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Revision as of 10:19, 12 March 2017

Main article: Cheren
  • When selecting an Ability
"Which of your Pokémon's Abilities should I explain?"
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Ability Explanation
Adaptability When the Pokémon uses a move that matches its type, this Ability increases the power boost.
Aftermath This Ability deals damage to the attacking Pokémon when a direct attack causes the Pokémon to faint.
Air Lock When a Pokémon with this Ability is in battle, it eliminates effects of weather on Pokémon. The weather condition still exists, however.
Analytic When a Pokémon with this Ability attacks last, the power of the move goes up.
Anger Point This Ability raises the Pokémon's Attack to the maximum when hit by a critical hit.
Anticipation A Pokémon with this Ability will shudder if the opposing Pokémon knows a supereffective move. You should remember that it also warns when the opposing Pokémon knows a one-hit KO move, Selfdestruct, or Explosion.
Arena Trap Pokémon with this Ability prevent the opposing Pokémon from fleeing unless they are Flying type or Pokémon with the Levitate Ability. They can't even switch out. Although, they can still switch out by a move's added effect. This is something you should remember. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Bad Dreams Pokémon with this Ability reduce the HP of sleeping Pokémon every turn!
Battle Armor Pokémon with this Ability cannot be hit critically. Some attacks are supposed to score a critical hit every time, but that won't happen against Pokémon with this Ability.
Big Pecks The Defense of Pokémon with this Ability can't be lowered by an opponent.
Blaze This Ability raises the power of Fire-type moves when the Pokémon's HP becomes low. Don't give up even when the Pokémon is in a pinch!
Chlorophyll Pokémon with this Ability double their Speed in sunny weather.
Clear Body Pokémon with this Ability are protected against stat-lowering moves and Abilities. But! The burned status condition still halves their Attack, and the paralysis status condition still lowers their Speed to a quarter of what it was.
Cloud Nine When a Pokémon with this Ability is in battle, it eliminates effects of weather on Pokémon. The weather condition still exists, however.
Color Change A Pokémon with this Ability changes its type to match the type of the move that just hit it.
Compoundeyes This Ability raises a Pokémon's accuracy. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter wild Pokémon with held items when the leading party member has it.
Contrary Stat changes have the opposite effect on Pokémon with this Ability! When stats should go up, they go down, and when they should go down, they go up!
Cursed Body When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by an attack, sometimes it will Disable that attack.
Cute Charm Pokémon with this Ability can inflict the infatuated status condition when hit with a direct attack. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter wild Pokémon of the opposite gender.
Damp When a Pokémon with this Ability is in battle, no Pokémon can use Selfdestruct or Explosion. What's more... The Aftermath Ability won't trigger. You should remember that, too.
Defeatist When a Pokémon has this Ability and its HP is reduced to half or less, its Attack and Sp. Atk go down. You absolutely can't afford to let these Pokémon's HP go down. I guess that's one good thing about this Ability...
Defiant When an opponent lowers the stats of a Pokémon with this Ability, its Attack goes way up! But be careful--if it lowers its own stats, the Ability won't work!
Download When the Pokémon enters battle, this Ability raises its Attack if the opposing Pokémon's Defense is lower than its Sp. Def. It raises Sp. Atk if the opposing Pokémon's Sp. Def is lower than its Defense.
Drizzle Pokémon with this Ability make it rain when they enter the battle.
Drought A Pokémon with this Ability makes the weather sunny when it enters the battle.
Dry Skin This Ability restores HP when the Pokémon is hit by a Water-type move or when it's raining... However, the Pokémon receives increased damage from Fire-type moves and takes damage from sunny weather.
Early Bird A Pokémon with this Ability wakes quickly from the sleep condition.
Effect Spore Pokémon with this Ability can inflict the poison, paralysis, or sleep status condition when hit with a direct attack.
Filter This Ability reduces damage from supereffective moves.
Flame Body A Pokémon with this Ability can inflict the burned status condition when hit with a direct attack. What's more... It makes Eggs in your party hatch faster.
