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prevcode=AG128 |
prevtitle=Shocks and Bonds |
|prevtitle=Shocks and Bonds
nextcode=AG130 |
nexttitle=Choose It or Lose It! |
|nexttitle=Choose It or Lose It!
series=Advanced Generation series |
|series=Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
colorscheme=Hoenn }}
epcode=AG129 |
altepcode=EP403 |
colorscheme=Hoenn |
title_en=A Judgment Brawl |
|title_en=A Judgment Brawl
title_ja=そして…負けられない戦いは続く!! |
title_ja_trans=And... Continue the Battle That Cannot be Lost! |
|title_ja_trans=And... Continue the Battle That Cannot Be Lost!!
screen=yes |
broadcast_jp=May 19, 2005 |
|broadcast_jp=May 19, 2005
broadcast_us=March 18, 2006 |
|broadcast_us=March 18, 2006
en_series=Pokémon Advanced Battle |
|en_series=Pokémon Advanced Battle
en_op=[[Unbeatable]] |
ja_op=[[Pokémon Symphonic Medley|ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー]] |
|ja_op=[[Pokémon Symphonic Medley|ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー]]
ja_ed=[[GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~|GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜]] ② |
|ja_ed=[[GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~|GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜]] ②
olmteam=Team Ota |
|olmteam=Team Ota
scenario=米村正二 |
storyboard=大山和弘 |
director=ながはまのりひこ |
art=広岡歳仁 |
morecredits=no |
epstaffpage=AG121-AG130 |
footnotes=*[[a:Category:AG129 screenshots|Screenshots on Bulbagarden Archives]]
'''A Judgment Brawl''' (Japanese: '''そして…負けられない戦いは続く!!''' ''And... Continue the Battle That Cannot be Lost!'') is the 129th episode of the {{series|Advanced Generation}}, and the 403rd episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 19, 2005 and in the United States on March 18, 2006.  
'''A Judgment Brawl''' (Japanese: '''そして…負けられない戦いは続く!!''' ''And... Continue the Battle That Cannot Be Lost!!'') is the 129th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire]]'', and the 403rd episode of the [[Pokémon animated series]]. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 19, 2005, and in the United States on March 18, 2006.

== Synopsis ==
The episode begins with straight back into the action, with Ash and Katie still facing off. However, due to one trainer having three Pokémon knocked out, the field has been changed from a Rock field to a Water field. The new field consists of a pool of water with several small platforms for the Pokémon to stand on. Ash sends out Corphish, and Katie sends out Golduck to battle again. Both Pokémon are good choices for the new field, which Tyson makes a note of. Ash orders Corphish to use Crabhammer, and Golduck responds by using Fury Swipes. The two Pokémon leap at each other, and use their respective attacks. However, every blow that Golduck tries to make is blocked by Corphish's huge claws.
<i>The first round of the Victory Tournament finds Ash in a tight spot. He has three Pokémon remaining; Katie, his opponent, has four. Katie's Golduck faces Corphish on a water field and uses its attack to confuse Corphish. Luckily, even confused, Corphish is one tough Pokémon! Its haphazard attacks manage to defeat Golduck. Then it's a tense series of battles as Ash rallies and knocks out all of Katie's Pokémon until only her Walrein remains!
Katie then orders for a Hydro Pump, which Ash counters by telling Corphish to jump and use Crabhammer. Katie does not seem worried however, and tells Golduck to use its Confusion- Stopping Corphish mid-air! As its held into place by Confusion, Corphish desperatelytries to attack, swinging its claws frantically before being flung across the arena and into the water by the psychic attack. Ash calls out to Corphish, who is in a state of confusion from Golduck's attack. May, Max, Brock, Morrison and Tyson all look on worried, as Ash tries to snap Corphish out of its confusion. The lobster Pokémon cannot hear him however, and falls straight into the arena's water. As the announcer and Golduck wonders where Corphish could be, Katie looks on confidently. They aren't left wondering for long though, as, still in confusion, Corphish has managed to find its way over to Golduck's platform. Corphish then leaps out with its claws glowing and smashes straight into Golduck's face, sending it reeling. Katie grits her teeth as Corphish lands safely on one of the arena platforms, before ordering her fallen Golduck to use Fury Swipes again. Golduck does so, leaping towards a dazed Corphish who cannot hear Ash's pleas to dodge. However, just before Golduck can begins its attack, Corphish accidentally clamps onto its claws and starts shaking them rigorously. Golduck, Ash, and the crowd look on bemused. Seeing his chance to gain an advantage, Ash commands Corphish to fling Golduck, and then use Bubblebeam. Corphish does so, spinning Golduck around before sending it flying before using BubbleBeam to send Golduck smashing straight into the arena wall.
Katie then sends out another Pokémon from before, Venomoth. Ash, confident from their last win, decides not to switch out. However, Corphish is still confused and uses BubbleBeam without being ordered to. Katie orders Venomoth to use Supersonic, which it does, avoiding Corphish's Bubblebeam while doing so... but since Corphish is already confused, Supersonic has no effect and the waves simply wash over it. Ash then recalls Corphish to allow it to recover in its Poké ball. Noting that Venomoth is a Bug type, and that Flying types would have an advantage, Ash sends out his Swellow. Katie responds by telling Venomoth to use Stun Spore, which Ash counters by telling Swellow to dodge and use Peck. May and Morrison shout support from the stands, and Katie tells Venomoth to use Disable to prevent Swellow from using Peck again. Ash confidently reClarks that it has other Flying type attacks, and tells Swellow to use Aerial Ace. Swellow loops around mid-air, and dives straight for Venomoth, smashing into the bug Pokémon and sending it spiraling down towards the arena's water. Katie quickly responds by telling Venomoth to use Confusion, but Ash once again quickly counters and tells Swellow to use Quick Attack, allowing Swellow to speed through the sonic waves and smash into Venomoth sending it straight into the water and out for the count.
Katie recalls Venomoth and sends out Scizor, yet another Bug type. In the stands, May, confused at Katie's choice of Pokémon, asks about Scizor's type, commenting that its a yet another Bug type, and thus, is at a disadvantage to Swellow. Max tells her that that is right, but Scizor is also a Steel type, and Tyson remarks that Flying type attacks have a disadvantage against Steel-type Pokémon.
Ash does not seem worried however, and orders Swellow to use Quick Attack. Katie orders Scizor to use Quick Attack too, and the two Pokémon speed towards each other, trading blows mid-air. They eventually stop and face-off.
Watching all this is Team Rocket, who are still selling snacks to the stadium crowd. Meowth stops to admire the battle, but is stopped by Jessie who shouts at the cat Pokémon to get back to work. Jessie then lifts her snack box above her head and tells the crowd in front of her what snacks she is selling, beforebeing shouted at by an angry spectator who is trying to focus on the battle. Just as Jessie is about to go into a fury, James calms the situation down by offering his snacks also, followed by Meowth which the crowd happily buys.
With the effects of Disable work off, Ash orders Swellow to use Peck once again, and Katie responds by telling Scizor to use Double team, creating several Scizor illusions across the various platforms. Katie then calls for a Metal Claw, and all the Double Team clones leap towards Swellow, claws glowing. Ash quickly tells Swellow to use Double Team, creating a line of its own clones to tackle Scizor's. The illusions pass through each other, and Ash orders Swellow to use Aerial Ace. The Swellow loop around and speed towards Scizor, and Katie orders it to use Hidden Power. Scizor's clones all vanish into the real Scizor, who fires off several white balls of energy which rip straight through the illusions of Swellow. Ash then calls for a Quick Attack, and Swellow speeds through Scizor's attack. Katie then orders Scizor to counter with Metal Claw, which it does, smashing straight into Swellow... or at least, it would have, but Swellow quickly speeds quickly out of the way, and smashes head on into Scizor with its Quick Attack. The force of the attack sends Scizor crashing down onto a stadium platform, and down for the count. The referee states that Scizor is unable to battle, and Katie recalls it.

