Silver (Adventures)

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シルバー Silver
Silver Adventures.png
Age 16 (as of the ninth chapter)
Gender Male
Birthday December 24
Eye color Silver
Hair color Red
Hometown Viridian City (presumably)
Region Kanto (presumably)
Relatives Giovanni (father)
Trainer class Trainer

Silver (Japanese: シルバー Silver) is the sixth main character of the manga series Pokémon Adventures. His first Pokémon was a Sneasel. As a child, he was kidnapped and raised by the evil Masked Man, where he met and became close with Green. Together they escaped, and Silver went to Johto, where he later stole Professor Elm's Totodile. This is similar to the way Green stole Professor Oak's Squirtle upon her return.

Silver's special skill, as described by Professor Oak, is Pokémon trading and is known as the "Exchanger" (換える者 Exchanger).

Silver is based on the rival character of the same name in the Generation II and Generation IV games.

Character history


Silver as a child

As revealed in the FireRed & LeafGreen arc, Silver is the son of Team Rocket boss Giovanni. As a young child, Silver was kidnapped by the Masked Man to serve under him. It was there that he met and befriended Green, and together they escaped from the Masked Man and parted ways, but not before Silver gave Green his Horsea and received her Snubbull.


Silver had several cameos before he was formally introduced. He was the one who told Green of Lance's plan to summon a bird and they both believed that it was the Ho-Oh that kidnapped them as children, making Green think that the Elite Four was behind her kidnapping. It was, in fact, a Lugia so Silver was technically wrong and Green had decided to meet back up with him in Johto.

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Silver in the third chapter

In his quest to take down the Masked Man and Team Rocket, Silver allied himself with Lance and stole a Totodile from Professor Elm's lab. In stealing the Pokémon, Silver made himself a rival in Gold, who thought that he was the one who stole his backpack that had all of his Pokémon in it and later because of his theft of Totodile. Before they could finish their first battle which had taken place at Professor Elm's lab right after Silver stole Totodile, Gold was knocked unconscious by several members of Team Rocket, who Silver subsequently defeated. During the battle, Gold was able to burn his hand forcing Silver to throw one of his gloves off. Because of this, Gold learned from the name emblazoned in the glove that the boy's name was Silver. Gold then tried to track him down for a while after learning from Professor Oak that Silver stole a Pokédex as well.

Silver then goes to Violet City and talks to Lance in the Sprout Tower, running into Gold along the way and almost losing Totodile, until it was revealed that Totodile actually wants to stay with Silver because it bit Gold when he tried to get it back. When an iron wrecking ball was launched at them, Silver and Gold teamed up with their respective starters (Exbo and Totodile) to destroy the ball by rapidly heating the ball and then cooling it. Silver then disappeared again, with Totodile evolving into Croconaw.

Silver then takes a Black Apricorn to Kurt, who makes a Heavy Ball for him, saying that he only gives his balls to trainers he feels are qualified and that Silver is good enough. Silver used this Heavy Ball to capture an Ursaring. However, Gold ran into him while he was in the middle of the capture. Gold got in his way several times (for example when Aibo ran into Silver and made him drop his Heavy Ball). Silver then told Gold how to properly use Kurt's Balls. He stated that every Pokémon has a point that the trainer must hit with the ball in order for it to work (for Teddiursa, the crescent moon on its forehead and for Ursaring, its belly, for example). Gold re-payed Silver by using his Friend Ball and billiard cue to knock back Silver's Heavy Ball, and were both able to catch their targets. Silver then, once again, disappeared. He appeared at the Slowpoke Well in the middle of Team Rocket's Slowpoke Tail scam and defeated all of the Grunts single-handedly. Ursaring's claw marks were seen on one part of the well, so people quickly realized that it was him.

