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(→‎Plot: That's necessary so that it isn't forced below the infobox on wider browser widths.)
(→‎Plot: Cleaned it up finally! (Though, I was frustrated near the end, and wrote my own summary instead. -o-))
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After seeing the stadium infested with vines, {{Ash}} and [[Alain]] proceed to leave the stadium, and Alain asks Ash about [[Mairin]]'s whereabouts. Ash tells him that she didn't want to get in the latter's way, so she asked Ash to not tell him. He then asks Alain if Mairin is important to him; Alain confirms it, and Ash offers help in looking for her. Once they exit the stadium, they meet up with {{an|Bonnie}}, {{an|Clemont}}, and {{an|Serena}}; Bonnie informs Ash that [[Squishy]] has wandered off. The group hears an announcement from [[Malva]], addressed to the citizens of [[Lumiose City]], warning them to stay away from [[Prism Tower]] due to the danger it possesses. Wondering over the cause of the calamity, the group sees the red {{p|Zygarde}}, and Alain realizes that Zygarde must be behind the plant infestation. Squishy is seen heading to [[Prism Tower]], and [[List of Pokémon with form differences#Zygarde|absorbs Zygarde Cells to transform into its 10% Forme]] to increase its speed. Bonnie senses where Squishy is going and runs off to catch up to it. Ash tells Clemont and Serena to go with her and informs them that he is going with Alain to find Mairin. Clemont gives Ash a communicator to keep in touch with him and Serena advises Ash to be careful. Concuurently, [[Sawyer]], {{an|Shauna}}, {{an|Tierno}} and {{an|Trevor}} call out {{TP|Sawyer|Sceptile}}, {{TP|Shauna|Ivysaur}}, {{TP|Tierno|Blastoise}} and {{TP|Trevor|Charizard}} respectively to help the citizens to safety from the vines. [[Professor Sycamore]] helps get people away from the roots as well, and remembers what Olympia said about the destruction of [[Kalos]], and the role he, along with Ash and {{ashfr}}, will play to stop the destruction.  
After seeing the stadium infested with plants, {{Ash}} and [[Alain]] leave the stadium, and Alain asks Ash about Mairin's whereabouts. Ash tells him that she didn't want to get in the latter's way, so she asked Ash not to tell him. He then asks Alain if Mairin is important to him; Alain confirms it, and Ash offers help in looking for her. Once they exit the stadium, they meet up with {{an|Bonnie}}, {{an|Clemont}}, and {{an|Serena}}; Bonnie informs Ash that [[Squishy]] has wandered off. The group hears a televised announcement addressed to the citizens of [[Lumiose City]], warning them to stay away from [[Prism Tower]]. Then, they see the red {{p|Zygarde}}, and Alain realizes that Zygarde was behind the plant infestation. Squishy is seen heading to [[Prism Tower]]; it absorbs Zygarde cells to transform into its 10% Forme to get their faster. Bonnie senses where is Squishy going and runs off to catch up to it. Ash tells Clemont and Serena to go with her and informs them that he is going with Alain to find Mairin. Clemont gives Ash a commutator to keep in touch with him and Serena advises Ash to be careful. As the roots keep growing [[Sawyer]], {{an|Shauna}}, {{an|Tierno}} and {{an|Trevor}} call out {{TP|Sawyer|Sceptile}}, {{TP|Shauna|Ivysaur}}, {{TP|Tierno|Blastoise}} and {{TP|Trevor|Charizard}} respectively to help the citizens to safety. [[Professor Sycamore]] helps get people away from the roots, and remembers what Olympia said about the destruction of [[Kalos]], and the role he, along with Ash and {{ashfr}} will play to stop the destruction. He realizes that they might be in danger and goes to go look for them.