Down to her last Pokémon, Katie falls silent for a few seconds before sending out her final Pokémon, Walrein. Ash, excited that victory is close, orders Swellow to use Quick Attack again. Swellow does so, smashing straight into Walrein. However, due to Walrein's sheer girth and body mass, Swellow's attack bounces straight off, and a shocked Swellow is sent flying back. Katie then commands Walrein to use Ice Beam, which Ash quickly tells Swellow to dodge. Swellow does so, but the edges of its wings are caught by the ice attack. Morrison shouts encouragement to Swellow as Ash tells it to use Peck attack. Katie counters by telling Walrein to go underwater, causing Swellow's attack to miss. Ash grits his teeth, and Katie confidently orders the submerged Walrein to use Ice Beam. The attack smashes straight into Swellow, and the force of the attack forces Swellow to crash into the floor outside of the arena.
Walrein knocks out Swellow and Corphish with no problem, but Ash's spur of the moment tactics and Groyvle's fighting ability are still a force to be reckoned with. Walrein's Ice Beam has the side effect of freezing over the water, which means it can no longer dive to avoid attacks, and Grovyle takes full advantage of the situation to strike fast and hard. Victory to Ash!

Katie and Walrein confidently look on as the announcer comments that Ash only has two Pokémon remaining. Ash, limited in choice, sends out Corphish... who, while recovered from its confusion status, is tired and breathing heavily from the last battle. Katie orders Walrein to use Body Slam, and Ash tells Corphish to use BubbleBeam. While it is a strong attack, its not good enough to stop Walrein's body mass, and Walrein smashes traight into Corphish and causing a huge wave which disturbs the arena's platforms. When the water clears, we see Corphish lying under Walrein's huge weight and knocked out. In the stands, a worried Max remarks that not even Swellow and Corphish were able to take out Walrein.
The next round draw is completed, and to their mutual shock, Ash and Morrison will be battling each other. Morrison runs off, stunned by the thought of battling his friend. And where has Team Rocket been all this time? Still working hard to sell snacks at the stadium! Their boss will even take them out for dinner if things keep going well. Will the promise of food actually keep Team Rocket out of trouble?

Ash has no option but to send out Grovyle, which the announcer reminds him and everyone else, is his final Pokémon. Grovyle emerges from its Poké ball on one of the stadium platforms, pulls out its twig, and eyes up the competition.
The next day, Morrison and Ash begin their match. Morrison doesn't have the heart to battle, and his Girafarig is quickly beaten by Corphish. Will he recover in time to make it a good match, or will this experience affect his friendship with Ash?</i>

Katie gets the battle started, and orders Walrein to use Ice Beam. Ash responds by telling Grovyle to dodge and use Leaf Blade. Grovyle does so, leaping over the beam attack which freezes over the water surrounding the platform Grovyle was just on. As Grovyle leaps towards Walrein to use Leaf Blade, Katie orders her Pokémon to drive underwater again and Grovyle lands on Walrein's platform after missing its chance to strike. Grovyle looks around for its opponent, while Ash grits his teeth as Walrein has once again dodged his attack. Because they are battling on a Water field, Katie has an advantage, which she is well aware of. Katie then orders Walrein to use Ice Beam. Walrein does so, popping up out of the water and firing off its attack which sends Grovyle reeling back. Grovyle, not one to give up, smirks and gets back up, firing a look at Walrein beforethe it dives underwater once again. Just as soon as it submerges, Walrein pops up again on the opposite side of where it dived beforediving again. Ash look on, frustrated that none of his attacks are quick enough to hit Walrein while its underwater. However, at that moment, he notices the frozen water around the platform which Grovyle was on at the start of the battle. Ash smiles, realising that that's he can do. He then orders Grovyle to use Leaf Blade on the water, which causes a force which rips straight through the arena and smashes straight into Walrein, forcing it above water level. Katie, unworried by Ash's attempt to fight back, calls for another Ice Beam attack. Ash quickly tells Grovyle to dodge, and instead of hitting Grovyle, the Ice Beam hits the arena water itself, causing it all the freeze over and taking away Walrein's advantage. Both Katie and Walrein are shocked at this move, and Grovyle lands smoothly onto the now frozen-over arena. May, Max, Brock, Morrison and Tyson are amazed by Ash's move, and May calls it amazing. Morrison shouts to Ash that now is his chance to attack.
{{Ash}} and {{ho|Katie}} continue their [[Full Battle]]. However, due to Ash having three of his {{OBP|Pokémon|species}} knocked out, the field has been changed from a rock field to a water field. The two competitors choose Pokémon perfect for the water; Ash sends out {{AP|Corphish}}, and Katie calls on her {{p|Golduck}} to battle again. Ash orders Corphish to use {{m|Crabhammer}}, and Katie responds by telling Golduck to use {{m|Fury Swipes}}. However, the continuous strikes from both Pokémon matches blow for blow, canceling out. Katie orders Golduck to use {{m|Hydro Pump}}, which Ash counters by telling Corphish to jump and use Crabhammer. Katie does not seem worried, however, and tells Golduck to use {{m|Confusion}}, stopping Corphish in mid-air. Corphish is suspended helplessly by Confusion before being flung across the arena and onto one of the platforms by the attack. Ash calls out to Corphish, who is in a state of {{status|confusion}} from Golduck's attack. Unable to snap himself out of confusion, Corphish falls straight into the arena's water. As the announcer and Golduck wonder where Corphish could be, Katie looks on confidently. Corphish manages to sneak up to Golduck unnoticed before lashing his opponent with a successful Crabhammer to the face, sending it reeling. Katie grits her teeth as Corphish lands safely on one of the arena platforms, before ordering her fallen Golduck to use Fury Swipes again. Golduck does so, leaping towards a dazed Corphish who cannot hear Ash's pleas to dodge. However, just before Golduck can begin its attack, Corphish accidentally clamps onto his opponent’s hands and starts shaking them rigorously. Seeing his chance to gain an advantage, Ash has Corphish fling Golduck aside before propelling it into the stadium wall with a {{m|Bubble Beam}}, [[Fainting|taking it out]].

