RocketShipping: Difference between revisions

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Line 355: Line 355:
: Jessie and James hug out of fear before their mecha breaks.
: Jessie and James hug out of fear before their mecha breaks.
: After Team Rocket crashes into a tree, Jessie says in a dramatic tone, "You know James, I never felt this close to you before." Equally dramatically, James comments, "I feel the same about you..." In a displeased tone, James adds, "and {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}}."
: After Team Rocket crashes into a tree, Jessie says in a dramatic tone, "You know James, I never felt this close to you before." Equally dramatically, James comments, "I feel the same about you..." In a displeased tone, James adds, "and {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}}."
: Jessie motions that once she and James figure out where they are, they should go home and Meowth will eventually show up there. James attempts to figure out how she expresses emotion. He muses that her logic hides the fact that she doesn't care and her anger hides the fact that she does care.
* ''[[AG100|Solid as a Solrock]]''
* ''[[AG100|Solid as a Solrock]]''
: Jessie and James are lowered into [[Mossdeep Gym]] on set pieces shaped like a sun and a moon. Jessie gets off onto a platform and James gets on bended-knee before her. All the while they sing a motto to each other.
: Jessie and James are lowered into [[Mossdeep Gym]] on set pieces shaped like a sun and a moon. Jessie gets off onto a platform and James gets on bended-knee before her. All the while they sing a motto to each other.
Line 378: Line 377:
: Jessie and James are seen asleep on a bed with the covers partly over them. Jessie is sleeping on top of James.
: Jessie and James are seen asleep on a bed with the covers partly over them. Jessie is sleeping on top of James.
[[Image:DP133 Scale.png|250px|thumb|left|A motto sequence from ''[[DP133|Uncrushing Defeat!]]'']]
[[Image:DP133 Scale.png|250px|thumb|left|A motto sequence from ''[[DP133|Uncrushing Defeat!]]'']]
* ''[[AG147|Sweet Baby James]]''
* ''[[AG147|Sweet Baby James]]''
: James's housekeepers mistake Jessie for [[Jessebelle]] and say, "She looks like such a dear." James panics and says, "Me and Jessie?"
: James's housekeepers mistake Jessie for [[Jessebelle]] and say, "She looks like such a dear." James panics and says, "Me and Jessie?"
Line 424: Line 424:
: When the meteorites glow, Jessie and James hug out of fear. After they stop hugging, Jessie momentarily leaves one hand on James's back.
: When the meteorites glow, Jessie and James hug out of fear. After they stop hugging, Jessie momentarily leaves one hand on James's back.
* ''[[DP073|Crossing Paths]]''
* ''[[DP073|Crossing Paths]]''
: While Jessie regains consciousness, James is relieved. When she wakes up, she explains that she wants to release her {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}}, despite the pain it will cause her. James assures her that he will do anything he can to help. Jessie replies, "That's sweet of you, James," then thanks Meowth.  
: When Jessie regains consciousness, James is relieved.  
: When Jessie explains that she wants to release her {{TP|Jessie|Dustox}}, despite the pain it will cause her. James assures her that he will do anything he can to help. Jessie replies, "That's sweet of you, James," then thanks Meowth.  
: The narration at the episode's closing goes: "True friendship is forever, although life's pathways can twist and turn in unexpected directions; but the everlasting bond between Pokémon and [[Pokémon Trainer|Trainer]] makes love like this possible. Perhaps one day Jessie will find the love she's been searching for as well." During the "makes love like this possible" part, the visual is Jessie and James standing next to each other.
: The narration at the episode's closing goes: "True friendship is forever, although life's pathways can twist and turn in unexpected directions; but the everlasting bond between Pokémon and [[Pokémon Trainer|Trainer]] makes love like this possible. Perhaps one day Jessie will find the love she's been searching for as well." During the "makes love like this possible" part, the visual is Jessie and James standing next to each other.
* ''[[DP078|Pruning a Passel of Pals!]]''
* ''[[DP078|Pruning a Passel of Pals!]]''
Line 473: Line 474:
: After Meowth's [[boss fantasy]], Jessie and James hold hands.
: After Meowth's [[boss fantasy]], Jessie and James hold hands.
* ''[[DP172|With the Easiest of Grace!]]''
* ''[[DP172|With the Easiest of Grace!]]''
: Jessie wants [[Dawn's Togekiss]], so he says to James and Meowth, "So be dears and find me a stealing strategy." James and Meowth respond in unison with, "Dears? You mean us?"
: During the motto, Jessie and James are seductively posed and looking at each other from the corner of their eyes.  
: During the motto, Jessie and James are seductively posed and looking at each other from the corner of their eyes.  
* ''[[DP190|The Brockster Is In!]]''
* ''[[DP190|The Brockster Is In!]]''
: A swarm of {{p|Tentacruel}} gather around the {{p|Magikarp}} submarine to protect an item that James knows to be a bottle cap, but Jessie and Meowth are lead to believe is a precious metal or a precious stone. Jessie puts her hand on James's shoulder and says, "James, make sure nothing stands between our fortune and us."
: A swarm of {{p|Tentacruel}} gather around the {{p|Magikarp}} submarine to protect an item that James knows to be a bottle cap, but Jessie and Meowth are lead to believe is a precious metal or a precious stone. Jessie puts her hand on James's shoulder and says, "James, make sure nothing stands between our fortune and us."
: When the Tentacruel back Jessie, James, and Meowth into a corner on a ferry, Jessie and James hold hands. Once {{Ash}} and {{an|Dawn}} show up, Jessie immediately lets go of James's hands.
: When the Tentacruel back Jessie, James, and Meowth into a corner on a ferry, Jessie and James hold hands. Once {{Ash}} and {{an|Dawn}} show up, Jessie immediately lets go of James's hands.
* ''[[BW047|Crisis from the Underground Up!]]''
* ''[[BW131|The Path That Leads to Goodbye!]]''
* ''[[BW131|The Path That Leads to Goodbye!]]''
: Jessie and James are sleeping next to one another under a tree. In contrast, Ash is sleeping in a tree, [[Cilan]] is sleeping under the tree, and [[Iris]] is sleeping in another tree - not near each other at all.
: Jessie and James are sleeping next to one another under a tree. In contrast, Ash is sleeping in a tree, [[Cilan]] is sleeping under the tree, and [[Iris]] is sleeping in another tree - not near each other at all.

Revision as of 21:30, 4 January 2018

370Luvdisc.png This article is about shipping.
As hints and evidence for ships are mostly speculation, this page may contain personal points of view.

Jessie and James choose flight over fight in Watt's with Wattson?

RocketShipping (Japanese: コジムサ KojiMusa) is the belief that Jessie and James of Team Rocket belong in a romantic relationship. It is also known as JAJL, or Jessie and James Love.

History of RocketShipping

An image from the epilogue to Electric Tale of Pikachu

The term "RocketShipping" was the first time the suffix "Shipping" had been applied to any couple outside of the X-Files fandom where it originated. Maria Rocket and other fans on the message board of TRHQ applied the term to Jessie and James. Other names for the pairing were coined later.

The RocketShipping fandom has seen some changes over the years. In the beginning, there was only one kind of RocketShipper—the one who thought that Jessie and James were attracted to each other. Some fans hoped they would eventually become a full-fledged couple. The situation grew more intense when a member of TRHQ came across an untranslated graphic novel in a bookstore.

Upon first glance, it appeared to be simply the last volume of Toshihiro Ono's The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga, which was in the process of being released in the United States. However, inside the book was something that changed the face of the fandom. Inside the epilogue were two important scenes: one was James confessing his love to Jessie; the other was a full-page illustration in which Jessie and James were married and Jessie visibly pregnant. Most importantly of all, this was all official and approved by Nintendo.

The RocketShipping fan community went crazy. It finally had officially sanctioned proof that Jessie and James were a romantic couple. Some believed that it was only a matter of time before something similar happened in the TV anime series.

Eventually, the famous manga was translated and released in the United States, and RocketShippers rejoiced now that they could hold the evidence in their own hands. Around the same time, a website named Pokemopolis was getting attention for rebutting the "evidence" found in the manga. Pokemopolis became and has remained the most prominent anti-Rocketshipping site in the Pokémon fandom, as well as the main proponent of the theory that James is gay.