[[Diantha]] gets rid of some of the vines to save a civilian with the help of her {{TP|Diantha|Gardevoir}}. She meets up with [[Officer Jenny]] and informs the {{tc|Pokémon Champion|Champion}} that she has assigned with the evacuation of the city, and that the roots are spreading throughout the city; Diantha asks her to lead her to the tower. Meanwhile, {{TRT}} fights off the roots with the equipment they are holding, commenting that this is no ordinary disaster. [[Malva]] looks at the destruction, and seemingly knows that this is [[Lysandre]]'s doing. [[Mairin]] is at one of the building and hears Alain call out for her, and responds to their call. Ash informs her that they are going are to the [[Prism Tower]]. Out of blue, a root spurts up cutting them off from her but Ash and Alain send out {{AP|Pikachu}} and {{TP|Alain|Charizard}} to get rid of the root with help, but in vain, as the roots keep coming back. Meanwhile, Malva decides to leave Team Rocket, leading the trio to question her on her next move, and remark that they must cover the event. Malva, however, states that that she remembers something important, and they can do whatever they want. [[Jessie]] gets angry at this sudden abandonment, but then an idea comes across her mind. She informs [[James]] and {{MTR}} to get the camera ready, so that she can start broadcasting the entire event all by herself, stating that she will give her life to keep the viewers updated on the situation.
[[Diantha]] rescues a civilian from the vines with the help of her {{TP|Diantha|Gardevoir}}, before she meets up with [[Officer Jenny]], who informs the [[Pokémon Champion|Champion]] that she has assigned her officers with the evacuation of the city, and that the roots are spreading throughout the city; Diantha asks her to lead her to the tower. Meanwhile, {{TRT}} tries to fend off the roots with the equipment they are holding, commenting that this is no ordinary disaster. [[Malva]] looks at the destruction, and remarks this is [[Lysandre]]'s doing. Meanwhile, Ash and Alain have caught up with [[Mairin]]. Ash informs her that the three need to be going to the [[Prism Tower]]. Out of blue, a root spurts up from the ground, but a {{m|Dragon Claw}} from [[Alain's Charizard]] destroys it; more vines keep popping up, however, and Ash and Alain try to fend them off with the help of {{AP|Pikachu}} and {{TP|Alain|Charizard}}. Meanwhile, Malva decides to abandon the broadcasting, and informs her assistants that she is going to do something important, telling them to do whatever they want. [[Jessie]] gets angry at this sudden abandonment, but then an idea comes across her mind. She informs [[James]] and {{MTR}} to get the camera ready, so that she can start broadcasting the entire event all by herself.