Now that the arena is frozen, Walrein can no longer hide underwater, allowing Ash to attack without fear as while fast underwater, it is slow on land. He orders Grovyle to use Quick Attack, and Grovyle speeds straight into Walrein and sending it flying into the arena wall. The force of Walrein smashing into the wall sends up a cloud of dust. Ash shouts encouragement to Grovlye as it smoothly lands. Katie does not seem worried, as she tells Walrein to use Mimic. Several beams of bright pink light burst out from the dust clouds, before Walrein rips straight through them having copied Grovyle's Quick Attack with Mimic. Unable to react quickly enough, Walrein's attack hits Grovyle head on and sends it flying back. Grovyle manages to stop itself though, and faces off against his opponent, who has just gotten rid of one of its main disadvantages: Speed. From the stands, Morrison wonders what Mimic does, and Max explains that it allows Walrein to copy one of Grovyle's moves. In this case, Quick Attack. Ash then orders Grovyle to use Leaf Blade, sending Walrein flying back, beforeit manages to regain its balance and use Body Slam on Katie's command. Ash counters by telling Grovyle is dodge and use Bullet Seed. Grovyle leaps into the air and fires off a volley of vicious seeds which rain down upon a defenceless Walrein. Katie, frustrated, tells Walrein to use Ice Beam again, but the attack is dodged by Grovyle as Ash orders it to use Quick Attack allowing for it to speed around the beam and straight into Walrein. Katie grits her teeth as Grovyle's superior speed allows it to land several powerful blows against Walrein. While Ash's friends happily look on from the crowd, Katie decides to finish things and orders Walrein to use its mimicked Quick Attack. Walrein does so, speeding straight towards Grovyle who has been told to do the same from Ash. As the two Pokémon grow closer and closer to each other, Ash and Katie look on anxiously. Just at the last moment, as the two Pokémon collide, Ash tells Grovyle to dodge underneath Walrein and use Leaf Blade. Grovyle viciously slices its blade straight up Walrein's body, sending it flying up and smashinginto the ground as Grovyle lands and poses.
Katie [[recall]]s Golduck and sends {{p|Venomoth}} back onto the field. Ash, confident from their last win, decides not to switch out. However, Corphish is still confused and uses Bubble Beam without being ordered to. Katie orders Venomoth to dodge and use {{m|Supersonic}} on the already-confused Corphish, to no effect and some ridicule by Ash's friends. Ash recalls Corphish so that he may recover in his {{i|Poké Ball}}. Noting that Venomoth is a {{t|Bug}} type and that {{t|Flying}} types would have an advantage, Ash sends out his {{AP|Swellow}}. Katie responds by telling Venomoth to use {{m|Stun Spore}}, though Swellow dodges and uses {{m|Peck}}. Katie tells Venomoth to use {{m|Disable}} to prevent Swellow from using Peck again. Ash confidently replies that it has other Flying-type attacks, and tells Swellow to use {{m|Aerial Ace}}. Swellow loops around mid-air, and dives straight for Venomoth, smashing into the Bug Pokémon and sending it spiraling down towards the arena's water. Katie quickly responds by telling Venomoth to use Confusion. Though Ash has Swellow land a {{m|Quick Attack}}, sending Venomoth straight into the water and out for the count.

The announcer proclaims that Walrein is unable to battle and that Ash is the winner. The display of both trainer's Pokémon is changed to a picture of Ash with his Pokémon underneath. Ash happily runs up to Grovyle and thanks it for its hard work, and Grovyle folds its arms and smiles confidently. Not being a bad loser, Katie comes up to Ash and thanks him for the great battle and the two trainers shake hands.
Katie recalls Venomoth and sends out her {{p|Scizor}}. In the stands, {{an|May}} questions Katie's choice of another Bug-type going against Swellow, though [[Max]] informs her that Scizor is also part {{type|Steel}} and has some advantage. Ash begins this match-up by telling Swellow to use Quick Attack. Katie orders Scizor to use Quick Attack as well, and the two Pokémon speed towards each other, trading blows repeatedly in mid-air. They eventually stop and face off. Since Disable has worn off, Ash orders Swellow to use Peck once again, and Katie responds by telling Scizor to use {{m|Double Team}}, creating several Scizor illusions across the various platforms. Katie calls for a {{m|Metal Claw}}, and all of the Double Team clones leap towards Swellow, claws glowing. Ash has Swellow respond with Double Team, creating a line of its own clones to tackle Scizor's. The copies pass through each other, and Ash orders Swellow to use Aerial Ace. The Swellow loop around and speed toward Scizor. Katie has Scizor counter with {{m|Hidden Power}}, destroying the Swellow duplicates. Ash calls for a Quick Attack, and Swellow speeds through Scizor's attack. Katie orders Scizor to counter with Metal Claw, which it does, smashing straight into Swellow's position. However, Swellow used Aerial Ace to instantly vanish and hit Scizor. The force of the attack sends Scizor crashing down onto a stadium platform, and it is unable to battle.

We then see the ending of Morrison and Tyson's respective battles, which have Metang taking down a Machoke and Tyson's Meowth in Boots taking down a Rhydon. The victories allow both trainers to advance to the same stage that Ash is now in- The Final 16.
Down to her last Pokémon, Katie falls silent for a few seconds before sending out her {{p|Walrein}}. Ash, excited that victory is close, orders Swellow to use Quick Attack again. However, due to Walrein's sheer girth and body mass, Swellow's direct attack bounces straight off, and a shocked Swellow is sent flying back. Katie commands Walrein to use {{m|Ice Beam}}, forcing Swellow to make an evasive dodge to avoid it, though the tip of its wing gets frozen as a result. As Ash orders a Peck attack, Katie counters by telling Walrein to go underwater, causing Swellow's attack to miss. Ash grits his teeth and Katie confidently orders the submerged Walrein to use Ice Beam. The attack lands a direct hit, forcing Swellow to crash onto the floor outside of the arena, knocked out.

However, not everyone is battling, as Team Rocket are enjoying green tea and rice with their new boss. Happy at their work, he tells them that he'll be passing down his business to them, and they, including Wobbuffet, celebrate.
Katie and Walrein confidently look on as the announcer comments that Ash has two Pokémon remaining. Ash, limited in choice, sends out an exhausted yet no longer confused Corphish. Katie orders Walrein to use {{m|Body Slam}} while Ash calls for Bubble Beam. Bubble Beam pelts Walrein's underside as it slams down upon Corphish, causing a huge wave. When the water clears, Corphish is pinned under Walrein's huge mass and knocked out.