Around the same time, the number and frequency of the Rocketshippy hints on the anime decreased, along with other changes in characterization. As a result, the RocketShipping fan community split into several sects, each with different takes on RocketShipping.

Nowadays, thanks to the episode Noodles! Roamin' Off!, RocketShipping has had a resurgence in popularity, and RocketShippers feel more confident about their ship than ever.

Sects of RocketShipping

These sects were in use to differentiate between various "types" of RocketShipper who each had a different perception of the ship. It should be noted, however, that they have not actively been in use in the fandom since the Advanced Generation series of the anime started airing in America.

This is the general term for anyone who supports the idea of Jessie and James being a couple, whether past, present, or future. It is was also a term for a sect consisting of people who believe that Jessie and James are currently not in love but believed that they eventually would be.

This was a more extreme type of RocketShipper, who believed that Jessie and James are currently attracted to each other. They fervently denied that James is anything but heterosexual.

Self-proclaimed "in-character RocketShipping". Supporters generally believed that James plays the role of a woman and Jessie plays the role of a man, but that they would become a couple nevertheless.

Smaller sect which believed that Jessie and James are currently in a "friends with benefits" type relationship. They didn't necessarily believe that they are in love with each other, but did believe that they have some kind of secret physical relationship going on. They took a more relaxed and joking stance to the Ship.

Supporters denied any sort of romantic relationship between Jessie and James. They liked to see them as best friends, but nothing more. In many cases, they believed that James is undeniably gay, based on the more camp portrayal of James by Eric Stuart and James's cross-dressing. Opinions on Jessie's sexuality varied. (Although the speculation of James being gay is slightly denied by EP020)


The following is a list of points that point to a potential relationship between James and Jessie.

Anime evidence

Jessie's hints

File:James Jessie SS012.png
Jessie blushing after James accidentally falls on top of her in Training Daze!
Jessie, with a flirtatious facial expression, explains that a real gentleman always carries a bag for a lady. Probably since he grew up with housekeepers catering to him, James flatly refuses. However, he carries her bags later in the series.
Jessie gives James a rose, much to his astonishment. Jessie goes on to say that beautiful things can be painful.
When a Hitmonchan hits James in the face, Jessie quickly jumps to his defense, saying, "How dare you strike my friend." This implies that Jessie does care for James and is willing to protect him.
Jessie blushes and looks at James adoringly when he is doing well in battle against Ash and company.
Jessie picks a fight with Butch after Cassidy throws James against a wall across the room. This results in Butch throwing Jessie against the wall.
Although Jessie seems enthusiastic about James marrying Temacu, her reason for getting them together is so that Team Rocket can steal the Pokémon Temacu's father's keeps for research. She assures the reluctant James that he will only have to stay with Temacu as long as it takes for them to get close enough to the Pokémon. When telling Temacu's father a false story of how Temacu and James came to be together, she adds that the meeting was "perfect, beautiful, like something someone with an overactive imagination would dream up in her unfulfilled fantasies!"
After James hits all of his targets with a gun that is loaded with corks, Jessie blushes.
James, disguised as Juan, flirts with three Juan fans, who swoon in return. He kisses the hand of the nearest fan, who blushes and complements him on his way with words. Jessie looks either uncomfortable, disappointed, or saddened by this.
Later, Jessie gets angry when James laments having to leave Juan's mob of adoring fans, who all happen to be women.
James becomes furious when Jessie says it would be a waste of time to look for Mime Jr. To try to relax him, she puts her hands on his back.
During the blast-off, James says that no matter how many times this happens, he's fine as long as he's with with his Mime Jr. This causes Jessie to turn and look at him, very annoyed. Normally she and Meowth are the objects of James's attention.
James is competing in a Pokémon Orienteering competition, so Jessie and Meowth try to find a shortcut for him. They find what they mistakenly think is a shortcut, and when they show it to James, Jessie pats him on the back.
Jessie, James, and Meowth are hanging out at one of James's homes when a housekeeper alerts James that his parents and Jessebelle will come see him in a day's time. Jessie and Meowth continue to enjoy their stay, but James decides that he cannot take the risk. When he declares that he must leave right away, Jessie and Meowth drop what they are doing and leave with him.
Jessie wraps her arm around James's neck and pulls him to her shoulder. She refers to him as her training partner and friend. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Jessie calls James, "Jamesito," meaning "James dear."
Instead of waiting to see if James can win a Pokémon cosplay competition fair and square, Jessie decides the odds are not in his favor and that it would be more advantageous to steal the prize while everyone is distracted. James is disappointed by this, but forces himself to say the motto with her. At the end of it, Jessie strikes a pose, but then moves over slightly to put her hand on James's shoulder.
While spying on Ash and company, Jessie has her hand on James's shoulder.
Since James chooses not to take a side in an argument between Jessie and Meowth, Jessie briefly blushes, though it is unclear why. Then she and Meowth fall over.
Jessie, James, and Meowth eavesdrop on Ash and company talking to Alexa. Jessie's hand is on James's shoulder.
As soon as Team Rocket's Basculin submarine spirals out of control, Jessie wraps her arm around James's neck out of fear and to keep James from crashing into the walls of the vehicle.
When Jessie pitches her idea to travel to Kalos, she puts one hand on Meowth's back and the other on James's shoulder, looking at James all the while.

James's hints

Throughout the Diamond & Pearl series, when James watches Jessie participate in events under an assumed name, he keeps forgetting to call her by her fake name and instead calls her Jessie before correcting himself. This appears to mean that he cares more about watching her participate than the current plan Team Rocket is up to. In Dawn of a Royal Day!, James cheers on Jessie using her real name and does not correct himself. In Opposites Interact!, James tries to get Jessie to let him watch her performances.

