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マオ Mao
Sun Moon Mallow.png
Artwork from Sun and Moon
Age 11-19SM
Gender Female
Eye color Green
Hair color Green
Hometown Konikoni City
Region Alola
Relatives Unnamed father and older brother
Trainer class Trial Captain
Generation VII
Games Sun and Moon
Specializes in Grass types
Anime counterpart Mallow
Counterpart debut Alola to New Adventure!

Mallow (Japanese: マオ Mao) is the Trial Captain of Akala Island's Lush Jungle. She specializes in Grass-type Pokémon.

In the games

Mallow is an energetic girl who loves cooking, but her sense of taste can be peculiar.

The player first meets Mallow alongside Island Kahuna Olivia upon arriving in Heahea City. She later appears in Paniola Ranch where she registers the Stoutland Search into the player's Ride Pager. Her trial is the last the player undergoes before challenging the Kahuna. In the trial of Lush Jungle, Mallow give the player a Forage Bag and asks the player to gather four ingredients; a Tiny Mushroom, a Mago Berry, a Miracle Seed, and a Revival Herb. After the ingredients are gathered, Mallow will call over Lana and Kiawe, who will provide cooking supplies. Mallow asks the player to pound the ingredients together, which she then makes into a meal, which attracts the trial's Totem Pokémon, Lurantis.

In Pokémon Moon, after defeating Olivia, during the day the player can visit the second floor of a restaurant in Konikoni City, where Mallow is in her room. Mallow will go to the Lush Jungle for a battle, but after she leaves, her older brother asks the player to ask Mallow to look for his Wimpod. Upon arriving in the jungle, Mallow explains that Wimpod was gathering ingredients for the restaurant her family owns before challenging the player. After the battle, Mallow discusses her future and her plans to take over her family business. Shortly after telling her story, she will award the player the Reverent battle style. She leaves after realizing she needs to bring back her brother's Pokémon. She can later be encountered again at the Battle Tree as a possible opponent or Multi Battle partner.


Pokémon Moon

Mallow's Pokémon are kept in Ultra Balls.

First possible battle

Battle Tree

Mallow uses three of these Pokémon in Single Battles, four in Double Battles, and two in Multi Battles.

Grass Unknown
Overgrow or Unburden
Held item:
Bag White Herb Sprite.png White Herb
Sceptile/ Lv.50
Leaf Storm
Grass Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Fighting Status
Grass Unknown
Overgrow or Unburden
Held item:
Bag Sceptilite Sprite.png Sceptilite
Sceptile/ Lv.50
Leaf Blade
Grass Physical
Dual Chop
Dragon Physical
Ground Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Fire Flying
Flame Body or Gale Wings
Held item:
Bag Focus Sash Sprite.png Focus Sash
Talonflame/ Lv.50
Swords Dance
Normal Status
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Normal Physical
Flying Physical
Fire Flying
Flame Body or Gale Wings
Held item:
Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sitrus Berry
Talonflame/ Lv.50
Brave Bird
Flying Physical
Flare Blitz
Fire Physical
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status
Ghost Grass
Natural Cure or Frisk
Held item:
Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Choice Band
Trevenant/ Lv.50
Horn Leech
Grass Physical
Shadow Claw
Ghost Physical
Ground Physical
Bug Physical
Ghost Grass
Natural Cure or Frisk
Held item:
Bag Iron Ball Sprite.png Iron Ball
Trevenant/ Lv.50
Trick Room
Psychic Status
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Normal Flying
Keen Eye or Skill Link
Held item:
Bag Sitrus Berry Sprite.png Sitrus Berry
Toucannon/ Lv.50
Beak Blast
Flying Physical
Flying Status
Rock Blast
Rock Physical
Bullet Seed
Grass Physical
Normal Flying
Keen Eye or Skill Link
Held item:
Bag Rocky Helmet Sprite.png Rocky Helmet
Toucannon/ Lv.50
Beak Blast
Flying Physical
Flying Status
Flying Status
Fire Special
Grass Unknown
Leaf Guard or Contrary
Held item:
Bag Power Herb Sprite.png Power Herb
Lurantis/ Lv.50
Solar Blade
Grass Physical
Leech Life
Bug Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Dark Physical
Grass Unknown
Leaf Guard or Contrary
Held item:
Bag Quick Claw Sprite.png Quick Claw
Lurantis/ Lv.50
Sunny Day
Fire Status
Solar Blade
Grass Physical
Bug Physical
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Grass Unknown
Leaf Guard or Queenly Majesty
Held item:
Bag Assault Vest Sprite.png Assault Vest
Tsareena Lv.50
Trop Kick
Grass Physical
Dark Physical
High Jump Kick
Fighting Physical
Play Rough
Fairy Physical
Grass Unknown
Leaf Guard or Queenly Majesty
Held item:
Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Choice Scarf
Tsareena Lv.50
Trop Kick
Grass Physical
High Jump Kick
Fighting Physical
Play Rough
Fairy Physical
Bug Physical
Fairy Unknown
Flower Veil or Triage
Held item:
Bag Grassium Z Sprite.png Grassium Z
Comfey/ Lv.50
Dazzling Gleam
Fairy Special
Petal Blizzard
Grass Physical
Grassy Terrain
Grass Status
Floral Healing
Fairy Status
Fairy Unknown
Flower Veil or Triage
Held item:
Bag Big Root Sprite.png Big Root
Comfey/ Lv.50
Draining Kiss
Fairy Special
Calm Mind
Psychic Status
Sweet Kiss
Fairy Status
Leech Seed
Grass Status


