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EP135 : Grin to Win!
Original series
EP137 : Foul Weather Friends
Chikorita's Big Upset
Chicorita is in a Bad Mood!?
First broadcast
Japan February 24, 2000
United States January 20, 2001
English themes
Opening Pokémon Johto
Japanese themes
Opening OK!
Ending ニャースのパーティ
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 武上純希 Junki Takegami
Storyboard 藤本義孝 Yoshitaka Fujimoto
Assistant director 鈴木敏明 Toshiaki Suzuki
Animation director 志村泉 Izumi Shimura
Additional credits

Screenshots on Filb.de

Chikorita's Big Upset (Japanese: チコリータはごきげんななめ!? Chicorita is in a Bad Mood!?) is the 136th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on February 24, 2000 and in the United States on January 20, 2001.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


A severe case of rivalry between Pikachu and Chikorita calls for therapy sessions with Nurse Joy (schooled in Pokémon psychology at the Pokémon Institute). In such delicate matters, there's no such thing as an overnight cure, though—or is there? The following day, when Team Rocket attacks, Ash will need all his Pokémon to overcome their latest challenge.


Ash and a Trainer are having a tense Pokémon battle. As Chikorita was getting tired, Ash decides to use Pikachu against the Trainer's Raticate. When he attempts to return Chikorita to her Poké Ball, Chikorita refuses and evades the light beam. The Trainer's mother calls her son in for dinner as Ash finally is able to return Chikorita. Ash and his friends go to a Pokémon Center and call Professor Oak. Ash tells him about the Zephyr Badge, but the call is cut short when Muk appears and smothers Oak. A short time later, all of Ash's Pokémon are eating except Chikorita. Pikachu brings a piece of Pokémon Food to Chikorita, but Chikorita bats it away with her leaf. A glasses-wearing Nurse Joy, who has a degree in Pokémon Psychology, walks up and Brock begins to flirt with her, but Misty pulls him away. At Nurse Joy's request, Ash attends a counselling session and after answering several questions, Nurse Joy deduces that Chikorita is jealous of Pikachu. She escorts the group to the Pokémon Center's greenhouse, and suggests to put Chikorita together with plants for the night to make her feel comfortable.

During the night, Pikachu goes to find Chikorita in the greenhouse. As Pikachu watches, Chikorita pops out of her Poké Ball and proceeds to leave the Pokémon Center. Despite Pikachu's attempts to intervene, Chikorita manages to run off and disappears into the tall grass. She soon finds a warehouse to sleep in, but is awakened by four Fighting-type Pokémon; Machoke, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Primeape. Chikorita attempts to ignore the Pokémon, but Primeape throws a bolt at her and proceeds to attack. Chikorita soon defeats Primeape with a Vine Whip. The other three are shocked by the quick defeat and kneel down out of respect for Chikorita.

The next morning, Nurse Joy shows Ash and his friends the footage from last night, which reveals that Chikorita had run away. The group's search efforts prove useless. At Brock's suggestion, Ash sends out Bulbasaur in the hope of finding Chikorita and Pikachu. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, who were spying nearby, see Chikorita and Pikachu's disappearances as their opportunity to capture the Pokémon. James contacts Meowth, who is ready and waiting in the air balloon, to search for Pikachu and Chikorita. Meowth soon spots Pikachu as he travels through some long grass.

Pikachu heads inside the warehouse and finds Chikorita. Chikorita refuses to go with him when Jessie and James appear at the doorway and recite their motto. James casts a net, however Primeape knocks the net back, and soon the other Fighting Pokémon appear. Jessie and James feel intimidated, but Meowth scoffs at their grovelling and with a click of a button sends in a robot reinforcement, constructed from old tires. The mecha knocks the Fighting Pokémon away, and its rubber body makes Pikachu's Electric attacks useless. Pikachu is soon snatched, and despite Chikorita using Razor Leaf she is also captured. Ash and his friends arrive to see a dire situation, but Brock spots the mecha's antenna which prompts Ash to send out Heracross. The Bug starts eating Bulbasaur's pollen, but is soon swatted away. Heracross uses its large horn to send Ash up onto the machine, however the mecha evades and Ash lands in a pile of tires. Ash spots a nearby water tower, and rushes up a flight of stairs to get the height. Just as Ash jumps to reach the robot's antenna, Meowth has the mecha move out the way and Ash is sent plummeting to the ground. However, Chikorita catches him with her vines, and with a bit of difficulty she manages to hoist Ash up to the mecha's head. Ash pulls off the antenna dish causing the mecha to go haywire, subsequently Pikachu and Chikorita are released. The robot grabs onto the ropes connected to the Meowth Balloon, and in desperation Meowth cuts them. Jessie and James, who were climbing the ropes, fall into the mecha's head, and Team Rocket are blasted off again. and Jessie and James fall into the mecha. The four Fighting-type Pokémon say good-bye to their new friend and Ash is relieved to have Pikachu and Chikorita back.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Ash thanks Nurse Joy for diagnosing Chikorita's jealousy, which appears to have subsided for now. As they are about to head off, Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder, and at Ash's insistence, Chikorita leaps onto the other. Ash and friends now continue on with their adventure.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Hoppip (US and international), Primeape (Japan)


  • This episode confirms that Chikorita is female when Nurse Joy refers to Chikorita as "she". It becomes more evident when Chikorita evolves.
  • An instrumental version of Together Forever is used in the dub.
  • The Trainer Ash battles in the beginning of the episode is based on the School Kid Trainer class from Generation II.
  • This episode is featured on Volume 18: Chikorita from Viz Media's Pokémon All-Stars series.
  • This episode is featured on Pokémon All-Stars: Chikorita from Magna Pacific's Pokémon All-Stars series.
  • The book The Chikorita Challenge is based on this episode.
  • A dog can be heard barking in the background right before Primeape, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Machoke discover Chikorita.


  • In a shot of Pikachu and Chikorita, although Pikachu's voice is heard, his mouth isn't moving.

Dub edits

In other languages

EP135 : Grin to Win
Original series
EP137 : Foul Weather Friends
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