Pokémon Showcase

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A Pokémon Showcase

A Pokémon Showcase (Japanese: トライポカロン TryPokaron) is an anime-exclusive, girls-only competition held in the Kalos region. Trainers participating in them are called Pokémon Performers.


The Freestyle Performance section

Pokémon Showcases are performance tournaments that take place in various locations throughout Kalos. Contestants are allowed to use up to six Pokémon. In essence, they are similar to real-world beauty pageants. There are two classes of Pokémon Showcases, the Rookie Class and the Master Class. Every Performer may compete in Rookie Class tournaments, but only those who have collected at least three Princess Keys can enter the Master Class.

Rookie Class tournaments are divided in two sections. The first is called the Theme Performance (Japanese: テーマパフォーマンス Theme Performance) and can encompass different activities. The activity of the Theme Performance depends on the specific Showcase tournament. This section usually takes place in multiple rounds, with three contestants per round facing off against each other, though only the winner of each round will move on to the next section. However, as the Theme Performance varies between tournaments, the criteria for winning them also differs.

The second section is called the Freestyle Performance (Japanese: フリーパフォーマンス Free Performance), which is the same in each Pokémon Showcase. The Performer and her Pokémon perform together on stage, making full use of the Pokémon's capabilities. It is similar to the Performance Stage of a Pokémon Contest. However, unlike Coordinators, Performers must be involved in an active part of the performance, since Showcase performances also focus on the Trainers and their ability to perform alongside their Pokémon, whereas in Pokémon Contests the Pokémon are always the main attraction.

In the Freestyle Performance, contestants are judged by the audience. Each Performer gets a heart-shaped key used to receive votes from the audience. Each person in the audience can bring out one vote on a special voting device called the Glow Caster (Japanese: ポケリウム Poké Lume), which sends out small luminous balls of light that connect to the keys of the participants according to the color of their key. The participant with the key that absorbs the most lights is decided the winner.

The crowd using the Glow Caster to vote

In the Master Class tournament, contestants have to deliver Freestyle Performances from the very beginning as there are no Theme Performance rounds. The competing Performers are divided into trios and whoever receives the highest number of votes is declared the winner of their group and advances to the next round. In rounds prior to the semifinals, each Perform gets a turn performing individually before the three of them perform at the same time. They must perform with a single Pokémon and they are allowed to affect the performances of each other.

During the semifinals, Performers are called on stage one at a time and they have to perform using two Pokémon. The winning Performer advances to the final round, where the current Kalos Queen awaits. As the winner of the previous Master Class competition, the Kalos Queen has a guaranteed spot in the final round, where she must defend her title. Performers are allowed to use up to six Pokémon in the finals. One notable difference between Rookie Class tournaments and the Master Class is the voting system; while in the Rookie Class only the Glow Caster can be used to vote, in the Master Class tournament people all over the Kalos region are able to vote by using devices similar to smartphones.

The winner of a Rookie Class Showcase receives a Princess Key, and the winner of a Master Class Showcase receives the title of Kalos Queen.

Themes and stages

Screenshot Theme Stage
Shauna Showcase Pokemon Styling.png Pokémon Styling: Performers must dress up one of their Pokémon in a unique style using the materials given within the time limit and present their partner to the audience. Contestants are judged by the audience. Pokémon Showcase Theme Stage.png
Serena Pancham Showcase Poke Puff Baking.png Poké Puff Baking: Performers must collaborate with their Pokémon and bake Poké Puffs within the time limit. The Poké Puffs are evaluated by a panel of judges. Pokémon Showcase Theme Stage2.png
Serena Nini Showcase Quiz.png Pokémon Quiz: Performers must answer trivia questions. To answer a question, one of their Pokémon must complete a task. The first to answer three questions correctly advances to the second section. Pokémon Showcase Theme Stage3.png
Nini Party Showcase Poké Puff Performance.png Poké Puff Performance: Performers and their Pokémon bake a Poké Puff but with a synchronized dance performance. Contestants are judged by the audience. Pokémon Showcase Free Performance Stage4 Night.png
Serena Braixen Pancham Showcase Rhyhorn Herding.png Rhyhorn Herding: Performers and their Pokémon must beckon the most Rhyhorn over to their side of the stage using any means necessary. Performers can also thieve Rhyhorn to their side from other Performers. Pokémon Showcase Theme Stage5.png