Ash and Alain are still trying to get to Mairin but the roots keeps coming in their way, stronger then before. [[Celosia]] also shows up, using her {{p|Drapion}} to get their attention. Ash informs Alain that she was the one hunting for Squishy, and Celosia is amused that Ash still remembers her. She informs Ash that she is not after Squishy this time around, but after Ash, confusing him and Pikachu. Alain is shocked and confused on Celosia's verdict but she informs him that she is just following [[Lysandre]]'s orders. Ash asks Alain if he knows the {{tc|Team Flare Scientist}} but Alain does not answer which Celosia answers for him by telling him that Alain does know her and that their colleagues. Ash shocked that Alain works with the ones chasing Squishy asking him what's she talking about but Alain,in a state of shock, doesn't answer him. Celosia tells Alain that Lysandre wants to see him and to come with her right away also she tells him that an associate of her has gone after Squishy and to get moving. Ash tells Alain to whatever she saying to not listen to it then tries to leave with him but Alain refuses to go leaving Ash shocked. Team Flare grunts come from behind the roots so Ash would't get away from them then Celosia has her Drapion uses confuse ray on them. The confuse ray knocked Ash out with Pikachu staying to protect an unconscious Ash from the grunts, while fighting the confuse ray effects, which Celosia finds very amusing that Pikachu would protect Ash until Pikachu gave in to the confuse ray and passed out as well. Celosia tells the grunts to grab them with Alain shock on what's he done with the grunts putting objects on Ash. Jessie still reporting on the whats going in Lumiose City but get interrupted by a transmission from Lysandre with Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Mairin getting ready to listen what he had to said.
Ash and Alain are still busy destroying the roots, when they encounter [[Celosia]], and Ash remembers her as the one hunting for Squishy. She informs Ash that she is not after Squishy this time around, but after him instead. Alain is shocked and confused on Celosia's verdict but she informs him that she is just following [[Lysandre]]'s orders. Ash asks Alain if he knows the Team Flare scientist but a shocked Alain does not reply. Celosia chimes in, informing a puzzled Ash that she and Alain are colleagues. Ash is shocked to hear that Alain works with the ones chasing Squishy, and inquires Alain about the truth of Celosia's statement, but Alain does not reply him at all. Celosia tells Alain that Lysandre wants to see him, and that an associate of hers is pursuing Squishy. Ash states Alain to ignore Celosia's commands, and tries to leave with him; however, Alain just shrugs his hand off, and Ash is taken aback. The two boys are surrounded by {{tc|Team Flare Grunt}}s and their {{p|Houndour}}, Celosia commands her {{p|Drapion}} to use {{m|Confuse Ray}} on Ash and Pikachu, causing Ash to faint. Pikachu decides to fight off the grunts, and tries to intimidate the grunts by sparking electricity, but in vain, and ends up passing out as well. Meanwhile, Jessie is still reporting the incident in [[Lumiose City]], but the broadcast is interrupted by Team Flare's transmission, which is subsequently being played on all forms of media throughout the region. The transmission has Lysandre, the leader of Team Flare, declare his decision to remake the world into a place of pure beauty and peace. He adds that {{p|Zygarde}}, the Order Pokémon, is angry with people and Pokémon, for creating a world in which there is not enough for everyone, and thus he wishes to create a world in which only the chosen ones shall live in the bright and hopeful future. The broadcast causes confusion among the people; [[Mairin]] is surprised, and wonders why Lysandre would do such a thing. She is approached by a Team Flare grunt, who informs her that he has orders to take her to Lysandre. Realizing that [[Team Flare]] is an evil organization, she tries to resist and refuses to leave, and is rescued by [[Professor Sycamore]]. The grunt tries to force his way, by commanding a {{m|Poison Sting}} from his {{p|Skorupi}}, but the Professor has his {{TP|Professor Sycamore|Garchomp}} counteract by using {{m|Dragon Claw}}, and Mairin and Sycamore escape in the smoke produced by the collision of the moves. Meanwhile, Alain is flying in a jet with Team Flare grunts and an unconscious Ash and Pikachu, towards the Prism Tower. Mairin thanks the Professor for rescuing her and leaves for the Prism Tower with him, for learning more about the calamity.

Lysandre tells everyone that he's the leader of Team Flare also he tells everyone his plans and that Zygarde is angry with people with all the Kalos Gym Leaders watching and everyone all over Kalos seeing this are confuse and shock. Mairin questioning why would Lysandre do this but a grunt shows up and tells her that an order from Lysandre is to bring her in but now realizing that there are bad guys she gets scare and refuses to leave. Professor Sycamore comes to Mairin rescue and gets away when the grunts' Skorupi and Garchomp's attacks collide to make smoke who the Professor and Mairin use to make there escape. Alain flying in a jet to Prism Tower, still mad at what their doing, with some grunts and an unconscious Ash and Pikachu. Mairin thanking the Professor for the rescue and tells him that Alain and Ash were going to Prism Tower and decided to head their to find some answer. Finally arriving at Prism Tower Alain goes to Xerosic which he tells him that Lysandre waiting for him but Alain furious asks him about Zygarde and why they involved Ash however Xerosic just tells him that Lysandre will explain everything. Alain goes to Lysandre who greets him asking Alain what he's thinks and thanks him for completing the Mega Evolution system shocking Alain then Lysandre tells him that peace will be here soon enough. Squishy finally makes to Prism Tower seeing Zygarde up there.  
Having arrived at the Prism Tower, a furious Alain confronts [[Xerosic]] and asks him about Zygarde and about Ash's involvment;[Xerosic]] simply states that Lysandre will explain everything. The Team Flare scientist takes Alain to his boss, who calmly asks him what he thinks about the plan and thanks him for completing the Mega Evolution system; he remarks that peace, that he desires, will soon surround Kalos. Concurrently, Squishy has finally made it to the Prism Tower and stares at the red Zygarde at the top. Lysandre notices the destruction caused by Zygarde, and is pleased that the ugliness from the world is slowly disappearing, commenting that the red Zygarde represents all their anger. Alain is shocked at Lysandre's statement, and reasons that destroying the city does not necessarily bring world peace, and that this protection is nothing he was looking for. Lysandre remarks that he shall just protect the chosen ones instead. Squishy finally climbs atop the Prism Tower, and tries to communicate with [[Z2]], but in vain, as Lysandre senses [[Squishy|Z1]] among them. Meanwhile, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are trying to fight off a vine with the help of {{TP|Serena|Braixen}} and {{TP|Clemont|Luxray}}, but more vines just keep popping up. Two vines sprout up behind the group, but they are destroyed by [[Clembot]] and {{TP|Clemont|Heliolisk}}. The group thanks them for their help, and they decide to head towards Prism Tower, when they are attacked by another vine. The vine is subsequently destroyed by [[Meyer|Blaziken Mask]]'s {{p|Blaziken}}. Clemont informs him that the Prism Tower is the speculated source of all the chaos, and the latter decides to go there to help. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie wish to go too, but Blaziken Mask deems it to be too dangerous, and asks them to seek shelter instead. The trio is still intent on their wish, and Blaziken Mask gives in, while cautioning them to follow behind him at all times.  