Silver then appears in Ecruteak City, looking over the damage from the air with his Murkrow. Jasmine's Amphy's flare then caught Silver's attention and he found her in the Tin Tower and decided to help her, only to run into Gold who thought he did harm to her instead. Before Gold could spark a battle, Silver just handed her over to him and left. However a mudslide left them trapped in the tower but Silver got Gold's Polibo to evolve into a Politoed and get them out right before they drowned in the silt, only to find out Team Rocket was the cause of the earthquake. Once Silver and Gold defeat the grunts they retreat and Gold requests a battle, to which Silver accepts. After a long battle he reveals several new additions to his team, a Kingdra that evolved during the exchange with Politoed, and a Tyranitar that wasn't his and thereby, could not control. He almost defeated Gold's whole team with it, but Togebo was able to defeat the Tyranitar.

Silver commanding an attack on the Mask of Ice

The two boys eventually realized they share a common goal, however, as Gold was also trying to defeat the Masked Man. Together, Gold and Silver battled the villain at the Lake of Rage. It was here that the Masked Man revealed Silver's past to Gold; how he was kidnapped by him as a child. Because of this, Silver gained Gold's sympathy and respect. The two bounced back but were defeated, with their fates left unknown for a while.

It is later revealed they were in Whirl Islands, unconscious for a long time and watched over by Entei. They were found by Lt. Surge, and also met Crystal and battled a Lugia that started attacking them, but failed to catch it. Silver then headed to the opening ceremony of the Pokémon League in an attempt to find the Masked Man, but Green teleported him away from there to save him.

In the final confrontation in Ilex Forest, Silver fought Will and won. Later, together with Gold and Crystal, he dove after Pryce into the time portal. The Pokédex holders made it out unharmed, but Pryce was stuck inside.

FireRed & LeafGreen arc

Silver in the fifth chapter

In the fifth chapter, inspired by Green meeting her parents, Silver renews his quest to find the truth about his own past. This journey takes him to Viridian City, where he meets Yellow, who reads the mind of his Sneasel, who has a memory of the statue of Giovanni that further supports Silver's theory that he grew up in Viridian.

Soon, two admins of Team Rocket, Sird and Orm, arrive and confronted Yellow and Silver in battle. After the battle, Sird revealed that Giovanni is, in fact, the father of Silver. After hearing this, Silver fainted and was taken by Sird to the Team Rocket Battle Airship in order to reunite the boy with his father. When he awakes, Silver refuses to accept that Giovanni is his father and that he is the heir of Team Rocket.

Although Silver was initially unhappy about his true heritage, Blue helped him realize that Giovanni has his qualities, and Silver uses his Ursaring to help rescue his father. He then helped the other Pokédex Holders support Red to keep the Battle Airship from crashing in Vermilion City. They celebrated the victory, but soon after their win, Sird turns Silver and his friends to statues with a beam intended for Deoxys.

Silver in the ninth chapter

Emerald arc

Silver remains a statue for most of this chapter, and is only set free towards the end, when Emerald wishes Jirachi to do so. Along with the other Pokédex holders, Silver then joins the fight against Guile Hideout and his Feraligatr helps obliterate the giant Kyogre monster with its Hydro Cannon.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

Silver makes his return with a revamped outfit resembling his game counterpart, barring the notch of hair standing up in the latter. Here, he searches Lance's chambers after being informed of his absence, and finds company in the form of an angry, misunderstanding Clair and some Rocket-owned Koffing controlled by Petrel. Later, he meets up with Crystal and Eusine after his Sneasel and Murkrow evolve.


This list is updated to the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc.

On hand

Silver's Weavile
Main article: Silver's Weavile

Silver's Weavile was Silver's very first Pokémon and was with him before he was kidnapped by the Masked Man. Therefore it had memories of Viridian City and Yellow read its mind to help Silver on his quest to find his father. It is male and at level 46.

Silver's Feraligatr
Debut Murkrow Row
Main article: Silver's Feraligatr

Silver's Feraligatr was stolen from Professor Elm as a Totodile, but eventually grew attached to Silver and did not want to leave him. It evolved into a Croconaw at the Sprout Tower and Feraligatr at the Whirl Islands. It is male and at level 45.

