Pleasant Forest (Dream World)

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Revision as of 07:43, 29 August 2011 by Bluesun (talk | contribs) (ugh, bad guide. move confirmed myself to be Synthesis.)
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Pleasant Forest ちいさな森
Small Forest
Pleasant Forest.png

Pleasant Forest (Japanese: ちいさな森 Small Forest) is the starting area of the Island of Dreams in the Pokémon Dream World.


Pokémon Level Availability Ability Featured moves Mini-games
019Rattata Dream.png Rattata Lv. 10 Default Hustle A Quick Attack Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Me First Normal
C Iron Tail Steel
File:029Nidoran♀ Dream.png Nidoran♀ Lv. 10 Default Hustle A Scratch Normal N/A Sky Race
B Sucker Punch Dark
C Super Fang Normal
File:032Nidoran♂ Dream.png Nidoran♂ Lv. 10 Default Hustle A Peck Flying Sky Race N/A
B Counter Fighting
C Super Fang Normal
043Oddish Dream.png Oddish Lv. 10 Default Run Away A Sweet Scent Normal Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Teeter Dance Normal
C Giga Drain Grass
069Bellsprout Dream.png Bellsprout Lv. 10 Default Gluttony A Vine Whip Grass Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Synthesis Grass
C Seed Bomb Grass
077Ponyta Dream.png Ponyta Lv. 10 Default Flame Body A Tackle Normal Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Thrash Normal
C Heat Wave Fire
083Farfetch'd Dream.png Farfetch'd Lv. 10 Default Defiant A Fury Cutter Bug Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Roost Flying
C Leaf Blade Grass
084Doduo Dream.png Doduo Lv. 10 Default Tangled Feet A Growl Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Flail Normal
C Roost Flying
102Exeggcute Dream.png Exeggcute Lv. 10 Default Harvest A Barrage Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Synthesis Grass
C Giga Drain Grass
108Lickitung Dream.png Lickitung Lv. 10 Default Cloud Nine A Lick Ghost Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Sleep Talk Normal
C Rock Climb Normal
114Tangela Dream.png Tangela Lv. 10 Default Regenerator A Sleep Powder Grass Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Leech Seed Grass
C Seed Bomb Grass
115Kangaskhan Dream.png Kangaskhan Lv. 10 Default Inner Focus A Fake Out Normal N/A Pokémon Seek
B Counter Fighting
C Drain Punch Fighting
161Sentret Dream.png Sentret Lv. 10 Default Frisk A Scratch Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Endure Normal
C Covet Normal
174Igglybuff Dream.png Igglybuff Lv. 10 Default Friend Guard A Sing Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Fake Tears Dark
C Helping Hand Normal
179Mareep Dream.png Mareep Lv. 10 Default Plus A ThunderShock Electric Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Reflect Psychic
C Shock Wave Electric
187Hoppip Dream.png Hoppip Lv. 10 Default Infiltrator A Synthesis Grass [[List of Pokémon Dream World mini-games#Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop|Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop
[[List of Pokémon Dream World mini-games#Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop|Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop
B Helping Hand Normal
C Bullet Seed Grass
191Sunkern Dream.png Sunkern Lv. 10 Default Early Bird A Mega Drain Grass Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Sweet Scent Normal
C Earth Power Ground
234Stantler Dream.png Stantler Lv. 10 Default Sap Sipper A Tackle Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Disable Normal
C Skill Swap Psychic
261Poochyena Dream.png Poochyena Lv. 10 Default Rattled A Howl Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Poison Fang Poison
C Dark Pulse Dark
270Lotad Dream.png Lotad Lv. 10 Default Own Tempo A Absorb Grass Wailord's Water Spout Ice Cream Scoop
B Leech Seed Grass
C Water Pulse Water
276Taillow Dream.png Taillow Lv. 10 Default Scrappy A Peck Flying Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Mirror Move Flying
C Tailwind Flying
283Surskit Dream.png Surskit Lv. 10 Default Rain Dish A Bubble Water Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Hydro Pump Water
C Giga Drain Grass
399Bidoof Dream.png Bidoof Lv. 10 Default Moody A Tackle Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Aqua Tail Water
C Secret Power Normal
403Shinx Dream.png Shinx Lv. 10 Default Guts A Charge Electric Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Magnet Rise Electric
C Night Slash Dark
054Psyduck Dream.png Psyduck Lv. 10 After 7500
Swift Swim A Water Sport Water Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Encore Normal
C Brine Water
058Growlithe Dream.png Growlithe Lv. 10 After 7500
Justified A Bite Dark Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Body Slam Normal
C Endure Normal
123Scyther Dream.png Scyther Lv. 10 After 7500
Steadfast A Quick Attack Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Baton Pass Normal
C Tailwind Flying
128Tauros Dream.png Tauros Lv. 10 After 7500
Sheer Force A Rage Normal Pokémon Seek N/A
B Iron Tail Steel
C Rock Climb Normal
183Marill Dream.png Marill Lv. 10 After 7500
Sap Sipper A Defense Curl Normal [[List of Pokémon Dream World mini-games#Wailord's Water Spout
Pokémon Seek|Wailord's Water Spout
Pokémon Seek
Pokémon Seek
B Aqua Jet Water
C Ice Punch Ice
185Sudowoodo Dream.png Sudowoodo Lv. 10 After 7500
Rattled A Flail Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Rollout Rock
C Role Play Psychic
203Girafarig Dream.png Girafarig Lv. 10 After 7500
Sap Sipper A Confusion Psychic Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Mirror Coat Psychic
C Skill Swap Psychic
241Miltank Dream.png Miltank Lv. 10 After 7500
Sap Sipper A Defense Curl Normal N/A Pokémon Seek
B Curse Ghost
C Iron Tail Steel
263Zigzagoon Dream.png Zigzagoon Lv. 10 After 7500
Quick Feet A Tackle Normal Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Trick Psychic
C Last Resort Normal
309Electrike Dream.png Electrike Lv. 10 After 7500
Minus A Thunder Wave Electric Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Ice Fang Ice
C Signal Beam Bug
File:351Castform Dream.png Castform Lv. 10 After 7500
Forecast A Ember Fire Wailord's Water Spout Ice Cream Scoop
B Ominous Wind Ghost
C Water Pulse Water
417Pachirisu Dream.png Pachirisu Lv. 10 After 7500
Volt Absorb A Quick Attack Normal Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Covet Normal
C Shock Wave Electric
427Buneary Dream.png Buneary Lv. 10 After 7500
Limber A Foresight Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Fake Out Normal
C Drain Punch Fighting
431Glameow Dream.png Glameow Lv. 10 After 7500
Keen Eye A Fake Out Normal Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Assurance Dark
C Secret Power Normal
037Vulpix Dream.png Vulpix Lv. 10 After 10000
Drought A Howl Normal Sky Race Sky Race
B Heat Wave Fire
C Dark Pulse Dark
060Poliwag Dream.png Poliwag Lv. 10 After 10000
Swift Swim A Hypnosis Psychic Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Mist Ice
C Sleep Talk Normal
177Natu Dream.png Natu Lv. 10 After 10000
Magic Bounce A Night Shade Ghost Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B FeatherDance Flying
C Giga Drain Grass
239Elekid Dream.png Elekid Lv. 10 After 10000
Vital Spirit A ThunderShock Electric Sky Race Sky Race
B Cross Chop Fighting
C Magnet Rise Electric
300Skitty Dream.png Skitty Lv. 10 After 10000
Wonder Skin A Foresight Normal Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Tickle Normal
C Captivate Normal
  • If the Pokémon is available by Default, the Pokémon is available upon unlocking the area.
  • The Abilities listed are the Abilities the Pokémon will obtain when obtained from Dream World.
  • The moves the Pokémon has when obtained will depend on the points gained after completing mini-games.
  • Gender unknown Pokémon will have the mini-games to be played to obtain them under both the male and female headers.


