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SM028 : Pulling out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Sun & Moon series
SM030 : The Ol' Raise and Switch!
Lulled to La-La Land!
SM029   EP968
Are You Going to have a Nap-masyu in the Nemasyu Forest Too?
First broadcast
Japan June 8, 2017
United States September 2, 2017
English themes
Opening Under The Alolan Sun
Japanese themes
Opening アローラ!!
Ending ポーズ
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 関根アユミ Ayumi Sekine
Storyboard 小平麻紀 Maki Kodaira
Assistant director 吉村文宏 Fumihiro Yoshimura
Animation directors 安田周平 Shūhei Yasuda
伊藤典子 Noriko Itō
No additional credits are available at this time.

Lulled to La-La Land! (Japanese: ネマシュの森であなたも寝ましゅ? Are You Going to have a Nap-masyu in the Nemasyu Forest Too?) is the 29th episode of the Sun & Moon series, and the 968th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on June 8, 2017 and in the United States on September 2, 2017.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


A Pokémon School camping trip kicks off with a scary story from Lana! Everyone thinks it’s just one of her jokes, but the story seems to be coming true when our heroes suddenly fall asleep and then wake up starving! The culprit is a Morelull, who’s been draining their energy with its roots.

Ash offers to let it drain all the energy it wants from him, as he refuels by devouring Mallow’s delicious curry. Soon, Morelull joins its friends, who have gathered in the branches of an old tree. As one, they evolve into Shiinotic and share their borrowed energy with the tree, which bursts into beautiful bloom!


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Ash and his classmates along with their Pokémon are camping in the forest. Ash and Kiawe are helping to set up a tent whilst Sophocles reads them the instructions as Mallow and Steenee are preparing food whilst Lillie is trying to set a campfire to cook the food. Litten comes over to her which gives Lillie an idea and asks Litten to light the fire and Litten complies, using Ember but as Lillie thanks Litten for the help, Snowy ends up freezing the fire with Powder Snow. Ash calls out, pleased that they have got the tent set up as Rotom, Pikachu, Rockruff and Togedemaru go inside to check it out and give their approval off the tent. Mallow informs the boys that the curry is almost ready which excites Ash and Sophocles as Lana, illuminating her face with a flashlight asks them if they know that this forest comes with a scary history which scares the others and tells them that people enter the forest tend to fall asleep for no good reason without any idea that it is happening and that when they awake before giving a scream, Lana tells them they are just skin and bones like they haven't eaten in ages which worries Sophocles as Kiawe thinks that it is just a rumor as Mallow says that is is just one of Lana's jokes but a rustling sound ends up scaring Mallow and Lillie only for Rockruff to come out of the bushes. Ash tells Rockruff not to scare them like that and the others laugh, unaware that across the river, a Morelull is watching them. Soon the curry is ready and everyone is eating their meal as Lillie notes that it is quite spicy which makes it good. This pleases Mallow as Sophocles and Ash say they'll be having seconds which Lillie says they can as they made a lot. Kiawe notices they is still a lot left and asks why they made so much as Lillie explains she didn't know that rice expands when it cooks as Mallow says they made the curry based on the rice. Lillie apologizes and says that she read a lot about camping before she came but didn't read anything about cooking. Ash is surprised that Lillie hasn't been camping before as Mallow points out all of Lillie's luggage which isn't exactly camping gear which leads Lillie to think she bought too much as Lana asks what she brought which Lillie replies was a change of clothes, towel and pajamas, Max Repel and potion along with plenty of back ups for each and explains that she has never slept in a tent or sleeping bag before and is a bit nervous as Lana says that when out camping, they can stay out as long as they want as the others describe the sort of activities such as hanging around the campfire, roasting marshmallows as Mallow notes it gets dark at night and asks Sophocles if he'll be alright but Sophocles has brought what he needs to help and brings out a Lampent shaped lamp and calls out Charjabug and attaches the cords to Charjabug who generates the electricity needed to power the lamp as Lana notes that a flashlight would do the same thing but Sophocles says it wouldn't even be close as Togedemaru gives Charjabug a pat.

