List of Pokémon Conquest characters: Difference between revisions

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*Warrior Skill: BUstle
*Warrior Skill: BUstle
*Perfect Link:  
*Perfect Link:  
*Partner: {{p|Starly}}, who knows {{m|Quick Attack}} and has the Ability ''{{a|Keen Eye}}''.
*Specialty: Fire/Fighting
*Warrior Skill: Greed
*Perfect Link:


Revision as of 04:13, 6 August 2012

050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Missing characters

The following is a list of characters that appeared in Pokémon Conquest.

Kingdom of Aurora

Player (Leader)

Main article: Hero
Main article: Heroine
  • Partner: Eevee, who knows Quick Attack and has an Ability called Celebrate (Japanese: しゃかりき Motivation).
  • Specialty: Normal
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed (Rank I), Courage (Rank II), Motivate (Rank III)
  • Perfect Link: Eevee → Eeveelution, Arceus


Main article: Oichi
  • Partner: Jigglypuff, who knows DoubleSlap and has the Ability Lullaby (Japanese: はなうた Humming).
  • Specialty: Normal, Dragon
  • Warrior Skill: Sweet Song (Rank I), Soft Light (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Jigglypuff → Wigglytuff

Kingdom of Ignis

Hideyoshi (Leader)

  • Partner (Ignis): Chimchar, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Partner (Viperia): Monferno, who knows Flame Wheel and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Specialty: Fire/Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Quick Strike (Rank I), Grand Dream (Rank II), ? (Rank III)
  • Perfect Link: Monferno → Infernape, Reshiram


  • Partner: Tepig, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Specialty:
  • Warrior Skill:
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Bidoof, who knows Headbutt and has the Ability Simple (Japanese: たんじゅん Simple).
  • Specialty: Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Adrenaline
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Charmander, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Specialty: Flying/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Added Bonus
  • Perfect Link:


Main article: Kanbei
  • Partner: Duskull
  • Specialty: Ghost/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Impact (Rank I), Extinguish (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: LampentChandelure


Main article: Hanbei
  • Partner: Mareep
  • Specialty: Electric/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Added Bonus (Rank I), Lazybones (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: PikachuRaichu

Kingdom of Greenleaf

Motonari (Leader)

Main article: Motonari
  • Partner: Snivy, who knows Vine Whip and has the Ability Overgrow (Japanese: しんりょく Fresh Greenery).
  • Specialty: Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood (Rank I), Strategist (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Servine → Serperior


  • Partner: Pansage, who knows Vine Whip and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Dragon/Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Mighty Blow
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Sewaddle, who knows Bug Bite and has the Ability Grass Cloak (Japanese: はっぱのころも Leaf Cloak).
  • Specialty: Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Adrenaline
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Sewaddle, who knows Bug Bite and has the Ability Stealth (Japanese: ステルス Stealth).
  • Specialty: Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Fontaine

Motochika (Leader)

Main article: Motochika
  • Partner: Oshawott, who knows Water Gun and has the Ability Torrent (Japanese: げきりゅう Raging Rapids).
  • Specialty: Water
  • Warrior Skill: Rally (Rank I), Rebellion (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Dewott → Samurott


  • Partner: Panpour, who knows Water Gun and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Water
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot
  • Perfect Link: MagikarpGyarados


  • Partner: Wooper, who knows Water Gun and has the Ability Gulp (Japanese: がぶのみ Gulp).
  • Specialty: Water
  • Warrior Skill: Eagle Eye
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Piplup, who knows Bubble and has the Ability Torrent (Japanese: げきりゅう Raging Rapids).
  • Specialty: Water
  • Warrior Skill: Shout
  • Perfect Link: WooperQuagsire

Kingdom of Pugilis

Yoshihiro (Leader)

Main article: Yoshihiro
  • Partner: Gurdurr, who knows Wake-Up Slap and has the Ability Thrust (Japanese: かいりきじまん Super Strength Pride).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Mighty Blow (Rank I), Chesto! (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Gurdurr → Conkeldurr


  • Partner: Timburr, who knows Low Kick and has the Ability Thrust(Japanese: かいりきじまん Super Strength Pride).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Fortify
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Pansage, who knows Vine Whip and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Machop, who knows Karate Chop and has the Ability Guts (Japanese: こんじょう Guts).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Impact
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Timburr, who knows Low Kick and has the Ability Thrust (Japanese: かいりきじまん Super Strength Pride).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Violight

Ginchiyo (Leader)

Main article: Ginchiyo
  • Partner: Shinx, who knows Spark and has the Ability Sequence (Japanese: ちょくれつ Series).
  • Specialty: Electric
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle (Rank I), Thunderclap (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Luxio → Luxray


