Two Perfect Girls
"Two Perfect Girls" is a song from the English dub of the Pokémon anime. It is one of the five songs featured in Pokémon Karaokémon in The Johto Journeys. It is sung by Brock's voice actor, Eric Stuart, and it is a love song about Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. The full version of this song can be found on the Totally Pokémon and Pokémon 3: The Ultimate Soundtrack CDs.
Two Perfect Girls has three versions: the one that was used in the international release of Totally Pokémon and the version that was included in both the Hungarian and Australian*[1] releases as well as in being used in Pokémon Karaokémon. The international version is played with a mix of guitars, piano, baritone saxophone, alto saxophone, and percussion while the other version has a big band playing the music in the style of a swing beat. The third version is the recording from the Pokémon Live! musical, which can be found on the Pokémon Gotta Catch 'em Live! CD and on the Pokémon Insider: The Video promotional VHS.
- Illusion Confusion!
- The Chikorita Rescue
- Fighting Flyer with Fire
- Chikorita's Big Upset
- Good 'Quil Hunting
- Tricks of the Trade
- The Totodile Duel
- The Psychic Sidekicks
A one woman man's what I wanna be
Stay by her side so faithfully
I would if I could, but it's just no good
Cause there's two perfect girls for me
Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me
Officer Jenny, oh can't you see
You can lock me up and throw away the key
Jenny, if loving you's a crime
Then sentence me now and I'll do the time
My uniformed beauty is simply the best
She's got my heart under house arrest
But before that cop names me her boy
I'm head over heels (he's head over heels)
I'm head over heels for a nurse named Joy
Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me
Nurse Joy, won't you please
Cure me of this bad disease
Oh Joy, the diagnosis is bleak
When I see your face my knees get weak
Well, I'm burning up, I got the fever
She's my perfect nurse and I'd never leave her
Her bedside manner has healed so many
So why am I in love? (why's he so in love?)
Why am I in love with Officer Jenny?
Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me
I've tried, and I've tried
And I've searched way deep inside
From these two I won't choose
I can't stand the bad news
About the name of the girl that I'm gonna lose!
This can't go on, enough is enough
I've gotta pick one no matter how tough
It's time for eeny-meeny, miny-mo
But wait a second! (wait a second!)
Wait a second! (come on and wait a second)
What's her name? I've just gotta know!
I've just gotta know!!
Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one woman man's what I wanna be
But there's one, no two,
No three, four, five, six, seven - so many
Perfect girls for me!
- This song is used in the Pokémon Karaokémon segment of each episode where Ash obtains one of the Johto first partner Pokémon.
In other languages
Language | [show]Title |
- ↑ CD information
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This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician. |