Item Availability
Dream Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball Default
Dream Net Ball Sprite.png Net Ball Default
Dream Nest Ball Sprite.png Nest Ball Default
Dream Heal Ball Sprite.png Heal Ball Default
Dream Super Potion Sprite.png Super Potion Default
Dream Cheri Berry Sprite.png Cheri Berry Default
Dream Pecha Berry Sprite.png Pecha Berry Default
Dream Oran Berry Sprite.png Oran Berry Default
Dream Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sitrus Berry Default
Dream Figy Berry Sprite.png Figy Berry Default
Dream Pass Orb Sprite.png Pass Orb Default
Dream Great Ball Sprite.png Great Ball After 7500 Points
Dream Ether Sprite.png Ether After 7500 Points
Dream Mystic Water Sprite.png Mystic Water After 7500 Points
Dream Sharp Beak Sprite.png Sharp Beak After 7500 Points
Dream Moomoo Milk Sprite.png Moomoo Milk After 7500 Points
File:Dream TinyMushroom Sprite.png TinyMushroom After 7500 Points
Dream Lagging Tail Sprite.png Lagging Tail After 7500 Points
Dream Stick Sprite.png Stick After 10000 Points
Dream Big Mushroom Sprite.png Big Mushroom After 10000 Points
Dream Wide Lens Sprite.png Wide Lens After 10000 Points
  • If the item is available by Default, the item
    is available upon unlocking the area.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png European French Bosquet
Germany Flag.png German Kleiner Wald
Italy Flag.png Italian Boschetto
Spain Flag.png European Spanish Bosque Pequeño

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Pokémon Dream World areas
Pleasant ForestWindswept SkySparkling SeaSpooky ManorRugged MountainIcy CaveDream Park
Pokémon Café Forest

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