Also chowing down is Ash and company who are enjoying some delicious pizza. The group happily talk about the tournament. Morrison is proud of how far he has gotten in what is his first tournament as a Pokémon trainer. before the conversation can go any further, Max's Pokénav alerts him to the next battle match-ups being announced. Ash, excited, suggests that they go find out who they'll be facing in the next few battles, and Morrison agrees.
Ash has no option but to send out his {{AP|Grovyle}}, which the announcer notes is Ash's last Pokémon. Grovyle emerges from its Poké Ball onto one of the stadium platforms, pulls out its twig, and eyes the competition. Katie starts the final match-up by ordering Walrein to use Ice Beam. Following orders, Grovyle leaps over Ice Beam, which instead freezes some of the water field solid. Katie orders Walrein to dodge by diving underwater and Grovyle lands on Walrein's platform, unable to make {{m|Leaf Blade}} connect. While Grovyle looks around for its opponent, Katie orders Walrein to use Ice Beam. Walrein quickly emerges from the water and fires Ice Beam, landing a direct hit. Grovyle smirks and gets back up, shooting a look at Walrein before it dives underwater once again. Walrein repeatedly emerges in various areas of the pool while Ash looks on in frustration. Suddenly, he notices the frozen water around the platform and develops a plan. He tells Grovyle to use Leaf Blade on the water, causing a shock wave that forces Walrein out of the water. Katie calls for another Ice Beam attack, which Ash tells Grovyle to dodge. Ice Beam freezes over the pool, removing Walrein's underwater advantage, and taking Katie by surprise.

However, once they find the results, it's certainly not what they were expecting. Paired up against Ash and Morrison is not some nameless trainer who they do not know. Instead, they find that the trainers they are going to be going up against is eac hother. The most shocked at this is Morrison himself, who falls silent. Ash turns around to Morrison and tries to cheer him up, but he's still in a state of shock and walks off out of the Pokémon Centre depressed as the group look on sadly.
Ash orders Grovyle to use Quick Attack, the force of which sends Walrein flying into the arena wall and kicks up a cloud of dust. Ash shouts encouragement to Grovyle as it smoothly lands. Katie does not seem worried, as she tells Walrein to use {{m|Mimic}}. Several beams of bright, pink light burst out from the dust clouds before Walrein flies across the field using its Mimicked Quick Attack. Unable to react quickly enough, Walrein hits Grovyle head-on and sends it flying. Grovyle manages to stop itself before staring down its opponent, who has just revealed its latest trick. From the stands, Morrison wonders what Mimic does, and Max explains that it allows Walrein to copy one of Grovyle's moves, in this case, Quick Attack. Ash orders Grovyle to use Leaf Blade, sending Walrein flying back before it manages to regain its balance and use Body Slam on Katie's command. Ash counters by telling Grovyle to dodge and use Bullet Seed. Grovyle leaps into the air and fires off a volley of seeds upon a defenseless Walrein. Katie, frustrated, tells Walrein to use Ice Beam again, but Grovyle dodges it. Ash orders it to use Quick Attack, which it uses to avoid Ice Beam and strike Walrein. Katie watches on as Grovyle lands several powerful blows against Walrein. While Ash's friends happily look on, Katie decides to finish things and orders Walrein to use its Mimicked Quick Attack. Walrein speeds toward Grovyle, who Ash tells to run toward Walrein. As everyone wonders what Ash is thinking, the two Pokémon rush at each other. At the last moment, Ash orders Grovyle to dodge underneath Walrein and use Leaf Blade. Grovyle powerfully slices its blade straight up Walrein's body, sending it skyward and back to the ground. The announcer proclaims that Walrein is unable to battle and that Ash is the winner. Not being a sore loser, Katie approaches Ash to thank him for the great battle and the two Trainers shake hands. [[Morrison]] and {{ho|Tyson}} also perform well in their respective matches, advancing to the next stage—The Final 16.

Now outside of the centre, Ash calls out to Morrison , who does not respond. Ash wonders where he could have gone and continues looking. Elsewhere, Morrison is training Metang, telling it they have to train to be able to overcome Ash's Pokémon. He orders Metang to use Take Down on a nearby tree, but quickly tells it to stop when he imagines Ash's face in it. Metang turns around, confused at Morrison 's actions. However, Morrison isn't sure himself and falls to the ground, puzzled and depressed. Ash then appears, greeting Morrison happily. However, Morrison is still shocked and depressed at the battle match-up, and runs off with Metang not even turning around to face him. Just as Morrison leaves, Brock, May and Max appear. Ash is confused as to why Morrison is acting like that, and Brock explains that Morrison is just starting out and being paired up in a battle against a friend is tough for him.
After their shifts, Team Rocket enjoys green tea and rice with their new boss. Pleased with their work, he says that he'll take them to an all-you-can-eat barbecue if they work hard again tomorrow. The trio are in disbelief at the kind gesture. After the boss leaves, [[Jessie]] says that they could capture {{AP|Pikachu}} tomorrow too, which they all celebrate, including {{TP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}}.

The next day, the battle between the two friends, Ash and Morrison , begins. The stadium flame burns bright as the two trainers face off against eachother. The field of choice this time around is the Ice field- A field as the name suggests, covered totally with ice. Morrison grits his teeth as he looks at Ash, and May, Max, Brock and Tyson watch the friends silently.
Also chowing down are Ash and {{ashfr}} who are enjoying some delicious pizza. The group happily talks about the tournament. Morrison is proud of how far he has gotten in his first tournament as a Pokémon Trainer. Before the conversation can go any further, Max's [[PokéNav]] alerts him to the next battle match-ups being announced. Ash, excited, suggests that they go find out who they'll be facing in the next few battles, and Morrison agrees. However, once they see the results, the group is shocked to find Ash and Morrison pitted against each other. Morrison is particularly stunned as he falls completely silent. Ash turns to Morrison and tries to cheer him up, but the shock is too much. He walks out of the [[Pokémon Center]] visibly downtrodden.