When Dr. Proctor asks Jessie on a date, James cocks an eyebrow and looks unimpressed.
To get Dr. Proctor to defend her against Ash and company, Jessie puts her hand on Proctor's chest. James glares angrily at Jessie and clenches his fists.
Dr. Proctor asks Jessie to assist him, and she agrees, so James volunteers to assist as well.
After Jessie is expelled from the test, James says in a determined voice that he will do his best for her.
Jessie frolics in a field of flowers and manages to get her head stuck inside of a Vileplume. She becomes extremely sick, and quite convinced of an imminent death, so James crossdresses to try to trick Misty into giving him Salveyo weed for Jessie's recovery. He and Meowth are relieved when Jessie gets better, and worry when she insists on battling instead of resting.
James says that he has been buying less candy, and has been buying less expensive candy, to save money so that Jessie will be proud of him.
When Jessie gets very excited about playing with Brad's Smoochum, James looks suspicious and either annoyed or jealous. James may have thought that who Jessie really wanted to see was Brad.
When confronting Brad, James grins and sends Weezing out to battle. Usually James is not particularly excited about battling and does not send out his Pokémon until after Jessie does. When he does make a move first, it is ordinarily just to order a Smokescreen or a Haze for cover. This bout of enthusiasm could imply that James wants to show Brad that he does not like him or to show off that he is a more competent Trainer than Brad.
During the motto, Jessie is leaning on James.
Jessie and James hold hands out of fear when Hunter Rico's Pupitar evolves.
During the motto, James is on bended-knee in front of Jessie.
Jessie, James, and Meowth are dehydrated, so James faints. When he comes to, he tells them to go on without him, without returning, so that he won't be a burden. Jessie and Meowth cry, clench their fists, and refuse. James cries and tells them that he is going to miss them terribly because they're such good friends. Nearby, Jessie and Meowth find a Tamato Berry and James asks only for a sip of its juice. Jessie and Meowth bite into it, but find out it's extremely spicy. Wobbuffet finds a body of water for them.
Despite Jessie and Meowth's greediness, James asks them if they're all right.
While Jessie is drinking water, James seems to be checking her out.
During the motto, James kneels before Jessie and then Jessie kneels before James.
Jessie moves close to James's face to yell at him, but he blushes before she says anything. They proceed to talk about stealing a Wailord, while James continues to blush. Jessie also briefly blushes. James stops blushing once they start talking about Giovanni.
Jessie plans to steal Ash's Pikachu after weakening it in a battle. In the Latin American Spanish dub, James asks, "¿Y si no ganas, mi reina?"; or, "And if you don't win, my queen?"
Cacnea 'attacks' James when it comes out of its Poké Ball. In the Latin American Spanish dub, James says, "¿Cacnea, por qué me quieres besar si sabes que ya tengo novia?"; or, "Cacnea, why do you want to kiss me if you know that I already have a novia?" Technically novia can mean "girlfriend" or "fiancée." However, James never uses novia when he is saying "fiancée." Instead he uses prometida, an unambiguous word for "fiancée." He always refers to Jessebelle as his "prometida," and Jessebelle in turn calls him her "prometido." By the same token, Temacu called James her "prometido" and Jessie referred to James as Temacu's "prometido." James did not call Temacu his prometida, but said the word "prometido" gives him chills. On top of that, James does not mention Jessebelle between catching Cacnea and Game Winning Assist, so Cacnea would not understand any reference to Jessebelle. Therefore, "novia" would mean "girlfriend" and would refer to Jessie.
After seeing a movie, Jessie cries. James assures her that "It will be OK," because they will have a more successful plan next time. However, it turns out that those are tears of joy because the movie had a happy ending.
During the motto, James seems to be checking out Jessie.
Excited about Meowth's plan to steal a Linoone, Team Rocket put their hands together. James goes a step further and wraps his hand around Jessie's.
When Team Rocket is about to fall through a roof, James grabs onto Jessie's shoulder, though that just drags Jessie down with him.
James blushes as he falls on top of Jessie after being attacked by a Jigglypuff.
Jessie gets her hair tangled in Cacnea's thorns, so she has to get a haircut. James and Meowth attempt to steal Pokémon as gifts to cheer her up. They fail, but the attempt cheers Jessie up.
Having earlier heard that May may have a crush on Drew, Jessie gazes into the ocean and ponders the concept of love, as James and Meowth watch from a distance. In the Latin American Spanish dub, James muses, "Tal vez no reconocemos la verdad cuando la vemos"; or, "Perhaps we don't know the truth when we see it."
James says that he sold his bottle caps so Jessie could buy the dress she wanted.
James is annoyed when Harley insults both Team Rocket and Jessie, holds Jessie's hands, and tells her that he is nevertheless a fan of her Contests. Jessie giggles and James looks at her with a disappointed or concerned expression, arms folded.
When Jessie and Harley hold hands again, James looks disappointed or concerned.
James tells Harley that he is being too hard on Jessie.
James seems to be checking Jessie out when they invite themselves into Flint and Lola's house.
James gives Jessie some of his own bottle caps to cheer her up, but she throws them away.
A Bulbasaur uses SolarBeam, causing Team Rocket to blast off. As they are soaring through the air, James has his arm around Jessie's shoulder.
As a Regirock and a Registeel use Lock-On, James carries Jessie away to save her, and she holds onto his arm. As they are blasting off, James puts his arm around Jessie's shoulder.
James suggests that maybe someday he, Jessie, and Meowth can afford to live in a cottage together.
Right before Jessie performs in the First Round of a practice Contest, James shouts encouragement from the audience.
When Jessie wins the Contest, James and Meowth cry, and James says, "Our girl's gotten her first victory!"
After the Contest, James leaves, returns in the Meowth hot air balloon, and throws down a rope ladder. Jessie hangs onto it saying, "Listen, I think my ride is here." James pulls the ladder up as he says, "Your chariot calls for you loud and clear."
After landing on top of James, Jessie shouts, "Would you fall a bit lighter next time?!" He nods and agrees, smiling. She responds with, "Enough of the sweet talk!" to which he says, "Yes, dear."
After Jessie introduces herself as a mystic, James introduces himself as, "Her guy, Friday."
Jessie, under the alias Jessalina, tries seducing Wallace in hopes that he will go a bit easy on her at the Wallace Cup. When she strokes his chest, James becomes furious. James and Meowth drag her away. James probably likes Wallace even less in the Latin American Spanish dub, because Wallace calls Jessie "querida," meaning "sweetheart," "dear," or "darling" - something James also calls Jessie.
James and Meowth are so proud of Jessie's accomplishments in the Pokémon Summer Academy, that they completely forget about stealing Pokémon. James also accidentally calls her Jessie, instead of her alias Ms. Jessalinda.
James massages Jessie's shoulders while she drinks a cocktail.
When Barry arrives early to pick up his Pokémon, James puts his hands on Jessie's shoulders and guides her out of the kiosk so that they can make their escape.
While Jessie, James, and Meowth are in disguise, James and Meowth refer to Jessie as, "my lady."
After a Phione encases Jessie in a block of ice, James says, "Why, that Ice Beam casts you in an artistic light!"
James tells Mime Jr. that he is counting on it to get Jessie her third Ribbon.
After Jessie loses in the Sandalstraw Contest, James says, "Besides, there will be other Contests and other Ribbons." to reassure her.
When Azure and Crimson tell Jessie and James that they would never join a gang, Jessie explains that they're in Team Rocket because of the "swashbuckling romance." Azure and Crimson respond by saying that "romance" is an old-fashioned idea. Jessie and James's faces turn red with anger, and possibly embarrassment.
Jessie obsesses about ruining other people's love lives and shifts to a yami-or dark-form. James tells himself that Jessie's just not being herself because she's having an off day.
A kid accuses Jessie and James of rigging the kingyo-sukui game, so Jessie gets confrontational and James stops her.
During the motto, Jessie and James are seductively posed and looking at each other from the corner of their eyes.
James is proud when Jessie advances to the Final Round of the Neighborly Town Contest.
After Jessie loses, James worries about her and tells her that she was exemplary.
James seems to be selling a surplus of Jessalina products.
James cheers when Jessie advances to the Top 16.
Jessie, James, and Meowth pile their hands after a long day's work and say, "Great form!" Though Meowth simply puts an open paw on top of James's hand, James actually cups his hand around Jessie's.
Jessie, James, and Meowth eavesdrop on Ash and company talking to Professor Aurea Juniper. James's hand is on Jessie's thigh.
When a swarm of Beedrill are getting ready to chase Jessie and James, Jessie stands frozen in terror, having been attacked by Beedrill many times in the past. James puts his hands on her shoulders and guides her out of the way.
Jessie wants James's Amulet Coin, so James gloats, "Finders, keepers, dear."
When Totem Raticate attacks Team Rocket with Bite, James jumps in front of Jessie to protect her.

Shared hints

Jessie and James have a tendency to hug or hold onto each other when they are scared (dubbed "fearhugs" by RocketShippers) or happy. Jessie and James also don't have a problem with physical contact such as sleeping on parts of the other's body or holding each other in ways that people who were simply friends normally wouldn't.

