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Revision as of 19:11, 19 July 2022

Main article: List of Battle Tower Trainers (Diamond and Pearl)

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Lass in the Sinnoh Battle Tower in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

Ebony, Jenny and Arianna

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0001 Bulbasaur (Pokémon) Bulbasaur BrightPowder BrightPowder Razor Leaf Take Down Sleep Powder Sweet Scent Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0004 Charmander (Pokémon) Charmander Scope Lens Scope Lens Fire Fang Metal Claw SmokeScreen Scary Face Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0007 Squirtle (Pokémon) Squirtle Focus Band Focus Band Aqua Jet Bite Withdraw Protect Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0152 Chikorita (Pokémon) Chikorita BrightPowder BrightPowder Secret Power Bullet Seed Growl Light Screen Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0155 Cyndaquil (Pokémon) Cyndaquil Focus Sash Focus Sash Flame Wheel Swift Quick Attack SmokeScreen Docile 252 - - 252 - -
0158 Totodile (Pokémon) Totodile Scope Lens Scope Lens Slash Water Pulse Screech Scary Face Bashful 252 - - 252 - -
0252 Treecko (Pokémon) Treecko Big Root Big Root Mega Drain Aerial Ace Flash Double Team Quirky 252 - - 252 - -
0255 Torchic (Pokémon) Torchic Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Fire Spin Quick Attack Sand-Attack Double Team Lonely 252 - - 252 - -
0258 Mudkip (Pokémon) Mudkip Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Whirlpool Endeavor Mud Sport Mud-Slap Docile 252 - - 252 - -
0387 Turtwig (Pokémon) Turtwig Occa Berry Occa Berry Grass Knot Bite Curse Withdraw Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0390 Chimchar (Pokémon) Chimchar Passho Berry Passho Berry Ember Fury Swipes Nasty Plot Fake Out Hardy - 252 - 252 - -
0393 Piplup (Pokémon) Piplup Wacan Berry Wacan Berry BubbleBeam Peck Growl Mist Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0401 Kricketot (Pokémon) Kricketot Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Bide Growl - - Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0440 Happiny (Pokémon) Happiny Lucky Punch Lucky Punch Sweet Kiss Pound Refresh Charm Adamant 252 - 252 - - -
0412 Burmy (Pokémon) Burmy Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Tackle Protect - - Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0292 Shedinja (Pokémon) Shedinja Lax Incense Lax Incense Shadow Sneak Confuse Ray X-Scissor Sand-Attack Brave - 252 - - - 252
0396 Starly (Pokémon) Starly Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Wing Attack Quick Attack Growl Endeavor Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0415 Combee (Pokémon) Combee Quick Claw Quick Claw Sweet Scent Gust - - Modest - - - 252 - 252
0399 Bidoof (Pokémon) Bidoof Focus Band Focus Band Headbutt Pluck Growl Yawn Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0403 Shinx (Pokémon) Shinx King's Rock King's Rock Spark Bite Roar Leer Hardy - 252 - - - 252
0420 Cherubi (Pokémon) Cherubi Occa Berry Occa Berry Magical Leaf Leech Seed Helping Hand Take Down Modest - - - 252 - 252
0406 Budew (Pokémon) Budew Big Root Big Root Mega Drain Stun Spore Growth Worry Seed Timid - - - 252 - 252
0433 Chingling (Pokémon) Chingling Grip Claw Grip Claw Wrap Confusion Uproar Growl Docile - 252 - 252 - -
0447 Riolu (Pokémon) Riolu Expert Belt Expert Belt Force Palm Counter Foresight Screech Adamant - - - 252 - 252
0438 Bonsly (Pokémon) Bonsly Passho Berry Passho Berry Fake Tears Rock Throw Copycat Low Kick Careful 252 252 - - - -
0353 Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Grudge Knock Off Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0355 Duskull (Pokémon) Duskull Spell Tag Spell Tag Shadow Sneak Will-O-Wisp Disable Confuse Ray Quirky 252 - - - - 252
0037 Vulpix (Pokémon) Vulpix Focus Sash Focus Sash Will-O-Wisp Confuse Ray Fire Spin Quick Attack Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0025 Pikachu (Pokémon) Pikachu Light Ball Light Ball ThunderPunch Thunder Wave Double Team Quick Attack Docile - 252 - - - 252
0027 Sandshrew (Pokémon) Sandshrew Soft Sand Soft Sand Dig Rock Tomb Sandstorm Sand-Attack Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0074 Geodude (Pokémon) Geodude Focus Band Focus Band Magnitude Rock Blast Strength Protect Brave 252 252 - - - -
0147 Dratini (Pokémon) Dratini Persim Berry Persim Berry Outrage Thunder Wave Supersonic Water Pulse Docile 252 - - 252 - -
0209 Snubbull (Pokémon) Snubbull Scope Lens Scope Lens Bite Charm Swagger Scary Face Brave 252 252 - - - -
0223 Remoraid (Pokémon) Remoraid Petaya Berry Petaya Berry BubbleBeam Aurora Beam Psybeam Protect Quirky - - - 252 - 252
0246 Larvitar (Pokémon) Larvitar Persim Berry Persim Berry Thrash Rock Slide Dig Dragon Dance Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0343 Baltoy (Pokémon) Baltoy Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Psybeam AncientPower Light Screen Mud-Slap Naughty - 252 - 252 - -
0361 Snorunt (Pokémon) Snorunt King's Rock King's Rock Icy Wind Headbutt Leer Bite Brave 252 252 - - - -
0371 Bagon (Pokémon) Bagon Liechi Berry Liechi Berry DragonBreath Headbutt Brick Break Scary Face Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0436 Bronzor (Pokémon) Bronzor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Confusion Hypnosis Confuse Ray Gyro Ball Hardy - 252 - 252 - -
0443 Gible (Pokémon) Gible Soft Sand Soft Sand Dragon Rage Dig Sand Tomb Sand-Attack Brave 252 252 - - - -
0453 Croagunk (Pokémon) Croagunk Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Mud-Slap Taunt Swagger Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0048 Venonat (Pokémon) Venonat Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psybeam Supersonic Stun Spore Skill Swap Relaxed 252 - - 252 - -
0066 Machop (Pokémon) Machop Scope Lens Scope Lens Seismic Toss Revenge Rock Tomb Scary Face Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0238 Smoochum (Pokémon) Smoochum BrightPowder BrightPowder Sweet Kiss Sing Confusion Fake Out Docile 252 - - 252 - -
0318 Carvanha (Pokémon) Carvanha Shell Bell Shell Bell Bite Screech Scary Face Swagger Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0322 Numel (Pokémon) Numel Lax Incense Lax Incense Ember Magnitude Rock Tomb Sandstorm Hardy 252 252 - - - -
0341 Corphish (Pokémon) Corphish Mystic Water Mystic Water Crabhammer Water Pulse ViceGrip Protect Brave 252 - - 252 - -
0084 Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fury Attack Uproar Quick Attack Faint Attack Lonely 252 - - - - 252
0333 Swablu (Pokémon) Swablu Mental Herb Mental Herb Take Down Dream Eater Sing Attract Lonely - 252 - 252 - -
0431 Glameow (Pokémon) Glameow Quick Claw Quick Claw Fake Out Fury Swipes Captivate Attract Hardy 252 252 - - - -