Flare Boost When a Pokémon with this Ability is burned, its Sp. Atk goes up.
Flash Fire Pokémon with this Ability do not take damage from Fire-type moves. Instead, the power of their own Fire-type moves is increased.
Flower Gift When a Cherrim with this Ability is in sunny weather, its form changes, and its Attack and Sp. Def stats go up! In Double and Tripple Battles, it also makes its allies' stats increase!
Forecast This Ability changes Castform's type. Its type changes to Fire in sunny weather, Water in the rain, and Ice in a hailstorm.
Forewarn This Ability reveals a move an opposing Pokémon knows when the Pokémon enters battle. By the way, you should remember that damaging moves with high power are prioritized.
Friend Guard Pokémon with this Ability reduce damage done to other Pokémon battling with it. It doesn't reduce damage to itself, so it doesn't mean much in Single Battles, but it's a very useful Ability to have in Double and Triple Battles.
Frisk A Pokémon with this Ability will tell you what item an opponent is holding.
Gluttony A Pokémon with this Ability uses its held Berry when its HP is half or less.
Guts This Ability raises the Pokémon's Attack when it's affected by a status condition. That's not all! This effect prevents Attack from being halved by the burned status condition. Be careful, though... It'll still take damage every turn when it's burned.
Harvest Pokémon with this Ability sometimes restore the Berry they used. Remember that if the weather is sunny, the Berry will always be restored.
Healer Pokémon with this Ability sometimes heal the status conditions of allies that are battling with it. They can't heal themselves, so it doesn't mean much in Single Battles, but it's a very useful Ability to have in Double and Triple Battles.
Heatproof This Ability halves damage from Fire-type moves. You should remember that it also halves damage from burns.
Heavy Metal Pokémon with this Ability are twice as heavy.
Honey Gather A Pokémon with this Ability will sometimes be left holding Honey after a battle. Its chance of finding Honey increases with its level, so you should keep that in mind.
Huge Power This Ability doubles a Pokémon's Attack stat.
Hustle This Ability raises the Pokémon's Attack but lowers its accuracy. This has no effect on moves that are sure hits. You should remember that. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter high-level wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Hydration This Ability cures status conditions at the end of the turn if it's raining.
Hyper Cutter This Ability prevents Attack from being lowered.
Ice Body Pokémon with this Ability recover a little bit of HP every turn during a hailstorm.
Illuminate When a Pokémon with this Ability is leading your party, you're more likely to encounter wild Pokémon. By the way, its effect in battle isn't understood as of yet...
Illusion A Pokémon with this Ability will appear in battle disguised as the last Pokémon in your party. Be careful. If it's hit by an attack, the disguise will go away.
Immunity Pokémon with this Ability are protected against the poison status condition.
Imposter When a Pokémon with this Ability comes into battle, it will Transform into its opponent. And it's not just looks... It know its opponent's moves, and some of its stats are the same, too!
Infiltrator Pokémon with this Ability can get past effects protecting the target and hit it with a move.
Inner Focus Pokémon with this Ability don't flinch.
Insomnia A Pokémon with this Ability is immune to the sleep status condition, even when its own move would make it fall asleep.
Intimidate A Pokémon with this Ability lowers the opposing Pokémon's Attack when it enters battle. What's more... When a Pokémon with this Ability is leading your party, it lowers the chance to encounter low-level wild Pokémon.
Iron Barbs When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a direct attack, the attacker takes damage as well.
Iron Fist This Ability increases the power of moves that punch the target.
Justified When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a Dark-type move, its Attack goes up.
Keen Eye This Ability prevents accuracy from being lowered. What's more... It lowers the chance to encounter low-level wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Klutz Items have no effect when held by the Pokémon with this Ability.
Leaf Guard This Ability protects the Pokémon from status conditions in sunny weather.
Levitate Pokémon with this Ability are immune to all Ground-type moves. Oh, I almost forgot about it! There is an exception to that. Sand-Attack still hits the target.
Light Metal Pokémon with this Ability are half as heavy.