James falls asleep on top of Jessie.
Upon hearing that the St. Anne has sunk, James becomes catatonic. Jessie yells at him to calm down, and then calmly assures him that she has an idea.
Fearing for their lives, Jessie and James hold hands. James says, "Jessica, whoever said beauty doesn't last, must have been thinking of us." This is the only time James ever says "Jessica," adding to the seriousness of his statement. Jessie herself goes by Jessica in Come What May! and Cheer Pressure.
Misty interrupts the hand-hold, causing James to look annoyed.
Later, James is too scared to go any further, so Jessie slaps him to snap him out of it, which causes both Jessie and James to blush. In a caring tone she assures him that they will cross together and that she will not abandon him. James continues to blush, and cries in Jessie's arms. Ash interrupts, causing Jessie to look annoyed.
When nightfall hits, James sleeps on top of Jessie.
At the end of the episode, Jessie and James hug from fear of a swarm of Gyarados.
Jessie is angry with James for his obsession with the ghost and holds onto his pants so that he will not jump into the water to swim to the shrine. Jessie becomes distracted and lets go, causing James to lose his grip on the guardrails. Jessie grabs him, but falls down with him.
Even in a completely disoriented state due to the ghost's spell, James's first instinct is to recite the motto, and his second is to hug Jessie's leg.
When the ghost is dragging James away and he cries that he does not want to go to the Ghost World, Jessie pulls out a bazooka and shoots the ghost. Jessie then shouts, "Hey girl, you can't take him! You haven't got a ghost of a chance!" James tears up and exclaims, "Jessie, you really do care!", though Jessie attempts to hide the fact that she did it for his sake.
After Jessie fails to land any attacks against a Gastly using Arbok and Meowth, she puts her hand on James's hand and asks him to battle so she can take a break. He accepts.
When Ash fails to land any attacks against the Gastly, Jessie and James hug out of fear.
James points out the fact that roses are the flowers of love and romance. Later, during the motto, they are both surrounded by red roses and James is holding one.
James and Meowth compliment Jessie on her ambition. She snickers and blushes.
After dodging bullets from Kaiser, James stands in front of Jessie to block her from any forthcoming bullets. Jessie wails and James tells her to relax and trust him. He grabs her by the waist and jumps off the roof with a parachute. James crashes the parachute, seemingly because he is checking Jessie out. After the crash, the parachute falls on top of them and they scramble to get out of it. During this, Jessie says, "Where do you think you're touching?!" implying that James is doing more than simply trying to get out of the parachute, by accident or by design. Ash uncomfortably asks Team Rocket what they are doing under there. When Team Rocket emerge from under the parachute, James has a rather large grin.
Later, as revenge, Jessie and James point guns at Kaiser and demand to know where the local Dratini lives. When Jessie removes her gun, Kaiser stands up suddenly and yells at her with a clenched fist in the air, calling her a liar. This makes James very angry and he grabs onto Kaiser's arms. Kaiser breaks free and elbows James in the face, knocking James to the floor. Jessie gets angry and has her Arbok restrain Kaiser.
Excited that they have stolen a Ditto, Jessie and James turn to face each other. James smacks his palm with his fist while Jessie blushes.
Jessie shows the Ditto a photo of a boyfriend that she had when she was little. James insists on seeing the picture and triumphantly rolls on the floor laughing when Ditto does a poor imitation of the photo.
Jessie and James hug for warmth.
James cries and blushes happily when Jessie gets her doll back.
At the end of the episode, Jessie and James are sleeping next to each other.
When Meowth falls in love with Cassandra James tells him that he understands what he's going through. He goes on to say that, "Cupid's Arrow strikes when you least expect it." Immediately after he says that Jessie hits him with a paper fan. This is symbolic of James being "struck" by Cupid's arrow.
Jessie gets furious at the guy who beats up James.
When Team Rocket are getting ready to sing "Team Rocket Forever," Jessie puts her hands on Meowth and James's backs and they each put a hand on her back.
Jessie and James sleep leaning against each other.
At the end of the episode, Jessie is crushed, conceding that James has decided to marry his fiancée Jessebelle and come into his inheritance. James catches up to Jessie in their Meowth hot air balloon and Jessie rushes over to him to catch up. James takes her by the hand and pulls her into the balloon. Either both are caught up in the moment and completely forget about Meowth or James specifically aims to speak with Jessie in private. James nervously tells Jessie that he would rather have his freedom than money. This nervousness is significant because James is ordinarily suave and has a way with words, as in Eight Ain't Enough. Jessie and James shake hands, making a heart-shape with their hands, and they do not let go. They gaze deeply into each other's eyes as the music swells.
James blushes when Jessie kicks him while she is wearing a maid café outfit.
Jessie and James sleep next to each other.
James and Meowth toss confetti at Jessie while she tries on clothes at a mall.
James and Meowth are quite taken by the way Jessie looks at the Princess Festival Contest, and to them she appears as if sparkling.
Before Jessie's battle with Misty, James and Meowth offer to take Misty out to fix Jessie's win, by use of Thompson submachine gun fire.
Jessie cries so James holds her hands and tells her that he hopes she will win. He tries to be strong for Jessie and not cry very much, but he ends up bawling, as does Jessie. During this exchange the background is full of rose bushes, symbolizing love.
After Jessie loses to Misty, James dresses himself and their Pokémon as the Hinamatsuri dolls that were the grand prize. Jessie is touched and cries.
Jessie and James disguise themselves as what appears to be an elderly couple.
James falls asleep on top of Jessie.
When their submarine is under attack, James holds onto Jessie, rather than his handlebars.
James falls asleep on top of Jessie a second time.
Jessie sleeps on top of James.
During the motto, Jessie and James link arms.
Jessie falls, so James rushes to catch her, but fails.
While declaring that Team Rocket runs Viridian Gym, Jessie has her hand on James's back and he has one hand on Jessie's back.
James and Meowth are very concerned about Jessie after she gets hurt from her Gym battle against Ash.
Jessie and James are headed toward a Team Rocket Headquarters, when suddenly it explodes. Alarmed, Jessie puts her hands on her chest, over her heart. James holds onto her arms to console her. Mewtwo is seen flying away. Jessie and James are shown watching Mewtwo, but are now pressed against each other, with Jessie's hands on James's chest. Jessie, James, and Meowth run to the ruins to rescue Giovanni. Seeing them tests Giovanni's nerves and he demands to know what they want. Jessie hides behind James and grabs onto his arm. This implies that Jessie feels safe with James protecting her. James is scared, but swallows hard and puts on a braver expression. Giovanni tells them to get back to their field work.
Later, a swarm of Beedrill corner Jessie, James, and Meowth. Jessie and James hold onto each other's arms, and have their arms wrapped around Meowth.
James tells Meowth that he will recognize Jessie no matter how she is disguised, because she thinks like him. While he is recalling their costumes, one of the images is of Jessie and James in their Salon Roquet outfits. Jessie is on bended-knee with her hand slid underneath James's hand, as if asking him to marry her. They both have very serious facial expressions.
Cassidy claims that there is a rumor that Jessie is getting fired. James scrambles on all fours over to Cassidy, grabs her arm, and asks if she has heard any rumors about him. Jessie angrily drags him back to the other side of the room.
Jessie and James hug out of fear when they are about to be attacked by their Pokémon, who are being controlled by Cassidy and Butch.
When trying to figure out what to do about grapefruit that are not intended to be eaten as fruit, James recalls having eaten their rinds candied. That gives Jessie the idea to sell the grapefruit, so she flirtatiously nudges him with her elbow and James blushes.
Jessie plans to steal two Nidoran who are in love to teach them that "The heart always leads one to heartache." James and Meowth become concerned and Jessie starts crying because she can't find love. James dejectedly agrees and says, "All in love's unfair."
The original plan does not work out, so Jessie and James crossdress as a married couple, hide their hot air balloon in a mock wedding cake, paint two hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows on their balloon basket, and tie honeymoon cans to the bottom of the balloon basket.
Jessie wants to beat up Dr. Quackenpoker for insulting the Magikarp submarine. James puts one hand on her shoulder and another on her back to calm her down.
A Magikarp chews on James's head and puts up a struggle. Once freed, Jessie and James hug and cry from relief. Meowth hugs their legs.
Jessie and James hug out of fear when a Gyarados makes eye contact with them.
During the motto, there are two hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows in the background. James is holding a rose as well.
During the part of "OK!" that says one should face their fears, Team Rocket hear a Jigglypuff Sing, and Jessie and James sleep leaning against each other.
When they are about to get sent blasting-off, Jessie and James hug out of fear.
Jessie is sleeping on top of James.
After James picks a lock with a paper clip, Jessie nudges James with her elbow and says, "Ooo, nice work James," in a flirtatious way.
James blushes while Jessie yells at him to stop whining about his bottle caps.
Jessie, James, and Meowth cry at the thought of their poverty. Jessie cries a little harder than she can handle and has to sit down. She apologizes for crying so hard, so James holds her hands and stops his crying for her.
Later, Jessie and James hug happily.
Jessie wonders if James and Meowth worry about her when she's away.
Jealous of all of the food that Ash and company have, Jessie recalls an occasion where she, James, and Meowth were eating instant noodles and crying from joy. James complimented Jessie on the way she prepared the noodles. The compliment caused her to grin widely.
For one of DJ Mary's radio dramas, Jessie and James are cast as a queen and king who are married to each other.
During the motto, Jessie and James hold hands.
One for drama, Jessie makes up a love story between her and Cullen to calm her nerves when she is preparing to ride into a fierce storm by hot air balloon. James tunes it out at first, and then evidently hears part of it and looks disappointed.
During the motto, James is holding a bouquet of flowers and is running after Jessie, as if trying to give them to her. He appears to have tossed some flower petals in her direction. Jessie is also holding a bouquet of flowers, and is running through a field of flowers.
Jessie and James hold hands and cheer to celebrate their escape. They continue to hold hands when they are surprised to see Janina ahead of them; and even still when Jessie gets annoyed that Janina will not make way for them.
Jessie and James hug out of fear when they are about to get attacked by Ash's Pikachu.
Disguised as geishas and getting ready to dance, James asks, "My dear Jessie, shall we show 'em?"
During the motto, James tosses cherry blossom petals at Jessie, then she tosses some at James.
