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SM014 : Getting to Know You!
Sun & Moon series
SM016 : They Might Not Be Giants!
Rocking Clawmark Hill!
SM015   EP954
The Clawed Hill, Iwanko and Lugarugan!!
First broadcast
Japan February 23, 2017
United States June 24, 2017
English themes
Opening Under The Alolan Sun
Japanese themes
Opening アローラ!!
Ending ポーズ
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation directors 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
志村泉 Izumi Shimura
No additional credits are available at this time.

Rocking Clawmark Hill! (Japanese: 爪あとの丘、イワンコとルガルガン!! The Clawed Hill, Iwanko and Lugarugan!!) is the 15th episode of the Sun & Moon series, and the 954th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on February 23, 2017 and in the United States on June 24, 2017.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and Professor Kukui find the wild Rockruff who lives with them limping home, covered in scratches and burns, completely exhausted. The next night, they follow it to Clawmark Hill, where two Lycanroc keep watch over the wild Pokémon who come together to battle and train. Rockruff battles a fearsome Magmar but is defeated, and Ash offers to help it learn a new move, Rock Throw.

After some serious training with Ash and Pikachu, Rockruff returns to challenge Magmar to a rematch—and this time, it wins! After seeing how well Ash and Rockruff work together, Professor Kukui encourages him to catch it—and both Pikachu and Rockruff enthusiastically agree!


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One night, Ash, Pikachu, Rotom and Professor Kukui return home but Ash notices that Rockruff is missing. As Ash puts his backpack away, Pikachu is checking through the door when Rockruff enters. Rockruff appears to be injured and Ash goes to it. Rotom explains that Rockruff is showing signs of being scraped, cut, scratched and burned. As Professor Kukui heals Rockruff with a potion, Ash wonders if Rockruff had gotten into a fight. Professor Kukui replies Rockruff was supposed to be watching the house. The next morning at the Pokémon School, Ash explains the strange happening to his classmates. Lillie suggests it would be better to put Rockruff in a Poké Ball, but Ash explains that Rockruff doesn't belong to Professor Kukui, which is a surprising fact for the classmates. Ash explains that Professor Kukui gave Rockruff some food and it came with him as Mallow suggests Rockruff is a freeloader. Lana thought Rockruff was one of Professor Kukui's Pokémon as Kiawe noticed it gets along well with the Professor. Rotom notes that Rockruff are known to get along well with humans in general. Lana now suggests Rockruff may have gotten hurt doing some special training. On the other hand, Sophocles suggests Rockruff could be close to evolving. Rotom provides information on Rockruff's evolved form Lycanroc and its Midday and Midnight Form and informs Ash when Rockruff is close to evolving, it can become more aggressive and independent.

That night, a Shellder washes up on the beach before returning to the water as Ash returns home. Rockruff greets Ash happily. Professor Kukui arrived home before Ash, having been worried about Rockruff and shows Ash the TV where footage from CCTV cameras are visible. Professor Kukui explains he set the cameras up around the room but he is worried about Rockruff looking outside the window before going out the door before returning home hours later injured. Ash wonders what Rockruff was doing outside as outside, and three Magikarp wash up on the beach before returning to the ocean. Ash and Professor Kukui head out leaving Rockruff to guard the house but don't go far and hide behind a bush. Professor Kukui brings up the footage on his phone which shows Rockruff attacking the stuffed toy that he left Rockruff. Professor Kukui is puzzled as this hasn't happened before, and, at that moment, Rockruff leaves the house and they follow it through the forest. Professor Kukui stops Ash, knowing where Rockruff is heading for. Up ahead, two Lycanroc, one a Midday Form and the other a Midnight Form call out. Many Pokémon respond to the call by coming up, including Rockruff. Ash and Professor Kukui watch from a distance as Ash notices both of the Lycanroc. Rotom finds this an interesting place. Professor Kukui explains that this is Clawmark Hill. All the Pokémon gathered watch as the two Lycanroc face off against each other. The Midday Lycanroc uses Rock Throw on the Midnight Lycanroc before using Accelerock. All the other Pokémon cheer as Midday Lycanroc uses Bite and the Midnight Lycanroc uses Counter as Professor Kukui explains that the Midnight Lycanroc prefer to take its opponents attacks before attacking back. Rotom goes forward and starts to documenting the scene by taking pictures. All the Pokémon start to test their strength with each other.

A Hariyama and Machoke compete with each other while a Golduck with a Pangoro, a Boldore and Vullaby, a Primeape and Sableye, and a Fearow and Braviary battle each other. Ash watches everything, wondering where Rockruff is before spotting Rockruff and is starting to understand the situation. Professor Kukui stops him from going to Rockruff since they need to know about Rockruff's motivation, suggesting they should watch a bit longer. A Magmar is seen using Flamethrower on a Spinda, Primeape and an Alolan Raticate before being challenged by Rockruff. Rockruff goes to attack Magmar but is hit by Fire Punch. Ash watches in horror but, Professor Kukui tells him to endure it. Magmar and Rockruff continue their fight. Rockruff takes damage and prepares to launch an attack but is hit by Flamethrower before it can execute a move. Professor Kukui notices the difference in power is clear. Rockruff Bites onto Magmar's tail but is thrown off and hit with Flamethrower which knocks Rockruff out. Magmar celebrates its victory before being challenged by a Pangoro, Ash and Professor Kukui realize they aren't fighting with each other, but are training and this is a place they shouldn't interfere. Rotom realizes Rockruff comes here to practice its moves. Later, Rockruff is heading home when it comes across Ash and Professor Kukui and greets them happily. Ash tells Rockruff that it was amazing taking on those strong Pokémon and offers to do some training with it so it can learn a new move which Rockruff agrees to do with Pikachu agreeing to help leaving Rotom to wonder why he would go through all that trouble to which he explains he just wants to help Rockruff. Rockruff is happy as Ash promises to help beat that Magmar as Professor Kukui watches on.

