Appendix:FireRed and LeafGreen walkthrough/Section 18

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This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
These pages follow the remade Game Boy Advance iteration, not Pokémon Red and Blue. The guide for those games can be found here.

Pallet Town

A World Expands

After defeating the elite Trainers at Indigo Plateau, the new Champion returns home to Pallet Town. Professor Oak pays you a visit and inspects the progress you have made on your Pokédex. He tells you that he has a favor to ask, and leads you to his lab. The professor explains that there have been many sightings recently of rare Pokémon species that have never been seen before in Kanto. He would like to study these Pokémon for himself, but his advanced age means that he must rely on you instead. Blue enters a short time later, and Oak takes each Trainer's Pokédex for a moment. If each device has recorded data on at least 60 different species, he upgrades them to National Mode. This enhancement enables the Pokédex to identify these rare Pokémon species so that you may now begin encountering them. Blue insists that he will be the one to complete the Pokédex, and considers looking around One Island first. Follow his lead and use Fly to return to Vermilion City and take the ferry back to the Sevii Islands.

One Island

Ruby Path, 1F
Ruby Path, B1F
Ruby Path, B2F
Ruby Path, B3F
Ruby Path, B4F
Ruby Path, B5F

One Island (Town)

Pokémon Network Center

Speak to Celio to learn that he is modifying his Network Machine. This update will allow it to accommodate long-distance trades, but in order to do so, he says that the machine requires a special type of gemstone. It is rumored to be somewhere on One Island but he has not been able to find one yet.

Mt. Ember


Go east from the Hiker near the entrance to find that the two Team Rocket Grunts have finally punched through the wall. They can be overheard excitedly planning to bring any treasure they may find back to the Rocket Warehouse. The building seems to require two passwords to enter. One of the Grunts has already forgotten them, but the other helpfully reminds him of the first one: "Goldeen need log". But before he can reveal the second password, they realize that you have been listening in and draw you into battle. Defeat them and they run off to regroup, leaving the new cave entrance exposed.

Ruby Path


There are several rocks in the first tunnel that can be cleared with Rock Smash. Go northwest and climb down the ladder.


Head northward and pass through more breakable rocks to reach the ladder.


Go east to find the path blocked by several boulders. Use Strength to move the first boulder (→2) eastward. Take a few steps to the southeast and push the second (→1) eastward, as well. Move the northernmost boulder (↑1) northward, then go south and climb down the ladder.


Clearing the breakable rocks on this level may reveal wild Slugma or Magcargo, some of the rare Pokémon Oak spoke of when he upgraded your Pokédex. Head east and use Strength to move the boulder (→1, ↓1) southeastward to clear a path. A short distance ahead, the path splits in two. Follow the southern tunnel and push the boulder all the way westward. Walk down the stairway and climb down the ladder to the south.


On this level, a series of glass panels are arranged to display the Braille alphabet, letter by letter. Climb down the ladder in the southeast corner.


Examine the pedestal to obtain the Ruby. A panel on the north wall features another Braille inscription. Take the ladder and climb back up to B3F.

Braille English


Return to the branching tunnels and take the eastern path this time. Move the northern boulder (→1) eastward, then the southern boulder (←1) westward. Continue southward and climb up the ladder. This short path acts as a shortcut back to the entrance, ending in the northeast part of 1F.

One Island (Town)

Pokémon Network Center

Return to Celio to deliver the Ruby. He happily installs the gemstone in his Network Machine, but has another favor to ask. While studying gemstones, he discovered that there is a second that forms a pair with the Ruby. The only information that he has to work with is that it is somewhere in the Sevii Islands. To help you on your new quest, he takes back your Tri-Pass and gives you his personal Rainbow Pass, which allows travel among all seven of the islands. He also adds another page to your Town Map that shows the other four islands.

Four Island

Four Island

Four Island (Town)

The town of Four Island is a small settlement on the southwest side of Four Island. A second Pokémon Day Care can be found here, and the eastern side of the island houses Icefall Cave.

A Rival Reappears

When you leave the port, you run into Blue on the beach. He wonders what you are doing in the Sevii Islands, and tells you to stop copying him. He brags about obtaining a Pokémon Egg, and hints that he saw someone you both know on the island. Afterward, he pushes you aside to enter the port.

Pokémon Day Care

A second Pokémon Day Care is located on the north side of town. While the Day Care on Route 5 can only accept one Pokémon at a time, this location can accommodate up to two at once. If two compatible Pokémon are left at the same time, you may return to find an Egg!

Move Tutor

There are two men in the northeast house. Speak to the one on the left to learn that they are having a Body Slam match to see who wimps out first. He says that you would be squashed like a bug if you joined them, so he offers to teach Body Slam to a compatible Pokémon of yours instead.

The Braggart's house

Located next door to the Poké Mart, the Braggart hands Trainer Card Stickers to Trainers who have achieved certain accomplishments. There are three different stickers, with four levels each.

Requirement Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Enter the Hall of Fame 1 40 100 200
Hatch a Pokémon Egg 1 100 200 300
Win a Link Multi Battle 1 20 50 100

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Level 1 League Sticker.png Level 2 League Sticker.png Level 3 League Sticker.png Level 4 League Sticker.png
Level 1 Egg Sticker.png Level 2 Egg Sticker.png Level 3 Egg Sticker.png Level 4 Egg Sticker.png
Level 1 Battle Sticker.png Level 2 Battle Sticker.png Level 3 Battle Sticker.png Level 4 Battle Sticker.png

Lorelei's house

The easternmost house belongs to Lorelei, the master Ice Pokémon Trainer of the Elite Four. She grew up on the island, even catching her first Pokémon in the nearby Icefall Cave. She is not here at the moment, but her home features a collection of stuffed Pokémon dolls. There are six at the moment, but she often returns with more to add to her collection.

Icefall Cave, Entrance
Icefall Cave, 1F
Icefall Cave, B1F
Icefall Cave, Back Cave

Icefall Cave

Icefall Cave is a frigid cave located in the northeast part of Four Island. Several sections of the cave have crumbling floors that have been filled in by ice; stepping on these fragile areas more than once causes them to fall away. The deepest part of the cave is connected to the ocean, and is the only location where wild Lapras may be found.


A waterfall flows down from the upper level. Use Surf to cross the water on the lower level and enter the next area.


Head northeast to find a large icy patch. Walk across the two eastern sections to reach an Ultra Ball, then pass over the northwest section to continue on. Step on the northernmost icy spot twice to fall through to the lower floor.


Climb up the nearest ladder to reach the northeast part of 1F.

1F (Northeast)

Step on the northern icy spot twice to fall through to the basement.


Move south to slide along the ice, then east to reach a NeverMeltIce. Head northwestward over the ice and climb back up the ladder.

1F (Northeast)

Step on the southern icy spot twice to drop down to the basement again.


Move north, east, south, then west to reach the southern edge of the icy patch. Grab the Full Restore to the west and climb up the southern ladder.


Pick up HM07 (Waterfall) from above the ledge and use it to teach the move to a compatible Pokémon. Take the south exit to return to the entrance.


Use Waterfall to reach the upper area and climb down the ladder.


Go north through the opening in the wall to reach the final area.

Back Cave

When you reach the Back Cave, you find Lorelei confronting a group of three Team Rocket Grunts who have been poaching and selling Pokémon from the cave. Once she notices you, Lorelei asks for your help in kicking them out. She takes on the two Grunts on the left, leaving you to battle the one on the right.

Afterward, Lorelei presses the Grunts for the location of the captured Pokémon. Even defeated, they refuse to give it up. She tells them that her Lapras is furious for what they have done to its friends, and persuades them to talk after an Ice Beam attack. The Pokémon are being held in the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island. However, entering the building requires two passwords, and there is still one to find.

Six Island

Six Island
Pattern Bush
Altering Cave
Dotted Hole, 1F
Dotted Hole, B5F

Six Island consists of a larger island to the south that holds the town of Six Island and Ruin Valley, and smaller northern islands that make up Water Path, Green Path, and Pattern Bush. Outcast Island is situated far to the north.

Six Island (Town)

Pokémon Center

Heading Home

Visit the Pokémon Center to run into Blue again. He tells you that he has seen enough of the Sevii Islands and is returning to Kanto to work on his Pokédex.

Water Path

Water Path is a long route on the east side of the main island. It links the town with Green Path to the north and Ruin Valley to the south.

The Ultimate Horn

The northern island holds two isolated homes. In the northern house, there is a woman who likes big Heracross and wishes to see the "ultimate horn". If you show her a Heracross, she will measure its size and reward you with a Nest Ball. After doing so, she will give out another Nest Ball for each Heracross that you show her that sets a new record. The current record is displayed on a chart on the back wall. Heracross can be found in the nearby Pattern Bush to the west.

Green Path

Green Path consists of the western part of the smaller island, including Pattern Bush, and a pair of tiny rocky islets farther west. Outcast Island lies off to the north.

Pattern Bush

Pattern Bush is a small forest covered with thick undergrowth, a perfect habitat for the many Bug Pokémon that reside here. There are odd patterns where tall grass refuses to grow, leading the Trainers here to form their own theories. Some study it in the belief that a secret is concealed.

Outcast Island

Outcast Island is a rocky ocean route that leads to Altering Cave. It is named after the island that lies at its northern terminus, the farthest of the small islets from the main island.

Altering Cave

Altering Cave is a mysterious, isolated ruin located at the northermost extent of Six Island. The undisturbed cave is home only to wild Zubat.

Ruin Valley

Ruin Valley is a large area on the south side of the main island. The Dotted Hole can be found in the middle of the valley, surrounded by steep mountain cliffs.

Exploring the Ruins

The entrance to the Dotted Hole has been sealed tight for ages and refuses to budge. On further inspection, there are several dots on the door; this Braille message translates to the word "Cut". Using the field move here causes the door to open.

Dotted Hole

The Dotted Hole is a mysterious ruin from an ancient time. It got its name from the six dots on its door.


There is nothing of interest on the ground level, so jump down through the hole in the floor to reach B1F.


The next several levels each display a panel with a word shown in Braille and have four gaps in the floor, one near each wall. Any visitors would need to decipher the message on each level to learn the correct path forward. Starting on B1F, jump down through each hole in order (up, left, right, down) to reach the lowest level.


On the lowest level, you find the Sapphire on display, just like the Ruby in Mt. Ember. When you attempt to grab it, a Scientist suddenly drops down from the level above. He followed you so that you would open the ruins, and intends to sell the gemstone to Team Rocket! Seemingly feeling a bit guilty, he suggests that you can retrieve it after he gets his money. He even offers a password for the Rocket Warehouse"Yes, nah, Chansey"—before climbing the ladder and making his escape.

A panel on the north wall features another Braille inscription.

Braille English

With the Sapphire stolen and both passwords collected, it's time to visit Five Island and clear out the rest of the Rockets.

← Part 17 The Pokémon League
FireRed and LeafGreen
Five Island, Seven Island Part 19 →

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