A Golden Future

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A Golden Future
Masters A Golden Future.png
Event notification image
Type Story event
First run
Featured sync pairs Sygna Suit Morty and Ho-Oh
Sync pairs with reward bonus 
1.6× Sygna Suit Morty and Ho-Oh
Silver and Ho-Oh 
1.4× Kris and Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr
Lyra and Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium
Ethan and Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion 
1.2× None 
Theme skills with 1.2× reward bonus Johto

A Golden Future (Japanese: 黄金色に輝く未来) was a story event in Pokémon Masters EX. It was focused on the sync pair Sygna Suit Morty and Ho-Oh.

The "Sygna Suit Morty Poké Fair Scout" gave players an increased chance of recruiting Sygna Suit Morty and Ho-Oh from the beginning of the event to June 15, 2022.

During this event, players could earn Event Vouchers X from battles that could be redeemed in the Shop. All battles could be challenged an unlimited number of times except Daily Extreme Battle 1, which could only be challenged once per day. Extra vouchers were automatically exchanged with coins once the event was finished.

The player could battle using Sygna Suit Morty and Ho-Oh or Silver and Ho-Oh to obtain +0.6× bonus vouchers; Kris and Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr, Lyra and Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium, or Ethan and Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion to obtain +0.4× bonus vouchers; and any unlisted Johto or Fire-type sync pairs to obtain 0.2× bonus vouchers.

This event featured the Battle Challenge, where players were challenged to defeat a team of strong opponents. Players could complete event missions by clearing these areas with teams using various theme skills, earning medals and other rewards.

In addition, players could earn a medal for completing all the story areas in the event.



Single player

Name Difficulty Trainers Pokémon Stamina First-Time Rewards Completion Rewards Battle Rewards
Left Middle Right
Challenge Pasio's Trainers: Part 1 Normal VSPoké Fan M Masters.png
Poké Fan William
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
10 Gems ×30 200 coins
Event Voucher X ×7
Event Voucher X ×1-2
Challenge Pasio's Trainers: Part 2 Hard 15 Gems ×30 400 coins
Event Voucher X ×14
Event Voucher X ×1-3
Challenge Pasio's Trainers: Part 3 Very Hard 15 Gems ×30 1000 coins
Event Voucher X ×16
Event Voucher X ×1-3
Challenge Pasio's Trainers: Part 4 Super Hard 20 Gems ×30 1500 coins
Event Voucher X ×26
Event Voucher X ×1-4
Daily Extreme Battle 1 Ultra Hard 30 Gems ×30 2000 coins
Event Voucher X ×100
Battle Challenge! Round 1 Super Hard VSTeam Rocket Grunt M Masters.png
Team Rocket Grunt
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
Weakness: FireIC Masters.png
Gems ×100
3★ Support Move Candy
None None
Battle Challenge! Round 2 Ultra Hard Gems ×100
4★ Tech Move Candy
None None


Masters A Golden Future banner.png
Event banner
Masters Medal 1-Star A Golden Future.png Masters Medal 2-Star A Golden Future.png Masters Medal 3-Star A Golden Future.png Masters Medal Rainbow Cascade.png
1★ A Golden Future
2★ A Golden Future
3★ A Golden Future
Rainbow Cascade


Item given Item received Max exchanges
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×400
Masters 5 Star Power-Up.png
5★ Power-Up
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×400
Masters Tech Move Candy Coin.png
Tech Move Candy Coin
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×400
Masters Strike Move Candy Coin.png
Strike Move Candy Coin
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×200
Masters 5 Star Scout Ticket.png
5★ Scout Ticket
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×250
Masters 4 Star Strike Move Candy.png
4★ Strike Move Candy
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×150
Masters 3 Star Tech Move Candy.png
3★ Tech Move Candy
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×250
Masters 4 Star Power-Up.png
4★ Power-Up
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×150
Masters 3 Star Power-Up.png
3★ Power-Up
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×100
Masters Skill Sphere.png
Skill Sphere ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×50
File:Co-op Sync Orb Masters.png
Co-op Sync Orb ×200
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×50
File:Sync Orb Masters.png
Sync Orb (Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh) ×50
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×30
Masters Skip Ticket.png
Skip Ticket ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×100
Masters Fire Codex, Vol. 1.png
Fire Codex, Vol. 1 ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×50
Masters Fire Tome, Vol. 1.png
Fire Tome, Vol. 1 ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×30
Masters Elite Four Notes.png
Elite Four Notes ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×20
Masters Gym Leader Notes.png
Gym Leader Notes ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×100
File:Masters Great Drink Pack ++.png
Great Drink Pack ++ ×50
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×80
File:Masters Drink Pack ++.png
Drink Pack ++ ×50
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×60
File:Masters Ultra Drink Pack +.png
Ultra Drink Pack + ×50
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×50
File:Masters Great Drink Pack +.png
Great Drink Pack + ×50
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×50
Masters 4 Star Level-Up Manual.png
4★ Level-Up Manual ×10
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×750
Masters 3 Star Power-Up.png
3★ Power-Up
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×10
File:Masters Drink Pack +.png
Drink Pack + ×30
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×10
Masters 3 Star Level-Up Manual.png
3★ Level-Up Manual ×3
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×10
File:Masters Ultra Drink Pack.png
Ultra Drink Pack ×40
File:Masters Voucher N.png
Event Voucher X ×10
File:Masters Great Drink Pack.png
Great Drink Pack ×50


  • Pokémon Center
Name Text
Morty I'll grasp my future with my own two hands!
Morty I train to connect myself to a tomorrow I can't see.
I don't know what's waiting for me there, but I truly believe...
the harsh training I go through every day will bring me to a bright and shining future!

  • Morty's Legendary Encounter
Name Text
(Flashback to Morty talking to Ethan)
Morty I see a shadow of the person who will make the Legendary Pokémon appear...
I believe that person is me!
(Flashback ends, Morty watches Ethan and Silver battling in a field)
Ethan Wow, Silver! You and Ho-Oh have gotten so much stronger together!
Silver Hmph. You haven’t seen anything yet.
I'm just getting started.
Morty ... ... ...
The Pokémon I longed for is so close to me, but...
I guess I just haven't trained enough yet.

  • Rainbow Feathers
Name Text
Morty Drifblim must be...
All right! Next, I'll—
No, you're right—I really shouldn't overdo it. I think I'll call it a day.
Thanks so much for sticking with me through all of this, everyone.
(Transition to Morty walking through the forest, something on the ground sparkles)
Morty Hm?
What was that just now?
Is this...a Ho-Oh feather?
The next day...
Morty I hope Silver's around here somewhere...
Ethan C'mon, Silver. Everyone else wants to battle against Ho-Oh, too!
Kris It's such a strong and beautiful Pokémon. It's even spoken of in myths!
As Pokémon Trainers, of course we want to battle it!
Lyra Please! We just want you to show us how it behaves in battle!
Silver Hmph... Just listen to you all prattle on...
Why is everyone from Johto always like this?
Morty Hey there! I'm glad I found you, Silver!
I've got something I wanted to return to you.
Silver To me?
Ethan Whoa! Is that...a Ho-Oh feather?!
Morty Yeah, I figured it must belong to Silver's Ho-Oh.
Silver No... That's not from my Ho-Oh.
Morty Really? Then where did this feather come from?
??? Look, everybody! A Ho-Oh feather!
Morty Wha—?!
Rising Star See, what do you think? Isn't it amazing?!

  • Traces of Ho-Oh
Name Text
Ace Trainer Oh wow... I wish I had a Ho-Oh feather...
Rising Star I know, right?
In Johto, it's said that if you have one of these feathers, you'll be able to meet Ho-Oh!
Camper Where exactly did you find such a precious thing?
Rising Star Huh?! Umm... That's a secret.
Anyway, uh, bye!
Morty Hey, do you have a second?
Ethan That's a Ho-Oh feather you've got, right? Could you please show it to us, too?
Rising Star Wh-what do you want?
Lyra Oh, sorry for popping up so suddenly. We didn't mean to startle you.
Silver Yeah...that's definitely not from my Ho-Oh.
Kris So maybe it's really a feather from a different Pokémon.
Rising Star H-hey, don't just come up to me and start saying stuff like that!
I swear, this is definitely a Ho-Oh feather!
Probably! I mean...I think...
(The Rising Star leaves)
Lyra If that really is a Ho-Oh feather...
and it's not from Silver's Ho-Oh...
Ethan Then maybe a different Ho-Oh has come to Pasio!
Kris You really think so?
Silver ... ... ...
Morty Another Ho-Oh on Pasio...
??? It's said that Legendary Pokémon will appear to the truly powerful Trainers.
Morty If there's even a chance, then I have to try!
I've just got to set my mind to it and go searching for Ho-Oh!
Lyra And I'll help you!
Ethan Let's all find Ho-Oh together!
Morty Thank you both so much!
Silver I'll pass.
Ethan Huh? You won't come along with us?
Silver The feather that girl had just now... There was something really suspicious about it.
You can believe her if you want and go search for Ho-Oh. But don't get me involved.
Kris I think...I agree with Silver.
I'd like to do a little digging and see if what we just saw really was a Ho-Oh feather.
Lyra You, too, Kris?
Kris Sorry I can't go with you.
I'll let you know if I find anything out!
Lyra It looks like both of them want to be a bit more cautious about this.
I was hoping they'd come along, but... Oh well.
Morty It's fine. In fact, we may get even more information by splitting up like this.
So let's do our part and start looking for Ho-Oh!
(Transition to Silver watching the Rising Star)
Silver How did it go, Sneasel?
Yes... That's definitely the girl from before.
Rising Star Aww... It looks so yummy...
Silver What, you're not going to buy something?
Rising Star Eep!

  • Training Mentality
Name Text
Ethan You found the Ho-Oh feather somewhere around here, right?
Morty Yes... I found it shining in the dark.
At first, I could hardly believe it.
That I actually had a Ho-Oh feather in my own hand...
Lyra You've wanted to meet Ho-Oh that badly?
Morty Not just Ho-Oh—all of the Legendary Pokémon in the Johto region. But yes.
Legendary Pokémon will appear to truly powerful Trainers.
That's a saying that's been passed down in Ecruteak City.
I believe those words are true, and since the moment I was born, I've been training in secret.
Thanks to that training, I can see things that others can't see, but...
that training hasn’t been easy.
Lyra Have you ever felt like it's just too hard?
Morty If I'm honest with you, yes, lots of times.
But thanks to my Ghost-type Pokémon always sticking with me...
the training's become a really good memory, not just hardship.
Although, saying it like that makes it sound like it's all in the past, when actually my training is still ongoing.
And I'll keep it up until I discover a new future for me.
Lyra Wow, that's impressive...
Ethan Let's do this, Morty! We'll find Ho-Oh for sure!
Morty Yes! I certainly intend to!
(Transition to Professor Bellis's Lab)
Kris I'll have to see it again to be sure, but I think that was...
Professor Oak Hmm...
Kris Thanks for the reference materials about Ho-Oh, Professor! They were really helpful!
Professor Oak I'm glad to hear it! Feel free to come back anytime if you need anything.
(Transition to Silver with the Rising Star)
Kris Oh, Silver! And you from before!
I'm so glad I found you! There's something I wanted to ask...
Silver It seems like you've discovered something as well. Let's compare notes.
(Transition to Ethan, Lyra, and Morty in town)
Lyra We didn't find a single clue...
Ethan I know—it's so frustrating! We've been searching high and low!
Morty Well, that's the way it goes sometimes. It's not a Pokémon that can be found so easily.
By the way, what’s all the commotion about?
Poké Fan I'm the one who's gonna find Ho-Oh!
Hiker Don't make me laugh! There's no possible way you could do it!
Pokémon Ranger I already told you both—Ho-Oh is going to become MY partner Pokémon!
Lyra Wh-what's going on?
Every one of them has a Ho-Oh feather!
Ethan Even though we searched so hard and couldn't find a single one!
Morty Something's definitely strange here.
Silver and Kris may have been right after all...
??? It certainly looks that way.
(Kris, Silver, and the Rising Star appear)
Kris About that Ho-Oh feather she had...
It was a fake—a feather taken from a different bird Pokémon and dyed.
Lyra Whaaa?! A fake?!
Silver Now tell them where you got that feather.
Rising Star I, uh... Actually...I bought it from Team Rocket.
Ethan T-Team Rocket?!
Rising Star I didn't know it was a fake...
It was really expensive, but I spent all the cash I had on it because I thought I'd be able to meet Ho-Oh...
Morty I see... So Team Rocket's been selling fake Ho-Oh feathers...

  • Into the Future
Name Text
Lyra If Team Rocket is selling fake Ho-Oh feathers, does that mean...
All of those people have been tricked as well?!
Hiker I will!
Pokémon Ranger No, I will!
Poké Fan Nooo! I will catch Ho-Oh!
Morty ... ... ...
Right, then. Let;s find the people who did this.
Will you all help?
Ethan Of course!
Kris Let's catch them right away and put a stop to all this!
Morty All those people truly believe that their feathers are genuine...
Toying with their trusting hearts and stomping on their dreams and aspirations...
It's unforgivable.
(Morty finds a group of Team Rocket grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Oh! How about you? Wouldn't you like one of these Ho-Oh feathers?
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Right now, they're going for just one million apiece! Great deal, don't you think?
Morty Ah... So you're the ones selling the fake Ho-Oh feathers.
Team Rocket Grunt (2) Shoot! H-he knows they're fake!
Team Rocket Grunt (1) Hmph. If he's on to us, there's only one thing we can do!
Team Rocket Grunt (3) C'mon, everyone! Get him!
Morty The trusting hearts of humans, as well as their dreams and aspirations... These things are worthy of respect.
I won't just stand by and let you trample all over those precious thoughts and feelings!
(Morty battles and defeats the Team Rocket grunts)
Team Rocket Grunt (1) H-he's so strong!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) This is...not good!
Team Rocket Grunt (3) Urk!
Morty Promise me now that you'll never deceive people like that again.
Team Rocket Grunt (1) What're you talkin' about? It's easy money. Why would we ever give that up?
Morty Then I suppose I'll have to drive this lesson a little further home.
(Silver appears)
Silver No, that's enough.
It looks like those fakes of yours were actually of some use.
Behold—the real Ho-Oh.
Team Rocket Grunt (3) D-darn it!
Team Rocket Grunt (2) We can't keep selling these if someone here's actually partnered with the real thing!
(The grunts leave)
Silver That wasn't like you at all.
Morty You're right... I may have gotten a bit carried away.
Silver Was it because of Ho-Oh? Or because you couldn't stand what Team Rocket was doing?
Morty Probably...both.
(Ethan, Kris, and Lyra appear)
Kris We took care of the other Team Rocket members selling fake Ho-Oh feathers, too!
Ethan That guy from the International Police told us to leave the rest to him.
Morty I see... That's a relief.
Lyra ... ... ...
Silver You don't need a feather.
Morty Huh?
Silver After all, I didn't.
Morty Thanks, Silver...
Ethan They say Ho-Oh will reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer, right?
I'm sure it's watching you from somewhere, Morty, and seeing your pure and strong feelings!
Morty Maybe.
I think I'll keep the feather I found yesterday as a memento.
So I never forget my determination to meet Ho-Oh!
A few days later, as Morty began his usual training...
(A Shiny Ho-Oh appears)
Morty ... ... ...
Are you...my new future?
(Transition to Morty in his sygna suit and the Shiny Ho-Oh watching the sunrise on the mountain)

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese 黄金色に輝く未来
Mandarin Chinese 閃耀金黃光芒的未來
France Flag.png French Un futur en or
Germany Flag.png German Ein goldene Zukunft
Italy Flag.png Italian Un avvenire dorato
South Korea Flag.png Korean 황금색으로 빛나는 미래
Spain Flag.png Spanish Destino dorado


  • A Golden Future was part of a series of special gold-themed events held to celebrate Pokémon Masters EX reaching forty million downloads worldwide. Other events in this series included the solo event Pasio Gold Rush and the Daily Battle event The Golden Magikarp.

See also

This template is no longer used. It is being retained for archival purposes.
Pokémon Masters EX Events
Story events

Reach for the TopThe Girl in Black and WhiteThe Importance of EleganceRosa's PartyA Special PresentTwo ChampionsThe Strongest There IsShining StarTeam Skull Crash CourseThe Star of the ContestSerena's Dessert PartySummer SuperstarsFamily TiesThe Eccentric ElectricianFight or FrightDazzling Dizzying Battle StageDeck the HallsThe Ideal FormulaSeason's GreetingsBaking BuddiesChampion TimeShining Heart of DragonsPasio EggsplorersTrials on the IsleMasters of Land and SeaAll Aboard the Victory TrainBeachside RivalryHearts UnitedMidnight SpookfestThe Light DevourerWinter WishesNew Year and New FriendsSweet ShenanigansPasio FriendiversaryVerdant GuardianA Golden FutureRevel in RivalrySummer Nights & Wishing StarsThreads of StrengthMelancholy WallyOtherworldly EncounterShine a Gentle LightGather Up! Dream Duo!Chef's Heartful DeliveryGalar's Poké Ball EnthusiastTravelers from a Distant PastChase the Northern WindTwin Stars Far Apart

Unique events Blissful Bonanza!Prestige eventBattle Point ChallengeDaily Type RotationPokémon Masters DayLegendary GauntletMusic Coin ChallengeBattle RewindBattle with PalsFind the Ditto impostors!Riddle eventAnime CollaborationRun-Up to Three Special BattlesEevee Day CelebrationExpedition event
Non-unique events Training eventsSpecial eventsLegendary eventsSolo eventsEgg eventsTime trial eventsExtreme battle eventsGear eventsSpecial sync pair eventsDaily BattlesVillain eventsCostume eventsSpecial battle eventsNeo ChampionsTrainer Files

Project Sidegames logo.png This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.