The next day, down on the beach, Rowlet is sleeping as Professor Kukui guesses that Rockruff was attempting to learn Rock Throw as it is one of the most basic Rock-type attacks and Rotom says it would be very effective against a Fire-type like Magmar. Ash starts telling Rockruff to concentrate its power and starts making a few moves which Pikachu imitates and powers up an Electro Ball and shoots it up into the sky. Ash tells Rockruff to think back to when it was determined not to lose and the rocks around its neck started to glow and tells it that when they feel down, they start to pump and scream out loud and increase their power up to ten which leaves Rotom confused but Rockruff understands as they start their training by going for a run before calling Rowlet to join them as Rotom speaks with Professor Kukui about Ash's style who thinks it will work and asks Rotom if it saw Ash's eyes as he was using them to communicate through Rockruff's eyes as he was communicating not by using words but by using his heart. Ash and Pikachu start doing a few exercises on the beach and has Rockruff watch Pikachu's movements closely and as Rotom watches, he still doesn't understand what Professor Kukui meant by using his heart. Later Kiawe has Turtonator use Flamethrower on Pikachu which Pikachu dodges as Ash tells Rockruff that all they have to do with Flamethrower is dodge as Kiawe orders another Flamethrower from Turtonator on Rockruff which Rockruff goes to dodge only for Flamethrower to hit its tail which leads Rockruff to go into the water to put the fire out. At Professor Kukui's house, Professor Kukui watches as Ash, Pikachu and Rockruff sleep and later, back down on the beach, they shake their bodies and later with his classmates watching Ash has Rockruff practice the moves that he taught Rockruff as Rockruff's stones start to glow. Rockruff fires Rock Throw which hits Ash as planned and Ash compliments Rockruff on doing great his classmates comment on it must have hurt.

Pikachu and Rockruff have a battle where Rockruff dodges Thunderbolt and powers up Rock Throw successfully before firing another Rock Throw at Pikachu. After the attack, Ash and Pikachu run over to Rockruff to congratulate it on mastering Rock Throw. That night, Rotom shows them the photographs that it took showing pics of Rockruff and both of the Lycanroc and has them look at Rockruff's eyes as Ash asks Rockruff it that is what Rockruff wants to be which Rockruff confirms as Professor Kukui sees that Rockruff wants to be strong and it makes sense to Ash as he finds Lycanroc cool. Just then, Rockruff becomes more active and Professor Kukui realizes that it is time and they make their way back to Clawmark Hill. Ash, Professor Kukui, Rotom and Pikachu watch from a distance as Rockruff goes over to Magmar to indicate it wants to battle which Magmar accepts, using Flamethrower on Rockruff who dodges as it comes at Magmar whilst the other Pokémon all cheer and the Lycanroc watch on. Rockruff attacks Magmar with Tackle which hits but Magmar attacks back with Fire Punch which sends Rockruff flying before using Flamethrower. Rockruff dodges by jumping into the air and preparing to use Rock Throw only for Rockruff to be hit by Flamethrower. Rockruff doesn't give up and runs towards Magmar who runs towards Rockruff who prepares to use Rock Throw again whilst dodging another Fire Punch before successfully hitting Magmar with Rock Throw before launching another Tackle which knocks Magmar out. All of the other Pokémon cheer for Rockruff as the Lycanroc howl at the moon.

Down on the beach, Ash tells Rockruff that it was amazing during the battle as Rotom tells Ash that it was amazing that he pulled it off the way he did but Ash isn't surprised as he tell Rockruff that the Rock Throw was beyond awesome. Professor Kukui suggests to Ash that this could be a good time for him to catch Rockruff which surprises Ash and Rotom as Professor Kukui is the one who has been looking after Rockruff for so long but Professor Kukui says Rockruff has more trust in Ash than anyone else as thanks to Ash, Rockruff was able to master Rock Throw and defeat Magmar which makes him the perfect choice. With Pikachu and Rockruff both agreeing, Ash gets out a Poké Ball and catches Rockruff. Ash calls Rockruff back out and continue with their training calling it part 2 which confuses Rotom as it is the same as part 1 which Professor Kukui says is just Ash's style and they both join them.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Lycanroc (Midday Form)



  • After Midnight Lycanroc uses Counter on Midday Lycanroc, in the next shot, Midnight Lycanroc's front rocky mane was painted red instead of brown.
  • In the Swedish Who's That Pokémon segment it's stated that it's a Midnight Form Lycanroc instead of a Midday Form Lycanroc.

Dub edits

  • The Dutch dub did not specify which form Lycanroc is in the Who's That Pokémon segment.
  • In the Swedish dub, when Ash holds his Poké Ball towards Rockruff before Rockruff jumps into it, Ash can be heard whispering kom igen.

In other languages

SM014 : Getting to Know You!
Sun & Moon series
SM016 : They Might Not Be Giants!
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