Silver's Honchkrow

Silver's Honchkrow is Silver's means of aerial transport, since he did not develop the same fear of birds as Green did.

Although Murkrow was relatively strong at level 43, it was rarely used in battle, and often lost when it was; its only known move being Pursuit. In the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc, Murkrow evolves into Honchkrow. It has an Adamant nature and its characteristic is "likes to fight."

Silver's Kingdra
Debut Cloystered

Silver's Kingdra was initially a Horsea given to Green in exchange for her Snubbull before they parted ways after escaping the Masked Man, but sometime after the Yellow arc, it was given back and evolved into a Seadra off-screen. It evolved again in Gold's care when Silver traded it and Polibo so they would both evolve (unwittingly, in Gold's case, as he originally wanted it to become a Poliwrath).

Kingdra has the distinction of being Silver's only female team member and is at level 44. It has a Serious nature and knows Brine, SmokeScreen, Twister, Waterfall and Water Gun.

As a Horsea she was named (タッちゃん Tat-chan) under Green's ownership in the Japanese version.

Main article: Red Gyarados

This Gyarados was the leader of a pack of Gyarados forced to evolve due to Team Rocket and Silver, with the help of Gold, caught it since without its leader the other Gyarados would calm down. It was frozen in the Lake of Rage after Gold and Silver's battle with the Masked Man but was found by Lt. Surge and returned to Silver.

Gyarados is at level 40 and has a Sassy nature.

Silver's Rhyperior

Silver's Rhyperior first appeared when Silver and Crystal were attacked by Ariana on Route 38. It was sent out to end the battle between the two Pokédex Holders and the Team Rocket General with a powerful Earth Power that was strengthened with the use of an Earth Plate. Recently, dialogue from the latest round of the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc confirmed its origins as one of Blue's main Pokémon, evolved.

Status Unknown

Silver's Ursaring

Silver's Ursaring was caught by Silver with one of Kurt's Heavy Balls since he considered Silver, unlike Gold, a worthy Trainer. Ursaring had been since told to take Giovanni to a place to heal by Silver and due to reasons unknown is currently missing along with Giovanni.

Ursaring is a powerhouse on Silver's team at level 44 knowing Fire Punch, Fury Swipes and Strength.


Lance's Tyranitar

Tyranitar was loaned to Silver by Lance and was first seen battling Gold and destroying Gold's entire team until Togebo defeated it. It was given back to Lance after Silver, Gold, and Crystal's battle with Lugia at the Whirl Islands.

Tyranitar was seen using only Sandstorm and has a Quirky nature.

Debut Murkrow Row
Main article: Polibo

Silver had Gold trade Polibo to him for Kingdra so it would evolve into a Politoed and allow them to escape from a collapsing building. They then traded back.

Silver's Snubbull

Snubbull had previously been Green's but was traded for Horsea before they parted ways after escaping the Masked Man. They traded back sometime during the Yellow arc and Snubbull has since evolved into a Granbull under Green's care.

Silver's Entei

After Entei saved Gold, Silver, and Crystal after their battle with Lugia at the Whirl Islands Silver observed it and wished to catch it. He battled it alongside Green at the Indigo Plateau but disappeared before the battle ended. It then joined forces with Silver when the Legendary Beasts and Johto Pokédex Holders teamed up and entered the voids of time after the Masked Man.



Language Name Origin
Japanese シルバー Silver From Pokémon Silver.
English Silver From Pokémon Silver.
Korean 은동 Eundong 은 means silver. The entire name means silver cave, possibly in reference to the game location.
Chinese (Taiwan) 阿銀 Ā Yín 銀 means silver.
Chinese (Mainland China) Yín 银 means silver.
Chinese (Hong Kong) 小銀 Xiǎo Yín 銀 means silver.

External links

See also

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

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