Close to falling off a cliff, Jessie and James hug. Jessie tells everyone to calm down, but James panics and says, "If I never see you guys again, just know that I love you." Lily unobservantly runs up to them. Jessie and James nervously hold hands, while continuing to hug. James's lips appear to be pressed against their laced hands. Lily's weight causes the piece of cliff to fall off, so Jessie and James resume hugging.
Disguised as Professor Oak and DJ Mary, Jessie puts her arms around James's neck, rocks him back and forth, and complements him on his confidence.
Later, before James presents a haiku to compete with the real Professor Oak, Jessie says, "You don't know a thing about poems." James responds, "That's where you're wrong, dear Jessie." James goes on to recite a haiku that those present prefer over the real Oak's haiku. Jessie is especially impressed.
During the motto, James and Jessie are dressed as the king and queen of a playing card deck.
Jessie becomes alarmed when Kate is about to ask James to live with her.
When James asks Jessie and Meowth if maybe they could try living in the village to see if they would like it, Jessie unenthusiastically agrees to it, rather than leaving James behind. James looks like he is feeling guilty about bringing it up.
Due to a malfunction with a mecha, none of them end up staying. James is upset at first, but gets over it right away. In contrast, in Noodles! Roamin' Off! James never gets over Jessie's departure and is grateful for her return.
Jessie gives her food ration to Meowth and James, despite James having declined her offer.
Jessie's generosity does not go unnoticed, for James subsequently vows to always do his best so that she can always trust him to be there for her.
Despite having had twelve previous partners and managing to abandon them all without regret, Jessie becomes hysterical when James is injured and almost gives up on Team Rocket altogether. She refuses to let him become injured again later in the episode.
Jessie feels really bad for James when she is visiting him in the medical facility at Team Rocket Academy.
In spite of being severely injured, James comes back to participate in his team's mission, to Jessie's shock. He assures her that she never has to worry about being on her own when she's his partner. Jessie is touched and cries. As they perform the mission, "Double Trouble" plays in the English dub; wherein, James characterizes himself as a king and Jessie characterizes herself as a queen.
Later, James almost falls, but Jessie and Meowth do not let him. He reminds them that the police are already on their way and tries to convince them to go on without him to save time, but Jessie assures him that they are in it together. James concedes, visibly touched. When Jessie manages to pull James up, he falls on top of her. Jessie blushes, and the two stare into each other's eyes until Meowth interrupts.
Upon receiving Field Agent status, Jessie and James hold onto each other's arms and wrap their arms around Meowth.
Meowth remarks that the mine must be haunted, so Jessie tells him to stop scaring James.
A Taillow starts to mess up Jessie's hair, so she pulls out a bomb. In hopes of placating Jessie, James says, "But Jessie, sweetheart..." though she does not respond.
When Illumise and Volbeat perform a "mating" dance, they are said to bring good fortune to spectators who are in love. Jessie wonders if it could work for her since she's in love with the idea of being married and living happily ever after. She pictures a prince from a fairy tale, since she's not talking about anyone in particular. There's a possibility that she is dropping a hint for James. Either way, James is disappointed by her explanation.
During the motto, Jessie dresses as an Illumise and James dresses as a Volbeat. In costume, James walks behind Jessie, with his hands on her hips, then they wiggle their behinds to show off the light fixture on the back of James's costume. The back of Jessie's costume has a heart on it, which is not a feature found on Illumise.
Jessie and James hug out of fear when Hansen's Shedinja uses SolarBeam.
Jessie and James hug again out of fear when Hansen's Ninjask use Shadow Ball.
Afraid of getting hit with rocks from an Eruption from a Camerupt, Jessie puts her hand on James's shoulder. When Jessie and James emerge from hiding, James no longer has any interest in helping his friend Vito, for having put them in danger.
Impressed by James's battling, Jessie blushes when James's Cacnea gets up after a strong Tackle from Brock's Forretress.
During the motto, there are hearts in the background followed by Jessie clinging to a giant heart that James is carrying.
Jessie and James dress up as Gym Leader Norman and his wife Caroline. Meowth and Wobbuffet clash with the disguises, so James, playing the role of a married man, says to Jessie, "Everything was going as planned and then your kids had to mess it all up."
During the motto, Jessie is seductively posed.
In the Latin American Spanish dub, in a drunken state, James calls Jessie "mi Jessie," meaning "my Jessie."
When Oscar and Andi assume Jessie and James are a couple, James looks confused and Jessie just ignores it. Since they don't get upset at it like Ash and May do, it could be interpreted that Jessie and James find the presumption acceptable.
Jessie and James argue after their failed Tag Battle. One of James's complaints is, "If it weren't for my sterling loyalty, I would've become solo years ago," as if they were a couple. One of Jessie's accusations is, "Have you ever considered that maybe our blasting-off expertise comes from your side of the family?", as if they were married. When James jokes that Jessie's ugly, he sings about it. Jessie is somewhat angry and blushes, then smiles, covers her ears, and sings to drown out his voice. Since Jessie is obsessed with her appearance and is infuriated by even the most minuscule remarks about it, her laid back reaction signifies that she treats James somewhat differently than other people. All in all, it resembles a lovers' quarrel.
When they put the fighting behind them, they link arms and shortly afterwards recite the motto. After Jessie says her name, James says, "With James," as if they are a couple. After the motto, Jessie says, "It's you and I again, James."
While Jessie and James are fighting, a Shuppet hits them with Dream Eater to calm their nerves. Jessie observes, "Strange, I hated you both moments ago." James echoes, "Yes, I hated you too." Jessie tries to rationalize the situation by saying, "Well, maybe that had something to do with being such great friends." James agrees, explaining, "They say that you always hurt the ones you love!"
A group of Breloom are pursuing Jessie and James, so they hug out of fear. They end up having to choose between Breloom attacks or jumping off a cliff. Indecisive, they hug again and Jessie cries in James's arms.
James starts to describe a memory and Jessie interrupts, saying that if it has to do with his past love life, she would rather jump off a cliff than hear it. It turns out that he was simply describing why he always wanted a Chimecho.
When Jessie and James imagine themselves dancing together at the Team Rocket nightclub, they do not include Meowth or any of their Pokémon in the fantasy. The 'R' on the wall of the club has hearts all over it.
Jessie and James hug out of fear before their mecha breaks.
After Team Rocket crashes into a tree, Jessie says in a dramatic tone, "You know James, I never felt this close to you before." Equally dramatically, James comments, "I feel the same about you..." In a displeased tone, James adds, "and Wobbuffet."
Jessie and James are lowered into Mossdeep Gym on set pieces shaped like a sun and a moon. Jessie gets off onto a platform and James gets on bended-knee before her. All the while they sing a motto to each other.
In the Latin American Spanish dub, during the motto, James sings, "¡Uso la novia horrible para los pueblos dentro nuestra nación!"; or, "I'll unleash my horrible novia on the towns of our nation!" Technically novia can mean "girlfriend" or "fiancée." However, James never uses novia when he is saying "fiancée." Instead he uses prometida, an unambiguous word for "fiancée." He always refers to Jessebelle as his "prometida," and Jessebelle in turn calls him her "prometido." By the same token, Temacu called James her "prometido" and Jessie referred to James as Temacu's "prometido." James did not call Temacu his prometida, but said the word "prometido" gives him chills. Therefore, "novia" would mean "girlfriend" and would refer to Jessie.
Excited to pursue a Claydol, Team Rocket decide to do a little song and dance.
After successfully returning the Claydol to its Poké Ball, Jessie and James fist-bump.
James interjects in Meowth's boss fantasy a couple of times, as it becomes less and less logical. Jessie cuts them off and yells that the point is that they are going to try to steal a Donphan. Her yelling makes James blush. James does not seem to be blushing from embarrassment because he was not the one with the lousy ideas.
The second time Chimecho uses Astonish, Meowth holds onto one of Jessie's legs and James holds onto her other leg.
When two Donphan prepare to use Rollout on Team Rocket, Jessie moves closer to James and holds onto his shoulder.
Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet play seven hands of rock-paper-scissors, and each time they make the same move as one another.
While making up a rhyme, Jessie and James play a hand game.
Jessie and James hold hands during the motto.
Team Rocket are working at a bakery. When their boss yells at them to stop slacking off, Jessie and James hold hands out of fear.
Jessie, James, and Meowth make a wedding cake and decorate it with candy versions of their Pokémon.
Jessie and James are seen asleep on a bed with the covers partly over them. Jessie is sleeping on top of James.
A motto sequence from Uncrushing Defeat!
James's housekeepers mistake Jessie for Jessebelle and say, "She looks like such a dear." James panics and says, "Me and Jessie?"
Jessie looks annoyed when James freaks out at the idea of being married to her. It should be noted, however, that James is inextricably associating 'marriage' with torture, rather than realistically picturing himself with Jessie.
Throughout Team Rocket's stay, the housekeepers continue to enjoy Jessie's company and ask about her when she is not around. They even approve of her after a guilt-ridden James explains that they are both in Team Rocket.
After Ranger Solana helps Team Rocket out of a thorny situation, the relieved Jessie and James hold hands while hugging. Solana tells them the woods are off-limits, so Jessie lets go of James and James takes one hand off Jessie, in order to salute to the Ranger. Perhaps because Jessie is distracted, James takes the initiative to move his remaining hand from Jessie's arm down to her hip.
A Meganium chooses a Tropius over Ash's Grovyle. James pities him, saying, "Poor Grovyle, another victim of the heart." Jessie remarks, "Clueless, just like a man."
After snagging the Meganium and Tropius with a mecha, Jessie complains in an angry and/or jealous tone, "Quit your crying. At least you're together."
A Bonsly and a Mime Jr. are playing lovers in a movie.
At the beginning of the episode, James does not allow his Mime Jr. to battle, for fear of it getting hurt. However, at the end of the episode, he has a change of heart. Brock's Bonsly relentlessly attacks Jessie with Double-Edge, so James angrily orders Mime Jr. to perform Mimic, Tickle, and Teeter Dance.
After Jessie, James, and Meowth decide to go their separate ways, Cassidy convinces James to join her. Upon seeing Cassidy come close to kissing James and then dragging him away, Jessie kicks a fire extinguisher in anger.
Later, Jessie and James try to steal Poké Balls to impress each other, and apologize for having argued.
After listening to Meowth's boss fantasy, Jessie and James high-five each other.
James feels sorry for Jessie when she agrees to Harley's plan after being coerced into participating.
