Skill Link (Ability)

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Skill Link スキルリンク
Skill Link
Flavor text
Generation IV
Increases the frequency of multi-strike moves.
Generation V
Increases the frequency of multi-strike moves.
Generation VI
Increases the number of times multi-strike moves hit.
Generation VII
Maximizes the number of times multi-strike moves hit.
Generation VIII
Maximizes the number of times multistrike moves hit.
Generation IX
Maximizes the number of times multistrike moves hit.

Skill Link (Japanese: スキルリンク Skill Link) is an Ability introduced in Generation IV. Prior to Generation V, it was the signature Ability of Shellder and Cloyster.


In battle

Generation IV

Skill Link enables multi-strike moves that hit 2-5 times per use to always strike five times.

Generation V onward

If the Ability is lost in the middle of the move (such as via Mummy), the user will still hit the maximum number of times on the turn in progress.

Skill Link affects the moves Triple Kick and Triple Axel, which can hit up to three times; and Population Bomb, which can hit up to ten times. When any of these moves are used by Pokémon with this Ability, there will be one accuracy check for all strikes instead of individual checks for each strike.

Affected moves

The table below lists the moves affected by Skill Link, as well as the Pokémon that can have Skill Link and learn those moves.

Although the following moves are affected by the Ability, they currently cannot be learned by any Pokémon with Skill Link. They may, however, be called via Metronome, Mirror Move, Copycat, or Mimic, or be used by a Pokémon that gained Skill Link by an Ability like Trace or Receiver or a move such as Skill Swap or Role Play.

Outside of battle

Skill Link has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Skill Link

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0090 Shellder Shellder
Water Water Shell Armor Skill LinkGen IV+ Overcoat
0091 Cloyster Cloyster
Water Ice Shell Armor Skill LinkGen IV+ Overcoat
0190 Aipom Aipom
Normal Normal Run Away Pickup Skill Link
0214 Heracross Heracross
Mega Heracross
Bug Fighting Skill Link None None
0424 Ambipom Ambipom
Normal Normal Technician Pickup Skill Link
0572 Minccino Minccino
Normal Normal Cute Charm Technician Skill Link
0573 Cinccino Cinccino
Normal Normal Cute Charm Technician Skill Link
0731 Pikipek Pikipek
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
0732 Trumbeak Trumbeak
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
0733 Toucannon Toucannon
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Sheer Force
Please note that abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDTDS Enables the Pokémon to always attempt the top number of hits with multistrike moves.
BSL れんぞくで こうげきする わざを さいごまで だせるようになる
MDGtI Unavailable
SMD When the Pokémon uses a multistrike move such as Pin MissileIconCutsCornersSMD.png or Fury Attack, the move always strikes the maximum times!
MDRTDX When the Pokémon uses a multistrike move, such as Pin Missile or Fury Attack, the move always strikes the maximum number of times.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 連續攻擊 Lìhnjuhk Gūnggīk
Mandarin 連續攻擊 / 连续攻击 Liánxù Gōngjí / Liánxù Gōngjī
France Flag.png French Multi-Coups
Germany Flag.png German Wertelink
Italy Flag.png Italian Abillegame
South Korea Flag.png Korean 스킬링크 Skill Link
Russia Flag.png Russian Навык Связки Navyk Svyazki
Spain Flag.png Spanish Encadenado
Project Moves and Abilities logo.png This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.