Lysandre asking Alain isn't beautiful and tells him that Zygarde represent all their anger and rage but Alain protested that destroying the city and hurting people wondering if this is what he thinks world peace is really about also Alain thought that Lysandre was protecting them but Lysandre tells Alain that he's protecting the chosen people. Squishy climbs up by using the roots to get up to the tower when Squishy gets up there it then tries to get through to Zygarde but it doesn't response at all then Lysandre noticed that Squishy arrived shocking Alain. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are still trying to get Prism Tower with Braixen and Luxray help but they keep coming back with them getting tired they were almost finish until Clembot and Heliolisk show up thanking them for their help. More roots sprung from the ground lucky for them Blaziken mask shows up and they tell him that everything that's happening is going on in Prism Tower hearing this he tells everyone to get to a safe place. Bonnie tells him that she wants to go help her friend who's at Prism Tower and Clemont tells him that he has to go too because it's his gym and if he doesn't he'll regret forever hesitant at first but he lets them come with him promising them to leave if gets tough. Zygarde and Squishy both fire a Dragon Pulse attack but Squishy gets over power and separates from his cells and hits the ground then Bonnie tells them they got to hurry sensing Squishy in pain. Alain reminds Lysandre that if you want to protect something you must become stronger but Lysandre tells him the will to protect and what was he protecting in the first place a tomorrow that worse then today making Alain upset. A grunt tells Lysandre that all preparation are complete making Lysandre very pleased to hear then Ash and his Pokémon are floating in midair with restraints and unconscious leaving Alain shocked.  
Squishy tries to reason with Z2, but the latter attacks it with {{m|Dragon Pulse}}. Squishy tries to counter with its own {{m|Dragon Pulse}}, but it is easily overpowered by Z2, being in the 50% forme, and is knocked off the Prism Tower. Having lost all its Cells, Squishy falls on the ground, as Bonnie senses Squishy's pain and remarks that they must hurry. Meanwhile, Alain questions Lysandre if he wished to protect the world as it is, when he talked about strength to protect, but Lysandre comments that there is no point in trying to protect a tomorrow that is worse than today. Lysandre is informed that all the preparations are complete, as Ash and his Pokémon, bound by restraining devices, are lifted in the air, shocking Alain.

