User:MisterE13/List of modified items: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,015: Line 1,015:
! {{color2|000|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD}}
! {{color2|000|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD}}
| [[Elevator Key]]
| {{OBP|Elevator Key|Orre}}
| Cle de l'Ascenseur
| Cle de l'Ascenseur
| Cle Ascens.
| Cle Ascens.
Line 1,109: Line 1,109:
! {{color2|000|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD}}
! {{color2|000|Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness|XD}}
| [[Elevator Key]]
| {{OBP|Elevator Key|Orre}}
| Liftschlüssel
| Liftschlüssel
| Liftkarte
| Liftkarte

Revision as of 11:28, 2 June 2019

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Some items have had aesthetic changes made to them in the Pokémon core series games. The list is as follows.

Sprite changes

Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV
Item Sprite
Generation III Generation IV
Basement Key Basement Key III Basement Key
Blue Orb Blue Orb III Blue Orb IV
Card Key Card Key III Card Key
Dowsing MCHN* Itemfinder Dowsing MCHN IV
Red Orb Red Orb III Red Orb IV
Storage Key Storage Key III Storage Key IV
Town Map Town Map III Town Map IV
Generation IV to Generation V
Item Sprite
Generation IV Generation V
Dowsing MCHN Dowsing MCHN IV Dowsing MCHN
Lock Capsule Lock Capsule IV Lock Capsule
Lost Item Lost Item IV Lost Item
Lure Ball Lure Ball IV Lure Ball
Park Ball Park Ball IV Park Ball
Generation V to Generation VI
Item Sprite
Generation V Generation VI
Acro Bike Acro Bike III Acro Bike
Amulet Coin Amulet Coin III Amulet Coin
Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle GreenBicycle Yellow
Bug TM TM Bug TM Bug VI
Dark TM TM Dark TM Dark VI
Devon Scope Devon Scope III Devon Scope
Dowsing Machine* Dowsing MCHN Dowsing Machine XY
Dragon TM TM Dragon TM Dragon VI
Electric TM TM Electric TM Electric VI
Fighting HM HM Fighting HM Fighting VI
Fighting TM TM Fighting TM Fighting VI
Fire TM TM Fire TM Fire VI
Flying HM HM Flying HM Flying VI
Flying TM TM Flying TM Flying VI
Ghost TM TM Ghost TM Ghost VI
Go-Goggles Go-Goggles Go-Goggles VI
Good Rod Good Rod Good Rod VI
Ground TM TM Ground TM Ground VI
Grass TM TM Grass TM Grass VI
Ice TM TM Ice TM Ice VI
Mach Bike Mach Bike III Mach Bike
Meteorite Meteorite MeteoriteMeteorite 2Meteorite 3Meteorite 4
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk III Moomoo Milk
Normal HM HM Normal HM Normal VI
Normal TM TM Normal TM Normal VI
Old Rod Old Rod Old Rod VI
Poké Flute Poké Flute III Poké Flute
Super Rod Super Rod Super Rod VI
Poison TM TM Poison TM Poison VI
Psychic TM TM Psychic TM Psychic VI
Rock TM TM Rock TM Rock VI
Steel TM TM Steel TM Steel VI
Water HM HM Water HM Water VI
Water TM TM Water TM Water VI
Generation VI to Generation VII
Item Sprite
Generation IV Generation VII
Key Stone unknown Key Stone SM

Within a generation

There are certain items that have changed sprites within the generation as well.