Ash starts the battle off by sending out Corphish. Morrison responds, half-heartedly sending out Girafarig. The referee declares the battle started, and Ash orders Corphish to use Vicegrip. Morrison, with his confidence shaken, tells Girafarig to use Light Screen; an attack that won't work because Light Screen only defends against Special attacks. Corphish smashes straight through the Light Screen and clamps onto Girafarig's head with its Vice Grip attack. Girafarig manages to shake Corphish off, sending Corphish sliding back and Morrison weakly orders it to use Tackle. Corphish slides straight into a curved upright icicle, allowing it to slide away from the attack. Girafarig, unable to stop in time, tackles straight into the upright icicle, causing damage to itself. Ash orders Corphish to attack again, but Girafarig, unable to maintain its balance, falls down causing Corphish to miss. Ash then quickly orders Corphish to clamp onto one of the smaller icicles, allowing it to loop around and attack Girafarig one again. Morrison desperately orders Girafarig to use Iron Tail, which Ash tells Corphish to dodge before ordering the lobster to attack with Crabhammer, knocking Girafarig out. Morrison gasps at his fallen Pokémon, before silently calling it back. Instead of sending out his next Pokémon, Morrison just stands there depressed, looking at the ground. The referee urges Morrison to send out his next Pokémon, but Morrison isn't even focusing on the battle anymore. As the announcer remarks that unless Morrison sends out a Pokémon soon, it will count as a forfeit and Ash will win the battle.
Ash exits the Center and goes to Morrison's tree hammock, but there is no response, so he continues searching. Elsewhere, Morrison is {{pkmn|training}} {{TP|Morrison|Metang}}, telling it that they have to train to be able to overcome Ash's Pokémon. He orders Metang to use {{m|Take Down}} on a nearby tree, but quickly tells it to stop when he imagines Ash's face in it. Metang turns around, confused at Morrison's actions. Morrison falls to the ground, confused and upset. Ash appears, greeting Morrison happily. Morrison, however, is still frustrated at the battle match-up and runs off with Metang, unable to face Ash. Just as Morrison leaves, {{an|Brock}}, May and Max appear. Ash is confused by Morrison's behavior and Brock explains that being paired up in a battle against a friend can be tough for anyone.

The episode ends with Ash frustrated at his friend's unwilling to focus and give it his all.
The next day, the Full Battle between Ash and Morrison begins. The stadium flame makes for the perfect backdrop as the field of choice this time around is the ice field. Morrison grits his teeth as he looks at Ash. May, Max, Brock, and Tyson spectate in silence. Ash starts the battle off by sending out Corphish. Morrison responds, halfheartedly calling out {{DL|Morrison|Girafarig}}. The referee declares the battle started, and Ash orders Corphish to use {{m|Vice Grip}}. Morrison, with his confidence shaken, tells Girafarig to use {{m|Light Screen}}, which proves ineffective against a [[Physical move|physical attack]] like Vice Grip. Corphish crashes through the Light Screen and clamps onto Girafarig's head with a Vice Grip. Girafarig manages to shake Corphish off, sending the Ruffian Pokémon sliding back. Morrison hesitantly orders it to use {{m|Tackle}}. Corphish slides straight into a curved upright icicle, allowing him to scuttle away from the attack. Girafarig, unable to stop in time, gets injured as it rams into the icicle. Ash orders Corphish to attack again, but Girafarig slips and falls on the icy floor, causing Corphish to miss. Ash quickly has Corphish clamp onto one of the smaller icicles, allowing him to loop around and attack Girafarig once again. Morrison desperately orders Girafarig to use Iron Tail, though Corphish manages to dodge before attacking with Crabhammer, knocking Girafarig out. Morrison gasps at his fallen Pokémon, before silently calling it back. Instead of sending out his next Pokémon, Morrison stands there, petrified by indecision. The referee urges Morrison to call out his next Pokémon, but Morrison cannot concentrate. The announcer remarks that unless Morrison sends out a Pokémon soon, it will count as a forfeit and Ash will win the battle.

== Major events ==
==Major events==
* {{Ash}} wins his battle with [[Katie]].
* {{Ash}} continues his [[Full Battle]] with {{ho|Katie}} and wins, advancing to the {{wp|Single-elimination tournament|eighth-finals}}.
* [[Morrison]] and {{ho|Tyson}} also win and advance to the next round.
* [[Morrison]] and {{ho|Tyson}} also advance to the eighth-finals.
* {{Ash}} begins his battle with [[Morrison]].
* Ash begins his Full Battle with [[Morrison]].

=== Debuts ===
====Pokémon debuts====

== Characters ==
=== Humans ===
* {{Ash}}
* {{Ash}}
* {{an|May}}
* {{an|May}}
Line 93: Line 86:
* [[Morrison]]
* [[Morrison]]
* {{ho|Tyson}}
* {{ho|Tyson}}
* [[Katie]]
* {{ho|Katie}}
* Team Rocket's employer
* Team Rocket's employer
* Crowd

=== Pokémon ===
[[File:PTC AG129.png|thumb|200px|Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]
[[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]: {{p|Nosepass}}
[[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]: {{p|Nosepass}}
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{op|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{op|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
* {{p|Swellow}} ({{op|Ash|Swellow}})
* {{p|Swellow}} ({{OP|Ash|Swellow}})
* {{p|Grovyle}} ({{op|Ash|Grovyle}})
* {{p|Grovyle}} ({{OP|Ash|Grovyle}})
* {{p|Corphish}} ({{op|Ash|Corphish}})
* {{p|Corphish}} ({{OP|Ash|Corphish}})
* {{p|Glalie}} ({{op|Ash|Glalie}}; flashback)
* {{p|Metang}} ({{OP|Morrison|Metang}})
* {{p|Metang}} ({{op|Morrison|Metang}})
* {{p|Girafarig}} ([[Morrison]]'s)
* {{p|Girafarig}} ([[Morrison]]'s)
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{op|Tyson|Meowth}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{OP|Tyson|Meowth}})
* {{p|Venomoth}} ([[Katie]]'s)
* {{p|Venomoth}} ({{ho|Katie}}'s)
* {{p|Golduck}} ([[Katie]]'s)
* {{p|Golduck}} ({{ho|Katie}}'s)
* {{p|Misdreavus}} ([[Katie]]'s; flashback)
* {{p|Scizor}} ({{ho|Katie}}'s)
* {{p|Scizor}} ([[Katie]]'s)
* {{p|Walrein}} ({{ho|Katie}}'s)
* {{p|Walrein}} ([[Katie]]'s)
* {{p|Machoke}} (Trainer's)
* {{p|Machoke}} (unnamed {{pkmn|Trainer}}'s)
* {{p|Rhydon}} (Trainer's)
* {{p|Rhydon}} (unnamed {{pkmn|Trainer}}'s)
== Trivia ==

*Title pun: 'A Judgment Call'.
* The dub title comes from the term "judgment call".
* This is one of the few episodes prior to ''[[Pokémon the Series: Black & White]]'' in which {{TRT}} never blasts off or recites their {{motto}} in any form.
* Following this episode, {{Ash}} would not have another [[Full Battle]] against a female {{pkmn|Trainer}} until ''[[JN123|Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder!]]'', 805 episodes later.

=== Errors ===
*In a reversal of a dub error from ''[[AG126|Saved by the Beldum!]]'', a Machoke is referred to as a {{p|Machamp}}.
[[File:AG129 error.png|thumb|200px|Walrein's scoreboard error]]
*While Ash is using Grovyle to battle Walrein, Max makes a statement saying Ash is using the 'hit and away' tactic but in the previous episode it was called the 'hit and run' tactic.
* When {{AP|Swellow}} dodges {{p|Venomoth}}'s {{m|Stun Spore}}, the attack appears to be coming from Swellow's side instead of Venomoth's.
* {{p|Walrein}}'s picture on the scoreboard shows its head as blue instead of white.
* [[Max]] notes that Ash and {{AP|Grovyle}} are using the "hit and away" tactic, but in [[AG128|the previous episode]], it was called the "hit and run" tactic.
* Before Grovyle dodges Walrein's {{m|Body Slam}}, Ash commands it to ''duck'' instead of ''dodge''.
* {{ho|Tyson}}'s picture is not shown when the second round matchups are revealed.
* In a reversal of a dub error from ''[[AG126|Saved by the Beldum!]]'', a {{p|Machoke}} is referred to as a {{p|Machamp}} and has the voice of one.
* In the {{pmin|Brazil}}ian dub:
** Tyson mistakenly refers to Grovyle as a {{t|Ground}} type.
** {{p|Metang}} is referred to as "Mateng", while {{p|Golduck}} is referred to as "Goldluck", the latter being a repeat from the previous episode.
* On the Australian DigiPack DVD release of [[S08|season 8]], the recap at the start of this episode mistakenly uses the recap of ''[[AG127|From Brags to Riches]]''.

=== Dub edits ===
===Dub edits===
====[[Pokémon Trainer's Choice]]====
=== Pokémon Trainer's Choice ===
* Question: Trainers, which of these Pokémon is not a {{t|Ground}} type?
* Question: Trainers, which of these Pokémon is not a {{type|Ground}}?
* Choices: {{p|Groudon}}, {{p|Nosepass}}, {{p|Phanpy}}
* Choices: {{p|Groudon}}, {{p|Nosepass}}, {{p|Phanpy}}
* Answer: OK, trainers! If you chose {{p|Nosepass}}, you were right!
* Answer: OK, Trainers! If you chose Nosepass, you were right!

==In other languages==
==In other languages==
|zh_cmn={{tt|然後…不能打輸的戰鬥依然持續!!|Then...Continue the Battle that Cannot be Lost!!}}
|zh_cmn={{tt|然後…不能打輸的戰鬥依然持續!!|Then...Continue the Battle that Cannot be Lost!!}}
|nl={{tt|In zware tweestrijd|In a Tough Dilemma}}
|da={{tt|Venner på hård prøve|Friends on a tough test}}
|de={{tt|Wettkampf der Strategien|Battle of the strategies}}
|de={{tt|Wettkampf der Strategien|Battle of the strategies}}
|fi={{tt|Riitaisa ratkaisu|A fractious solution}}
|fi={{tt|Riitaisa ratkaisu|A fractious solution}}
|fr={{tt|Une victoire redoutée|A dreaded victory}}
|fr={{tt|Une victoire redoutée|A dreaded victory}}
|he={{tt|קרב בין חברים|Battle Between Friends}}
|hi=किसे चुनु: दोस्ती या जीत? {{tt|''Kise chunu: Dosti ya Jeet?''|What should I choose: Friendship or Victory?}}{{tt|*|Disney XD dub}}
|it={{tt|Vittoria dopo vittoria|Victory after victory}}
|it={{tt|Vittoria dopo vittoria|Victory after victory}}
|ko={{tt|그리고... 질 수 없는 시합은 계속된다!|And... A Battle that Cannot be Lost Continues!}}
|no={{tt|Bråk og bedømmelse|Fraccle and appreciation}}
|pt_br={{tt|O Julgamento de uma Disputa|The Judgment of a Dispute}}
|pt_br={{tt|O Julgamento de uma Disputa|The Judgment of a Dispute}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Um Julgamento Elegante|A Elegant Judgment}}
|pt_eu={{tt|Um Julgamento Elegante|A Elegant Judgment}}
|ru={{tt|Тяжелые времена на Чемпионате|Hard times in the championship}}
|es_la={{tt|El duelo del juicio|The duel of trial}}
|es_la={{tt|El duelo del juicio|The duel of trial}}
|es_eu={{tt|Una difícil decisión|A difficult decision}}
|es_eu={{tt|Una difícil decisión|A difficult decision}}
|sv={{tt|Motstridiga känslor!|Conflicting emotions!}}
|prevtitle=Shocks and Bonds
|nexttitle=Choose It or Lose It!
|series=Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
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[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episodes|129]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Shōji Yonemura]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Kazuhiro Ōyama]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Norihiko Nagahama]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Toshihito Hirooka]]
[[Category:Pokémon League episodes]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash]]

[[de:Wettkampf der Strategien]]
prevcode=AG128 |
prevtitle=Shocks and Bonds |
nextcode=AG130 |
nexttitle=Choose It or Lose It! |
series=Advanced Generation series |
colorscheme=Hoenn }}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Advanced Generation series episodes|129]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Shōji Yonemura|403]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Kazuhiro Ōyama|403]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Norihiko Nagahama|403]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Toshihito Hirooka|403]]
[[Category:Pokémon League episodes|403]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash|403]]
[[de:Wettkampf der Strategien (Episode)]]
[[zh:宝可梦 超世代 第128集]]

Latest revision as of 04:45, 3 September 2024

AG128 : Shocks and Bonds
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
AG130 : Choose It or Lose It!
A Judgment Brawl
AG129   EP403
And... Continue the Battle That Cannot Be Lost!!
First broadcast
Japan May 19, 2005
United States March 18, 2006
English themes
Opening Unbeatable
Japanese themes
Opening ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 米村正二 Shōji Yonemura
Storyboard 大山和弘 Kazuhiro Ōyama
Assistant director ながはまのりひこ Norihiko Nagahama
Animation director 広岡歳仁 Toshihito Hirooka
No additional credits are available at this time.

A Judgment Brawl (Japanese: そして…負けられない戦いは続く!! And... Continue the Battle That Cannot Be Lost!!) is the 129th episode of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, and the 403rd episode of the Pokémon animated series. It was first broadcast in Japan on May 19, 2005, and in the United States on March 18, 2006.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


The first round of the Victory Tournament finds Ash in a tight spot. He has three Pokémon remaining; Katie, his opponent, has four. Katie's Golduck faces Corphish on a water field and uses its attack to confuse Corphish. Luckily, even confused, Corphish is one tough Pokémon! Its haphazard attacks manage to defeat Golduck. Then it's a tense series of battles as Ash rallies and knocks out all of Katie's Pokémon until only her Walrein remains!