Nesting on a tree branch, Rowlet has a cookie in its mouth which it drops down on the grass and into the bushes which Rowlet wonders where it went before flying off in another direction as Morelull peeps out from behind the bushes. Sophocles is lounging on a sun-lounger, checking up on his reading thinking it makes him feel like a grown-up whilst Mallow and Steenee are picking berries from the trees for dessert whilst in the river, Lillie and Snowy watch as Lana, Popplio and Togedemaru splash each other. Kiawe and Ash are training with Pikachu and Turtonator as Ash has Pikachu attack Turtonator with Quick Attack but Kiawe has Turtonator stand its ground and takes the attack as Litten senses something in the bushes which grabs Rotom's attention and wonders if something is out there as Rockruff jumps out of the bushes which scares Rotom. Rotom isn't pleased with Rockruff for scaring it as Litten continues to sense something. Mallow is still picking berries from the trees but notices that Steenee has disappeared, the berries it was holding now dropped on the floor. Ash and Kiawe note that the others haven't returned and wonder where they went as Ash calls out to them as Pikachu senses something nearby, Rotom guesses that it is Rockruff as Pikachu runs with Ash following, Kiawe goes to join them but turns around and sees something that scares him. Ash and Rotom follow Pikachu into the forest and they find Rowlet on the floor. They run over to Rowlet with Ash asking Rowlet if it is OK but it becomes clear that Rowlet is sleeping. Rotom is confused as Rowlet doesn't usually sleep this much as Ash picks Rowlet up and manages to wake it up, Pikachu draws their attention to Sophocles who has also fallen asleep by his sun-lounger. Ash runs over to him and manages to wake him up and guesses he feel asleep as Ash jokes about him being like Rowlet which Sophocles finds weird as he was really out as Ash asks him if he knows where the others went. Sophocles doesn't know as his stomach rumbles as Ash notes it doesn't take him long to get hungry as as Sophocles comes up with an excuse regarding reading requiring brain power and brain powering requiring food, Rowlet's cookie comes out of the bushes. Rowlet flies over to it as the others wonder what is going on as Morelull runs over, startling everyone. Sometime later, Ash wakes up having fallen asleep and notices that Rowlet and Pikachu are looking like skin and bones, and notices that he is looking the same as Rotom doesn't remember going into sleep mode before noticing that his power has been drained. Sophocles wakes up, also looking like skin and bones saying that he is so hungry and they both collapse, feeling hungry.

Ash and Sophocles along with Rotom, Rowlet and Pikachu return to camp where everyone else apart from Lillie are all looking like skin and bones and notices Ash and Sophocles arrive who asks what happened to them before all of the fall to the floor, exhausted. That night, eating their curry has everyone feeling much better as everyone apart from Lillie eats ferociously and soon ask for more. Everyone is filling full after eating as Kiawe reviews on what they all know has happened to them. When they came to, they found they had fallen asleep for no logical reason and that when they woke up, they were hungrier than they had ever been as Lillie and Lana note they had gone into the forest looking for Snowy as Mallow had gone searching for Steenee but Lillie hadn't felt hungry despite having been with Lana. Sophocles remembers seeing something before he fell asleep, it wasn't clear but it did look like an umbrella which makes Rotom realize what is happening and putting on his Laki wig, deduces that Lillie is the culprit as he had notices her parasol open and was the only one with no appetite but Mallow stops him, as there is no way that Lillie could have done it which Kiawe and Sophocles as Ash notes that they fell asleep and became hungry, Lana guesses that her story was all true which leaves Kiawe thinking it was still a joke but Lana notes that they all fell asleep as Kiawe tries to point out they were having fun and felt tired as Morelull appears behind him. Ash is excited to see a new Pokémon but Morelull releases its spores, which sends them all to sleep. Soon they all wake up with Ash's head hurting as Kiawe can't believe that they all fell asleep again as they recall seeing Morelull, Ash remembers hearing the word Lull before falling asleep and everyone apart from Lillie feel hungry as Rotom finds that its energy has been drained as Sophocles becomes scared of the dark and needs light, Morelull returns and illuminates its body, given them light as Rotom gives them data on Morelull, explaining that Morelull can send out spores, putting people and Pokémon to sleep before draining their energy which leads Ash to guess that it was Morelull as Lillie realizes she never felt hungry because she had used her Max Repel to avoid touching Wild Pokémon as Mallow realizes that Lana's scary rumors are actually true and that Morelull was responsible for all of it.

Morelull's illuminating light begins to flicker as Sophocles notes that is falling asleep which has Kiawe wonder if its own spores put itself to sleep but Rotom says that it doesn't match any known data. Ash, Pikachu and Rowlet move closer to Morelull with Ash finding it cute as Mallow warns them to be careful as Morelull sees them and backs away before releasing its spores, causing Rotom to tell them not to look at it but Rowlet keeps looking and falls asleep. Ash opens his eyes to take a look at what is going on and finds Morelull draining Kiawe's energy who collapses are Morelull goes over to the tents and hopes on Lillie's bag, which causes her Poké Doll to fall to the ground. Lillie mentions that she brought it with her as she always sleeps with it back home and was worried she couldn't sleep without it as Morelull tries to drain energy from the Doll but fails as Ash introduces himself to Morelull despite warnings from Sophocles and Lillie but Ash receives an idea and invites Morelull to drain his energy which it does as his classmates look on, Ash tells Morelull that if it is energy that it is after, Morelull can take all the energy it wants from him whilst holding a plate of the curry, much to everyone's surprise. Morelull drains Ash's energy before stopping, giving Ash the chance to eat his curry and allowing him to replenish his energy. This process of Morelull draining Ash's energy before Ash replenishing it with the curry continues as the others look on as Sophocles realizes that Ash is getting energy back from the curry. Lillie finds this unbelievable but Mallow and Kiawe aren't surprised. Ash asks for more which Lillie provides as the process continues with Ash asking for additional curry to keep it up. Soon all the curry has been eaten up with both Ash and Morelull feeling stuffed. Ash holds his hand out to Morelull who takes it as Sophocles notes that they have become friends before noticing a glowing light in the distance, causing Lana to think they are lost spirits but Lillie sees that they are actually more Morelull. Morelull leaves the group to go and join the other Morelull and everyone follows.

The Morelull go further into the forest as Ash and the others find themselves surrounded by more Morelull which they continue to follow despite not knowing where they are going as Ash mentions it will be fun finding out and come across a clearing with a large tree where a lot of Morelull are standing, illuminating the tree which Lana finds pretty as Ash guesses that this is the Morelull's favorite spot. The Morelull start to glow a bright light and evolve into Shiinotic which surprises Kiawe having not expected to see so many Morelull evolve at the same time which Ash finds more than awesome as leaves start to grow out of the tree as Rotom provides data on Shiinotic explaining that whilst they can drain energy, they can share energy with those that they like as flowers start to bloom which makes Ash realize that the Morelull were draining energy to help the tree which the others find much cooler than camping as Sophocles' stomach starts to rumble from feeling hungry which they laugh at, only for Ash's stomach to rumble as well, leading everyone to laugh before noticing a Shiinotic come over to them and they guess this is the Morelull from before. Ash bends down to Shiinotic who says it was awesome that it evolved as Shiinotic holds out its fingertips to Ash and Ash moves his fingertips forward, allowing them to touch as Shiinotic releases more of its spores, sending everyone to sleep. Everyone wakes up the next morning where their Pokémon are concerned as Sophocles notes that he isn't hungry any more as the others realize they don't feel hungry either and that Rotom's battery is recharged as Lana guesses that this is the Shiinotic's way of saying thanks for the energy.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Morelull


The reference to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial


  • In the dub, Lillie's Poké Doll is mistakenly referred to as a "Clefairy Doll", a literal translation of its Japanese name.
  • In the dub, the Potions are mistakenly referred to as "lotions".

Dub edits

  • In the original, Shiinotic says its name right before putting Ash and the gang to sleep. In the dub, it does not say its name at all.

In other languages

SM028 : Pulling out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Sun & Moon series
SM030 : The Ol' Raise and Switch!
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