Generation V

Item Sprite
Xtransceiver Xtransceiver-mXtransceiver-f B2W2 Xtransceiver mB2W2 Xtransceiver f

Generation VI

Item Sprite
Blue Orb Blue Orb IV Blue Orb
Dowsing Machine Dowsing Machine XY Dowsing Machine ORAS
Mega Charm unknown Mega Charm
Red Orb Red Orb IV Red Orb

Generation VII

Item Sprite
Gold Teeth Gold Teeth III Gold Teeth
Key Stone Key Stone SM Key Stone
Lift Key Lift Key III Lift Key
Nanab Berry Nanab Berry III Nanab Berry
Razz Berry Razz Berry III Razz Berry
Secret Key Secret Key III Secret Key
Silph Scope Silph Scope III Silph Scope
Sparkling Stone Sparkling Stone SM Sparkling Stone
Tea Tea III Tea

Name changes


Between generations

Generation I to Generation II
Generation I Generation II
Exp. Share Exp.All Exp.Share
Generation II to Generation III
Generation II Generation III
Black Belt Blackbelt Black Belt
Elixir Elixer Elixir
Max Elixir Max Elixer Max Elixir
Exp. Share Exp.Share Exp. Share
Generation III to Generation IV
Generation III Generation IV
ItemfinderDowsing MCHN IV Itemfinder Dowsing MCHN
Parcel Oak's Parcel Parcel
Sport Ball Park Ball Sport Ball
Vs. Seeker VS Seeker Vs. Seeker
Generation V to Generation VI
Generation V Generation VI
Balm Mushroom BalmMushroom Balm Mushroom
Black Apricorn Blk Apricorn Black Apricorn
Black Glasses BlackGlasses Black Glasses
Blue Apricorn Blu Apricorn Blue Apricorn
Bright Powder BrightPowder Bright Powder
Colress Machine Colress MCHN Colress Machine
Deep Sea Scale DeepSeaScale Deep Sea Scale
Deep Sea Tooth DeepSeaTooth Deep Sea Tooth
Devon Parts Devon Goods Devon Parts
Dowsing MCHNDowsing Machine XY Dowsing MCHN Dowsing Machine
Energy Powder EnergyPowder Energy Powder
Green Apricorn Grn Apricorn Green Apricorn
God Stone God Stone ???
Key to Room 1 Rm. 1 Key Key to Room 1
Key to Room 2 Rm. 2 Key Key to Room 2
Key to Room 4 Rm. 4 Key Key to Room 4
Key to Room 6 Rm. 6 Key Key to Room 6
Never-Melt Ice NeverMeltIce Never-Melt Ice
Paralyze Heal Parlyz Heal Paralyze Heal
Pink Apricorn Pnk Apricorn Pink Apricorn
Rage Candy Bar RageCandyBar Rage Candy Bar
Secret Potion SecretPotion Secret Potion
Silver Powder SilverPowder Silver Powder
Slowpoke Tail SlowpokeTail Slowpoke Tail
Squirt Bottle SquirtBottle Squirt Bottle
Thunder Stone Thunderstone Thunder Stone
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom Tiny Mushroom
Twisted Spoon TwistedSpoon Twisted Spoon
White Apricorn Wht Apricorn White Apricorn
X Defense X Defend X Defense
X Sp. Atk X Special X Sp. Atk
Yellow Apricorn Ylw Apricorn Yellow Apricorn


Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV
English name Japanese name
Generation III Generation IV
Pass Pass ていきけん リニアパス
Generation V to Generation VI
English name Japanese name
Generation V Generation VI
Dire Hit Dire Hit クリティカッター クリティカット
Key to Room 1 Key to Room 1* いちごうしつのカギ 1ごうしつのカギ
Key to Room 2 Key to Room 2* にごうしつのカギ 2ごうしつのカギ
Key to Room 4 Key to Room 4* よんごうしつのカギ 4ごうしつのカギ
Key to Room 6 Key to Room 6* ろくごうしつのカギ 6ごうしつのカギ


