Lapras (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)

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ラプラス Laplace
Lapras surfing in the intro
Debuts in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness
Gender Male
Ability Unknown
Current location Treasure Town Beach
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Lapras Unknown Unknown

Lapras (Japanese: ラプラス Laplace) is a non-player character in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.

In the games

Lapras is first seen as a silhouette in a cut-scene when the player and their partner are staring into a sunset sea. Later that night, another cutscene is shown where he is talking to Wigglytuff, who tells Lapras that he can no longer keep his promise due to the threat of world destruction. It is later revealed that Wigglytuff had previously met Lapras in Brine Cave, when Chatot was severely injured after protecting Wigglytuff from an attack by two Omastar and a Kabutops. Wigglytuff panicked and was unable to help his partner, but fortunately Lapras appeared in time to save Chatot. Lapras later explains that while he had not intended to reveal himself at first, he quickly changed his mind when he saw the unconscious Chatot. Afterwards, he tells Wigglytuff that he couldn't be sure whether they were good or evil, and simply asked that they did not investigate the strange pattern on the wall of Brine Cave. Grateful for his aid, Wigglytuff upheld the promise and ensured that all investigations on the matter ceased.

Later, when the player makes their way to the pattern with Grovyle and their partner, the partner's Relic Fragment reacts to the pattern on the wall and it sends a light out to sea, summoning Lapras. The three ride Lapras out into the ocean, whereupon Lapras explains more about reaching the Hidden Land, and how he met Wigglytuff. Lapras eventually crosses the Sea of Time, passing through the gaps between a second, before flying above the Hidden Land itself. He lands, and can be used from that point onwards as a permanent way of entering and leaving the Hidden Land (but only to the player, the partner, and Grovyle). He explains how to reach Temporal Tower, before wishing the player's team luck.

Lapras is briefly mentioned by Dialga after the planet's paralysis is halted, who tells the player and partner that Lapras would be waiting for them. Following the player's disappearance, the devastated partner makes the journey on Lapras back to Treasure Town alone.

It is unknown how he fared in the alternate future, due to his close links with Dialga.

In the second part of the game, Lapras is a standard resident at the beach just south of the Guild. He offers comments at certain parts of the storyline, similar to Treasure Town's shopkeepers, and continues to provide free travel to the Hidden Land. When the player and partner attempt to investigate the distortion of space, Lapras is able to offer some information, revealing to them the existence of Palkia and his domain, Spacial Rift. However, Lapras does not know where that is or how to get there.

After the second part of the game is finished, Lapras continues to remain on the beach, where he expresses concern and apologises for not knowing about Dugtrio's "accident" with the waves.

In the anime

Lapras in the anime

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness, Lapras carried Piplup, Chimchar, and Grovyle to the Temporal Tower.

In the manga

Lapras in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team
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Reason: details of its role in the manga

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team

Lapras appeared in BET5.


  • Unusually, Lapras is not present at the beach when Miracle Sea is unlocked, briefly making the Hidden Land and Temporal Tower inaccessible. Although he returns after the player clears the dungeon, no explanation is given for his absence.

See also

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Lapras.

Characters in the Mystery Dungeon series
Red HeroPartnerCaterpieMetapodWhiscashLombre
Team A.C.T.Team MeaniesFull list
Time HeroPartnerWigglytuffChatotLoudredSunfloraBidoofTorkoalLapras
GrovyleCelebiDusknoirDarkraiPrimal DialgaPalkiaDrowzeeUxieArmaldo
Wigglytuff GuildTeam SkullTeam CharmTeam AWDAmp Plains tribesFull list
WiiWare See here
Gates HeroPartnerAzumarillDunsparceEmolgaHydreigonKeldeoKyuremMunnaGurdurrTimburr
MeloettaUmbreon and EspeonVictiniVirizionQuagsireScraggy
PawniardSwannaBittercoldFull list
Super HeroPartnerAmpharosArchenCarracostaKrokorokKrookodileLegendary beasts
BeheeyemNuzleafXerneasYveltalVoid ShadowsDark Matter
Expedition SocietyStudentsTeam A.C.T.Team SkullTeam CharmTeam AWDFull list
Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.