Showcase locations

Screenshot Location Winner
Rookie Class
Lagoon Town.png Lagoon Town N/A
Coumarine Showcase theater.png Coumarine City Shauna
Dendemille Showcase theater.png Dendemille Town Serena
Anistar Showcase theater.png Anistar City Serena
Couriway Showcase theater.png Couriway Town Jessie
Fleurrh Showcase theater.png Fleurrh City Serena
Master Class
Gloire Showcase theater.png Gloire City Aria

Princess Key

292Shedinja.png The contents of this section have been suggested to be split into Princess Key.
Please discuss it on the talk page for this section.
A keyring for attaching Princess Keys

A Princess Key (Japanese: プリンセスキー Princess Key) is an item which denotes a Performer has won a particular Pokémon Showcase in the Rookie Class, similar to how a Ribbon is awarded to a Coordinator who has won a Pokémon Contest and a Badge is given to a Trainer who has defeated a Gym Leader. They come in various styles and colors.

It was revealed in Performing with Fiery Charm! that after winning their first Showcase, Performers are given a large decorated keyring which they use to hold the Princess Keys they receive during their journey. In order to compete for the title of Kalos Queen, a total of three Keys must be collected to qualify for the Master Class tournament, the Showcase equivalent of the Grand Festival and the Pokémon League Conference. At the beginning of the Master Class, Performers use their Princess Keys to unlock a door to gain access to the stage.


Coumarine Princess Key Dendemille Princess Key Anistar Princess Key Couriway Princess Key Fleurrh Princess Key
Shauna Princess Key.png Serena Princess Key.png Serena second Princess Key.png Jessie Princess Key.png Serena third Princess Key.png


  • The Pokémon Showcase is the first gender specific event that is the focus of a main character's goal.
  • In the Japanese version, TryPokaron is the official translation, but many refer to it as TriPokalon.
  • In Day Three Blockbusters!, the Pokémon Showcase is referred to as the Pokétacular on Netflix and in the United Kingdom airings.

Name origin

The Japanese name トライポカロン TryPokaron may be derived from the word トライアスロン triathlon and Pokémon. The トライ tri- prefix may refer to how three Princess Keys need to be obtained to compete in a Master Class Showcase.

In other languages

Pokémon Showcase

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 三冠衛星賽 Sāamgun Waihsīngchoi
Mandarin 三冠衛星賽 Sānguān Wèixīngsài
Denmark Flag.png Danish Pokémon-udstilling
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Pokémon-show
Finland Flag.png Finnish Pokémon-esittely
France Flag.png French Salon Pokémon
Germany Flag.png German Pokémon-Showcase
Italy Flag.png Italian Varietà Pokémon
South Korea Flag.png Korean 트라이포카론 TeuraiPokaron
Norway Flag.png Norwegian Pokémon-show
Poland Flag.png Polish Wystawa Pokémonów
Portugal Flag.png Portuguese Exibição Pokémon
Spanish CELAC Flag.png Latin America Exhibición Pokémon
Spain Flag.png Spain Gran espectáculo Pokémon
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Pokémon-uppvisning

Princess Key

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 公主鎖匙 Gūngjyú Sósìh
公主鑰匙 Gūngjyú Yeuhksìh *
Mandarin 公主金鑰 Gōngzhǔ Jīnyào
Denmark Flag.png Danish Prinsessenøgle
The Netherlands Flag.png Dutch Prinsessen-Sleutel
Finland Flag.png Finnish Prinsessa-avain
France Flag.png French Clé Princière
Germany Flag.png German Prinzessinnenschlüssel
Italy Flag.png Italian Chiave della Principessa
South Korea Flag.png Korean 프린세스 열쇠 Princess Yeolsoe
Norway Flag.png Norwegian Prinsessenøkkel
Poland Flag.png Polish Klucz Księżniczki
Portuguese Brazil Flag.png Brazil Chave da Princesa
Portugal Flag.png Portugal Chave de Princesa
Spain Flag.png Spanish Llave Princesa
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Prinsessnyckel

See also

Project Anime logo.png This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.