Main article: Muneshige
  • Partner: Starly, who knows Quick Attack and has the Ability Keen Eye (Japanese: するどいめ Keen Eye).
  • Specialty: Flying/Normal
  • Warrior Skill: Marksman (Rank I), Typhoon (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Staravia → Staraptor


  • Partner: Pichu, who knows ThunderShock and has the Ability Mood Maker (Japanese: ムードメーカー Mood Maker).
  • Specialty: Electric
  • Warrior Skill: Rally
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Panpour, who knows Water Gun and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Dark/Electric
  • Warrior Skill: Rally
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Mareep, who knows ThunderShock and has the Ability Interference (Japanese: ジャミング Jamming).
  • Specialty: Electric
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link: Shinx → Luxio → Luxray

Kingdom of Chrysalia

Yoshimoto (Leader)

Main article: Yoshimoto
  • Partner: Pineco, who knows Bug Bite and has the Ability Jagged Edge (Japanese: エッジアーマー Edge Armor).
  • Specialty: Bug/Steel
  • Warrior Skill: Deep Breath (Rank I), Grace (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Pineco → Forretress


  • Partner: Venipede, who knows Poison Sting and has the Ability Poison Point (Japanese: どくのトゲ Poison Spine).
  • Specialty: Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Temperate
  • Perfect Link: Sewaddle → Swadloon → Leavanny


  • Partner: Spheal, who knows Powder Snow and has the Ability Deep Sleep (Japanese: あんみん Quiet Sleep).
  • Specialty: Ice/Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Quick Strike
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Venipede, who knows Poison Sting and has the Ability Poison Point (Japanese: どくのトゲ Poison Spine).
  • Specialty: Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Rally
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Sewaddle, who knows Bug Bite and has the Ability Grass Cloak (Japanese: はっぱのころも Leaf Cloak).
  • Specialty: Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Mighty Blow
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Terrera

Shingen (Leader)

Main article: Shingen
  • Partner: Rhyperior, who knows Rock Wrecker and has the Ability Lightningrod (Japanese: ひらいしん Lightning Rod).
  • Specialty: Ground/Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Rally (Rank I), Fūrin Kazan (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Rhyperior, Groudon


Main article: Yukimura
  • Partner: Tepig, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Specialty: Fire/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Mighty Blow (Rank II), Willpower (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: CharmeleonCharizard


Main article: Kunoichi
  • Partner: Scraggy, who knows Faint Attack and has the Ability Shed Skin (Japanese: だっぴ Molting).
  • Specialty: Dark/Ice
  • Warrior Skill: Convalesce (Rank I), Trickster (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: SneaselWeavile


  • Partner: Rhyhorn, who knows Bulldoze and has the Ability Lightningrod (Japanese: ひらいしん Lightning Rod).
  • Specialty: Rock/Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Mighty Blow
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Drilbur, who knows Dig and has the Ability Sandpit (Japanese: すなあび Sand Bath).
  • Specialty: Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Charmander, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze (Japanese: もうか Raging Flames).
  • Specialty: Fire/Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Adrenaline
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Illusio

Kenshin (Leader)

Main article: Kenshin
  • Partner: Gallade, who knows Psycho Cut and has the Ability Parry (Japanese: たちさばき Swordplay).
  • Specialty: Psychic/Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle (Rank I), Inspiration (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Gallade, Mewtwo


Main article: Aya (Conquest)
  • Partner: Cubchoo, who knows Powder Snow and has the Ability Stealth (Japanese: ステルス Stealth).
  • Specialty: Ice/Ghost
  • Warrior Skill: Sweet Song (Rank I), Compassion (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Snorunt → Froslass


Main article: Kanetsugu
  • Partner: Kirlia, who knows Psyshock and has the Ability Instinct (Japanese: ちょっかん Intuition).
  • Specialty: Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Rally (Rank I), Love and Honor (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Kadabra → Alakazam


  • Partner: Abra, who knows Teleport and has the Ability Instinct (Japanese: ちょっかん Intuition).
  • Specialty: Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Marksman
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Drilbur, who knows Dig and has the Ability Sandpit (Japanese: すなあび Sand Bath).
  • Specialty: Grass/Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Impact
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Ralts, who knows Confusion and has the Ability Instinct (Japanese: ちょっかん Intuition).
  • Specialty: Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Cragspur

Ujiyasu (Leader)

Main article: Ujiyasu
  • Partner: Boldore, who knows Rock Slide and has the Ability Sturdy (Japanese: がんじょう Sturdy).
  • Specialty: Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood (Rank I), Father Figure (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Boldore → Gigalith