Bonnie, Clemont, Clembot, Blaziken mask and Serena finally arrive at Prism Tower getting ready to go in and see whats going on but they were stop by Aliana and Bryony who are not letting them past. Ash regain consciousness to find himself and his Pokémon in restraints then asks them if there all okay but Pikachu is only one to reposed,who just regain consciousness right after Ash did, while the rest of his Pokémon were still unconscious at the time. Lysandre greets Ash bringing his attention over to them then Ash asks him and Alain what's going on and to released him and the others but Lysandre, who apologizes for the treatment, refuses to released them. Ash and Pikachu see Zygarde that's under their control then Ash turns to Alain asking him what's this about but he's doesn't answer and Lysandre tells Ash that he maybe one of the chosen people making Ash confuse. Clemont tells them to leave that this is his gym and Serena tells them that Team Flare was behind all this and there up to no good then Bonnie senses Squishy near by who gets ready to transform again shocking everyone in the area beside Lysandre. Bonnie happy that Squishy is gonna fight with Ash seeing that Squishy is actually an Zygarde this whole time like the one attacking the city then Aliana and Bryony see that Z1 showed up just Lysandre planed that it would then Z2 comes down getting ready to have showdown with Squishy.
The group reaches Prism Tower, and Blaziken Mask has his Blaziken secure an entrance by using {{m|Flamethrower}}, but it is stopped by a {{m|Dark Pulse}} from [[Aliana]]'s {{p|Druddigon}}; [[Aliana]], together with [[Bryony]], is determined to stop them from entering the Prism Tower. Meanwhile, Ash regains consciousness and tries to break free from the restraining device. He is greeted by Lysandre, who comments that he cannot let Ash escape. Ash notices the red Zygarde, and confronts Alain about all the chaos, but Lysandre explains to Ash that he may be one of the chosen ones. At the foot of the tower, Bonnie senses Squishy nearby, as the Order Pokémon floats in the air and transforms in its 50% forme. Bonnie and her friends are surprised to learn that Squishy is Zygarde, while Aliana and Bryony seem pleased that the other Zygarde appeared as well, just as Lysandre expected. The red Zygarde jumps from the top of the tower to confront Squishy, which declares that it will use force if the former refuses to listen to it and lets out a loud cry before battling Z2.

==Major events==
==Major events==

Revision as of 07:30, 22 June 2017

XY131 : Down to the Fiery Finish!
XY series
XY133 : Coming Apart at the Dreams!
A Towering Takeover!
XY132   EP931
Flare Gang Attacks! The Zygarde at the Prism Tower!!
First broadcast
Japan August 25, 2016
United States November 12, 2016
English themes
Opening Stand Tall
Japanese themes
Opening XY&Z
Ending プニちゃんのうた
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 尼野浩正 Hiromasa Amano
Assistant director 吉村文宏 Fumihiro Yoshimura
Animation directors 小山知洋 Tomohiro Koyama
青木一紀 Kazunori Aoki
中村路之将 Michinosuke Nakamura
内田裕 Yū Uchida
No additional credits are available at this time.

A Towering Takeover! (Japanese: 襲撃フレア団!プリズムタワーのジガルデ!! Flare Gang Attacks! The Zygarde at the Prism Tower!!) is the 132nd episode of the XY series, and the 931st episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on August 25, 2016 and in the United States on November 12, 2016.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


The Kalos League award ceremony is interrupted as giant creeping vines engulf the stadium and threaten to take over Lumiose City! Lysandre broadcasts Team Flare’s manifesto: they want to create a new world order, where only the “chosen ones” will join them.

Ash and Alain set off to rescue Mairin, but Ash is shocked to discover that Alain has been working with Lysandre, and Team Flare imprisons Ash atop Prism Tower. His friends try to help, but an angry Zygarde stands in their way—until it’s confronted by a second Zygarde, as Squishy transforms and reveals its true identity! A showdown is imminent, and it’s Zygarde vs. Zygarde!