Harley asks Jessie to travel with him to Johto to be his training partner. James seems annoyed with Jessie during this. Jessie politely declines the invitation, pointing out that she has Team Rocket-related work elsewhere. This pleases James, but Harley throws a fit. The fallout marks the end of Jessie and Harley's friendship, even though, in New Plot, Odd Lot!, Harley had called Jessie his soul mate.
When Jessie, James, and Ash are entering Hunter J's aircraft, James is briefly holding Jessie's hand.
After Jessie and James rescue Meowth from J, they hold onto each other's arms and have their arms wrapped around Meowth.
When Jessie, James, and Meowth are at risk of being blown out of J's plane, Jessie holds onto James's waist. When the risk decreases, Jessie and James hold onto each other's arms and wrap their arms around Meowth.
Jessie can't remember what the 'B' in B-Button League stands for, so James pulls her aside and whispers in her ear, "Beautiful." In response, the B-Button League asks them what the C on their shirts stands for. Jessie flounders, so James comes up with "Crystal" and puts his hand on Jessie's shoulder as if to tell her to relax.
When the B-Button League are going to battle Jessie and James, they hug out of fear.
In the hideout, Jessie and James sleep next to each other.
When James is tired of dealing with Gym Leader Gardenia's obsession with his Pokémon, he puts his hand on Jessie's hand and asks her to battle Gardenia for him. Jessie accepts.
While Jessie is asleep, she says, "How sweet to be swept away by the special someone that I hold dear." She wakes up to find that she is literally being swept off her feet because James's battle sent them blasting off. James reminds her to be careful what she wishes for.
Gardenia insists that James give her his Cacnea and proves that Cacnea isn't realizing its full potential under James's tutelage. Jessie is very annoyed by this and watches James stare into space crestfallen. She clenches her fists and goes over to James, telling him to forget what Gardenia said. James looks back at her sympathetically and tries to assure her that he is fine.
To Ash and company, Jessie guiltily confesses that James did not sulk until she asked if he was serious about giving up Cacnea. In actuality, James was sulking earlier than that.
When James tries to talk Cacnea into going with Gardenia, Jessie and Meowth try to stop him. Without turning to face them, James says that he is not a good Trainer. He proceeds to give Cacnea's Poké Ball to Gardenia and runs off, trying very hard not to cry. Jessie and Meowth are extremely worried and chase him.
Although Jessie is running a scam unbeknownst to James, James immediately recognizes Jessie in spite of her disguise.
James is still silent and depressed over losing Cacnea, so Jessie and Meowth try to cheer him up by giving him pineapple slices. James doesn't even want to look at the food, so they try to cheer him up by stealing Buizel and Aipom. When James hears about it, he is touched and he, Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet cry and hug. James helps them steal the Pokémon and, even though they end up stealing the wrong Pokémon, James is moved to tears and he and Jessie hold hands. Jessie sees James no longer being distant as a sign that they are a "true" team again.
During the part of "Message of the Wind" that says magic spells are not the only way to get what one wants, Jessie is wielding a magic wand. She uses it to play pranks on James and Meowth. Despite all the material things Jessie says she wants throughout the anime, she evidently does not care all that much about them and would rather spend time with James and Meowth.
When Jessie and James are in a hot spring together, it is clear that they are not wearing anything under the water.
When the meteorites glow, Jessie and James hug out of fear. After they stop hugging, Jessie momentarily leaves one hand on James's back.
When Jessie regains consciousness, James is relieved.
When Jessie explains that she wants to release her Dustox, despite the pain it will cause her. James assures her that he will do anything he can to help. Jessie replies, "That's sweet of you, James," then thanks Meowth.
The narration at the episode's closing goes: "True friendship is forever, although life's pathways can twist and turn in unexpected directions; but the everlasting bond between Pokémon and Trainer makes love like this possible. Perhaps one day Jessie will find the love she's been searching for as well." During the "makes love like this possible" part, the visual is Jessie and James standing next to each other.
Jessie is upset about losing in the Sinnoh Wallace Cup, so James and Meowth go grab a TV camera. They suggest that Jessie cheer up by interviewing Coordinators and snubbing Ash and company. Jessie is touched and tears up. The plan goes better than expected, because Master of Ceremonies Marian congratulates her on a job well done, and further congratulates her for her work at the Kanto Grand Festival.
When Jessie and James find out that Jessie's Yanmega learned Ancient Power, they face each other and hold hands.
Due to James's overtly dark and villainous attitude, Jessie admiringly calls him "strong."
Jessie calls the mecha a hunk and James, holding a rose, brags that he modeled it after himself.
James says he will become "king of the Team Rocket hill" and Jessie says she will be the queen.
Later, they hug and say that together they will be "Lording over Sinnoh, East to West."
When Jessie tells James to catch a Lickilicky, James answers, "Yes, dear."
James tricks Ash's Staravia into falling for a fake Staravia and declares, "Truth is, only love can break your heart." Jessie responds with, "I'm a big fan of your game."
When Meowth says he wants to quit Team Rocket, Jessie says, "Are you pulling my leg?" James adds, "Jessie's ticklish!"
Worn out from dealing with an uncooperative Chatot, Jessie, James, and Meowth lay down, as if ready to sleep off the stress. Jessie lays on top of James.
After finishing her bowl of ramen, Jessie says, "Be a love, James, and pick up the tab."
When Meowth leaves to pursue a career as a ramen chef, James wants to run after Meowth. Jessie puts her hand on James's shoulder to calm him down.
When Jessie leaves to pursue a career in Coordinating, James runs off, crying and clenching his fists tightly. That night, he is still crying and ponders how strong their bond really is. The next morning he is still depressed and decides to risk his life by battling a Shiny Metagross that has caused people to "vanish" before.
Jessie freaks out when she hears that James is fighting the Metagross.
When Jessie saves James from the Metagross, James gets on his knees and cries with joy.
When the Metagross is about to kill Jessie and James, James smiles sweetly at Jessie and says that life wasn't a waste because he spent it with good friends. Jessie agrees and says that if they end up in the same place in the afterlife, James should find her. James agrees to that, smiles, and no longer looks afraid. This is an addendum to James's promise in Training Daze to always be at Jessie's side.
When the Metagross gets ready to use Gyro Ball, Jessie and James hug out of fear.
During the motto, Jessie and James are on a set of scales with a pink heart on it. They are seemingly at balance, despite it swinging slightly.
When Ash's Pokémon get ready to launch a group attack on Team Rocket, Jessie and James hug out of fear.
In the Sinnoh Team Rocket base, there is no bed in James's room. However, there is a cat-sized pet bed in Meowth's room and a large bed in Jessie's room. Therefore, James would appear to share Jessie's bed.
When separated from Jessie after an Ursaring attack, James and Meowth instantly start looking for her.
When Jessie finds James and Meowth, she is relieved and instantly hugs them, crying about how scared she was. James reaches out to hug her the moment he sees her.
When a sick Jessie overexerts herself and begins to faint, James catches her, helps her stand up, and supports her weight as he walks her back to bed, all the while having a comforting smile on his face. When Meowth says Jessie should rest, James agrees, scolds with a caring tone, "Dr. James's orders."
Later, James disguises himself as Jessalina and enters his first Contest. He is reluctant at first, but knows depression will make Jessie's sickness worse, so he puts on a performance that is met with the some of the loudest cheers that Master of Ceremonies Marian has ever heard. He ends up winning the Ribbon.
When James and Meowth get back to their cabin, Jessie hugs them and nuzzles her Ribbon in a childlike manner. Meowth comments that, "This Jessie was worth the wait," and James shares the sentiment.
After Meowth's boss fantasy, Jessie and James link arms.
James, desperate to destroy his written marriage proposal to Jessebelle, blushes, cries, and begs Jessie and Meowth to help him. They agree, so James stops crying and hugs them, while blushing.
James refers to Jessebelle as his first love, implying that he'd fallen in love with someone else subsequently after becoming engaged; otherwise, one would expect him to say she was his 'one love,' his 'only love' or his 'true love.' Yet, there are no other love interests in his past, and he did not even have any friends until he met Jessie.
Before intentionally getting hit by a Thunderbolt to escape Jessebelle, Jessie wraps both of her hands around one of James's hands. On impact, she lets go, but James grabs one of her hands. The recoil pushes Jessie out of the way.
When Jessebelle's security guards mistake Jessie for Jessebelle, and try to take her to Jessebelle's estate, Jessie refuses, throws a tantrum, and just wants to go find James and Meowth. This mirrors James choosing Jessie and Meowth over the luxuries of being married to Jessebelle in Holy Matrimony!.
After telling Dawn's Piplup a made-up story to lure it, Jessie and James high-five each other.
After Meowth's boss fantasy, Jessie and James hold hands.
During the motto, Jessie and James are seductively posed and looking at each other from the corner of their eyes.
A swarm of Tentacruel gather around the Magikarp submarine to protect an item that James knows to be a bottle cap, but Jessie and Meowth are lead to believe is a precious metal or a precious stone. Jessie puts her hand on James's shoulder and says, "James, make sure nothing stands between our fortune and us."
When the Tentacruel back Jessie, James, and Meowth into a corner on a ferry, Jessie and James hold hands. Once Ash and Dawn show up, Jessie immediately lets go of James's hands.
Jessie and James are sleeping next to one another under a tree. In contrast, Ash is sleeping in a tree, Cilan is sleeping under the tree, and Iris is sleeping in another tree - not near each other at all.
Once James succeeds in controlling a Garchomp, Jessie and James put their hands together out of joy.
To get out of a storm, Jessie decides to hide out in a nearby home. She adds that if anyone is home, she can keep them company, and dashes towards the estate. James, feeling left out, says, "We're company too."
When the thunder outside gets louder, Jessie and James hug out of fear.
After being separated from her teammates, Jessie searches for them along with Wobbuffet. A wild Gloom attacks them and they fall over a cliff into the water. Jessie and Wobbuffet are rescued by Dr. White, and given a place to stay to recover. Jessie begins to fall in love with him. James and Meowth find her and overhear Jessie telling Ash and company she is quitting Team Rocket and staying with Dr. White instead. Meowth is about to stop Jessie, but James tells him they shouldn't get in the way of Jessie's happiness. This implies he cares very deeply for Jessie. James and Meowth walk away, as tears stream down James's face and he reminisces about his memories with his partner. Later, Jessie discovers Dr. White has feeling for someone else and rejoins her teammates to defeat a Pokemon Hunter. Wobbuffet also returns, and the trio recite their motto together.
Although James is dreading Jessie's outrage of losing, she actually thanks everyone for helping her get this far. She blushes as she says "it makes me want to sing". James and Jessie are both blushing when everyone tackles Jessie.