Walrein knocks out Swellow and Corphish with no problem, but Ash's spur of the moment tactics and Groyvle's fighting ability are still a force to be reckoned with. Walrein's Ice Beam has the side effect of freezing over the water, which means it can no longer dive to avoid attacks, and Grovyle takes full advantage of the situation to strike fast and hard. Victory to Ash!

The next round draw is completed, and to their mutual shock, Ash and Morrison will be battling each other. Morrison runs off, stunned by the thought of battling his friend. And where has Team Rocket been all this time? Still working hard to sell snacks at the stadium! Their boss will even take them out for dinner if things keep going well. Will the promise of food actually keep Team Rocket out of trouble?

The next day, Morrison and Ash begin their match. Morrison doesn't have the heart to battle, and his Girafarig is quickly beaten by Corphish. Will he recover in time to make it a good match, or will this experience affect his friendship with Ash?


Ash and Katie continue their Full Battle. However, due to Ash having three of his Pokémon knocked out, the field has been changed from a rock field to a water field. The two competitors choose Pokémon perfect for the water; Ash sends out Corphish, and Katie calls on her Golduck to battle again. Ash orders Corphish to use Crabhammer, and Katie responds by telling Golduck to use Fury Swipes. However, the continuous strikes from both Pokémon matches blow for blow, canceling out. Katie orders Golduck to use Hydro Pump, which Ash counters by telling Corphish to jump and use Crabhammer. Katie does not seem worried, however, and tells Golduck to use Confusion, stopping Corphish in mid-air. Corphish is suspended helplessly by Confusion before being flung across the arena and onto one of the platforms by the attack. Ash calls out to Corphish, who is in a state of confusion from Golduck's attack. Unable to snap himself out of confusion, Corphish falls straight into the arena's water. As the announcer and Golduck wonder where Corphish could be, Katie looks on confidently. Corphish manages to sneak up to Golduck unnoticed before lashing his opponent with a successful Crabhammer to the face, sending it reeling. Katie grits her teeth as Corphish lands safely on one of the arena platforms, before ordering her fallen Golduck to use Fury Swipes again. Golduck does so, leaping towards a dazed Corphish who cannot hear Ash's pleas to dodge. However, just before Golduck can begin its attack, Corphish accidentally clamps onto his opponent’s hands and starts shaking them rigorously. Seeing his chance to gain an advantage, Ash has Corphish fling Golduck aside before propelling it into the stadium wall with a Bubble Beam, taking it out.

Katie recalls Golduck and sends Venomoth back onto the field. Ash, confident from their last win, decides not to switch out. However, Corphish is still confused and uses Bubble Beam without being ordered to. Katie orders Venomoth to dodge and use Supersonic on the already-confused Corphish, to no effect and some ridicule by Ash's friends. Ash recalls Corphish so that he may recover in his Poké Ball. Noting that Venomoth is a Bug type and that Flying types would have an advantage, Ash sends out his Swellow. Katie responds by telling Venomoth to use Stun Spore, though Swellow dodges and uses Peck. Katie tells Venomoth to use Disable to prevent Swellow from using Peck again. Ash confidently replies that it has other Flying-type attacks, and tells Swellow to use Aerial Ace. Swellow loops around mid-air, and dives straight for Venomoth, smashing into the Bug Pokémon and sending it spiraling down towards the arena's water. Katie quickly responds by telling Venomoth to use Confusion. Though Ash has Swellow land a Quick Attack, sending Venomoth straight into the water and out for the count.

Katie recalls Venomoth and sends out her Scizor. In the stands, May questions Katie's choice of another Bug-type going against Swellow, though Max informs her that Scizor is also part Steel-type and has some advantage. Ash begins this match-up by telling Swellow to use Quick Attack. Katie orders Scizor to use Quick Attack as well, and the two Pokémon speed towards each other, trading blows repeatedly in mid-air. They eventually stop and face off. Since Disable has worn off, Ash orders Swellow to use Peck once again, and Katie responds by telling Scizor to use Double Team, creating several Scizor illusions across the various platforms. Katie calls for a Metal Claw, and all of the Double Team clones leap towards Swellow, claws glowing. Ash has Swellow respond with Double Team, creating a line of its own clones to tackle Scizor's. The copies pass through each other, and Ash orders Swellow to use Aerial Ace. The Swellow loop around and speed toward Scizor. Katie has Scizor counter with Hidden Power, destroying the Swellow duplicates. Ash calls for a Quick Attack, and Swellow speeds through Scizor's attack. Katie orders Scizor to counter with Metal Claw, which it does, smashing straight into Swellow's position. However, Swellow used Aerial Ace to instantly vanish and hit Scizor. The force of the attack sends Scizor crashing down onto a stadium platform, and it is unable to battle.

Down to her last Pokémon, Katie falls silent for a few seconds before sending out her Walrein. Ash, excited that victory is close, orders Swellow to use Quick Attack again. However, due to Walrein's sheer girth and body mass, Swellow's direct attack bounces straight off, and a shocked Swellow is sent flying back. Katie commands Walrein to use Ice Beam, forcing Swellow to make an evasive dodge to avoid it, though the tip of its wing gets frozen as a result. As Ash orders a Peck attack, Katie counters by telling Walrein to go underwater, causing Swellow's attack to miss. Ash grits his teeth and Katie confidently orders the submerged Walrein to use Ice Beam. The attack lands a direct hit, forcing Swellow to crash onto the floor outside of the arena, knocked out.

Katie and Walrein confidently look on as the announcer comments that Ash has two Pokémon remaining. Ash, limited in choice, sends out an exhausted yet no longer confused Corphish. Katie orders Walrein to use Body Slam while Ash calls for Bubble Beam. Bubble Beam pelts Walrein's underside as it slams down upon Corphish, causing a huge wave. When the water clears, Corphish is pinned under Walrein's huge mass and knocked out.

Ash has no option but to send out his Grovyle, which the announcer notes is Ash's last Pokémon. Grovyle emerges from its Poké Ball onto one of the stadium platforms, pulls out its twig, and eyes the competition. Katie starts the final match-up by ordering Walrein to use Ice Beam. Following orders, Grovyle leaps over Ice Beam, which instead freezes some of the water field solid. Katie orders Walrein to dodge by diving underwater and Grovyle lands on Walrein's platform, unable to make Leaf Blade connect. While Grovyle looks around for its opponent, Katie orders Walrein to use Ice Beam. Walrein quickly emerges from the water and fires Ice Beam, landing a direct hit. Grovyle smirks and gets back up, shooting a look at Walrein before it dives underwater once again. Walrein repeatedly emerges in various areas of the pool while Ash looks on in frustration. Suddenly, he notices the frozen water around the platform and develops a plan. He tells Grovyle to use Leaf Blade on the water, causing a shock wave that forces Walrein out of the water. Katie calls for another Ice Beam attack, which Ash tells Grovyle to dodge. Ice Beam freezes over the pool, removing Walrein's underwater advantage, and taking Katie by surprise.