After seeing the stadium infested with vines, Ash and Alain proceed to leave the stadium, and Alain asks Ash about Mairin's whereabouts. Ash tells him that she didn't want to get in the latter's way, so she asked Ash to not tell him. He then asks Alain if Mairin is important to him; Alain confirms it, and Ash offers help in looking for her. Once they exit the stadium, they meet up with Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena; Bonnie informs Ash that Squishy has wandered off. The group hears an announcement from Malva, addressed to the citizens of Lumiose City, warning them to stay away from Prism Tower due to the danger it possesses. Wondering over the cause of the calamity, the group sees the red Zygarde, and Alain realizes that Zygarde must be behind the plant infestation. Squishy is seen heading to Prism Tower, and absorbs Zygarde Cells to transform into its 10% Forme to increase its speed. Bonnie senses where Squishy is going and runs off to catch up to it. Ash tells Clemont and Serena to go with her and informs them that he is going with Alain to find Mairin. Clemont gives Ash a communicator to keep in touch with him and Serena advises Ash to be careful. Concuurently, Sawyer, Shauna, Tierno and Trevor call out Sceptile, Ivysaur, Blastoise and Charizard respectively to help the citizens to safety from the vines. Professor Sycamore helps get people away from the roots as well, and remembers what Olympia said about the destruction of Kalos, and the role he, along with Ash and his friends, will play to stop the destruction.

Diantha rescues a civilian from the vines with the help of her Gardevoir, before she meets up with Officer Jenny, who informs the Champion that she has assigned her officers with the evacuation of the city, and that the roots are spreading throughout the city; Diantha asks her to lead her to the tower. Meanwhile, Team Rocket tries to fend off the roots with the equipment they are holding, commenting that this is no ordinary disaster. Malva looks at the destruction, and remarks this is Lysandre's doing. Meanwhile, Ash and Alain have caught up with Mairin. Ash informs her that the three need to be going to the Prism Tower. Out of blue, a root spurts up from the ground, but a Dragon Claw from Alain's Charizard destroys it; more vines keep popping up, however, and Ash and Alain try to fend them off with the help of Pikachu and Charizard. Meanwhile, Malva decides to abandon the broadcasting, and informs her assistants that she is going to do something important, telling them to do whatever they want. Jessie gets angry at this sudden abandonment, but then an idea comes across her mind. She informs James and Meowth to get the camera ready, so that she can start broadcasting the entire event all by herself.

Ash and Alain are still busy destroying the roots, when they encounter Celosia, and Ash remembers her as the one hunting for Squishy. She informs Ash that she is not after Squishy this time around, but after him instead. Alain is shocked and confused on Celosia's verdict but she informs him that she is just following Lysandre's orders. Ash asks Alain if he knows the Team Flare scientist but a shocked Alain does not reply. Celosia chimes in, informing a puzzled Ash that she and Alain are colleagues. Ash is shocked to hear that Alain works with the ones chasing Squishy, and inquires Alain about the truth of Celosia's statement, but Alain does not reply him at all. Celosia tells Alain that Lysandre wants to see him, and that an associate of hers is pursuing Squishy. Ash states Alain to ignore Celosia's commands, and tries to leave with him; however, Alain just shrugs his hand off, and Ash is taken aback. The two boys are surrounded by Team Flare Grunts and their Houndour, Celosia commands her Drapion to use Confuse Ray on Ash and Pikachu, causing Ash to faint. Pikachu decides to fight off the grunts, and tries to intimidate the grunts by sparking electricity, but in vain, and ends up passing out as well. Meanwhile, Jessie is still reporting the incident in Lumiose City, but the broadcast is interrupted by Team Flare's transmission, which is subsequently being played on all forms of media throughout the region. The transmission has Lysandre, the leader of Team Flare, declare his decision to remake the world into a place of pure beauty and peace. He adds that Zygarde, the Order Pokémon, is angry with people and Pokémon, for creating a world in which there is not enough for everyone, and thus he wishes to create a world in which only the chosen ones shall live in the bright and hopeful future. The broadcast causes confusion among the people; Mairin is surprised, and wonders why Lysandre would do such a thing. She is approached by a Team Flare grunt, who informs her that he has orders to take her to Lysandre. Realizing that Team Flare is an evil organization, she tries to resist and refuses to leave, and is rescued by Professor Sycamore. The grunt tries to force his way, by commanding a Poison Sting from his Skorupi, but the Professor has his Garchomp counteract by using Dragon Claw, and Mairin and Sycamore escape in the smoke produced by the collision of the moves. Meanwhile, Alain is flying in a jet with Team Flare grunts and an unconscious Ash and Pikachu, towards the Prism Tower. Mairin thanks the Professor for rescuing her and leaves for the Prism Tower with him, for learning more about the calamity.