Lightningrod Pokémon with this Ability are immune to all Electric-type moves. That's not all! Its Sp. Atk goes up every time it takes an Electric-type move. There's more! This Ability draws Electric-type moves to the Pokémon. It doesn't do any good in a Single Battle, but it should be useful in Double Battles and Triple Battles.
Limber Pokémon with this Ability are protected against the paralysis status condition.
Liquid Ooze When an opposing Pokémon uses an HP-draining move, this Ability damages the user by half the damage taken instead.
Magic Bounce Pokémon with this Ability reflect status moves used on them right back at the user! And get this! The status move does not affect the target!
Magic Guard Pokémon with this Ability do not take damage from anything other than attacks.
Magma Armor This Ability prevents the frozen status condition. What's more... It makes Eggs in your party hatch faster.
Magnet Pull A Pokémon with this Ability prevents opposing Steel-type Pokémon from fleeing. They can't even switch out. However, if a move's added effect would make them switch out, that still works. This something you should remember. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter Steel-type wild Pokémon when the leading part member has it.
Marvel Scale This Ability raises the Pokémon's Defense when it's affected by a status condition. Be careful that this effect does not get triggered by conditions such as the confused or infatuated status conditions.
Minus This Ability raises the Pokémon's Sp. Atk when another ally has the Ability Minus or Plus. This does nothing in a Single Battle, but it can raise each other's Sp. Atk in Double Battles and Triple Battles. Actually, it could prove to be very useful in Double Battles and Triple Battles.
Mold Breaker A Pokémon with this Ability uses moves on targets regardless of their Abilities.
Moody At the end of a turn, Pokémon with this Ability raise one stat sharply and lower another.
Motor Drive This Ability not only nullifies the damage but also raises the Pokémon's Speed when it's hit by an Electric-type move.
Moxie When a Pokémon with this Ability knocks out an opponent, its Attack goes up.
Multiscale When a Pokémon with this Ability has full HP, the damage it takes is reduced. Remember, as long as the Pokémon's HP is full, the Ability will keep working.
Multitype Arceus has this Ability. When it holds an item called a Plate, its type shifts according to the Plate!
Mummy When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a direct attack, the Ability of the attacker will change to Mummy.
Natural Cure Pokémon with this Ability cure their status conditions when they switch out. Their status conditions are also cured when a battle ends. That's another thing you should remember.
No Guard Moves used by or against the Pokémon with this Ability always strike their targets. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Normalize This Ability turns all of the Pokémon's moves to Normal-type moves.
Oblivious Pokémon with this Ability are protected against the infatuated status condition.
Overcoat Pokémon with this Ability aren't damaged by the weather.
Overgrow This Ability raises the power of Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP becomes low. Don't give up even when the Pokémon is in a pinch!
Own Tempo Pokémon with this Ability are protected against the confused status condition.
Pickpocket When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit with a direct attack, it can steal the attacker's held item. Well... It only works if the attacker is holding an item, though.
Pickup Pokémon with this Ability may pickup the item the opposing Pokémon used that turn at the end of the turn. What's more... It sometimes picks up an item after battle even if it didn't participate. Just so you know... The higher the Pokémon's level is, the better item it picks up. One more thing... If the Pokémon is holding an item already, this Ability does nothing.
Plus This Ability raises the Pokémon's Sp. Atk when another ally has the Ability Plus or Minus. This does nothing in a Single Battle, but it can raise each other's Sp. Atk in Double Battles and Triple Battles. Actually, it could prove to be very useful in Double Battles and Triple Battles.
Poison Heal This Ability restores HP every turn if the Pokémon is inflicted with the poison status condition.
Poison Point Pokémon with this Ability can inflict the poison status condition when hit with a direct attack.
Poison Touch When a Pokémon with this Ability lands a direct attack, the target is sometimes poisoned.
Prankster Pokémon with this Ability can use status moves earlier than usual.
Pressure When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by an opposing Pokémon's move, the PP (Power Points) of that move are depleted. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter high-level wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Pure Power This Ability doubles the Pokémon's Attack.
Quick Feet This Ability raises Speed when the Pokémon is affected by status conditions. It nullifies the Speed-lowering effect of paralysis as well. What's more... It lowers the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Rain Dish Pokémon with this Ability restore HP by a little every turn when it's raining.
Rattled When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a Ghost-, Bug-, or Dark-type move, its Speed goes up.
Reckless If a Pokémon with this Ability uses a move that has recoil, the power of that move will increase. Don't forget that this Ability's effect also works on moves that damage the user when the move misses!
Regenerator When a Pokémon with this Ability is withdrawn from battle, it restores a little of its HP.
Rivalry This Ability raises the power of the Pokémon's move when the target is of the same gender. However, if the target is the opposite gender, the move's power goes down.
Rock Head Pokémon with this Ability are immune to recoil damage from moves.
Rough Skin A Pokémon with this Ability reduces the HP of an opposing Pokémon that hits it with a direct attack.
Run Away Pokémon with this Ability can always escape from a battle with a wild Pokémon. It can even ignore the effects of moves and Abilities that normally prevent Pokémon from running away.
Sand Force When a Pokémon with this Ability is in a sandstorm, the power of its Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type moves goes up!
Sand Rush When a Pokémon with this Ability is in a sandstorm, its Speed doubles. Also, it won't be damaged by a sandstorm, regardless of its type.
Sand Stream A Pokémon with this Ability causes a sandstorm when it enters the battle.
Sand Veil This Ability doubles a Pokémon's evasiveness in sandstorms. Also, sandstorms don't damage the Pokémon, regardless of its type. What's more... It lowers the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when it leads your party in a sandstorm.
Sap Sipper When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a Grass-type move, its Attack goes up. It also takes no damage or added effects from those moves.
Scrappy This Ability lets the Pokémon hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
Serene Grace When a Pokémon with this Ability is in a sandstorm, the power of its Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type moves goes up!
Shadow Tag A Pokémon with this Ability prevents the opposing Pokémon from fleeing. They can't even switch out normally. However, if a move's added effect would make them switch out, that still works. This is something you should remember.
Shed Skin Pokémon with this Ability can cure their status conditions during a battle.
Sheer Force When a Pokémon with this Ability uses a move with an additional effect, the power goes up, but the additional effect won't work.
Shell Armor Pokémon with this Ability cannot be hit critically. Some attacks are supposed to score a critical hit every time, but that won't happen against Pokémon with this Ability.
Shield Dust Pokémon with this Ability are protected from additional effects of moves.
Simple This Ability doubles the effect of stat changes. You should remember that both stat-raising and stat-lowering effects get doubled.
Skill Link With this Ability, moves with multiple hits will always strike the maximum number of times.
Slow Start This Pokémon halves Attack and Speed for five turns when the Pokémon enters battle. To win battles with this Ability, the key is to endure the first five turns!
Sniper Pokémon with this Ability deal a great amount of damage when delivering a critical hit.
Snow Cloak The evasiveness of the Pokémon with this Ability goes up when it's hailing. What's more... If a Pokémon with this Ability is leading the party in a hailstorm, it lowers the chance to encounter wild Pokémon.
Snow Warning A Pokémon with this Ability changes the weather to hail when it enters a battle.
Solar Power This Ability raises Sp. Atk in sunny weather, but the Pokémon also takes damage every turn, so be careful.
Solid Rock Pokémon with this Ability take less damage from supereffective moves.
Soundproof Pokémon with this Ability are protected from sound-based moves. They are protected from their allies' moves, too, even helpful ones. So be careful in Double Battles and Triple Battles.
Speed Boost This Ability raises a Pokémon's Speed every turn.
Stall Moves by the Pokémon with this Ability are used last in the turn regardless of its Speed.
Static Pokémon with this Ability can inflict the paralysis status condition when hit with a direct attack. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter Electric-type wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Steadfast This Ability raises the Pokémon's Speed every time it flinches.
Stench Pokémon with this Ability can sometimes make the target flinch. What's more... It lowers the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Sticky Hold This Ability prevents the Pokémon's held item from being stolen. What's more... It makes Pokémon bite more often while fishing when the leading party member has it.
Storm Drain Pokémon with this Ability do not take damage from Water-type moves. That's not all! Its Sp. Atk goes up every time it takes a Water-type move. There's more! This Ability draws Water-type moves to the Pokémon. It doesn't do any good in Single Battles, but it should be useful in Double Battles and Triple Battles.
Sturdy Pokémon with this Ability are protected against one-hit KO moves. It also leaves the Pokémon with a tiny bit of HP if hit by a move that would knock it out when its HP is full.
Suction Cups A Pokémon with this Ability nullifies moves like Whirlwind and Roar, which would force Pokémon to switch out. What's more... When a Pokémon with this Ability is leading your party, it makes Pokémon bite more often while fishing.
Super Luck This Ability heightens the critical-hit ratio of the Pokémon's moves.
Swarm This Ability raises the power of Bug-type moves when the Pokémon's HP becomes low. Don't give up even when the Pokémon is in a pinch!
Swift Swim This Ability double a Pokémon's Speed when it's raining.
Tangled Feet This Ability raises the Pokémon's evasiveness when it's confused.
Technician This Ability increases the power of weaker moves.
Telepathy Pokémon with this Ability can read their allies' minds and avoid collateral damage. It's not useful in Single Battles, but it's a very important Ability for Double and Triple Battles.
Teravolt Pokémon with this Ability can use moves on targets regardless of their Abilities.
Thick Fat This Ability halves damage from Fire- and Ice-type moves.
Tinted Lens This Ability doubles the damage of the Pokémon's not-very-effective moves.
Torrent This Ability raises the power of Water-type moves when the Pokémon's HP becomes low. Don't give up even when the Pokémon is in a pinch!
Toxic Boost When a Pokémon with this Ability is poisoned, it's Attack goes up.
Telepathy When a Pokémon with this Ability enters the battle, its Ability changes to match the opposing Pokémon's Ability. In a battle, being able to tell the opponent's Ability can be very useful. You should remember that.
Truant Pokémon with this Ability can use a move only once every other turn. One strike to end the battle, so to speak! That's how you win a battle with this Ability.
Turboblaze Pokémon with this Ability can use moves on targets regardless of their Abilities.
Unaware This Ability ignores the stat changes of the opposing Pokémon. But! It does not ignore changes to the Speed stat, so be careful.
Unburden This Ability doubles the Pokémon's Speed if it loses or consumes a held item. It won't do a thing if the Pokémon has no held item to begin with, though.
Unnerve When a Pokémon with this Ability is in battle, the opposing Pokémon won't be able to eat Berries.
Victory Star A Pokémon with this Ability raises the accuracy of itself and its allies.
Vital Spirit Pokémon with this Ability are protected against the sleep status condition. What's more... It raises the chance to encounter high-level wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Volt Absorb Pokémon with this Ability do not take damage from Electric-type moves. Their HP is restored a little instead.
Water Absorb Pokémon with this Ability do not take damage from Water-type moves. Their HP is restored a little instead.
Water Veil This Ability prevents the burned status condition.
Weak Armor When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a physical attack, Defense goes down, but Speed goes up!
White Smoke Pokémon with this Ability are protected against stat-lowering moves and Abilities. But! The burned status condition still halves their Attack, and the paralysis status condition still lowers their Speed to a quarter of what it was. What's more... It lowers the chance to encounter wild Pokémon when the leading party member has it.
Wonder Guard Pokémon with this Ability are protected against damage from all moves that aren't super effective. It's a very powerful Ability... But the Pokémon still takes damage from weather and status conditions.
Wonder Skin Pokémon with this Ability are more likely to dodge status moves. Don't forget, though; if the Pokémon uses a status moves on itself, this Ability won't work.
Zen Mode A Darmanitan with this Ability enters Zen Mode when its HP is reduced to half or less. When in Zen Mode, it's a Psychic- and Fire-type Pokémon. Its Attack and Speed go down, but its Defense, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def increase!