List of Pokémon by Oblivia Browser number: Difference between revisions

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m (The field move is called Crush)
(Soak + Tackle)
Line 95: Line 95:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 102: Line 102:
| Slam x3
| Tackle x3
Line 137: Line 137:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 144: Line 144:
| Water
| Soak
Line 151: Line 151:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 214: Line 214:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 254: Line 254:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 261: Line 261:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 268: Line 268:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 275: Line 275:
| Water
| Soak
Line 282: Line 282:
| Water x3
| Soak x3
Line 338: Line 338:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 394: Line 394:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 401: Line 401:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 510: Line 510:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 559: Line 559:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 566: Line 566:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 615: Line 615:
| Water
| Soak
Line 622: Line 622:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 629: Line 629:
| Water x3
| Soak x3
Line 636: Line 636:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 643: Line 643:
| Water x3
| Soak x3
Line 664: Line 664:
| Water
| Soak
Line 671: Line 671:
| Water x2  
| Soak x2  
Line 678: Line 678:
| Water x3
| Soak x3
Line 685: Line 685:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 699: Line 699:
| Water
| Soak
Line 706: Line 706:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 713: Line 713:
| Water x3  
| Soak x3  
Line 720: Line 720:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 885: Line 885:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 892: Line 892:
| Slam x2
| Tackle x2
Line 899: Line 899:
| Slam x4
| Tackle x4
Line 1,011: Line 1,011:
| Water x2
| Soak x2
Line 1,018: Line 1,018:
| Slam
| Tackle
Line 1,025: Line 1,025:
| Slam x3
| Tackle x3
Line 1,032: Line 1,032:
| Slam x4
| Tackle x4

Revision as of 07:23, 11 March 2010

050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.


This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the Capture Styler's Browser in the Oblivia region. Oblivia features a different list from the Almia Browser as there are many species that are native to only one of the Ranger-patrolled regions.

List of Pokémon by Browser number

R-001 - R-032 Pidgey - Noctowl

# Name Group Field Move Poké Assist
R-001 016 Pidgey Flying Cut Flying
R-002 017 Pidgeotto Flying Cut x2 Flying
R-003 018 Pidgeot Flying Cut x3 Flying
R-004 172 Pichu Electric Electrify Electric
R-005 025 Pikachu Electric Recharge x3 Recharge
R-006 026 Raichu Electric Recharge x4 Recharge
R-007 179 Mareep Electric Recharge Recharge
R-008 180 Flaaffy Electric Recharge x2 Recharge
R-009 181 Ampharos Electric Recharge x5 Recharge
R-010 191 Sunkern Grass Cut Grass
R-011 192 Sunflora Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-012 161 Sentret Normal Tackle Normal
R-013 162 Furret Normal Tackle x3 Normal
R-014 001 Bulbasaur Grass Cut Grass
R-015 002 Ivysaur Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-016 003 Venusaur Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-017 216 Teddiursa Normal Crush Normal
R-018 217 Ursaring Normal Tackle x2 Normal
R-019 183 Marill Water Soak Water
R-020 184 Azumarill Water Soak x2 Water
R-021 098 Krabby Water Cut Water
R-022 099 Kingler Water Cut x2 Water
R-023 278 Wingull Water Cut Water
R-024 279 Pelipper Water Cut x2 Water
R-025 417 Pachirisu Electric Recharge Recharge
R-026 187 Hoppip Grass Cut Grass
R-027 188 Skiploom Grass Cut Grass
R-028 189 Jumpluff Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-029 401 Kricketot Bug Tackle Bug
R-030 402 Kricketune Bug Cut x2 Bug
R-031 163 Hoothoot Flying Cut Flying
R-032 164 Noctowl Flying Psy Power Flying

R-033 - R-066 Stantler - Gorebyss

# Name Group Field Move Poké Assist
R-033 234 Stantler Normal Tackle x2 Normal
R-034 167 Spinarak Bug Tackle Bug
R-035 168 Ariados Bug Tackle x2 Flying
R-036 418 Buizel Water Soak Water
R-037 419 Floatzel Water Soak x3 Water
R-038 453 Croagunk Poison Crush Poison
R-039 454 Toxicroak Poison Crush x4 Poison
R-040 261 Poochyena Dark Crush Dark
R-041 262 Mightyena Dark Crush x2 Dark
R-042 041 Zubat Poison Cut Poison
R-043 042 Golbat Poison Cut x2 Poison
R-044 169 Crobat Poison Cut x3 Poison
R-045 109 Koffing Poison Tackle x2 Poison
R-046 110 Weezing Poison Crush x2 Poison
R-047 074 Geodude Rock Crush x2 Rock
R-048 075 Graveler Rock Crush x2 Rock
R-049 076 Golem Rock Crush x3 Rock
R-050 408 Cranidos Rock Crush x2 Rock
R-051 409 Rampardos Rock Crush x3 Rock
R-052 206 Dunsparce Normal Crush Normal
R-053 434 Stunky Poison Tackle Poison
R-054 435 Skuntank Poison Tackle x2 Poison
R-055 198 Murkrow Dark Cut Dark
R-056 430 Honchkrow Dark Cut x3 Dark
R-057 251 Celebi Grass None Grass
R-058 131 Lapras Water None Water
R-059 370 Luvdisc Water Cut Water
R-060 170 Chinchou Electric Recharge Recharge
R-061 171 Lanturn Electric Recharge x3 Recharge x3
R-062 458 Mantyke Water Cut Water
R-063 226 Mantine Water Cut x4 Water
R-064 366 Clamperl Water Cut Water
R-065 367 Huntail Water Crush x3 Water
R-066 368 Gorebyss Water Cut x2 Water