Donna and Mckenna

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0003 Venusaur (Pokémon) Venusaur Big Root Big Root Leech Seed Ingrain Giga Drain Sleep Powder Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0006 Charizard (Pokémon) Charizard Scope Lens Scope Lens Flare Blitz Aerial Ace Crunch Dragon Claw Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0009 Blastoise (Pokémon) Blastoise Power Herb Power Herb Skull Bash Earthquake Waterfall Aqua Jet Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0154 Meganium (Pokémon) Meganium Occa Berry Occa Berry SolarBeam Sunny Day Synthesis AncientPower Modest - - - 252 - 252
0157 Typhlosion (Pokémon) Typhlosion Salac Berry Salac Berry Blast Burn Earthquake Endure Reversal Docile - 252 - 252 - -
0160 Feraligatr (Pokémon) Feraligatr Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Hydro Pump Ice Beam Dragon Pulse AncientPower Modest - - - 252 - 252
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile BrightPowder BrightPowder Energy Ball Dragon Pulse Focus Blast Agility Timid - - - 252 - 252
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Salac Berry Salac Berry Endure Reversal Sand-Attack Double Team Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Lum Berry Lum Berry Earthquake Waterfall Hammer Arm Curse Adamant 170 170 - - 170 -
0389 Torterra (Pokémon) Torterra White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Worry Seed Earthquake Bite Quiet 170 170 - 170 - -
0392 Infernape (Pokémon) Infernape Muscle Band Muscle Band Blaze Kick Shadow Claw Brick Break Bulk Up Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0395 Empoleon (Pokémon) Empoleon Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Drill Peck Brick Break Aqua Jet Ice Beam Docile 170 170 - 170 - -
0051 Dugtrio (Pokémon) Dugtrio BrightPowder BrightPowder Swagger Attract Sand-Attack Sucker Punch Careful 170 170 - - - 170
0105 Marowak (Pokémon) Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Double-Edge Aerial Ace Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Salac Berry Salac Berry Endure Reversal Psycho Cut ThunderPunch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0195 Quagsire (Pokémon) Quagsire Focus Sash Focus Sash Counter Focus Punch Yawn Ice Beam Brave 252 - - - 252 -
0210 Granbull (Pokémon) Granbull Muscle Band Muscle Band Fire Fang Frustration Brick Break Thunder Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0124 Jynx (Pokémon) Jynx Odd Incense Odd Incense Lovely Kiss Dream Eater Wake-Up Slap Energy Ball Naive 252 - - - - 252
0122 Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime Light Clay Light Clay Psybeam Reflect Light Screen Role Play Calm 170 170 - 170 - -
0171 Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn Expert Belt Expert Belt Thunderbolt Charge Take Down Surf Careful - 170 - - 170 170
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Big Root Big Root Sky Uppercut Focus Punch Drain Punch Swords Dance Gentle - 170 - - 170 170
0205 Forretress (Pokémon) Forretress Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Payback Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Lonely - - - 252 252 -
0227 Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory Occa Berry Occa Berry Swift Metal Sound Double Team Sand-Attack Jolly 170 - 170 - - 170
0359 Absol (Pokémon) Absol Focus Sash Focus Sash Swagger Punishment Sucker Punch Taunt Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Fissure Amnesia Spark Rest Sassy 252 - 252 - - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Quick Claw Quick Claw Belly Drum Brick Break Earthquake Stone Edge Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0416 Vespiquen (Pokémon) Vespiquen Leftovers Leftovers Double Team Defend Order Heal Order Toxic Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Focus Band Focus Band ThunderPunch Feint Brick Break Double Team Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0087 Dewgong (Pokémon) Dewgong Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Encore Disable Rest Ice Beam Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Thunderbolt Crunch Roar Thunder Wave Hardy - 170 - 170 - 170
0398 Staraptor (Pokémon) Staraptor Razor Claw Razor Claw Brave Bird Roost Endure Endeavor Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0423 Gastrodon (Pokémon) Gastrodon BrightPowder BrightPowder Mud Bomb Surf Ice Beam Yawn Sassy - - 170 170 170 -
0435 Skuntank (Pokémon) Skuntank Leftovers Leftovers Dark Pulse Flamethrower Toxic Double Team Timid - - 252 - - 252
0045 Vileplume (Pokémon) Vileplume Black Sludge Black Sludge Toxic Grass Knot Double Team Attract Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0071 Victreebel (Pokémon) Victreebel Scope Lens Scope Lens Razor Leaf Leaf Storm Swords Dance Stun Spore Jolly - - 252 - - 252
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Magnet Rise Charge Beam Hyper Beam Thunder Wave Timid - - - 252 - 252
0272 Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Double Team Toxic Substitute Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry Quick Claw Quick Claw Explosion Fake Out X-Scissor Faint Attack Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0295 Exploud (Pokémon) Exploud Leftovers Leftovers Rest Sleep Talk Return Double Team Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0362 Glalie (Pokémon) Glalie Leftovers Leftovers Double Team Sheer Cold Rest Sleep Talk Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0428 Lopunny (Pokémon) Lopunny Focus Band Focus Band Return Charm Encore Captivate Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0478 Froslass (Pokémon) Froslass Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Ominous Wind Blizzard Attract Captivate Quirky - - - 252 - 252
0424 Ambipom (Pokémon) Ambipom Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Swift Nasty Plot Modest - - - 170 170 170
0097 Hypno (Pokémon) Hypno Focus Band Focus Band Psychic Focus Blast Thunder Wave Calm Mind Modest 170 - 170 170 - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Focus Band Focus Band Sandstorm Defense Curl Rock Blast Gyro Ball Brave 170 - 170 - 170 -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Smooth Rock Smooth Rock Rock Blast Fire Fang Sandstorm Avalanche Brave 170 170 - - 170 -
0080 Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro Lum Berry Lum Berry Yawn Zen Headbutt Earthquake Brick Break Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0110 Weezing (Pokémon) Weezing BrightPowder BrightPowder Sludge Screech Will-O-Wisp Swagger Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0115 Kangaskhan (Pokémon) Kangaskhan Focus Sash Focus Sash Endure Reversal Leer Double Hit Impish 252 252 - - - -
0128 Tauros (Pokémon) Tauros Leftovers Leftovers Take Down Payback Stone Edge Substitute Adamant 170 170 170 - - -

Battle Tower Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
CamperClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerFishermanGentleman
GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPoké KidPokéfanPolicemanPsychicRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSocialiteTuber