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[[File:Team Flare Scientists Adventures.png|thumb|right|300px|Xerosic (''center'') in Pokémon Adventures]]
[[File:Team Flare Scientists Adventures.png|thumb|right|300px|Xerosic (''center'') in Pokémon Adventures]]
Xerosic makes his first appearance in the {{chap|X & Y}} alongside his fellow Team Flare members. He, Bryony, and Celosia witness the legendary Pokémon {{p|Xerneas}} and {{p|Yveltal}} rampage through [[Vaniville Town]] during a battle with each other. They note that they need the Pokémon to power their ultimate weapon, but currently have no means as to capture them.
Xerosic makes his first appearance in the {{chap|X & Y}} alongside his fellow Team Flare members. He, Bryony, and Celosia witness the legendary Pokémon {{p|Xerneas}} and {{p|Yveltal}} rampage through [[Vaniville Town]] during a battle with each other. They note that they need the Pokémon to power their ultimate weapon, but currently have no means as to capture them.
Xerosic later calls his boss [[Lysandre]], claiming that he has found the tree representation of Xerneas. When [[Malva]] becomes Team Flare's new deputy, Xerosic informs her that following the clash of the legendary Pokémon at Vaniville, their residents were captured and imprisoned, and their Pokémon were confiscated. Xerosic agrees to turn the captured residents into a labor force for transporting Xerneas into Team Flare's base.


Revision as of 10:20, 9 February 2015

クセロシキ Xerosicy
XY Xerosic.png
Artwork from X and Y
Gender Male
Eye color Unknown
Hair color Red
Hometown Unknown
Region Kalos
Trainer class Team Flare
Generation VI
Games X and Y
Member of Team Flare
Rank Scientist

Xerosic (Japanese: クセロシキ Xerosicy) is one of five Team Flare scientists in Pokémon X and Y.

In the games

Xerosic is one of five scientists that are the driving force behind Team Flare. He is the only male Team Flare Scientist and has red goggles. He is first encountered in the basements of Lysandre Labs. After battling the player deep in the hideout, he offers them a chance to stop the ultimate weapon by choosing one of two buttons, as one will turn off the device and the other will activate it. However, despite both his offer and Lysandre's promise, he activates the weapon regardless of the player's choice, bragging that it is a victory for Team Flare's science.

After the downfall of Team Flare, Xerosic goes into hiding and begins conducting a project on his own, attracting Looker's attention. He sets up a lab in a secret floor of the Lysandre Labs complex and posts a notice in Lysandre Café looking for part-time employees, hiring the Lumiose Gang for security and Emma as his test subject. He creates a device called the "Expansion Suit", which can augment a human subject in a number of ways, including giving them superhuman reflexes, shapeshifting powers and the ability to hack and control Poké Balls. After teaching Emma how to be a Trainer and loaning her his Pokémon, Xerosic advances his experiment to the next stage, in which he remote-controls the suit while Emma sleeps inside, unaware of what she is actually doing. This figure, dubbed "Essentia," goes on a crime spree throughout Lumiose City using personalities and disguises based on various Trainer classes pre-loaded into the Expansion Suit's databanks.

The player and Looker ultimately unmask Essentia as Emma and discover Xerosic's secret laboratory, at which point he sets his creation on them in repeated battles. Eventually, however, Looker's dedication to Emma's well-being moves Xerosic enough to make him have a change of heart, and he frees Emma from his control. Realizing that while his creation of the Expansion Suit was a success, his plans are finished, and Xerosic surrenders to Looker and is taken away for trial. Before leaving, however, he donates all of his Pokémon and the Expansion Suit to Emma, having deactivated the remote-control function of the suit, asking her to use them to protect the peace of Lumiose City.


Pokémon X and Y


Pokémon X and Y

Lysandre Labs (initial visit)
  • Before battle
"So the Poké Balls we received and the Pokémon we've gathered are where they need to be. Add it all up, and it means all preparations are complete!"
"Oh ho ho! You're the one I've heard so much about! I've been waiting for you! I need to do a little research on you! Come, let us begin!"
  • Being defeated
"Oh ho ho! You're wonderful! Your Pokémon are amazing!"
  • After being defeated
"Wonderful! Amazing! You have tremendous skill and bravery! When you add that up, it means I will tell you something very interesting. It happened 3,000 years ago. The ultimate weapon was used to put an end to the war in an instant. If we use that incredible power, we can finally free Kalos of the foolish humans that plague it! Behind me you'll find a red button and a blue button. One of them is the button for activating the ultimate weapon. Push one now! Come on! Push one!"
Red button: "You pushed it! Oh ho ho! You pushed the little red button! Too bad...for you! Pushing that button has enabled us to use the ultimate weapon! Don't feel too down, though. I would have activated it even if you had guessed correctly.
Blue button: "You pressed it! Oh ho ho! You pressed the blue switch! Winner, winner! Congratulations! But I'm still going to activate the ultimate weapon! I know the boss promised that we wouldn't if you pushed the correct button, but I refuse to let the potential go to waste! I'll just use my remote, here! Click-click! And the power is ON!
Either way: Come on! Look! Look at the monitor!"
  • If talked to before pushing the button
"I'm very curious to see the results of my research. To use the ultimate weapon to cleanse this world once and for all... It's fascinating!"
  • After pushing the button
"Did you see? The ultimate weapon is reborn! The poisonous flower has bloomed! All shall perish! Except for Team Flare! Look at Geosenge! It has bloomed in Geosenge Town! The boss's dream of creating a beautiful world will come true! Add it all up, and it equals... a victory for our SCIENCE!"
Lysandre Labs (post-game, Looker Chapter 5)
  • Expansion Suit Field Trials: Secret Records (on bookshelves in the room beyond Lumiose Gang Member Nix, on the Hidden Floor)
    • Volume 1
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... Posted an advertisement for part-time work at the Lysandre Café to recruit a test subject for the suit's field trials. The Expansion Suit should make even an average Trainer into a superhuman force, a force to be reckoned with... It is the ultimate result of my life's study--my magnum opus. The trials must be a success! I wait on the appearance of a young, healthy, and ambitious test subject."
    • Volume 2
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... At long last, a response came to my advertisement for part-time work. The subject's name is Emma. She is a healthy girl, 16 years of age. When I attempted to explain the intent of my research, she gave little sign of understanding. She does appear to understand the passion I have put into the suit research, and she showed interest in continuing with the trials. Now that Team Flare has been disbanded, my funds are running severely low. I hired her on the spot. The trials must proceed with no time lost. First, I'll measure Emma's physical and mental abilities to ensure she can complete the trials."
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... I have customized the suit to better fit Emma's frame."
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... I have designated the code name Essentia to be used when Emma is wearing the Expansion Suit. "
    • Volume 3
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... As we make final preparations for the trials, a new trouble strikes. I have learned that Emma has no experience as a Pokémon Trainer! With little other choice, I am forced to instruct the girl on all the basics."
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... I have lent Emma my own Pokémon and am instructing her on the skills needed in a Pokémon Trainer. However, my Pokémon seem only to wish to play with the girl. They show no desire to engage in battle. Their behavior is most puzzling. They have never shown signs of being particularly friendly nor reluctant to battle. Their playfulness is a detriment to the trials. I will have to control the suit remotely in order to have any chance of starting the trials in time.
    • Volume 4
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... Finally, the trials are underway. The first trial is designed to test the suit's physical capabilities. Using the texturing function, the subject has infiltrated the closely guarded art museum and left an insignia on a historical mural. The remote-control function has worked without complications thus far. Emma shows no ill effects from her time in the suit. Her memory is blank. When questioned, she describes her experience as "taking a nap." Perhaps I will give her a bonus in celebration of this successful trial."
    • Volume 5
    "The XXth day of the XXth month... Trials begin of a key part of the Expansion Suit: the hacking cable I've called the Poké Ball Jack. With the texturing function enabled, the subject battles Trainers around the city. She then collects Poké Balls from Trainers she defeats, so that we may use them in our tests. The results of the tests have been quite favorable thus far. However, these trials have not been entirely free from incident. Some apparent acquaintances of Emma's are proving to be a hindrance to our progress. Among these acquaintances is a boy who appears to be the new Champion, but this is not yet confirmed. We encountered a glitch in the remote-control programming, and I lost control for a brief period. Fearing possible effects on Emma, I suspended the trials temporarily. When we returned to the secret base, I examined the girl for signs of damage, but she appeared to be unharmed. She still retains no memories from her intervals in the suit. The one thing she admitted was experiencing "a frightful dream.""
