Capture Styler

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A Capture Styler

A Capture Styler (Japanese: キャプチャー・スタイラー) is a device used by Pokémon Rangers. It allows them to temporarily take command of wild Pokémon and it also has built-in phone capabilities.

It is similar to a remote-controlled toy top. A spinning, top-like device called a Capture Disc is launched which is controlled from the main device.


Capturing a wild Plusle

As the Capture Disc of the Styler loops around a wild Pokémon, it leaves a trail of beams that transmits friendship to the wild Pokémon. This will make the wild Pokémon more inclined to help the Pokémon Ranger. If the beams are broken by Pokémon attacks, the Capture Styler may take damage or even break. The Styler can level up and gain more energy with use.

The Capture Styler has many functions, with the main one being capturing Pokémon. Other functions include the Ranger Browser, the Ranger's equivalent to the Pokédex, the Glossary, the save function (only available when near a save machine), and the retire option, allowing a complete restart of the mission the Ranger is currently on.

File:Capture Disc.PNG
The Capture Disc
File:Capture Line.PNG
The Capture Line

Capture Disc

The Capture Disc is launched by a Capture Styler so that the Ranger may befriend the Pokémon. It may gain power-ups like Poké Assists and Power Charges.

Capture Line

The Capture Line is the trail that a Capture Disc leaves behind. Every loop, called a Capture Line loop, it increases the friendship given to the Pokémon.

Types of Styler

The Area Ranger Styler (left) and the School Styler (right)

School Styler

The School Styler is given to the students of the Ranger School. Due to its purpose, it does not come with the function to use Poké Assists.

Capture Styler

A Capture Styler is given to new Area Rangers. Unlike the School Styler, it allows Rangers to use Poké Assists. This is the only one available in Pokémon Ranger.

Fine Styler

File:Fine styler.PNG
The Fine Styler

Once an Area Ranger becomes a Top Ranger, they receive the Fine Styler. This Styler appears to have similar functions, except the new Power Charge. The Power Charge has two levels and each one has more friendship power then the last. It has a different design as it is attachable to the wrist.

Vatonage Styler

A one of a kind styler, the Vatonage Styler is used as part of Operation Brighton. This Styler allows a Ranger to befriend a Pokémon under hypnosis, unlike previous Stylers. It is a Fine Styler powered up with shards from the Tears of Princes. Getting power from the actual Gems themselves allows this Styler to befriend even Pokémon who have closed up their minds.

Pokémon Ranger: Locus of Light

The New Styler featured in Locus of Light

In Pokémon Ranger: Locus of Light a new type of styler is introduced. This styler is designed similar to a watch. Its name and specialty are currently unknown but it is possible that this styler has the new Ranger Sign feature built into it.


  • The Capture Styler was originally intended to be called "The Capture Loopy-Looper", when Professor Hastings first drew up blueprints for it.
  • The Vatonage Styler's ability to befriend hypnotized Pokémon seems to extend only to those controlled by Gigaremo Units, as once a Vatonage Styler is used to capture Pokémon controlled by Miniremo Units, the Pokémon are still automatically released on the spot.
  • The Capture Styler rivals the Pokédex in sturdiness and immunity to all conventional dangers that could be recreated by Pokémon attacks, ie. water, fire, electricity. It is even shown to be able to work with interference to radio signals in Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys Crisis. Solana says that this is because it is hermetically sealed to prevent any conventional shock or damage from reaching the Capture Styler's inner workings.
    • However, in the second Ranger game, Crawford says that the crazy heat is interfering with his Styler.
  • If the Styler is reduced to 0 HP because of damage from the Pokémon it is trying to capture, then the Capture Disc will explode.
Pokémon Ranger
Main RangerTop RangerOperatorMechanic
Partner PokémonPoké AssistField MoveObstacles
Ranger SignRanger RankMissionQuestRanger Net
Locations FioreAlmiaOblivia
Ranger BaseRanger DepotRanger UnionRanger School
Capture Stylers Capture StylerSuper StylerPower Styler
Antagonists Go-Rock SquadTeam Dim SunTeam DebonairsPokémon Pinchers
Misc. The Almia TimesThe King of Almia and the Three PrincesGlossary