Main article: Kai (Conquest)
  • Partner: Pansear, who knows Flame Burst and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Fire/Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Quick Strike (Rank I), Warrior Woman (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Machop, who knows Karate Chop and has the Ability Guts (Japanese: こんじょう Guts).
  • Specialty: Fighting/Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Marksman
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Larvitar, who knows Rock Tomb and has the Ability Sandpit (Japanese: すなあび Sand Bath).
  • Specialty: Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Adrenaline
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Onix, who knows Rock Tomb and has the Ability Jagged Edge (Japanese: エッジアーマー Edge Armor).
  • Specialty: Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Shout
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Roggenrola, who knows Rock Blast and has the Ability Bodyguard (Japanese: ボディガード Bodyguard).
  • Specialty: Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Viperia

Nene (Leader)

Main article: Nene
  • Partner: Golbat, who knows Poison Fang and has the Ability Inner Focus (Japanese: せいしんりょく Force of Will).
  • Specialty: Poison/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Rally (Rank I), Nene Ninpō (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Golbat → Crobat


Main article: Hanzō (Conquest)
  • Partner: Spiritomb, who knows Shadow Sneak and has the Ability Interference (Japanese: ジャミング Jamming).
  • Specialty: Ghost/Poison
  • Warrior Skill: Marksman (Rank I), Ninjutsu (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Haunter → Gengar


  • Partner: Zubat, who knows Wing Attack and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Steel/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Arbok, who knows Venoshock and has the Ability Intimidate (Japanese: いかく Intimidation).
  • Specialty: Poison
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Ekans, who knows Poison Sting and has the Ability Shed Skin (Japanese: だっぴ Molting).
  • Specialty: Dark/Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Yaksha

Kotarō (Leader)

Main article: Kotarō
  • Partner: Zoroark, who knows Night Daze and has the Ability Pride (Japanese: プライド Pride).
  • Specialty: Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Quick Strike (Rank I), Mayhem (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Zorua → Zoroark


  • Partner: Krokorok, who knows Bite and has the Ability Moxie (Japanese: じしんかじょう Overconfident).
  • Specialty: Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Shout
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Pawniard, who knows Assurance and has the Ability Parry (Japanese: たちさばき Swordplay).
  • Specialty: Flying/Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Scrafty, who knows Hi Jump Kick and has the Ability Shed Skin (Japanese: だっぴ Molting).
  • Specialty: Flying/Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Zubat, who knows Wing Attack and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Poison/Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Eagle Eye
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Scraggy, who knows Faint Attack and has the Ability Shed Skin (Japanese: だっぴ Molting).
  • Specialty: Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Avia

Masamune (Leader)

Main article: Masamune (Conquest)
  • Partner: Braviary, who knows Sky Drop and has the Ability Keen Eye (Japanese: するどいめ Keen Eye).
  • Specialty: Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle/One-Eyed
  • Perfect Link: Rufflet → Braviary


Main article: Magoichi
  • Partner: Carnivine, who knows Vine Whip and has the Ability Levitate (Japanese: ふゆう Floating).
  • Specialty: Grass/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot (Rank I), Cupid (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Grovyle → Sceptile


  • Partner: Starly, who knows Quick Attack and has the Ability Keen Eye (Japanese: するどいめ Keen Eye).
  • Specialty: Dragon/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Fortify
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Staravia, who knows Wing Attack and has the Ability Hero (Japanese: おそれしらず Fearless).
  • Specialty: Bug/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Golbat, who knows Poison Fang and has the Ability Interference (Japanese: ジャミング Jamming).
  • Specialty: Ice/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Adrenaline
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Rufflet, who knows Wing Attack and has the Ability Keen Eye (Japanese: するどいめ Keen Eye).
  • Specialty: Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Added Bonus
  • Perfect Link:

Kingdom of Valora

Ieyasu (Leader)

Main article: Ieyasu
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Steel/Rock
  • Warrior Skill: Brotherhood (Rank I), Resolution (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Aggron, Registeel


Main article: Tadakatsu
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Steel/Dragon
  • Warrior Skill: Impact (Rank I), Unrivaled (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Metagross, Dialga


Main article: Ina
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Water/Steel
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot (Rank I), Elegance (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: PrinplupEmpoleon

Kingdom of Spectra

Nō (Leader)

Main article:
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Ghost/Dragon
  • Warrior Skill: Added Bonus (Rank I), Viper's Bite (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Mismagius


Main article: Okuni
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Fire/Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Convalesce (Rank I), Kabuki Dance (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: LarvestaVolcarona

Kingdom of Nixtorm

Mitsuhide (Leader)

