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Zoroark: Master of Illusions
幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark
M13 poster.jpg
Japan July 10, 2010
United States February 5, 2011*
Home video
Japan December 17, 2010
United States TBA
English themes
Opening {{{enop}}}
Ending {{{ened}}}
Japanese themes
Opening jaop
Ending jaed
United States ?
Great Britain ?
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Quebec ?
Japan ?
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Australia ?
New Zealand ?

Zoroark: Master of Illusions (Japanese: 幻影覇者 ゾロアーク Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark) is the fourth and final Diamond & Pearl series movie and the thirteenth Pokémon movie overall. It premiered in Japanese theaters July 10, 2010, in the United States in select theaters[1] and on Cartoon Network on February 5, 2011.

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Ash, Pikachu, and company stop by in a house where they intend to watch a match of the Pokémon Baccer World Cup between the evolutionary line of Elekid and Beldum. During the match, Team Rocket disguise themselves as janitors and ask Ash and co. what they're watching. Brock explains about what the Pokémon Baccer World Cup is, and an image of a mysterious man shows up after the match in the TV and exhibits its team formed by a Raikou, Entei and Suicune, that quickly drags the spinning-top shaped object in the floating pyramid, making the gang want to see them live. Recognizing them as legendary Pokémon, Team Rocket start getting excited of capturing them. A Nurse Joy then shows up, saying that she is also very excited for the match. As he normally do, Brock falls in love with Nurse Joy, and got attacked by his Croagunk, pushing him away. Ash then proposes to reach Crown City before the day's end, where the next Pokémon Baccer World Cup will be held. Brock quickly recovers and say that he will lead Ash and Dawn through shortcuts.

Meanwhile, a Zoroark rests in a large carrier plane, and Zorua fumbles out of Zoroark's hair, who seems to be the child of Zoroark. Suddenly, an automatic door opens, where Zoroark and her son find themselves face-to-face with Raikou, Entei and Suicune. Behind them, the business man Grings Kodai and his assistant, Rowena, stay in a chamber, observing the two Pokemon. Kodai then tests Zoroark's use of illusions by commanding the illusions of the legendary beasts to attack Zoroark. Zoroark quickly transforms into Raikou and fills the area with thunderclouds that ascends towards Kodai and Rowena. At the same time, Kodai activates an illusion in his bracelet. The thunderclouds penetrate them, but Kodai reveals that Rowena and himself are illusions, and that even the cameras were fooled by the illusions.

Kodai's bodyguard, Goone, soon announced that they will be arriving in Crown City soon. Kodai dismisses the illusions of the legendary beasts, and Zoroark transform back to her true form. After such, Zorua jumps from his mother's fur and foresights the zone. Kodai says that the test is over and that Zoroark did a marvelous performance. He sends out a Ninjask, and it captures Zorua, paralyzing Zoroark in place to prevent her from saving him. Kodai threatens Zoroark, that if she wants his son back, she will need to stay obedient, to which Zoroark angrily roars at him in response. Unknown to Zoroark, Zorua managed to escape from his Pokémon captors consisting of Goone's Scizor and Ninjasks, and falls out of the carrier ship. During the fall, he finds a group of Hoppip, Skiploom and Jumpluff, grabbing one of the Skiploom's bloom and transforming into one to float safely towards the ground.

Inside the plane, Goone confirms to Kodai that Zorua has escaped, but it hasn't changed Kodai's plans, since Zoroark is unaware of Zorua's escape.Meanwhile, Zorua angers a group of Vigoroth after falling on top of one, and Ash and his friends arrives and calls out their Pokémon to stop the fighting. The Vigoroth soon lose interest and run off. Zorua claims that he didn't need any help, to which Ash, Dawn, and Brock argue with him until they all realize that Zorua is talking to them through telepathy. Zorua then says that he is going to Crown City where his Meema, Zoroark, is headed. Ash and his friends agree to help him, and Zorua shows off his ability by transforming into Ash then Pikachu.

After Kodai blackmails Zoroark by using an illusion image of Zorua, Zoroark began destroying Crown City under the guises of Raikou, Suicune, and Entei in illusions of the city's destruction. At the same time, Kodai frames Zoroark as an evil Pokemon by airing a public message and showing edited footage of the town actually being attacked in order to have the town all to himself. While this happens, the real Suicune, Entei, and Raikou, who serve as Crown City's guardians sensed that the city was in danger and began making their way to the town to save it.

Celebi, returning to the town for the first time in twenty years, is presented with its own crisis, due to that prior to the movie, businessman Grings Kodai discovered Celebi in Crown City, and touched the "ripple of time" that was produced due to Celebi's time traveling. As a result of this, Kodai gained the ability to have powerful visions that show him the future, while destroying all of the greenery within the city unbeknown to its citizens. The gang meets up with Karl, an investigator, currently researching Grings Kodai. He tells them about Grings, nicknaming him "The man who can see the future".

Meanwhile, Kodai has a vision in which he sees Ash, Dawn, Brock, Karl, and Rowena try to stop him from touching the ripple. After Zoroark had escaped her kidnappers, but Goone later recaptures her by using a projection of Zorua. The gang later discovers that Kodai manipulated the footage of Zoroark attacking the city using her illusions shown to the citizens as part of his plan. Kodai later goes around town trying to find the countdown clock with the "ripple" which he saw in his previous vision. Discovering that Ash is in the city, Kodai has Goone send out his Pokémon to find and capture him.

Zorua runs off to find Zoroark on its own, but is stopped by Joe's Mightyena and lulled to sleep by Tammys Tangrowth. Ash and the gang catch up to Zorua, and Karl is met up with his grandfather, Joe. Hearing Zoroark trying to escape her prison on Kodai's ship, Zorua awakens and resumes his desperate search for its mother, followed by Pikachu and Piplup. However, they find themselves surrounded by a group of angry Pokemon, who were angry at Zorua for what Zoroark did to the city. Before a fight broke out, Celebi appears and calms things down by making the greenery around them bloom into berries. Zorua befriends Celebi when it agrees on help Zorua find its mother, and they resume their search. Shortly afterwards, Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Karl has been captured by Kodai. Meanwhile, Rowena is looking through Kodai's archives discovering myths and old stories regarding the town and Celebi. She then reveals herself to the gang while telling them everything she discovered. She tells them how twenty years ago, Kodai not only tampered with the ripple, which in the process, gained his visions but he attacked Celebi, reversing the time flow and killing the greenery. His power, however, is rapidly leaving him.

While Celebi, Zorua, Pikachu, and Piplup were still on their search for Zoroark, Kodai finds Celebi with Zorua and he attacks Celebi. Zorua fights Kodai and his Pokemon using illusions to protect Celebi, but is knocked back. Before fainting, Zorua sends one final message to his mother. This message gives Zoroark the strength to break free of her prison and began making her way to where Zorua is. While on the plane, she is confronted by the real Suicune, Entei, and Raikou, who are convinced that Zoroark is an enemy for destroying the city. Kodai violently attacks Celebi forcing it to call upon the ripple early. Zorua quickly regains consciousness and fights Kodai again, but proves to be no match for him. Fortunately, the arrival of Ash and his friends counter attacks Kodai in a heated battle, saving Celebi and Zorua before rapidly fleeing to safety.

Elsewhere, a conflict between Zoroark and the three legendary Pokémon has begun to get out of hand, destroying Kodai's plane. The battle continues through the town of Crown City as Zoroark proves to be too much. She manages to blasts Suicune, Raikou, and Entei for a short while using her Night Burst attack before resuming her search for Zorua.

Meanwhile, the gang goes to Joe's workshop. They learn that the guardians of Crown City, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou are attacking Zoroark and are fighting her through town. They also discover one final clock near the stadium where the "ripple" will appear. They also learn that Kodai has learned of this by using his spy technology. As a race to the stadium progresses, Zoroark finds herself surrounded by the legendary beasts again, and uses her illusions to trap them in crystallized thorns in order to prevent the legendary Pokémon from attacking further. Zoroark's illusions were quickly broken by Rowena's illusion canceller, and the legendary beasts are freed but were still ready to attack Zoroark. However, the Pokemon who live in the City appeared and quickly stood between the guardians of Crown City and Zoroark, trying to explain to Suicune, Raikou, and Entei that Zoroark isn't the enemy. Zoroark is confused at this, but stops attacking as well.

Brock, Dawn, and Goone have a battle with Goone to buy Ash enough time to get to the ripple of time. During Goone's battle, Zoroark comes out of nowhere and attacks all of his Pokémon hurting both him and the Pokémon. At the Pokémon Baccer Stadium, Kodai corners Ash, Pikachu, and Celebi and begins making his way to the ripple of time. Zoroark appears and charges at Kodai, but the businessman forces Zoroark to stand down by threatening to kill a capture Zorua if she interferes. Kodai approaches the ripple of time and absorbs its power, not caring if the city's greenery will wither and die again. As the events that happened 20 years ago starts to repeat itself, Zoroark suddenly smirks, and time reversed itself. The "ripple of time" ends up actually being an illusion created by Zoroark to deceive, and Karl and Rowena has captured Kodai's revelation of him being responsible for Crown City's disaster. Zoroark and Zorua approach one another to reunite, but Kodai angry attacks Zoroark, electrocuting and mortally wounding her. Zoroark fights through the electrocution, attacking Kodai and defeats his Shuppet. Kodai then desperate for a run for the real ripple of time, but is stopped and scared away by Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. Afterwards, Zoroark's injuries soon become too painful for her to continue, causing her to collapse.

While Kodai was running away, a dying Zoroark traps him in an illusion to deceive him that he was safe atop his plane high in the air. She quickly cancels the illusions out, causing Kodai to fall off the platform he was on and pass out in the stadium field. Zoroark then closes her eyes with a satisfied smile, breathing her last breath. In tears, Zorua pleads and cires for Zoroark to wake up, then creates an illusion of a beautiful grassy field around them that is their home. Celebi then uses the power of the true ripple of time to heal itself and revive Zoroark back to life. Zorua and Zoroark embrace in a tearful reunion, and Zorua thanked Celebi for saving his mother. Celebi smiles and time travels away in billows of light after making the area's greenery bloom.

As Kodai regains consciousness, he sees that the entire town is seeing everything that has occurred and all he said while absorbing the false ripple of time. Officer Jenny then arrests Kodai, and Zoroark roars at him. Afterwards, Zoroark and Zorua were boarded on a ship heading back to Unova with Karl and Rowena. Before they departed, Zorua mischievously took on the form of Ash and is instantly turned back to his original form when Rowena touches his tail, while Zoroark took on the form of Pikachu before transforming back to her true form. As the ship sails, Ash yells out a promise to Zorua that he will come to Zorua and Zoroark's homeland one day.

In the credits, Ash and his friends cheer and watch the events in Pokemon Baccer Stadium from the stands. Kodai and Goone were sent to prison for their crimes, and the news spread to every newspaper. Raikou, Entei, and Suicune look at the ship carrying Zorua and Zoroark, biding their farewells to the Illusion Pokemon before going their separate ways. Zoroark and Zorua were last seen nuzzling each other affectionately when the ship approaches a mist-covered island, presumably their homeland.

Featured Pokémon


Intro only

Credits only



Ash Ketchum Sarah Natochenny Satoshi Rica Matsumoto サトシ 松本梨香
Pikachu Ikue Ohtani Pikachu Ikue Ohtani ピカチュウ 大谷育江
Brock Bill Rogers Takeshi Yūji Ueda タケシ うえだ ゆうじ
Dawn Emily Jenness Hikari Megumi Toyoguchi ヒカリ 豊口めぐみ
Piplup Michele Knotz Pochama Etsuko Kozakura ポッチャマ 小桜エツ子
Jessie Michele Knotz Musashi Megumi Hayashibara ムサシ 林原めぐみ
James Jimmy Zoppi Kojirō Shin'ichirō Miki コジロウ 三木眞一郎
Meowth Jimmy Zoppi Nyarth Inuko Inuyama ニャース 犬山イヌコ
Narration Rodger Parsons Narration Unshō Ishizuka ナレーション 石塚運昇
Special appearances by 特別出演
Karl Wayne Grayson Kurt Takashi Tsukamoto クルト 塚本高史
Rowena Bella Hudson Rioka Natsuki Katō リオカ 加藤夏希
Grings Kodai Sean Schemmel Grings Kōdai Takanori Jin'nai グリングス・コーダイ 陣内孝則
Peg Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Proof Shōko Nakagawa プルーフ 中川翔子
Goone Marc Thompson Goon Koichi Yamadera グーン 山寺宏一
Template:Mo Joe Yuzuru Fujimoto ジョー 藤本 譲
Tammy Tomo Ai Sato トモ さとう あい
Stadium Announcer Stadium Announcer Kazuya Masuda アナウンサー 増田和也
Zoroark Romi Paku Zoroark Romi Paku ゾロアーク 朴 璐美
Zorua Zorua Kurumi Mamiya ゾロア 間宮くるみ
Raikou Katsuyuki Konishi Raikou Katsuyuki Konishi ライコウ 小西克幸
Entei Kenta Miyake Entei Kenta Miyake エンテイ 三宅健太
Suicune Kiyotaka Furushima Suikun Kiyotaka Furushima スイクン 古島清孝
Celebi Rie Kugumiya Celebi Rie Kugimiya セレビィ 釘宮理恵


In Japan, people who pre-ordered tickets to the movie received a Shiny legendary beast; Entei, Raikou or Suicune. The Shiny legendary beasts can activate a Zoroark event if traded into a Generation V game. A Celebi could also be downloaded in the cinema, but this did not require pre-ordered tickets. Also, Goone's Scizor could be downloaded over Wi-Fi after the movie's airing.


Main article: Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark Music Collection


Dub edits

  • Zorua and Zoroark do not have stated genders.
    • However, Zorua calls Zoroark "Meema", which may be a pun of "mom" and "ema", hebrew for mother, confirming Zoroark's gender as female.
  • In the initial Cartoon Network broadcast, the entire prologue was cut, with the movie beginning immediately at the title sequence. These scenes are present in the theatrical version.
  • In the original version, the password to Kodai's secret files was "time ripple". In the English dub it is "V-I-S-I-O-N".
  • During the climax of the movie in Japanese, Zorua says "Maa... I couldn't do anything", while in the English dub, he instead says the much darker phrase of "I guess there isn't much time left for me..." implying that he expects to die.
  • Ice Cream Syndrome is replaced as the ending song by a new piece titled I Believe in You.


Rhyperior's mouth's color error
  • In the credits, Palmer's Rhyperior's mouth was the same color as its horn and the top-most part of its body.
  • During Kodai's 'apology' broadcast, Peg can be briefly seen (while standing with Ash and friends) with eyes drawn in the newer Sugimori style, as opposed to all other time in the movie when she is seen with older-style eyes.

In other languages

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Pokémon movies
Original series
Mewtwo Strikes BackThe Power of OneSpell of the Unown: EnteiCelebi: The Voice of the ForestPokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
Jirachi: Wish MakerDestiny DeoxysLucario and the Mystery of MewPokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
The Rise of DarkraiGiratina and the Sky WarriorArceus and the Jewel of LifeZoroark: Master of Illusions
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and ReshiramKyurem VS. The Sword of JusticeGenesect and the Legend Awakened
Pokémon the Series: XY
Diancie and the Cocoon of DestructionHoopa and the Clash of AgesVolcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
I Choose You!The Power of UsMewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
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