Unown Dimension

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Unown Dimension
Unown M03.png
Unown in the Unown Dimension
Region None
Debut Spell of the Unown: Entei

The Unown Dimension is an alternate dimension that is most notable as the natural home of Unown. It has made a number of appearances in the anime. The dimension seems to have an unusually strong link with Ash's world.

The dimension was first seen in Spell of the Unown: Entei. While researching ruins with depictions of the Unown, Spencer Hale was transported into the dimension. His daughter, Molly, inherited a puzzle box found there that gave her contact with the Unown, who granted her wishes. Such was the strength of the world she created that an opening to the dimension appeared in the entrance hall of her mansion. During this time, the Unown gained powerful control over Greenfield but all contact with the dimension ended after Molly wished for things to go back to the way they had been before.

The Unown and their dimension were explained in greater detail in Address Unown!. A portal to the dimension was opened above Mt. Silver, and an Unown fell out and became sick with a fever. It had little trouble returning when it was in good health.

In The Rise of Darkrai, this dimension became the battleground of Dialga and Palkia before their battle moved to Alamos Town. The presence of the Unown during their preliminary battle suggested that the Unown Dimension represented here is the same as that in Address Unown! and Spell of the Unown: Entei. Arceus and the Jewel of Life also suggested that the Unown Dimension collided with the colliding dimensions of Dialga and Palkia.

The Unown Dimension made its most recent appearance in PK21.

Other anime-exclusive locations
Region unknown: Bloom CanyonBrindille TownCero IslandForest of OkoyaFula CityGanga Town
Genesect's homeInua TownLapidarian HighlandsLapras SeaLaquaLaxton FarmMarnya's house
Milyfa TownMocha TownMount TenseiNorth PolePigton TownPokémon Nurse School
Raizen MountainsSamiyaSento Cherry TownSlowpoke IslandSteelbound TownTonari Town
Extraterrestrial locations: Millennium Comet
Inter-dimensional locations: Deoxys's unnamed worldGhost WorldMirror WorldPoipole's worldReverse WorldUnown Dimension
Mystery Dungeon world: Sinister Cave
Pokémon Concierge: Pokémon Resort
Anime-location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

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