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DP083 : A Crasher Course in Power!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP085 : Fighting Fear with Fear!
Hungry for the Good Life!
DP084   EP550
The Gluttonous Urimoo at the Urayama House!
First broadcast
Japan July 3, 2008
United States December 6, 2008
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening Together (2008)
Ending 風のメッセージ
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 古賀一臣 Kazuomi Koga
Assistant director 古賀一臣 Kazuomi Koga
Animation director 志村泉 Izumi Shimura
Additional credits

Hungry for the Good Life! (Japanese: ウラヤマさんちの大食いウリムー! The Gluttonous Urimoo at Urayama House!) is the 84th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 550th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on July 3, 2008, with DP085 in a one-hour special. It first aired in the United States on December 6, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and his friends are saved from a sudden rainstorm when Monica, a housekeeper, invites them to stay at Mr. Backlot's mansion. Old Mr. Backlot is a wealthy man who's turned the area into a Trophy Garden for his Pokémon—and people who love to see his Pokémon! Mr. Backlot's Cleffa, Pichu, and Azurill join everyone for a delicious Poffin snack, which attracts a wild Swinub that gobbles up the food. Mr. Backlot laughs it off and invites everyone to dinner, but Team Rocket has secretly spied on the entire scene and crossed Swinub off the target list. The rest of Mr. Backlot's Pokémon are a different story, of course.

Dawn uses the mansion's kitchen to cook up more Poffin, which Swinub seems to like. The next day, she brings out even more Poffin for Swinub and all the Pokémon to eat while enjoying the garden, but then Team Rocket swoops in with a new giant flying machine that steals all of Mr. Backlot's food and everyone's Pokémon to boot! Dawn manages to jump onto Team Rocket's machine and get inside while it makes its escape. As she tries to rescue Piplup and the other Pokémon, Swinub runs off to eat Team Rocket's stolen food. Seeing this, Team Rocket promptly ejects Dawn and Swinub in mid-air to protect the delicious loot.

Dawn manages to get Swinub to track Team Rocket's ship for her. When she catches up to the crooks, Team Rocket tries to attack but Swinub uses Ice Shard to stop James' Carnivine and Jessie's Yanmega. Swinub then saves the day a second time by breaking open the ship so all the Pokémon can escape. Dawn has the situation well in hand, but Ash and the others catch up just in time to help her send Team Rocket on their way. Mr. Backlot is delighted that his Pokémon are safe again, and Dawn asks Swinub if it wants to come with her. Swinub agrees, so now Dawn has a new Pokémon friend!


While walking through a forest, Ash and his friends spot a Cleffa in the bushes. Monica appears from behind a tree, glad that she finally found Cleffa. Monica tells Ash and friends that Cleffa belongs to Mr. Backlot, also the owner of the mansion nearby. Brock becomes infatuated with the housekeeper, though Croagunk pulls him into line with a Poison Jab.

As lightning flashes and it begins to rain, Monica escorts the group to the mansion estate, where they are welcomed by Mr. Backlot. Monica brings out a cart of Poffins to feed Mr. Backlot's Pokémon, and there is enough for the group’s Pokémon as well. A Swinub comes running in and gorges itself on all the Poffins. Following orders, Monica rushes back into the kitchen and presents the Swinub with a huge bowl of Poffins. Swinub finishes the large meal and lays down now feeling satisfied. Dawn admits Swinub is cute. Mr. Backlot explains that unlike the other Pokémon, Swinub is a wild Pokémon that often visits from the forest nearby. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is spying on the mansion thinking of a new way to steal Pokémon. Jessie, adds that they’ll ignore Swinub because it will eat all of their food supplies.

Dawn's Pokémon about to eat Poffins

Over tea, Dawn asks to use the kitchen to make Poffins for her Pokémon. Monica offers the group some garden fresh Berries and guides them through the cooking process. A plate of Dawn's Poffins are set on the table and Piplup is ready to dig into them. However the greedy Swinub follows the sweet aroma and immediately begins to gorge itself on the baked treats, leaving Piplup devastated. To make amends, Dawn reassures Piplup that she'll make some more Poffins later.

The next morning, the group is out in the Trophy Garden and the Pokémon are playing with each other. Dawn comes out with Poffins and Swinub begins to run towards them. Before it can dig in, Dawn sets down a huge bowl of Poffins just for Swinub. Suddenly the ground opens up and all of the Pokémon plummet down. Team Rocket emerges from the hole in their new machine performing their motto. Monica also informs Mr. Backlot that all the food is gone, and Team Rocket take the responsibility. As Team Rocket takes off, Ash and Dawn leap and grab onto the mecha. Ash is thrown off by turbulence while Dawn climbs up to the dome capsule holding all of the nabbed Pokémon just as it descends into the machine. Dawn tries to find a way to free the Pokémon and finds a lever. She pulls it and the capsule dome disappears. Swinub smells some food and uses Take Down to smash through a wall to reach it. Dawn follows after it, but Team Rocket quickly ejects her and Swinub from their machine.

Dawn and Swinub land safely on a bush and quickly turn their attention to finding Team Rocket. Dawn orders Swinub to pick up Team Rocket's scent, however her faith quickly subsides as Swinub continues to get side-tracked by food. After Swinub delivers her an apple, Dawn is drawn to tears as she thinks about not seeing Piplup and the others again. Swinub notices that Dawn is upset, so it picks up a scent and encourages Dawn to follow it. Soon Swinub locates Team Rocket, and uses Take Down to knock them off their mecha and get the stolen food for itself. Dawn is mildly impressed and confronts Team Rocket. James sends out Carnivine, but receives a bite to his head first. Jessie calls out Yanmega and it uses Steel Wing while Carnivine approaches with Bite. Swinub replies with Ice Shard, freezing Yanmega and Carnivine. Dawn tells Swinub to use Take Down and it breaks through the machine letting the Pokémon free. The Pokémon run towards Dawn, and soon Monica and the others arrive courtesy of Mr. Backlot’s car. Team Rocket spring back up and order Carnivine use Bullet Seed and Yanmega use Sonic Boom. Swinub counters the attacks with Ice Shard. Dawn tells Piplup to use Bubble Beam while Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt, and the combo efforts sends Team Rocket blasting off.

Dawn thanks Swinub for its help, though the Pig Pokémon returns to snack on the pile of food. She takes a moment to consider something before approaching Swinub and invite it onto her team. Swinub blushes before saying yes, so Dawn takes out a Poké Ball and simply catches Swinub. Dawn tells the rest of the Pokémon they now have a new friend and the Pokémon cheer.

Back at Mr. Backlot's mansion, Ash and the group are about to head off. Monica tells Dawn that the next Pokémon Contest is in Celestic Town and Dawn seems ready for it. Mr. Backlot admits he is going to miss Swinub, though Dawn assures him that they will return for a visit sometime. Brock makes one last move on Monica, but Croagunk attacks him from behind again. The group wave goodbye and head off onto Hearthome City.

Major events

Dawn after catching Swinub
For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the history page.



Pokémon debuts






Buizel's collar error

Dub edits

In other languages

DP083 : A Crasher Course in Power!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP085 : Fighting Fear with Fear!
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