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Fall City is a large city of Fiore. It is the location of the second numbered mission in Pokémon Ranger. It is the home of the Fall City Ranger Base run by Joel.

Fall City is a port town on the coast that is known for many symbols, such as the lighthouse, Joy Clock Tower and a fountain named after the player. Amity Square can be found beyond wooden fence near the Dusk Factory, where an invisible Kecleon runs around. The Go-Rock Quads do one last performance in front of the clock tower before leaving for far-off lands.

When news of the Go-Rock Squad first reaches Fall City, all the local rangers are sent to investigate. The player briefly takes their place patrolling the city and helping residents. One lady needs help moving in to her new apartment while another has lost her five Skitty. Professor Hastings's research lab needs to be lit by a Staryu and, finally, the Joy Clock Tower must be saved from a Machoke controlled by the Go-Rock Squad

After the credits roll, the Capture Arena opens within the city. This challenge takes place in front of an audience and is hosted by MC Arena. Unlike the capture challenges of the Kisara Plains and Safra Sea, the Ranger is always in the capture screen into which Pokémon are randomly dropped. The time limit starts at two minutes but is slightly extended each time a capture is made, depending on the points earned by it. Catching a Pichu, Pikachu or Raichu here automatically recharges the Capture Styler, with the level again dependent on the point value of the capture. The initial high score is set by Spenser at 50,000 points.

In a mission after the credits, a disturbance at the docks must be investigated. This leads to the necessity to capture a Kyogre.

Fall City Rangers

Wild Pokémon

This is a listing of the Pokémon found in Fall City after the credits:

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RingtownFall CitySummerlandWintown
East RoadNorth Road
Lyra ForestKrokka TunnelWaterworksSafra SeaOlive JungleJungle Relic
Kisara PlainDusk FactoryPanula CaveSekra RangeGo-Rock BaseFiore Temple