Movie evidence

Jessie's hints

Jessie tells James and Meowth that they are going to be her "dates" for the ball. As soon as Jessie finishes talking, there is a sound effect that is used in the anime for winking and blowing kisses. Accordingly, in the Latin American Spanish dub, Jessie supplementally makes the 'mwah' sound for blowing a kiss. In the English dub, James and Meowth are surprised by being called 'dates.' In contrast, in the Latin American Spanish dub, James and Meowth are instead surprised that Jessie thinks waltzing into a ball will go unnoticed. They say, "¡Tendrás tanta suerte!"; or, "Good luck with that!"
Upon arriving at the ball, Meowth immediately wanders off to eat, and Jessie dances with James. When James mentions stealing Pokémon, Jessie explains that she just wants to dance all night. Another dancer cuts in, and Jessie is very flattered, but she did not intend to seek out a second dance partner. She meets back up with James later in the ball.
When Team Rocket are stealing a Manaphy egg, Jessie has her hands on James's shoulders as they walk.

James's hints

While Jessie is kidnapped by Iron-Masked Marauder, James worries about her and feels bad that he is not able to rescue her.
Once Celebi recovers from its control, James and Meowth both see Jessie falling into the ocean and watch with dismay.
When James reaches Jessie, he says, "Oh, Jessie, thank goodness you're safe."
When Jessie almost falls out of the car due to the rocky road, James grabs her. As a result, he almost falls out with her.
To keep Phantom from getting in their escape pod, Jessie holds onto the door, James holds onto Jessie, and Meowth holds onto James. Phantom manages to throw them all against the wall, but James and Meowth do not let go until they land.
When Jessie puts on an ancient tiara, James and Meowth oo-and-ahh.
A Skiploom knocks Jessie out of Team Rocket's aircraft, so James grabs her, falling out himself.
Throughout the anime, James and Meowth constantly say they are not as physically strong as Jessie. However, in this case, when their 1953 Chevrolet Advance Design has car trouble, James and Meowth push it uphill. The work proves rewarding, because they get to watch to sun set over the Grand Canyon.
When Jessie starts to fall into a manhole, James grabs her and falls down with her, rather than letting go once he starts to lose his footing.