Sun and Moon

Heahea City
"Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Mallow, one of the captains here!"
"Yup! My trial will be a chance for all the fine ingredients that make up your team to shine!"
"Especially you two! Your Pokémon look ready to cook with gas!"
Paniola Ranch
"Thanks for stopping by! The Moomoo Milk from Paniola Ranch is the best. It's so rich and creamy when you use it in white sauce and other things... Mmm! The taste can't even be described!"
"Oh, by the way! Since I was lucky enough to run into you here, I'll do you a little favor."
"See, Stoutland can sniff out items for you that are buried in the dirt where you can't even see them! When you're riding Stoutland, pressing the B Button to use that Stoutland Search is what it's all about! Get up there and try it! There's all kinds of stuff laying around waiting for you to find it! If you go all the way down Route 5, you'll come out on Brooklet Hill. My friend Lana is up there, so say hi to her for me if you see her!"
Lush Jungle
"Thanks for stopping by! Welcome to Lush Jungle, the trial grounds for me, Mallow! I knew it the first time I saw you and your team... You've chosen only the finest ingredients! That's why I'm gonna make you help me—er, no! I mean, that's why you should try my trial! You are the one who got a Sparkling Stone straight from Tapu Koko, aren't you? You're so totally ready for this! Ah, the breath of the jungle... I can tell just what today's special should be..."
"Yup! It's gotta be! My personal specialty: the Mallow Special! I'm gonna need you to find four ingredients for me! I'll need a Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed! Here you go! I brought you a Forage Bag to hold all the ingredients gathered for your trial."
"If you put the trial ingredients in your own bag, they'd get mixed up with your stuff, right? When you're hunting for ingredients, you're gonna want to rely on Stoutland's help. It'll find things that you don't see, after all. You remember what I told you at the farm, right? Just press the B Button to use Stoutland Search! OK, one more time! There are four things you need to get for me to clear your trial! A Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed! You got that? OK, then here in Lush Jungle... It's time for Mallow's trial to begin!"
  • If talked to again
"I'm gonna need you to find four ingredients for me! I'll need a Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed! Don't forget to get a helping paw from Stoutland during the trial! What? Could it be?! You want to leave the jungle?! You'll have to start this trial over from scratch! Is that OK with you?"
Yes: "Well, come back to the trial whenever you've got your items and your mind right!"
No: "OK! Then get out there and find my ingredients!"
  • After finding the Tiny Mushroom
"Hey, it's me, Mallow! Ooh, a Tiny Mushroom! That's great! There's a secret to why they're so popular with some people. You'll have to try one to find out what it is!"
  • After finding the Mago Berry
"Hey, it's me, Mallow! Congrats on finding that Mago Berry! The bigger and more twisted a Mago Berry, the sweeter it will taste!"
  • After finding the Revival Herb
"Hey, it's me, Mallow! That's a fine Revival Herb! Its bitter bite is even a shock to Pokémon, but that's what will add depth to the flavor!"
  • After finding the Miracle Seed
"Hey, it's me, Mallow! That's a great Miracle Seed! Miracle Seeds are bursting with nutrition. They really are a miraculous gift from the jungle."
  • After finding one item
"Still three ingredients left to get! We still need a whole big helping!"
  • After finding two items
"Still two more ingredients left to get! Just a little more to find!"
  • After finding three items
"Just one last ingredient left! Get back out there and find it!"
  • After finding all items
"Ooh, looks like you got everything! OK, it's time for us to start cooking, so come on back to the entrance of the jungle!"
  • After getting all the items
"Hey, <player>! Great! Now that we've got all the ingredients, we just need..."
"Thanks, Lana! Thanks, Kiawe! Now we've got everything we need! You're up next, <player>! We're going to cook up a storm and lure out the Totem Pokémon of Lush Jungle!"
"Let me see what you've got for me... One Mago Berry, check! One Tiny Mushroom, check! One Revival Herb, check! One Miracle Seed, check! Perfect! Just what the recipe calls for. Now we can make the Mallow Special!"
"The aroma of this tasty dish will draw that Totem Pokémon right to us! Ready to start cooking?"
No: "Got it! Then let me know when you are ready."
  • If talked to again
"The aroma of this tasty dish will draw that Totem Pokémon right to us! Ready to start cooking?"
Yes: "OK! Lana! Flip that Rocky Helmet over, and let's pour that Fresh Water into it!"
"Then in go the Mago Berry, the Tiny Mushroom, the Revival Herb, and the Miracle Seed... Kiawe, let us use the Thick Club and that Rare Bone for a minute!"
"OK, <player>! Grab the Thick Club and the Rare Bone and pound it all to a pulp!"
"Smack it!"
"Crush it!"
"Grind it!"
"Turn it to goo!"
  • After defeating Totem Lurantis
"Wow, <player>, you're strong, huh! You were really able to draw out the flavor of your Pokémon in that battle! The Totem Pokémon bowed right down to you!"
"All right, you've cleared all three of Akala's trials! You even managed to get through my trial, and I'd say it's a real doozy! Here! A gift for such an inspiring young Trainer!"
"Let me show you how to use Grass-type Z-Moves! You go like "Graaassss," 'K?"
"Since you've cleared my trial, <player>, I want you to help me train some Pokémon from here in Lush Jungle. Here, have some Nest Balls!"
"Hm? Looks like Lurantis didn't finish all the food. Oooh, I really want you guys to try some! Have a bite, Kiawe! You, too, Lana!"
"What? What's wrong with you guys? Don't you have any taste?! Are you headed off to Olivia's for the grand trial?!"
Konikoni CityM
"Hey, <player>! What's up?"
Regardless of choice: "All right, let's do it! Of course if two Trainers are going to play, it's gotta be a Pokémon battle, right? Yup, it's decided! I guess we should head to Lush Jungle. Let's make this like a little treasure hunt. Come find me where the Wimpod is! Don't be late!"
Lush JungleM
"Oh, you made it!"
"Wimpod is in my big brother's party."
"It's out here gathering ingredients for our restaurant!"
"You've got all the ingredients you need for a delicious battle, right?"
Gimme a minute...: "Oh really? Well come back and tell me when you're ready!"
Let's do this!: "Time for you to see that I can do more than just cook!"
  • When defeated
"Sure enough, when it comes to you and Pokémon, the quality of the ingredients shines forth!"
  • After being defeated
"That battle was a piece of cake for you, wasn't it? I should've known—you did clear my trial, after all! As your captain, I am very proud of you, though!"
"There's no doubt in my mind that you'll go on to be an amazing Trainer! Like, you could even be a kahuna someday!"
"Do you ever think about the future, <player>?"
Regardless of choice: "Oh, I see. Well, I've got my future all planned out! I mean, we have to move on from being captains when we turn 20 anyway. It may be ordinary, but I'm hoping to take over my family's restaurant. I think I could be an even better chef than my dad and big brother one day!"
"Huh? What's up? Is it something about my big brother?"
Regardless of choice: "Sorry, <player>! I've gotta get back! Come on, Wimpod. You, too! Big brother's waiting for us!"
"It's been fun, <player>! See you later! Bye!"
Battle TreeM
  • Before battle
"Thanks for stopping by! Here's today's Mallow Special!
  • When defeated
"Abilities must have been the secret ingredient! There are many recipes for battle!"


VS model from
Sun and Moon
Mallow SM OD.png
Overworld model from
Sun and Moon

In the anime

Mallow in the anime
Main article: Mallow (anime)

Mallow appeared in Alola to New Adventure!. She is a student at the Pokémon School of Melemele Island and one of Ash's classmates.


Language Name Origin
Japanese マオ Mao From maʻo (Hawaiian for Hawaiian cotton)
English, Dutch Mallow From mallow, a family of plants that includes cotton
French Barbara From Gossypium barbadense (extra-long staple cotton)
German Maho Similar to Japanese name
Italian Ibis From hibiscus
Spanish Lulú Possibly from celulosa (cellulose, referring to cotton fiber)
Korean 마오 Mao Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 瑪奧 / 玛奥 Mǎ'ào Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 瑪奧 Máh'ou Transliteration of Japanese name
Russian Маллоу Mallou Transcription of English name
Thai มาโอะ Mao Transliteration of Japanese name

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