King's greed, the built-up negativity in the treasures awakened, transforming them into four Pokémon: Ting-Lu, Chien-Pao, Wo-Chien, and Chi-Yu. By the dawn of the next day, these four Pokémon had reduced the king's castle to rubble. They have been collectively referred to as the treasures of ruin.

The treasures of ruin also had titles, and each formed a different negative emotion. Chien-Pao was the Sword of Ruin due to possibly the broken sword's blade and hilt forming the twin fangs. It was formed from the hatred of those the sword killed long ago. Ting-Lu was the Vessel of Ruin due to the ritual vessel that is in place of a head. The fear formed it poured into the ritual vessel. Wo-Chien was the Tablets of Ruin due to being formed by many wooden writing tablets fused. It was formed from the grudge of a scribe punished for writing down the king's wicked deeds. Finally, Chi-Yu was the Beads of Ruin due to the beads being used for possible religious rituals and to ward off disasters. It was formed from the envy of people who waged wars over the beads in the past.

As a result, these incarnations of disasters proceed to run rampant in an uncontrollable rage. The king proceeded to call for well-known Pokémon wielders of that time to stop the treasures of ruin. After engaging in a fierce battle to protect the ruined country, these Pokémon were defeated and calmed. The four were then sealed in their respective shrines located through Paldea such as Socarrat Trail, West Province (Area One), South Province (Area One), and North Province (Area Two). The ancient Pokémon wielders used eight sacred stakes each for the seals and scattered them around the region to keep the four safely locked away. The only way to free the treasures of ruin is to remove the stakes by someone who has a pure heart and a strong bond with Pokémon.

The Explorers and Laqua

100 year ago, an adventurer named Lucius alongside his Black Rayquaza travelled all over the world through different regions seeking a mysterious Pokémon paradise told in fairytales, Laqua. At some point, he also got a copy of Heath's Scarlet Book, which granted him knowledge about Terapagos. While visiting a city during his travels, he saved another adventurer named Rystal, as she was being chased by thieves who wanted her Terapagos, Pagogo. Since then, she joined Lucius in his quest. During their next travels, Lucius met and caught five other Pokémon: an Arboliva, a Galarian Moltres, a Lapras, a Kleavor, and a Entei, who alongside Rayquaza, came to be known as the Six Heroes. At some point of their journey, Rystal became pregnant with a daughter by Lucius. While the two were looking for more information on Laqua, a couple started mocking them for being adults and still believing in Laqua, but another adventurer named Gibeon defended them by showing every record and data of Laqua. Since then, he joined them in their quest alongside his White Zygarde.

After the trio founded the Explorers, as the three original members, they managed to find and reach Laqua, located 100 days and 100 nights away from Paldea, thanks to Lucius's Rayquaza. They explored Laqua together and found many Legendary Pokémon living peacefully there. As they looked deeper, they discovered plants overgrowing to the point of causing huge damage to the paradise's environment. Looking further in, they discovered a cluster of pink crystals that'd be later named Laquium, which are stimulating the growth of the plants around it. While Lucius and Rystal decided to leave Laqua, concerned of the Laquium's effect on them, Gibeon chose to stay and use his Zygarde in an attempt to dig the Laquium out, fascinated with its power beyond human comprehension. However, in response, the crystals started expanding and spreading out its mist in the air, creating cracks on the ground, making wild Pokémon go feral, and growing plants far beyond their limit. Fearing this might destroy the world, Lucius releases his Six Heroes, however, their efforts are in vain. Gibeon's Zygarde even goes against its trainer's orders and sacrifices its Cells in an attempt to seal it away, which also fails, causing it to loose its 50% Form and for Gibeon to fall into a crack as a result. Lucius and Rystal's determination prompts Pagogo to change into its Stellar Form and use the Six Heroes to seal away all the Laquium crystal and mist inside a giant shield. As a result, Lucius is left stuck in Laqua, the Six Heroes and their Poké Balls are scattered around the world by an explosion, and Terapagos falls into a 100 years hybernation, however, Rystal managed to leave the paradise with Pagogo in the form of a pendant, but kept all this history from her daughter Leila.


According to legends, research by the Area Zero expedition team, and the Pokédex, Terapagos was once an ancient species that existed in the Paldea region about two million years ago. However, it supposedly went extinct due to seismic shifts that also created the Area Zero Underdepths. Unknown to anyone, one specimen survived the event by crystallizing its own body, getting trapped underground and proceeding to enter a deep hibernation. One million years later, the Great Crater of Paldea and Area Zero were formed supposedly due to the same seismic shifts.

998,000 years ago after the crater was formed, the emperor of the Paldean Empire started the Great Age of Exploration to find Terapagos, that was known as the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. Despite the many expeditions, no one was able to find Terapagos as it kept slumbering there. The Paldean Empire collapsed after 1,000 years of the wasted expense of support or countless failed Area Zero expeditions. Thus, Terapagos and Area Zero remain a mystery.

996,800 years ago after the fall of the Paldean Empire, the Area Zero Exploration Team would be the first to reach the bottom of Area Zero. At one point while exploring the depths of Area Zero, one of its members Heath strayed from his team and fell into Area Zero Underdepths unconscious. When he woke up, he encountered Terapagos and gave the Legendary Pokémon its name. He would later write his notes on it through the Scarlet BookS/Violet BookV. However, for reasons unknown, Heath will cover the evidence on Terapagos in copies except the original. People also accused Heath and his team of making up Terapagos and the other discoveries in Area Zero. So the whole team was discredited.

140 years to the present day, the Terastal phenomenon was discovered, having been created by Terapagos during the years it slumbers, and crystals form over time. However, there was no way to remove the discovery outside of the crater without it disappearing. Terpagos was later seen by Professor SadaS/Professor TuroV 10 years before the present day who researched it during their stay in Area Zero.


Loyal Three

There are two legends of the Royal Three for their role in Kitakami's history. The false legend is based on the villager's story. Plus, the actual legend is based on the mask maker's story.

According to the villagers of Kitakami, the Loyal Three were once normal Pokémon. Okidogi was small and weak, Munkidori clumsy and dim-witted, and Fezandipiti had short, dull feathers. However, one day their wishes led them to obtain purple chains made of toxins, granting them respectively from a Pokémon name Pecharunt. Okidogi received a powerful physique by stimulating their muscles, Munkidori received psychic powers due to the brain being stimulated, and Fezandipiti became more beautiful along with a lovely voice.

False Legend

According to the false legend, the trio of Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti were visiting Kitakami when an enraged Ogerpon appeared to terrorize the village. The trio bravely sacrifice themselves to drive the ogre back into the Oni Mountain. In gratitude, they were named the Loyal Three and the Heroes of Kitakami in honor of their sacrifice. They were then given a proper burial at the Loyal Three Mounument in Loyalty Plaza, and statues based on the trio were created for them. The Festival of Masks is celebrated every year to honor the Loyal Three. The villagers believed worshiping the trio would grant them kindness, success, and good luck. Plus, it helped ensure the people that things will be 'okey-dokey', hunky-dory, and serendipitous in the end.

True Legend

According to the ancient mask maker, the Royal Three were a group of three greedy Pokémon that stole treasures for themselves and their master Pecharunt. Long ago, the trio and their master traveled from a distant land into Kitakami. The reason was due to they had heard rumors about four exquisite, shining masks being seen in the land. Wanting to steal the masks for themselves, they located the owners of the said masks, it was a man and Ogerpon who came from a foreign land, residing in the Dreaded Den. While Ogerpon was away, the trio sneaked into the cave to steal the masks, only for the man to confront them. After attacking the man, the trio makes off with the Wellspring Mask, the Hearthflame Mask, and the Cornerstone Mask. However, the man managed to retain the Teal Mask. Several hours later, as the three Pokémon were gloating over the masks they stole, Ogerpon discovered them. Realizing what they have done, a vengeful Ogerpon kills them in retaliation. Unfortunately, the nearby villagers misunderstood the situation. They mistakenly believed the three Pokémon had died protecting their home from a terrifying, rampaging "ogre". Because of their "sacrifice", the villagers honored them with the name the Loyal Three, treating them with care. Because of this, the wounded Ogerpon returned to her cave alone in sorrow. The bodies of the Loyal Three were then buried in a monument dedicated to them, erected on top of a hill near the village. The surrounding area was named the Loyal Three Park, later renamed Loyalty Plaza.