R-067 - R-103 Corsola - Hitmontop

# Name Group Field Move Poké Assist
R-067 222 Corsola Water Crush x2 Water
R-068 116 Horsea Water Tackle Water
R-069 117 Seadra Water Crush x2 Water
R-070 230 Kingdra Water Crush x4 Water
R-071 318 Carvanha Water Crush Water
R-072 319 Sharpedo Water Crush x3 Water
R-073 174 Igglybuff Normal Crush Normal
R-074 446 Munchlax Normal Crush Normal
R-075 133 Eevee Normal Tackle x2 Normal
R-076 134 Vaporeon Water Soak x2 Water
R-077 135 Jolteon Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-078 136 Flareon Fire Flame x2 Fire
R-079 196 Espeon Psychic Psy Power x2 Psychic
R-080 197 Umbreon Dark Cut x3 Dark
R-081 470 Leafeon Grass Cut x4 Grass
R-082 471 Glaceon Ice Crush x4 Ice
R-083 393 Piplup Water Soak Water
R-084 394 Prinplup Water Soak x2 Water
R-085 395 Empoleon Water Soak x3 Water
R-086 422E Shellos Water Soak x2 Water
R-087 423E Gastrodon Water Soak x3 Water
R-088 190 Aipom Normal Crush Normal
R-089 424 Ambipom Normal Crush x2 Normal
R-090 158 Totodile Water Soak Water
R-091 159 Croconaw Water Soak x2 Water
R-092 160 Feraligatr Water Soak x3 Water
R-093 165 Ledyba Bug Tackle Bug
R-094 166 Ledian Bug Crush x3 Bug
R-095 258 Mudkip Water Soak Water
R-096 259 Marshtomp Water Soak x2 Water
R-097 260 Swampert Water Soak x3 Water
R-098 438 Bonsly Rock Tackle Rock
R-099 185 Sudowoodo Rock Crush x2 Rock
R-100 236 Tyrogue Fighting Crush Fighting
R-101 106 Hitmonlee Fighting Crush x3 Fighting
R-102 107 Hitmonchan Fighting Crush x2 Fighting
R-103 237 Hitmontop Fighting Crush x3 Fighting

R-104 - R-141 Wobbuffet - Torterra

# Name Group Field Move Poké Assist
R-104 202 Wobbuffet Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-105 309 Electrike Electric Electrify Electric
R-106 310 Manectric Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-107 207 Gligar Ground Cut x2 Ground
R-108 472 Gliscor Ground Cut x4 Ground
R-109 213 Shuckle Rock Crush Rock
R-110 081 Magnemite Electric Recharge Recharge
R-111 082 Magneton Electric Recharge x4 Recharge
R-112 462 Magnezone Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-113 100 Voltorb Electric Electrify Electric
R-114 101 Electrode Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-115 239 Elekid Electric Electrify Electric
R-116 125 Electabuzz Electric Electrify x2 Electric
R-117 466 Electivire Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-118 233 Porygon2 Normal Crush x2 Normal
R-119 474 Porygon-Z Normal Crush x3 Normal
R-120 304 Aron Steel Tackle Steel
R-121 305 Lairon Steel Tackle x2 Steel
R-122 306 Aggron Steel Tackle x4 Steel
R-123 403 Shinx Electric Electrify Electric
R-124 404 Luxray Electric Electrify x2 Electric
R-125 405 Luxray Electric Electrify x3 Electric
R-126 243 Raikou Electric None Electric
R-127 043 Oddish Grass Cut Grass
R-128 044 Gloom Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-129 045 Vileplume Grass Cut x3 Grass
R-130 182 Bellossom Grass Cut x3 Grass
R-131 420 Cherubi Grass Cut Grass
R-132 421 Cherrim Grass Cut x2 Grass
R-133 280 Ralts Psychic Psy Power Psychic
R-134 281 Kirlia Psychic Psy Power x2 Psychic
R-135 282 Gardevoir Psychic Psy Power x3 Psychic
R-136 475 Gallade Fighting Cut x4 Fighting
R-137 399 Bidoof Normal Crush Normal
R-138 400 Bibarel Water Soak x2 Water
R-139 387 Turtwig Grass Tackle Grass
R-140 388 Grotle Grass Tackle x3 Grass
R-141 389 Torterra Grass Tackle x4 Grass


See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting