Appendix:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough/Section 30

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This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
These pages follow the remade Nintendo DS iteration, not Pokémon Gold and Silver. The guide for those games can be found here.

Pallet Town

Oak's Lab

Professor Oak's Lab

When you return to Pallet Town, Professor Oak is so impressed with your accomplishments that he offers you a choice of one of the three Kanto starter Pokémon as your own. Choose whichever you like, but you will need an empty party slot to accept it.

Spr 4h 001.png
Spr 4h 004.png
Spr 4h 007.png
Grass Poison Fire Water
Ivysaur Ivysaur Charmeleon Charmeleon Wartortle Wartortle
Grass Poison Fire Water
Venusaur Venusaur Charizard Charizard Blastoise Blastoise
Grass Poison Fire Flying Water

Saffron City

Silph Co.

Silph Co., 1F

The Three Stones

Make a return trip to Saffron City and visit the Silph Co. building. Talk to Steven near the front desk, and he asks you a question: Of a group of stones in front of you, would you choose the green stone, the red stone, or the blue stone? The answer you give determines which Pokémon he offers you. Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip are the starter Pokémon of his native Hoenn region.

Spr 4h 252.png
Spr 4d 255 f.png
Spr 4h 258.png
Grass Fire Water
Grovyle Grovyle Combusken Combusken Marshtomp Marshtomp
Grass Fire Fighting Water
Sceptile Sceptile Blaziken Blaziken Swampert Swampert
Grass Fire Fighting Water Ground

Follow the Leader

Once Steven leaves, follow him to the Pewter Museum. Enter the building to find him viewing one of the exhibits while muttering about the stars in the night sky. When he leaves, follow him back to the Silph Co. building.

Time for a Trade

Speak to him and he asks to trade Pokémon. He is looking for a Forretress, and is willing to part with his Beldum. Beldum can only be found in the Safari Zone, while Forretress are unavailable in the wild and must be evolved from a Pineco. Beldum will eventually evolve into the powerful Metagross, and Steven has given this one a Dawn Stone to hold.

Lugia Emerges from the Waterfall BasinHG

As the player should have received the Silver Wing in Pewter City, proceed to the Whirl Islands to capture Lugia. Lugia will not let itself be caught easily, so be sure to stock up on your favorite type of Poké Ball. Repels, Escape Ropes, and Pokémon with status-inflicting moves, like Spore or Thunder Wave, are also recommended. Fly back to Olivine or Cianwood and sail out into the ocean. Surf and Whirlpool are required to fully explore the islands' underwater cave network; Strength and Flash are helpful, but not necessary.

Whirl Islands

There are many items to be found throughout the caves, but if you are only looking for Lugia, start with the northeast island.

Whirl Islands, northwest interior
Whirl Islands, northeast interior
Whirl Islands, southeast interior
Whirl Islands, southwest interior
Whirl Islands, B1F
Whirl Islands, B2F
Whirl Islands, Waterfall Basin

Northwest Island

Step inside the cave, and take the ladder to the floor below.

Walk down the stairway to reach a hidden Pearl to the northeast, and a Full Restore to the south. Jump the ledge and climb the stairway to the east in order to reach a Nugget and a hidden Super Repel. Head east and jump the two ledges to reach a ladder; this leads to a dead-end with an Ultra Ball. Go south, jump another ledge, and backtrack to the first ladder in the northwest corner. Head south along the upper level to reach a Carbos, and climb down the ladder to the southeast.

Grab the Max Elixir and Full Restore from this dead-end area, then use an Escape Rope to exit the cave.

Northeast Island

Walk east, jump the ledge, and take the northern path to reach the next part of the main cavern.

Follow the rock platform southward, collect the hidden Revive, and climb down the ladder to B2F.

Inspect the north wall for a hidden Full Restore, then grab the Max Revive to the west. Speak with the monk, and the Silver Wing suddenly floats up into the air. When he sees the shimmering silver feather, the monk allows you to pass. Step through the archway just south of him to reach a Rare Candy. Continue the climb down the cliffside to reach another archway, where your lead Pokémon retreats into its Poké Ball.

Step inside the waterfall chamber and find Lugia waiting in front of the waterfall. Make sure you save before battling if you are trying to capture, in case Ho-oh faints.


Start off by using status-inflicting moves, like Spore or Thunder Wave, to wear it down. Follow up with Rock-, Ghost-, Electric-, Ice-, or Dark-type attacks to inflict double the damage. Then slowly chip away at its remaining health with Fighting-, Grass-, or Psychic-type attacks, as moves of these types inflict only half- or quarter-damage. If you happen to knock it out, it will reappear if you again beat the Elite Four.

Spr 4h 249.png
Psychic Flying
Held item:
Lugia Lv.70
Flying Special
Dark Physical
Rock Special
Normal Status

Southeast Island

Check the northwest corner for a hidden Rare Candy, then take the ladder down to the main cavern.

Head north along the rock ledge to find a Calcium. Go down the stairway and loop around to the west. Search near the south-central ladder for a hidden Ultra Ball, then move the nearby boulder northward. Head west to reach an Escape Rope, then climb the southwest ladder.

Detour across the pool of water to the east to collect another Ultra Ball, then take the exit to emerge on the southwest island.

Southwest Island

The only items accessible from the southwest island are the Escape Rope and the Calcium, both of which would have been collected already.

Ho-Oh Descends to the Bell TowerSS

As the player should have received the Rainbow Wing in Pewter City, proceed to the Bell Tower in Ecruteak City to capture Ho-oh. Ho-Oh will not let itself be caught easily, so be sure to stock up on your favorite type of Poké Ball. Repels, Escape Ropes, and Pokémon with status-inflicting moves, like Spore or Thunder Wave, are also recommended. Head north from the Dance Theater to reach the Barrier Station. Flash the Fog Badge to reach Bellchime Trail. On the trail, speak to Morty. He will tell you that Ho-oh did not choose him and asks if you would help him in his training. Add his phone number if you wish to battle him again. Then proceed to the Bell Tower.

Bell Tower

As you approach the back of the first floor, the Rainbow Wing suddenly floats up into the air. Seeing the shimmering rainbow feather, the monk finally moves from the ladder.


Go south around the column and climb the ladder.

Bell Tower, 3F
Bell Tower, 4F


Go west to reach a Full Heal. Move around in an S-shape to reach the northeast stairs.


Go south to find an Ultra Ball, and south again to get a PP Up. Grab the Escape Rope in the southwest, then climb the northwest stairs.

Bell Tower, 5F
Bell Tower, 6F


Work your way to the pillar for a Rare Candy. The ramps here keep you from advancing, so take the southeast stairs and backtrack through 4F. Stay to the west of the pillar to reach the stairs in the south.


6F has a simple layout that serves as a transition between the ramps on the lower floors and what lies above. The next three floors use a series of warp tiles for quick navigation. First grab the Max Potion, then circle around to the northwest corner to get the Full Heal. Take the stairs up to 7F.

Bell Tower, 7F
Bell Tower, 8F


Step on the nearest warp tile to reach the pillar, and take the next to reach the east wall of 9F. There are two warp tiles to the south; the right one leads to the center of 8F and a Max Elixir, while the left one leads to the south side of 8F and a Nugget. Backtrack to the first warp on 7F, grab the Max Revive to the northeast, and go south to take the next warp to the west side of 8F.


The next warp takes you to the north side of 9F where you can find an HP Up, and the next warp tile on 9F brings you back to the east side of 8F. Pick up the Full Restore to the northwest and take one last warp to the center of 9F.

Bell Tower, 9F
Bell Tower, Rooftop


Climb the stairs to reach the rooftop.


Climb the golden stairway to reach the tower's rooftop, where Ho-Oh will be waiting for you. Make sure you save before battling if you are trying to capture, in case Ho-oh faints.


Start off by using status-inflicting moves, like Spore or Thunder Wave, to wear it down. Follow up with Water- or Electric-type attacks to inflict double the damage. Use caution with Rock-type attacks, as Ho-Oh takes four times the normal damage from such moves. Then slowly chip away at its remaining health with Fire-, Grass-, Fighting-, Bug-, or Steel-type attacks, as moves of these types only inflict half- or quarter-damage. If you happen to knock it out, it will reappear if you again beat the Elite Four.

Spr 4h 250.png
Fire Flying
Held item:
Bag Sacred Ash Sprite.png Sacred Ash
Ho-Oh Lv.70
Sacred Fire
Fire Physical
Dark Physical
Rock Special
Normal Status

Route 30

Back in Johto, Mr. Pokémon is thrilled because a friend of his from Hoenn recently brought him a gift. He promptly hands over the glittering stone to you, hoping that you can do more with it than he can. This stone is believed to have some connection to the Embedded Tower, ancient ruins to the west of Cianwood City.

Cianwood City

Cliff Edge Gate

Cliff Edge Gate

Cliff Edge Gate is a cavern that leads to Routes 47 and 48, and the new Safari Zone beyond that.

Route 47

Route 47

Route 47 is a rugged path that links Cliff Edge Gate and Route 48. Though the route has been accessible for some time now, the difficult terrain prevented those without Waterfall and Rock Climb from fully exploring the area.

Cliff Cave

Cliff Cave, 1F

Cliff Cave is a small, three-floor cave on the east side of Route 47. From the entrance, you can either climb to the route's upper level to reach Route 48 and the Safari Zone, or descend to sea level in order to reach the Embedded Tower in the southwest.

Embedded Tower

Embedded Tower, as seen when occupied by Kyogre

Near the entrance to the ruins, a Hiker informs you of their history. Ages ago, the Embedded Tower was constructed deep into the cliffside, and its peak was said to touch the sky. It is believed that it also ran far below to the ocean floor, as well. In short, the ruins formed a link between the land, the sea, and the sky. Enter the chamber to find the legendary Pokémon KyogreHG / GroudonSS silently watching as you approach.


When the battle begins, Kyogre's Drizzle Ability immediately summons a rainstorm. This raises the power of all Water-type moves by 50%, increases Thunder's accuracy to 100%, and weakens the power of SolarBeam and all Fire-type moves by 50%. Its Water Spout attack is powerful enough already, but the heavy rain increases its destructive force. Like Groudon's Eruption, the move weakens when the Pokémon's health falls, but it can remedy this problem with Aqua Ring. Begin with Grass- and Electric-type attacks to wear it down quickly, then switch to Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel moves to weaken it further. Ultra Balls, Dusk Balls, and Heavy Balls are especially useful. If you fail to catch it, defeat the Pokémon League once more to cause it to reappear.


When the battle begins, Groudon's Drought Ability immediately intensifies the sun's rays. This raises the power of all Fire-type moves by 50%, allows immediate use of SolarBeam, and weakens all Water-type moves by 50%. Its Eruption attack is powerful enough already, but the harsh sunlight increases its destructive force. Like Kyogre's Water Spout, the move weakens when the Pokémon's health falls, but it can remedy this problem with Rest. Begin with Grass-, Water-, and Ice-type attacks to wear it down quickly, then switch to Rock and Poison moves to weaken it further. Ultra Balls, Dusk Balls, and Heavy Balls are especially useful. If you fail to catch it, defeat the Pokémon League once more to cause it to reappear.

Spr 4h 382.png
Water Unknown
Held item:
Kyogre Lv.50
Aqua Ring
Water Status
Ice Beam
Ice Special
Rock Special
Water Spout
Water Special
Spr 4h 383.png
Ground Unknown
Held item:
Groudon Lv.50
Psychic Status
Ground Physical
Rock Special
Fire Special

Once the ancient creature has been caught, the Hiker enters and explains a bit more about the Pokémon. He also reveals that the tower was built by travelers from the distant Hoenn region.

Pallet Town

Oak's Lab

Add the ancient Pokémon to your party and pay a visit to Professor Oak. He is amazed that you have caught one of these powerful Pokémon, but he always thinks of Kyogre and Groudon as a pair; wherever one appears, the other must not be far away. Since you have one already, he wonders if you could bring both to him. However, Groudon only shows itself to those with shining-silver spirits, while Kyogre only appears to those with golden hearts. Find a Trainer that matches this description and trade for the second Pokémon. When you show the pair to the professor, he rewards you with the Jade Orb, which calls the third member of the Hoenn myth to the Embedded Tower.

Route 47

Embedded Tower

Embedded Tower, as seen when occupied by Rayquaza


As Rayquaza is related to the other two super-ancient Pokémon, its Ability is also involves the weather; however, Air Lock eliminates the effects of all weather conditions. Its Outrage attack is powerful enough already, but can become even more destructive if AncientPower is able to raise its stats. Begin with Rock- and Dragon-type attacks to wear it down quickly. Ice-type attacks are extremely effective, as well. After that, switch to Grass, Fire, Water, Bug, and Fighting moves to weaken it further. Ultra Balls, Dusk Balls, and Heavy Balls are especially useful. If you fail to catch it, defeat the Pokémon League once more to cause it to reappear.

Spr 4h 384.png
Dragon Flying
Air Lock
Held item:
Rayquaza Lv.50
Psychic Status
Air Slash
Flying Special
Rock Special
Dragon Physical

When presented with the third Pokémon from the Embedded Tower, Professor Oak expresses his wonder at the fascination Pokémon seem to have for orbs and stones.

Route 48

Route 48

Route 48 is a short riverside path that connects the rugged Route 47 to the Safari Zone Gate.

Safari Zone Gate

Safari Zone Gate

The Safari Zone Gate is a bazaar situated between Route 48 and the new Safari Zone.

← Part 29 Mt. Silver
HeartGold and SoulSilver

Project Walkthroughs logo.png This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.