Only the village mask maker knew what happened. When he tried to explain it, the other villagers refused to believe him, calling him a heretic as a result. To protect his family, he kept the truth hidden from everyone except his family to avoid the village's wrath. The family then passed the truth down to their descendants as a closely, guarded family secret. Meanwhile, the Loyal Three were unjustly honored as heroes by the people of Kitakami for generations. They do this through the Festival of Masks.


Ogerpon has two legends to it. The false legend is based on the villagers' story, while the true version of the legend is based on the mask maker's story.

False Legend

According to the folks of Kitakami, Ogerpon was a fearsome ogre that resided in the land of Kitakami, living in the Oni Mountain. It has access to the elements of grass, fire, water, and stone through its masks. It regularly terrorizes anyone who enters the Dreaded Den. One fateful day, Ogerpon emerged from the mountain in a terrifying rage, its presence causing great fear. Luckily, a trio of Pokémon called Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti were near the village it appeared in. At the cost of their lives, they drove Ogerpon back into the Oni Mountain. The trio were able to steal three masks from the ogre, weakening Ogerpon in the progress. The masks were then stored away at the Kitakami Hall for safekeeping.

There is a tale where a human should be wary if they see a shadowy figure approach Kitakami at twilight. If they see the shadow, they must put on a mask to hide their face. If the shadow is a man or a monster, they will be safe thanks to the mask hiding their identity. However, if one meets the shadow without a mask, one must pray it is just a man. If it is one of those two, they will live to see another day, never forgetting to wear a mask during the night. If the shadow is the ogre, the person will meet their end. By seeing Ogerpon's face, the person's life is forfeited, unable to return to Kitakami.

True Legend

According to the mask masker, Ogerpon was a kind and gentle Pokémon. The duo traveled from an unknown land into Kitakami. However, the dup were shunned by the people of Kitakami due to their strange appearance. As a result, the duo settled down with living in the Dreaded Den, in the nearby Oni Mountain, separating them from the villagers. Luckily, the village mask-maker took pity on the pair. He proceeded to craft four beautiful masks for them. The masks were created from brilliant jewels he brought from the Paldea region. This allowed the duo to hide their true face, blending in with the villagers. The man and Ogerpon were in gratitude for the mask masker's kindness. The duo then participated in the village festival. The pair became famous in Kitakami as a result. The main reason was due to the villagers often talking about their brilliant maks.

However, their fame would ultimately bring tragedy and trouble. One fateful day, three greedy Pokémon along with their master: Okidogi, Munkidori, Fezandipiti, and Pecharunt traveled to Kitakami due to the rumors of four brilliant masks. Upon finding the Dreaded Den in Oni Mountain, the trio ambushed Ogerpon's companion, managing to steal all but the Teal Mask. When Ogerpon returned several hours later, there was no trace of the mysterious man. All that remained were signs of a struggle and the Teal Mask.

Ogerpon puts on the Teal Mask and travels to Kitakami to find its missing friend. Instead, it found Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti gloating about the stolen masks they took from Ogerpon's friend. Filled with deep rage, Ogerpon attacked and defeated the three Pokémon in revenge. However, while consumed in deep anger, Ogerpon unwittingly made the villagers fear it even more. This misunderstanding leads the villagers to believe the trio gave up their lives to drive away Ogerpon. Thus, Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti were honored by the misguided villagers. The villagers renamed the trio as the Loyal Three. Ashamed of its actions, Ogerpon returned to the Dreaded Den alone and filled with great sadness. It would spend many years alone ever since.

The mask maker tried to tell the truth about what happened. Instead, he was met with disbelief by the villagers, calling him a heretic. Thus, he had no choice but to keep the truth hidden. He did it to protect his family from the village's wrath. This became a closely guarded family secret for his descendants. Ogerpon is honored as a villain during the Festival of Maks.

Unknown region

This section is for myths and legends that are not related to any specific region.

Sinjoh Ruins

Hundreds of years ago in an unknown region, the Sinjoh Ruins were built by two different groups of people. One group originated from Sinnoh while the second originated from Johto. The ruins contained an element of both Spear Pillar and Ruins of Alph along with the culture of both regions. The former temple was built to honor Arceus, the Pokémon of Myth, and the Unown.

Meltan and Melmetal

According to the ancient texts and research by Professor Willow, Melmetal existed 3,000 years ago living in a secluded place filled with sedimentary rocks rich containing magnetite. It was worshipped for the ability to create iron out of nothing, which was used to create special and unique metal tools. At some point, Melmetal reached its life's end and rusted before splitting into multiple Meltan. Its followers wanted to keep the Meltan safe, so they placed them into the Mystery Box, serving as the only way for Melmetal to return. The box can only be unlocked when air from any natural environment is exposed.

