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DP080 : The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP082 : Cream of the Croagunk Crop!
Chim - Charred!
DP081   EP547
The Scorching Hikozaru!
First broadcast
Japan May 29, 2008
United States October 25, 2008
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening Together2008
Ending 風のメッセージ (PokaPoka Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
Additional credits

Chim - Charred! (Japanese: 灼熱のヒコザル! The Scorching Hikozaru!) is the 81st episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 547th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on May 29, 2008 and in the United States on October 25, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


While Ash's Pokémon train for the upcoming Pastoria Gym battle, Gligar is blown away by a sudden gust of wind. Gligar lands on Team Rocket's balloon—accidentally ripping a hole in it with its claws—then tries to land but nearly crashes into Paul and his Elekid in the process. Ash and his friends catch up to Gligar, and Ash doesn't take long to restart his rivalry with Paul, who is unimpressed by Ash's talk of friendship and trust. Team Rocket, creeping away from their crashed balloon, hides in the bushes to see what happens next.

Ash wants to battle Paul and show him how much stronger he's gotten, but Paul isn't interested until Chimchar steps forward to challenge its former Trainer. Paul consents to battle and sends out his Gliscor; Ash's Gligar is itching to battle, so Ash decides this will be Gligar's debut. It's a very short debut, too: Gliscor uses Guillotine to knock out Gligar in one hit! Paul's Ursaring is up next, and Chimchar volunteers to take it on. Although Chimchar is in good shape, Ursaring isn't even fazed, savagely attacking Chimchar until its Secret Power causes Chimchar to flinch in terror.

Just when it seems Ursaring has Chimchar completely beaten and buried, Chimchar's Blaze ability kicks into effect, powering it up so it can defeat Ursaring in one hit—but Chimchar is now out of control! In its blind rage, it blasts Team Rocket and nearly toasts Ash and Paul. Desperate, Ash grabs Chimchar and hangs on, shouting for it to stop, even though it bites him in its fury. Ash's words eventually get through to Chimchar and as soon as it calms down, Ash soothes it with praise and reassurance. As for Paul, he's willing to battle Ash again—once Chimchar learns to control its power, that is.


Ash faces off against Dawn in a training match, while Brock and his Pokémon watch on. Ash commands Pikachu, Buizel, and Turtwig, while Dawn commands Piplup, Staravia, and Chimchar. After the training session, Gligar gets excited and hugs Ash, but ends up knocking him down. Brock offers a training match of his Sudowoodo against Ash's Gligar to calm its excitement. Before they can start, a strong wind blows Gligar into Team Rocket's air balloon, sending them flying. Meanwhile, Paul and his Electabuzz shock a wild Drapion in an attempt to catch it. This fails, however, as Ash's Gligar falls from the sky, right in front of Paul, and the Drapion escapes. Paul scolds Gligar for interrupting the training and at that moment, Ash's Staravia leads Ash and his friends to Gligar and Paul.

When Ash asks Paul if he's challenged the Pastoria Gym yet, Paul brings up Ash's performance in the Wallace Cup, and Ash defends himself by saying he entered under Wallace's recommendation, and that he saw it as a chance to help his Buizel become stronger. Paul retorts that's exactly why Ash criticized him for entering the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition, which just angers Ash, who responds that Paul only entered Hearthome's Tag Battle tournament so that he could force his Pokémon to become stronger while Ash entered to win. He criticizes Paul, saying that while they both share the dream of winning the Sinnoh League and challenging the Champion, Cynthia, their training methods couldn't be more different and Ash raises his Pokémon with love and trust. Brock reflects on Cynthia's helpful advice back at Amity Square, but Paul says that is not his way of being a Pokémon Trainer. Ash is determined to show Paul he's a good Trainer and asks for a battle, but Paul begins to walk away from Ash and his friends. Chimchar suddenly runs after Paul and yells at him. This seems to amuse Paul, who reconsiders Ash's offer for a battle.

It is decided the match will be a best of three. Dawn uses the Coin Toss option on her Pokétch. Ash wins the toss and asks his Pokémon which one wants to battle, to which Gligar can't volunteer quickly enough. Ash agrees and allows Gligar to participate in its first proper battle. Paul responds by choosing his Gliscor, and Gligar is very nervous about facing its evolved form and former friend.

The battle begins and Ash tells Gligar to use X-Scissor, however Gliscor pounds back with Knock Off. Gligar begins to cry on the ground before Ash tells it to try Sand Attack. Gligar gets up and starts to throw sand in Gliscor's face, but the Fang Scorpion Pokémon is unaffected by the attack. Paul commands Gliscor to use Guillotine, and Ash tells Gligar to counter with Steel Wing but it's no good as Gliscor scores a direct hit and slams Gligar into the ground, knocking it out in one hit. Ash takes Gligar out and kindly tells the Fly Scorpion Pokémon that it's okay and to cheer for him with the rest of the team. Paul tells Ash that it's a good time for Gligar to learn that being defeated in battle is all the Trainer's fault, which Ash's Pokémon don't take kindly to.