Main article: Mitsuhide
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Ice/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Crack Shot (Rank I), Cold Eyes (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Lapras, Articuno


Main article: Gracia
  • Partner: Munna
  • Specialty: Psychic/Ice
  • Warrior Skill: Added Bonus (Rank I), Bewilder (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: Gothorita → Gothitelle

Kingdom of Dragnor

Nobunaga (Leader)

Main article: Nobunaga


Main article: Ranmaru
  • Partner: Dragonair
  • Specialty: Fighting/Steel
  • Warrior Skill: Empathy/Faith
  • Perfect Link: RioluLucario

Free Warriors


Main article: Keiji


Main article: Mitsunari
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Steel/Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Marksman (Rank I), Cunning (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: PawniardBisharp


Main article: Kiyomasa
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Dragon/Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Empathy (Rank I), Belief (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: FraxureHaxorus


Main article: Masanori
  • Partner:
  • Specialty: Ground/Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Impact (Rank I), Sacrifice (Rank II)
  • Perfect Link: KrokorokKrookodile


  • Partner: Onix, who knows Rock Tomb and has an Ability called Jagged Edge (Japanese: エッジアーマー Edge Armor).
  • Specialty: Fight/Normal
  • Warrior Skill: Shout
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Darumaka, who knows Flame Wheel and has the Ability Run Up (Japanese: じょそう Approach Run).
  • Specialty:
  • Warrior Skill:
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Tepig, who knows Ember and has the Ability Blaze.
  • Specialty: Bug/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Fortify
  • Perfect Link: Venipede → Whirlipede → Scolipede


  • Partner: Wooper, who knows Water Gun and has the Ability Gulp (Japanese: がぶのみ Gulp).
  • Specialty: Electric/Water
  • Warrior Skill: Bustle
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Magikarp, who knows Splash and has the Ability Gulp (Japanese: がぶのみ Gulp).
  • Specialty: Electric/Water
  • Warrior Skill: Fortify
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Piplup, who knows Bubble and has the Ability Torrent.
  • Specialty: Electric/Water
  • Warrior Skill: Deep Breath
  • Perfect Link:




  • Partner: Cottonee, who knows Absorb and has the Ability Mountaineer (Japanese: みがる Nimble).
  • Specialty: Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Fortify
  • Perfect Link: PetililLilligant


  • Partner: Cottonee, who knows Absorb and has the Ability Melee (Japanese: どさくさ Turmoil).
  • Specialty: Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Convalesce
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Carnivine, who knows Vine Whip and has the Ability Levitate.
  • Specialty: Water/Grass
  • Warrior Skill: Eagle Eye
  • Perfect Link:



  • Partner: Onix, who knows Rock Tomb and has the Ability Jagged Edge (Japanese: エッジアーマー Edge Armor).
  • Specialty: Fighting
  • Warrior Skill: BUstle
  • Perfect Link:





  • Partner: Scyther, who knows Fury Cutter and has the Ability Swarm.
  • Specialty: Fire/Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Deep Breath
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Sandile, who knows Mud-Slap and has the Ability Intimidate.
  • Specialty: Flying
  • Warrior Skill: High Jump
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Machop, who knows Karate Chop and has the Ability Guts.
  • Specialty: Dragon/Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Deep Breath
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Shieldon, who knows Iron Head and has the Ability Shield.
  • Specialty: Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Shout
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Beedrill, who knows Twineedle and has the Ability Vanguard.
  • Specialty: Psychic
  • Warrior Skill: Salve
  • Perfect Link:




  • Partner: Machop, who knows Karate Chop and has the Ability Guts.
  • Specialty: Bug
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:




  • Partner: Ralts, who knows Confusion and has the Ability Instinct (Japanese: ちょっかん Intuition).
  • Specialty: Ghost/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Detox
  • Perfect Link:



  • Partner: Chingling, who knows Confusion and has the Ability Levitate.
  • Specialty: Ghost/Fire
  • Warrior Skill: Top Speed
  • Perfect Link:



  • Partner: Meowth, who knows Fury Swipes and has an Ability called Mountaineer (Japanese: みがる Nimble).
  • Specialty: Dark
  • Warrior Skill: Quick Strike
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Magikarp, who knows Splash and has the Ability Gulp (Japanese: がぶのみ Gulp).
  • Specialty: Flying
  • Warrior Skill: Eagle Eye
  • Perfect Link:


  • Partner: Aron, who knows Metal Claw and has the Ability Bodyguard (Japanese: ボディガード Bodyguard).
  • Specialty: Ground
  • Warrior Skill: Deep Breath
  • Perfect Link:

Related articles

Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.