Ash orders Grovyle to use Quick Attack, the force of which sends Walrein flying into the arena wall and kicks up a cloud of dust. Ash shouts encouragement to Grovyle as it smoothly lands. Katie does not seem worried, as she tells Walrein to use Mimic. Several beams of bright, pink light burst out from the dust clouds before Walrein flies across the field using its Mimicked Quick Attack. Unable to react quickly enough, Walrein hits Grovyle head-on and sends it flying. Grovyle manages to stop itself before staring down its opponent, who has just revealed its latest trick. From the stands, Morrison wonders what Mimic does, and Max explains that it allows Walrein to copy one of Grovyle's moves, in this case, Quick Attack. Ash orders Grovyle to use Leaf Blade, sending Walrein flying back before it manages to regain its balance and use Body Slam on Katie's command. Ash counters by telling Grovyle to dodge and use Bullet Seed. Grovyle leaps into the air and fires off a volley of seeds upon a defenseless Walrein. Katie, frustrated, tells Walrein to use Ice Beam again, but Grovyle dodges it. Ash orders it to use Quick Attack, which it uses to avoid Ice Beam and strike Walrein. Katie watches on as Grovyle lands several powerful blows against Walrein. While Ash's friends happily look on, Katie decides to finish things and orders Walrein to use its Mimicked Quick Attack. Walrein speeds toward Grovyle, who Ash tells to run toward Walrein. As everyone wonders what Ash is thinking, the two Pokémon rush at each other. At the last moment, Ash orders Grovyle to dodge underneath Walrein and use Leaf Blade. Grovyle powerfully slices its blade straight up Walrein's body, sending it skyward and back to the ground. The announcer proclaims that Walrein is unable to battle and that Ash is the winner. Not being a sore loser, Katie approaches Ash to thank him for the great battle and the two Trainers shake hands. Morrison and Tyson also perform well in their respective matches, advancing to the next stage—The Final 16.

After their shifts, Team Rocket enjoys green tea and rice with their new boss. Pleased with their work, he says that he'll take them to an all-you-can-eat barbecue if they work hard again tomorrow. The trio are in disbelief at the kind gesture. After the boss leaves, Jessie says that they could capture Pikachu tomorrow too, which they all celebrate, including Wobbuffet.

Also chowing down are Ash and his friends who are enjoying some delicious pizza. The group happily talks about the tournament. Morrison is proud of how far he has gotten in his first tournament as a Pokémon Trainer. Before the conversation can go any further, Max's PokéNav alerts him to the next battle match-ups being announced. Ash, excited, suggests that they go find out who they'll be facing in the next few battles, and Morrison agrees. However, once they see the results, the group is shocked to find Ash and Morrison pitted against each other. Morrison is particularly stunned as he falls completely silent. Ash turns to Morrison and tries to cheer him up, but the shock is too much. He walks out of the Pokémon Center visibly downtrodden.

Ash exits the Center and goes to Morrison's tree hammock, but there is no response, so he continues searching. Elsewhere, Morrison is training Metang, telling it that they have to train to be able to overcome Ash's Pokémon. He orders Metang to use Take Down on a nearby tree, but quickly tells it to stop when he imagines Ash's face in it. Metang turns around, confused at Morrison's actions. Morrison falls to the ground, confused and upset. Ash appears, greeting Morrison happily. Morrison, however, is still frustrated at the battle match-up and runs off with Metang, unable to face Ash. Just as Morrison leaves, Brock, May and Max appear. Ash is confused by Morrison's behavior and Brock explains that being paired up in a battle against a friend can be tough for anyone.

The next day, the Full Battle between Ash and Morrison begins. The stadium flame makes for the perfect backdrop as the field of choice this time around is the ice field. Morrison grits his teeth as he looks at Ash. May, Max, Brock, and Tyson spectate in silence. Ash starts the battle off by sending out Corphish. Morrison responds, halfheartedly calling out Girafarig. The referee declares the battle started, and Ash orders Corphish to use Vice Grip. Morrison, with his confidence shaken, tells Girafarig to use Light Screen, which proves ineffective against a physical attack like Vice Grip. Corphish crashes through the Light Screen and clamps onto Girafarig's head with a Vice Grip. Girafarig manages to shake Corphish off, sending the Ruffian Pokémon sliding back. Morrison hesitantly orders it to use Tackle. Corphish slides straight into a curved upright icicle, allowing him to scuttle away from the attack. Girafarig, unable to stop in time, gets injured as it rams into the icicle. Ash orders Corphish to attack again, but Girafarig slips and falls on the icy floor, causing Corphish to miss. Ash quickly has Corphish clamp onto one of the smaller icicles, allowing him to loop around and attack Girafarig once again. Morrison desperately orders Girafarig to use Iron Tail, though Corphish manages to dodge before attacking with Crabhammer, knocking Girafarig out. Morrison gasps at his fallen Pokémon, before silently calling it back. Instead of sending out his next Pokémon, Morrison stands there, petrified by indecision. The referee urges Morrison to call out his next Pokémon, but Morrison cannot concentrate. The announcer remarks that unless Morrison sends out a Pokémon soon, it will count as a forfeit and Ash will win the battle.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts




Pokémon Trainer's Choice

Pokémon Trainer's Choice: Nosepass



Walrein's scoreboard error
  • When Swellow dodges Venomoth's Stun Spore, the attack appears to be coming from Swellow's side instead of Venomoth's.
  • Walrein's picture on the scoreboard shows its head as blue instead of white.
  • Max notes that Ash and Grovyle are using the "hit and away" tactic, but in the previous episode, it was called the "hit and run" tactic.
  • Before Grovyle dodges Walrein's Body Slam, Ash commands it to duck instead of dodge.
  • Tyson's picture is not shown when the second round matchups are revealed.
  • In a reversal of a dub error from Saved by the Beldum!, a Machoke is referred to as a Machamp and has the voice of one.
  • In the Brazilian dub:
    • Tyson mistakenly refers to Grovyle as a Ground type.
    • Metang is referred to as "Mateng", while Golduck is referred to as "Goldluck", the latter being a repeat from the previous episode.
  • On the Australian DigiPack DVD release of season 8, the recap at the start of this episode mistakenly uses the recap of From Brags to Riches.

Dub edits

Pokémon Trainer's Choice

  • Question: Trainers, which of these Pokémon is not a Ground type?
  • Choices: Groudon, Nosepass, Phanpy
  • Answer: OK, Trainers! If you chose Nosepass, you were right!

In other languages

AG128 : Shocks and Bonds
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
AG130 : Choose It or Lose It!
Project Anime logo.png This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.