Between generations

Generation III to Generation IV
English name French name
Generation III Generation IV
Blue Flute Blue Flute Flute Bleue Flûte Bleue
Energy Powder EnergyPowder Poudrenergie Poudrénergie
Energy Root Energy Root Racinenergie Racinénergie
Pass Pass Passe Passe Train
Red Flute Red Flute Flute Rouge Flûte Rouge
Yellow Flute Yellow Flute Flute Jaune Flûte Jaune
Generation V to Generation VI
English name French name
Generation V Generation VI
Armor Fossil Armor Fossil Foss. Armure Fossile Armure
Big Root Big Root Grosseracine Grosse Racine
Binding Band Binding Band B. Étreinte Bande Étreinte
Black Belt Black Belt Ceint.Noire Ceinture Noire
Black Glasses Black Glasses Lunet.Noires Lunettes Noires
Bright Powder Bright Powder* Poudreclaire Poudre Claire
Bug Gem Bug Gem Joyau Insect Joyau Insecte
Choice Band Choice Band Band. Choix Bandeau Choix
Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Mouch. Choix Mouchoir Choix
Choice Specs Choice Specs Lunet. Choix Lunettes Choix
Claw Fossil Claw Fossil Foss. Griffe Fossile Griffe
Cleanse Tag Cleanse Tag Rune Purif. Rune Purifiante
Contest Pass Contest Pass Passeconcour Passe Concours
Comet Shard Comet Shard Morc. Comète Morceau Comète
Cover Fossil Cover Fossil Foss. Plaque Fossile Plaque
Dark Gem Dark Gem Joyau Ténèbr Joyau Ténèbres
Deep Sea Scale Deep Sea Scale* Écailleocéan Écaille Océan
Dome Fossil Dome Fossil Fossile Dome Fossile Dôme
Dragon Scale Dragon Scale Ecailledraco Écaille Draco
Elevator Key Elevator Key Cle Ascens. Clé Ascenseur
Energy Powder Energy Powder* Poudrénergie Poudre Énergie
Energy Root Energy Root Racinénergie Racine Énergie
Focus Sash Focus Sash Ceint. Force Ceinture Force
Ghost Gem Ghost Gem Joyau Spectr Joyau Spectre
Heart Scale Heart Scale Écaillecoeur Écaille Cœur
Letter Letter Lettre Lettre à Pierre
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Pierreplante Pierre Plante
Liberty Pass Liberty Pass Pass Liberté Passe Liberté
Mach Bike IIIMach Bike Mach Bike Vélo Course Vélo de Course
Macho Brace Macho Brace Brac. Macho Bracelet Macho
Miracle Seed Miracle Seed Grain Miracl Grain Miracle
Muscle Band Muscle Band Band. Muscle Bandeau Muscle
Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice* Glacéternel Glace Éternelle
Odd Incense Odd Incense Bizar. Encens Encens Bizarre
Plume Fossil Plume Fossil Foss. Plume Fossile Plume
Power Anklet Power Anklet Chaîne. Pouv. Chaîne Pouvoir
Power Band Power Band Band. Pouv. Bandeau Pouvoir
Power Belt Power Belt Ceint. Pouv. Ceinture Pouvoir
Power Bracer Power Bracer Poign. Pouv. Poignée Pouvoir
Power Herb Power Herb Herbe Pouv. Herbe Pouvoir
Power Lens Power Lens Lentil. Pouv. Lentille Pouvoir
Power Weight Power Weight Poids Pouv. Poids Pouvoir
Ring Target Ring Target Pt de Mire Point de Mire
Root Fossil Root Fossil Foss. Racine Fossile Racine
Sacred Ash Sacred Ash Cendresacrée Cendres Sacrées
Shiny Charm Shiny Charm Charmechroma Charme Chroma
Shoal Shell Shoal Shell CoquilleTréfonds Co. Tréfonds
Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Mouch. Soie Mouchoir Soie
Silver Powder Silver Powder* Poudre Arg. Poudre Argentée
Skull Fossil Skull Fossil Foss. Crane Fossile Crâne
Smoke Ball Smoke Ball Boule Fumee Boule Fumée
Stardust Stardust Pouss.Étoile Poussière Étoile
Star Piece Star Piece Morc. Étoile Morceau d'Étoile
Sun Stone Sun Stone Pierresoleil Pierre Soleil
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone* Pierrefoudr Pierre Foudre
Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon* Cuillertordu Cuiller Tordue
Wailmer Pail Wailmer Pail Seau Wailmer Wailmerrosoir
Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Lunet. Sages Lunettes Sages
White Flute White Flute Flûteblanche Flûte Blanche
White Herb White Herb Herbeblanche Herbe Blanche
Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Lentil. Zoom Lentille Zoom

Within a generation

Generation III
English Name French Name
Colo XD
Elevator Key Cle de l'Ascenseur Cle Ascens.
Generation VI
English Name French Name
Blue Orb IIIBlue Orb Blue Orb Orbe Bleu Gemme Bleue
Red Orb IIIRed Orb Red Orb Orbe Rouge Gemme Rouge


Between generations

Generation V to Generation VI
English name German name
Generation V Generation VI
Ghost Gem Ghost Gem Geistjuwel Geisterjuwel
Key to Room 1 Key to Room 1* R1-Schlüssel K1-Schlüssel
Key to Room 2 Key to Room 2* R2-Schlüssel K2-Schlüssel
Key to Room 4 Key to Room 4* R4-Schlüssel K4-Schlüssel
Key to Room 6 Key to Room 6* R6-Schlüssel K6-Schlüssel
Letter Letter Brief Brief an Troy
Grass Gem Grass Gem Pflanzjuwel Pflanzenjuwel

Within a generation

Generation III
English Name German Name
Colo XD
Elevator Key Liftschlüssel Liftkarte
Generation VI
English Name German Name
Blue Orb IIIBlue Orb Blue Orb Blaue Kugel Blauer Edelstein
Red Orb IIIRed Orb Red Orb Rote Kugel Roter Edelstein


Between generations

Generation I to Generation II
English name Italian name
Generation I Generation II
Exp. Share Exp.Share* Distrib Esp. Condiv. Esp.
Generation III to Generation IV
English name Italian name
Generation III Generation IV
Black Apricorn Blk Apricorn Ghicoc.Nera Ghic. Nera
Blue Apricorn Blu Apricorn Ghicocca Blu Ghic. Blu
Green Apricorn Grn Apricorn Ghicoc.Verde Ghic. Verde
ItemfinderDowsing MCHN IV Dowsing MCHN* Detector Ricerca Strum.
Pink Apricorn Pnk Apricorn Ghicoc.Rosa Ghic. Rosa
Red Apricorn Red Apricorn Ghicoc.Rossa Ghic. Rossa
Storage Key IIIStorage Key IV Storage Key Chiave stiva Chiave magazzino
Yellow Apricorn Ylw Apricorn Ghicoc.Gial. Ghic. Gialla
White Apricorn Wht Apricorn Ghicoc.Bnca Ghic. Bianca
Generation IV to Generation V
English name Italian name
Generation IV Generation V
Dowsing MCHN IVDowsing MCHN Dowsing MCHN Ricerca Strum. Ricerca Str.
Generation V to Generation VI
English name Italian name
Generation V Generation VI
Acro Bike IIIAcro Bike Acro Bike Bici Cross Bici da cross
Black Apricorn Black Apricorn* Ghic. Nera Ghicocca Nera
Blue Apricorn Blue Apricorn* Ghic. Blu Ghicocca Blu
Bug Gem Bug Gem Bijoucoleot Bijoucoleottero
Contest Pass Contest Pass Contest Pass Tessera Gare
Deep Sea Tooth Deep Sea Tooth* Dente Abissi Denteabissi
Exp. Share Exp. Share Condiv. Esp. Condividi Esp.
Green Apricorn Green Apricorn* Ghic. Verde Ghicocca Verde
Ice Gem Ice Gem Bijoughiac. Bijoughiaccio
Mach Bike IIIMach Bike Mach Bike Bici Corsa Bici da corsa
Max Repel Max Repel Repell. Max Repellente Max
Max Revive Max Revive Revital. Max Revitalizz. Max
Mystic Water Mystic Water Acquamagica Acqua Magica
Pass Pass Abbonamento Superpass
Pink Apricorn Pink Apricorn* Ghic. Rosa Ghicocca Rosa
Red Apricorn Red Apricorn Ghic. Rossa Ghicocca Rossa
Revive Revive Revitaliz. Revitalizzante
Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Sciarpa Seta Sciarpaseta
Soft Sand Soft Sand Sabbiasoffice Sabbia Soffice
Super Repel Super Repel Superrepell. Superrepellente
Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon* Cucchiaiotorto Cucchiaio Torto
Yellow Apricorn Yellow Apricorn* Ghic. Gialla Ghicocca Gialla
Yellow Flute Yellow Flute Flauto Gial. Flauto Giallo
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard Coccio Gial. Coccio Giallo
White Apricorn White Apricorn* Ghic. Bianca Ghicocca Bianca
Generation VI to Generation VII
English name Italian name
Generation VI Generation VII
X Sp. Atk X Sp. Atk Special X Att. Speciale X

Within a generation

Generation III
English Name Italian Name
Colo XD
Data ROM Scheda Dati CD ROM
Generation VI
English Name Italian Name
Blue Orb IIIBlue Orb Blue Orb Sfera Blu Gemma blu
Red Orb IIIRed Orb Red Orb Sfera Rossa Gemma rossa


Between generations

Generation I to Generation II
English name Spanish name
Generation I Generation II
Great Ball Great Ball Súper Ball Superball
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Híper Poción Hiperpoción
Town Map III Town Map Mapa Pueblo Mapa
Protein Protein Proteínas Proteína
Super Potion Super Potion Súper Poción Superpoción
Super Rod Super Rod Súper Caña Supercaña
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Ultraball
Generation II to Generation III
English name Spanish name
Generation II Generation III
Basement KeyBasement Key III Basement Key Llave del Sótano Llave Sótano
Super Repel Super Repel Súper Repel Superrepel
Generation III to Generation IV
English name Spanish name
Generation III Generation IV
Bicycle Bicycle Bicicleta Bici
Pass Pass Pase Magnetopase
Generation V to Generation VI
English name Spanish name
Generation V Generation VI
Acro Bike IIIAcro Bike Acro Bike Bici Carreras Bici de Carreras
Amulet Coin IIIAmulet Coin Amulet Coin Mon. Amuleto Moneda Amuleto
Binding Band Binding Band Ban. Atadura Banda Atadura
Black Apricorn Black Apricorn* Bonguri Neg Bonguri Negro
Blue Apricorn Blue Apricorn* Bonguri Azu Bonguri Azul
Bug Gem Bug Gem G. Bicho Gema Bicho
Choice Band Choice Band Cin. Elegida Cinta Elegida
Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Pañ. Elegido Pañuelo Elegido
Clever Wing Clever Wing Pluma Mente P. Mente
Comet Shard Comet Shard Frag. Cometa Fragmento Cometa
Dark Gem Dark Gem G. Siniestra Gema Siniestra
Dragon Fang Dragon Fang Colmillodrag Colmillo Dragón
Dragon Gem Dragon Gem G. Dragón Gema Dragón
Electric Gem Electric Gem G. Eléctrica Gema Eléctrica
Energy Powder Energy Powder* Polvo Energía Polvoenergía
Everstone Everstone Piedraeterna Piedra Eterna
Fighting Gem Fighting Gem G. Lucha Gema Lucha
Fire Gem Fire Gem G. Fuego Gema Fuego
Flying Gem Flying Gem G. Voladora Gema Voladora
Full Incense Full Incense Incie. Lento Incienso lento
Full Restore Full Restore Restau. Todo Restaurar Todo
Genius Wing Genius Wing Pluma Intelecto P. Intelecto
Ghost Gem Ghost Gem G. Fantasma Gema Fantasma
Grass Gem Grass Gem G. Planta Gema Planta
Green Apricorn Green Apricorn* Bonguri Ver Bonguri Verde
Ground Gem Ground Gem G. Tierra Gema Tierra
Health Wing Health Wing Pluma Vigor P. Vigor
Heart Scale Heart Scale Esc. Corazón Escama Corazón
Ice Gem Ice Gem G. Hielo Gema Hielo
Key to Room 1 Key to Room 1* Ll. Habitación 1 Llave Cibina 1
Key to Room 2 Key to Room 2* Ll. Habitación 2 Llave Cibina 2
Key to Room 4 Key to Room 4* Ll. Habitación 4 Llave Cibina 4