Legends from a distant land, perhaps the same one where Meltan and Melmetal originated from, speak of a cyclopean giant, however, the giant was in reality a Melmetal that that was flooded with Dynamax energy and became Gigantamaxed.


This story on Pecharunt is an untold tale in the land of Kitakami. A long time ago, in a faraway land, lived an old married couple. The old couple had no children of their own. Instead, they had chosen to take care of a small, timid Mythical Pokémon named Pecharunt. The old couple loved and cared deeply for Pecharunt. Desiring more of their affection, Pecharunt created Binding Mochi through the poison within its body. By feeding them the Binding Mochi, the old couple became enthralled by its delicious taste and fell under Pecharunt's control. The Binding Mochi it made drew out the greed of the old couple who consumed it. Afterward, the couple constantly asks Pechraunt for requests and little things. Eager to gain more love from the couple's wishes, Pecharunt used the Binding Moichi and Toxic Chains to tame a smaller and weaker Pokémon. As a result, the Pokémon turns into the muscular Okidogi, the first of Pecharunt's retainers. It then commanded Okidogi to deliver the gifts to the couple tomorrow morning. These deeds allowed the couple's love for Pecharunt to grow even more.

One fateful day, the old couple makes a peculiar request for Pecharunt. They requested Pecharunt bring them a brilliant set of masks, rumored to be found the land of Kitakami. Pecharunt was eager to do the request, having grown tired of completing the same, old requests. Pecharunt proceeds to leave the village for Kitakami along with Okidogi, very eager to grant the couple's wish. Needing an additional companion, Pecharunt used the Binding Mochi and Toxic Chains to tame a clumsy, dim-witted Pokémon. This Pokémon became the clever Munkidori who had the power to see into the near future. It also became Pecharunt's second retainer. Still worried for its safety, Pecharunt used its power again to tame a Pokémon with short, dull feathers into becoming its third retainer. This bird Pokémon transformed into the beautiful Fezandipiti who had the power to expel mesmerizing pheromones. Now feeling safe and secure, Pecharunt and its three retainers begin their journey to Kitakami. The journey took them through fields, mountains, and seas before finally reaching their destination.

Hiding in the woods during the annual Kitakami festival, Pecharunt and its retainers witness two figures with glittering masks. The duo was Ogerpon and its partner. As a result, Pecharunt finds the owners of the masks it seeks. During the evening, the cautious Pecharunt had Munkidori track down where the two lived. Upon reaching the Dreaded Den of Oni Mountain, it commanded Okidogi and Fezandipiti to sneak into the cave to obtain the four masks while Ogerpon and its partner were away. Before the duo could leave with the stolen masks, Ogerpon's partner returned and attacked the intruders to reclaim the stolen masks. Okidogi and Fezandipiti had no choice but to fight back. Eventually, the duo escaped and returned to Pecharunt and Munkidori with three masks, while the Teal Mask remained with the injured man. The thieving Pokémon ran away to a hidden spot.

At that moment, Pecharunt was pleased the glittering masks belonged to it. Finally, Pecharunt felt it could return home to the old couple and that they would love it even more. However, its joy quickly faded away when the vengeful Ogerpon arrived for revenge for their actions. The panicked Pecharunt used its Binding Mochi to command its retainers to defend and defeat the enraged Ogerpon. Despite their best attempt and numbers, they could not stop Ogerpon's terrifying rampage. Ogerpon proceeds to defeat Pecharunt's retainers, killing them in the process. As Ogerpon drew near, the terrified Pecharunt accepted that its fate was sealed and that it lost everything. Ogerpon launched a final aerial strike to injure Pecharunt. While it launches through the air, Pecharunt used the last of its reaming energy to withdraw into its shell.

The shell fell and proceeded to roll and roll until it stopped in the nearby forest. According to the final part of the tale, Pecharunt is still out there, resting and waiting for the day it will awaken and fulfill the old couple's wish at last. At some point, the old lady found the sleeping Pecharunt and placed it in her store; Peachy's at Mossui Town, having mistaken it for a decoration. As the years go by, the people of Kitakami call this mysterious declaration the Never-Rotting Peach.[6]


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