Shared hints

Jessie and James hug out of fear when the clones wake up, and continue to hug until Ash enters the room.
Immediately after Ash leaves the room, Jessie and James hug again, out of fear. They stop hugging when the cloning system is showing signs that it is being tampered with.
Jessie and James hug out of fear when Pokémon that were being cloned come out of their Poké Balls. They stop hugging when they leave the room.
While the Pokémon are befriending their clones, Jessie and James apologize to each other for past arguments. Then they hug and cry.
In the Japanese version, Meowth says to Jessie and James, "You guys act love-love all the time." In the English dub, the line is, "You two don't need the opposite sex because you got each other."
While a Zapdos is shooting electricity in all directions, Jessie and James hug out of fear. They stop hugging when Lawrence III starts trying to capture Zapdos.
During the motto, Jessie and James hold hands.
After falling off of Lugia, Jessie, James, and Meowth hold hands. They embrace before they plunge into the water below.
When Entei is trapping Team Rocket, Ash and company, Delia, and Molly, Jessie and James hold hands out of fear. Then they run closer to Ash and hold hands again.
When Team Rocket, Ash and company, Delia, and Molly are trapped by a hoard of Unown, Jessie and James hold hands out of fear.
While Entei, Pikachu, and Charizard are fighting the Unown, Jessie and James are holding hands out of fear. When Entei uses Flamethrower, Jessie and James huddle closer. They let go when Entei emits a green aura.
Jessie and James put their hands together during the motto.
Jessie and James hold hands out of fear when they run into Iron-Masked Marauder.
In the Japanese version, the scene where Team Rocket are pedaling their Magikarp submarine is accompanied by the part of "You're Not Alone" that says one should never forget their loving and sharing heart.
After Butler and Diane-who are a canon couple-hug, Jessie, James, and Meowth are seen hugging. Then Jessie and James look into each other's eyes and James holds her hands. Next, they put the palms of their hands together and are cheek-to-cheek. All three proclaim that they do not need to make wishes because the only thing they have ever really wanted was the feeling they have when they are together.
Jessie and James first dance together, then accidentally end up changing dance partners. Jessie and James probably resume dancing together, because they are seen holding hands when Lucario starts to emerge from Sir Aaron's staff. Jessie's second dancing partner is nowhere in sight and May, James's second dancing partner, is next to Brock.
After getting attacked by a Regirock, and rightfully anticipating another hit, Jessie and James hold hands.
After the leukocytes get Jessie, James uses his Cacnea to try and rescue her. In an uncommon show of seriousness, he dodges Cacnea when it tries to hug him. After he fails to rescue Jessie, she and James cry out to each other as she is dragged down. James stands there speechless, visibly heart-broken. He quickly releases his Chimecho, and gets engulfed as well.
The scene where the leukocytes take Jessie and James is quite different in the Latin American Spanish dub. In it, since Jessie and James are the only people or Pokémon around, and since James is babbling with starts and stops in a shaky voice, Jessie either thinks James is trying to tell her that he loves her or she is already aware of that and thinks he is going to ask her to marry him. Unbeknownst to her, the reason James is speaking awkwardly is because he is completely out of breath from running to catch up with her. Jessie asks, "¿Ay, cómo puedes hacer tan lejos?" or, "¿Oh, how can you be so distant?" She seems to mean "distant" both emotionally and in terms of James literally being in the distance. James says, "¿Ay, Jessie, no te haces más lina? Jessie, no me dejes. Mamita. Ay, Jessita, no me dejes"; or, "Oh, Jessie, can't you be more sweet? Jessie, don't leave me. Honey. Oh, Jessie dear, don't leave me." Next, James sees leukocytes behind Jessie and tries pointing to them. Consequently, he is also pointing to Jessie, making the gesture useless. It simply contributes to Jessie's belief that James is trying to say something important to her. James only musters enough courage to say, "Atrás de ti hay una..."; or, "Behind you there's a..." Jessie evidently does not hear him due to the distance, or tunes him out so as to only hear what she wants to hear. She gushes, "Me quieres mucho, ay. James, juego de huir de persecución"; or, "You love me so much, aww. James, I'm playful so as to avoid the chase." In other words, she is saying that she tries to be relatively upfront and wants him to do the same, instead of playing a game of cat and mouse. The joke is that the leukocytes then 'catch' Jessie. James switches gears, and in a deep, serious tone, sends out his Cacnea to help Jessie. He loses the tone upon seeing that Pin Missile has no effect on the leukocytes.
When the crystals turn red, Jessie and James hold hands out of fear. They let go when Cacnea 'attacks' James. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Jessie says, "¡Siempre que nos enredamos con los bobos, terminamos quemamos!"; or, "Whenever we tangle with the numskulls, we end up getting burned in the end!" James reassures her, "¡Que malos quemados, pero siempre estaremos juntos!"; or, "How cruel it was to be burned, but we will always be together!" The joke is that Cacnea thinks James is talking about her and 'hugs' James.
When the crystals turn blue, Jessie and James are seen hugging. They include Meowth in the hug when he finds them.
At the end of the movie, Jessie, James, and Meowth are taking a quiet scenic route on their black rose boat. They determine that they no longer want to know future events because everything is perfect in that moment.

Manga evidence

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

  • Throughout the manga, there is some suggestive physical contact between Jessie and James.
  • Jessie and James share a bed.
  • At the end of the manga, Jessie and James end up married with a child on the way.
  • In the epilogue, there is a panel in which we see a flashback to James confessing his love and/or proposing to Jessie. It seems that James, too "old-fashioned" to directly propose, wrote a letter by hand several times - seemingly a marriage proposal - and distributed it to people in Pallet Town who promised to present it to Jessie on behalf of James.
    • Interestingly enough, he is just as old-fashioned in the anime, since, in a flashback in the episode The Treasure Is All Mine!, his marriage proposal to Jessebelle has the same sensibility. First, he composed a written marriage proposal, next his parents and Jessebelle's parents met and agreed to the union, and, finally, Jessebelle's parents allowed James to come over and present his written proposal to Jessebelle with a chaperone present.

Other evidence

During Round Four in Spa Service, they are wearing their bride and groom clothing from the episode Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?. Unlike the episode, Meowth is dressed as a flower girl and the background music is "Treulich Geführt"-known in English as the "Bridal Chorus"-by Richard Wagner.
Mondo tells James that he is jealous. It is implied that he is jealous that James gets to be around Jessie. It is also possible that he thinks Jessie and James are a couple.
Jessie says the only thing she can rely on is her partner, and James insists on knowing whether she means him or her Arbok. Jessie does not respond.
When Jessie, James, and Mondo are soon to be attacked by a hoard of Beedrill, they recite the lines of a famous Kabuki scene when two lovers do a double suicide.
During one of James's occasional Q&A sessions on Twitter, a follower asked him, "Jessie is cute! Since you are together all the time, haven't you fallen in love with her?" James answered, "Because (she's my) eternal partner!" (「永遠のパートナーだからな!」)


They have also donned various disguises pretending to be a couple, most notably as Gym Leader Norman and his wife Caroline in A Double Dilemma; newlyweds in Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?; and, in Pokémon Fashion Flash, Bad to the Bone, In the Pink, and I Feel Skitty!, wearing outfits similar to the ones Oscar and Andi wear. The latter is most likely a reference to the the manga The Rose of Versailles.
Jessie is incapable of fooling James with disguises, as is evident in Bad to the Bone and Throwing the Track Switch. This is saying something, as even their close friend Christopher fails to recognize Jessie's disguise in Noodles! Roamin' Off!.
Indeed, in Holy Matrimony!, Meowth thinks Jessie is exactly like Jessebelle in looks and personality. By Two Degrees of Separation!, Meowth has decided that Jessie is nicer.
Ironically, Jessie calls one of her recurring aliases Jessebella.
Furthermore, in Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!, Jessie opens her closet door, revealing a full wardrobe in a style quite similar to what James's mother and Jessebelle wear.


Jessie and James's first fearhug in Showdown in Pewter City
  • Jessie and James's first fearhug was at the end of the episode Showdown in Pewter City.
  • In the episode Noodles! Roamin' Off!, Jessie and James have a ramen shop named after them.
  • Jessie and James have had voice actors with prominent roles in the Slayers anime series. Jessie's seiyuu, Megumi Hayashibara, is also seiyuu to the main protagonist and heroine of Slayers, Lina Inverse, while James's most famous English voice actor, Eric Stuart, dubbed the voice for Lina's self-proclaimed guardian and constant traveling companion, Gourry Gabriev. Incidentally, the two characters fell in love with each other over time.
  • Due to a mistranslation before release of Celebi: Voice of the Forest, it was mistakenly thought for a time that the Iron-Masked Marauder was the future son of Jessie and James.

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