Key to Room 6 Key to Room 6* Ll. Habitación 6 Llave Cibina 6
Lax Incense Lax Incense Incie. Suave Incienso suave
Letter Letter Carta Carta a Máximo
Luck Incense Luck Incense Incie. Duplo Incienso duplo
Macho Brace Macho Brace Vestidura Brazal Firme
Max Repel Max Repel Max Repel Superrepelente
Max Revive Max Revive Máx. Revivir Revivir Máximo
Mental Herb Mental Herb Hier. Mental Hierba Mental
Metal Coat Metal Coat Rev. Metálico Revest. Metálico
Muscle Wing Muscle Wing Pluma Músculo P. Músculo
Normal Gem Normal Gem G. Normal Gema Normal
Odd Incense Odd Incense Incie. Raro Incienso raro
Odd Keystone Odd Keystone P. Espíritu Piedra Espíritu
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal* Antiparaliz Antiparalizador
Pink Apricorn Pink Apricorn* Bonguri Ros Bonguri Rosa
Poison Gem Poison Gem G. Veneno Gema Veneno
PP Max PP Max Máx. PP PP Máximos
Pretty Wing Pretty Wing Pluma Bella P. Bella
Psychic Gem Psychic Gem G. Psíquica Gema Psíquica
Pure Incense Pure Incense Incie. Puro Incienso puro
Razor Claw Razor Claw Garrafilada Garra Afilada
Razor Fang Razor Fang Colmillagudo Colmillo Agudo
Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth Telaterrible Tela Terrible
Red Apricorn Red Apricorn Bonguri Roj Bonguri Rojo
Resist Wing Resist Wing Pluma Aguante P. Aguante
Rock Gem Rock Gem G. Roca Gema Roca
Rock Incense Rock Incense Incie. Roca Incienso roca
Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Cas. Dentado Casco Dentado
Rose Incense Rose Incense Inc. Floral Incienso floral
Relic Crown Relic Crown Cor. Antigua Corona Antigua
Relic Statue Relic Statue Efi. Antigua Efigie Antigua
Sea Incense Sea Incense Incie. Mar. Incienso marino
Shoal Shell Shoal Shell C. Cardumen Concha Cardumen
Stable Mulch Stable Mulch Ab. Fijador Abono Fijador
Star Piece Star Piece Tr. Estrella Trozo Estrella
Steel Gem Steel Gem G. Acero Gema Acero
Super Repel Super Repel Máx. Repel Repelente Maximo
Sweet Heart Sweet Heart Cor. Dulce Corazon Dulce
Swift Wing Swift Wing Pluma Ímpetu P. Ímpetu
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone* Piedra Trueno Piedratrueno
Water Gem Water Gem G. Agua Gema Agua
Wailmer Pail Wailmer Pail Cubo Wailmer Wailmegadera
Wave Incense Wave Incense Incie. Aqua Incienso aqua
White Apricorn White Apricorn* Bonguri Bla Bonguri Blanco
White Herb White Herb Hier. Blanca Hierba Blanca
Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Gafas Esp. Gafas Especiales
Yellow Apricorn Yellow Apricorn* Bonguri Ama Bonguri Amarillo
Yellow Flute Yellow Flute Fl. Amarilla Flauta Amarilla
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard P. Amarilla Parte Amarilla

Within a generation

Generation VI
English Name Spanish Name
Blue Orb IIIBlue Orb Blue Orb Esfera Azul Prisma Azul
Red Orb IIIRed Orb Red Orb Esfera Roja Prisma Roja