Paul sends out his Ursaring next, and Ash's Chimchar volunteers to fight next. Pikachu isn't sure Chimchar is confident enough to battle Paul, but Chimchar turns around and tells Pikachu he can do it. Pikachu wishes him good luck. The battle begins with Chimchar's Flamethrower hitting Ursaring for minimal damage. Ursaring responds with a Focus Blast. Athough the Focus Blast pushes Chimchar back, he takes it head-on, much to Ash's delight. Chimchar tries to Dig underground, but Ursaring uses Hammer Arm on the ground, unearthing the Chimp Pokémon and knocking him into the air. Chimchar dives down with a Flame Wheel, but Ursaring catches him and uses Secret Power at close range before headbutting him away. Ash calls for Chimchar to use Flamethrower, but due to Ursaring having used Secret Power while on rocky terrain, Chimchar flinches and can't attack, despite encouragement from Ash and his friends. With that, Ursaring prepares to strike Chimchar down with Hammer Arm. Although Ash tries to get Chimchar to counterattack with Flame Wheel, the Chimp Pokémon is still too scared to do anything, leaving him open to be knocked into the ground, creating a pile of rubble. Just when it seems like the battle is over, Chimchar emerges from the pile of rocks with a blazing fury, having activated Blaze, although it's not like any activation of Blaze anyone's seen before. Remembering how Chimchar activated Blaze during his battle with the Zangoose, Paul knows that Chimchar is finally awake, as this is the power he was trying to unlock all along. Brock suggests that Chimchar is trying his best to defeat Paul, and has accessed Blaze due to encouragement from Ash and the other Pokémon. Ursaring is ordered to use another Focus Blast, but Chimchar smashes through it with Flame Wheel and collides with the Hibernator Pokémon, knocking it out.

Even though he won the battle, Chimchar's fury appears to be rising. Ash tells Chimchar it's time to stop, however, Chimchar instead powers up another Flame Wheel and charges at Ash, who is just barely able to get out of the way. Chimchar goes for Paul who is able to narrowly avoid being hit. Now Chimchar is bouncing all around, setting fire to the forest, as well as sending Team Rocket blasting off. Dawn's Piplup uses Whirlpool to put out the fires, while Ash's Buizel backs him up with Water Gun. Chimchar is now completely uncontrollable and attempts to get away, however, he is blocked by Ash who begs Chimchar to stop. Chimchar's escape is blocked by Pikachu, Piplup, Buizel, Turtwig, and Staravia, causing Chimchar's fury to grow. Ash, knowing he needs to stop Chimchar here and now, grabs the Chimp Pokémon and holds him close, and screams at him to stop, but Chimchar shows no sign of calming and bites him in the shoulder, causing Ash intense pain. Dawn and the other Pokémon move to help Ash, but Brock and Pikachu stop them knowing Ash is able to handle this alone. The intense heat caused by Chimchar begins to hurt Ash, but he refuses to let go and keeps begging Chimchar to stop. Eventually, under Ash's encouraging words, Chimchar finally calms down and regains control.

Chimchar is once again terrified, this time of Ash's yelling; seeing it as a possible sign of anger. However, Ash's yelling was due more to desperation for Chimchar to get a hold of himself, but Ash compliments Chimchar on his power and says that he believes in Chimchar's power. Paul asks what Ash will do the next time Chimchar ends up accessing Blaze, and if he will ever be able to control it. Ash believes Chimchar has the ability to handle the power it possesses. The rest of Ash and Paul's battle is called off, and Paul tells Ash he's a fool to believe that Chimchar can handle Blaze. However, he goes on to say that after Ash and Chimchar have learned to control Blaze, the two Trainers will battle again. Brock mentions that Trainers need to trust their feelings, and that Chimchar's ability to control himself will have a massive effect on Ash's future in the Sinnoh League.

Ash embraces Chimchar and Paul walking away, both knowing that the two will battle again someday.

Major events

  • Paul tries to catch a Drapion, but fails when Ash's Gligar accidentally interrupts the encounter.
  • Ash and his friends encounter Paul again.
  • Ash challenges Paul to a three-on-three battle, but it gets called off after the first two duels.
  • Ash's Chimchar activates Blaze, which causes him to go on a violent rampage until he is stopped by Ash.
For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts





Ash and Dawn's Triple Battle


  • When Ash and Brock are about to begin their practice battle with Gligar, Piplup's lower body is colored dark-blue instead of light-blue.
  • When Gliscor is sent out, the black lines on its arms are missing, and the upper part of its wings is colored red instead of gray.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP080 : The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP082 : Cream of the Croagunk Crop!
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