Having arrived at the Prism Tower, a furious Alain confronts Xerosic and asks him about Zygarde and about Ash's involvment;[Xerosic]] simply states that Lysandre will explain everything. The Team Flare scientist takes Alain to his boss, who calmly asks him what he thinks about the plan and thanks him for completing the Mega Evolution system; he remarks that peace, that he desires, will soon surround Kalos. Concurrently, Squishy has finally made it to the Prism Tower and stares at the red Zygarde at the top. Lysandre notices the destruction caused by Zygarde, and is pleased that the ugliness from the world is slowly disappearing, commenting that the red Zygarde represents all their anger. Alain is shocked at Lysandre's statement, and reasons that destroying the city does not necessarily bring world peace, and that this protection is nothing he was looking for. Lysandre remarks that he shall just protect the chosen ones instead. Squishy finally climbs atop the Prism Tower, and tries to communicate with Z2, but in vain, as Lysandre senses Z1 among them. Meanwhile, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are trying to fight off a vine with the help of Braixen and Luxray, but more vines just keep popping up. Two vines sprout up behind the group, but they are destroyed by Clembot and Heliolisk. The group thanks them for their help, and they decide to head towards Prism Tower, when they are attacked by another vine. The vine is subsequently destroyed by Blaziken Mask's Blaziken. Clemont informs him that the Prism Tower is the speculated source of all the chaos, and the latter decides to go there to help. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie wish to go too, but Blaziken Mask deems it to be too dangerous, and asks them to seek shelter instead. The trio is still intent on their wish, and Blaziken Mask gives in, while cautioning them to follow behind him at all times.

Squishy tries to reason with Z2, but the latter attacks it with Dragon Pulse. Squishy tries to counter with its own Dragon Pulse, but it is easily overpowered by Z2, being in the 50% forme, and is knocked off the Prism Tower. Having lost all its Cells, Squishy falls on the ground, as Bonnie senses Squishy's pain and remarks that they must hurry. Meanwhile, Alain questions Lysandre if he wished to protect the world as it is, when he talked about strength to protect, but Lysandre comments that there is no point in trying to protect a tomorrow that is worse than today. Lysandre is informed that all the preparations are complete, as Ash and his Pokémon, bound by restraining devices, are lifted in the air, shocking Alain.

The group reaches Prism Tower, and Blaziken Mask has his Blaziken secure an entrance by using Flamethrower, but it is stopped by a Dark Pulse from Aliana's Druddigon; Aliana, together with Bryony, is determined to stop them from entering the Prism Tower. Meanwhile, Ash regains consciousness and tries to break free from the restraining device. He is greeted by Lysandre, who comments that he cannot let Ash escape. Ash notices the red Zygarde, and confronts Alain about all the chaos, but Lysandre explains to Ash that he may be one of the chosen ones. At the foot of the tower, Bonnie senses Squishy nearby, as the Order Pokémon floats in the air and transforms in its 50% forme. Bonnie and her friends are surprised to learn that Squishy is Zygarde, while Aliana and Bryony seem pleased that the other Zygarde appeared as well, just as Lysandre expected. The red Zygarde jumps from the top of the tower to confront Squishy, which declares that it will use force if the former refuses to listen to it and lets out a loud cry before battling Z2.

Major events

Ash and his Pokémon captured
For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Pokémon Quiz


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Zygarde 10% Forme (US and international)
Pokémon Quiz: Zygarde 50% Forme (Japan)



File:Title Card XY Bonnie V2.png
The title card segment focuses on Bonnie for this episode


Dub edits

In other languages

XY131 : Down to the Fiery Finish!
XY series
XY133 : Coming Apart at the Dreams!
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