  • After Nix leaves
"Hmm... Why did the remote control malfunction only that one time? Do I need to do more than simply put her in a state of sleep? Must I subdue her spirit, too? No, no. Doing that would put far too great a strain upon Emma's mind..." (Noticing the player:) "Oho ho ho! You're the boy/girl from the glitched trial! You've been interfering with my research! Very well. You will be the next subject for my trials! If Essentia can defeat you in the Expansion Suit, that is all the proof necessary to show that my research has been correct from the start! Come, Essentia!" (She arrives, silent.) "Now, battle! Battle, my Essentia!"
  • After the player's first battle with Essentia
"Astonishing! More than satisfactory! But Essentia's skills go far beyond this! Now, battle! Battle on, my Essentia!"
  • After the player's second battle with Essentia
"Wonderful! Magnificent! But Essential is only getting started! Now, battle! Battle on, my Essentia!"
  • After the player's third battle with Essentia
"Come, come, we can still go on! Or are you worn out? Too bad that Essentia will never experience physical or mental fatigue as long as she wears the Expansion Suit that I designed! Now, battle! Battle on, my Essentia!" (Mimi's voice is heard.) "Wha--?!" (Mimi and Looker arrive.) "What?! Who are you two? Why are you here?" (Looker credits Mimi.) "You can't just barge into a private residence like this! This is a crime!" (Looker counters that they simply entered an open elevator.) "Grrr... Still, you will not capture me! Go, Essentia! Get them all!" (Looker and Mimi try to get through to Emma.) "It's useless, you fools! Nothing you try will work! Emma cannot hear you! The one in control of Essentia is not Emma, but me!" (Looker tries again to get through to Emma, but Essentia remains silent.) "Isn't the power of science amazing? There's no way she will hear you now!" (Mimi talks to Emma and Essentia screams.) "What?! How can this be happening? Not a problem, though. Watch this! Remote-control function... Set to maximum output!"
  • After the player's final battle with Essentia
"... ... ..." (Essentia screams and Looker is lost.) "... ... ..." (Essentia screams again.) "Remote control... Power down. Deactivate." (Looker asks Emma if she's alright.) "All I did was turn off the remote-control capability. There was never any danger to the girl." (Emma asks if they're done.) "Yes, my girl... We're done... You did a good job, Emma. The trials are now complete. I'm afraid your job is all over." (Emma and Looker talk, then Emma, Mimi, and the player leave and Looker suggets he and Xerosic have a talk.) "Of course. Why would I mind having a chat with you..."Looker," or so you're apparently called."
Looker Bureau
  • Alone with Looker
(Looker asks if Xerosic was behind the Essentia incidents.) "Oho. Right enough. The graffiti in the art museum and the theft of the Trainers' Poké Balls? All me, controlling Essentia remotely with the Expansion Suit! Emma was clinically unconscious in the suit. Her mind had no clue what her body was doing. She has zero responsibility for any of the crimes. You need not doubt her." (Looker is thoughtful.) "If you're apprehending anyone, it should be me alone." (Looker remains a bit cautious.) "You had better believe it. Emma is a fine person. She may be a bit foolish, but she's strong and clear in purpose. Yes, clarity... It is required when one dedicates oneself to a single pursuit. Clarity of heart and purpose is needed if work such as my research is to succeed. The Expansion Suit that I dreamed of could only have been created thanks to the clear dedication of that girl's heart. When you add that all up, it means... That I have no regrets. Take me away, Officer." (Looker acknowledges him, then asks to speak as Emma's guardian.) "Hm?" (Looker asks Xerosic to stay for dinner.) "... ... ..." (Looker pushes.) "... ... ... ... ... ... Looker--or whatever your name truly is--your soft words are unexpected... But not unappreciated. Th-thanks."
Lysandre Café
  • In the final Looker chapter
"I'm telling you I gave them back! Every last one of them!" (Looker tentatively believes Xerosic.) "And I did! I returned them! And I'm turning myself in without a fight, so just give me a minute!" (Looker protests the train is departing soon.) "Haha! Here they come!" (The player enters and Looker wants to know why he's here.) "Because I contacted Emma, of course! I'm sure she'll be here any minute, too!" (Emma arrives.) "Good timing, Emma!" (Looker and Emma argue, and Looker tells her they'll always have a bond.) "Yes! That is it! Bonds! The preposterous notion which cannot be seen nor measured! And yet I cannot deny that they do still exist! Fear not, Emma, for I suspect that you will always be tied to the International Police by your bonds!" (Emma turns to Xerosic.) "Emma! I give you my Expansion Suit! I have removed the remote-control functionality, so you needn't worry! As the new head detective in town, please use your powers as Essentia to protect your beloved Lumiose City! And...and... Please take all of the Pokémon that I raised for so long! They are yours now!" (Emma promises Looker she'll work hard as the new head of the Looker Bureau.) "Emma! Don't you mess this up, my girl!"

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Xerosic (center) in Pokémon Adventures

Xerosic makes his first appearance in the X & Y arc alongside his fellow Team Flare members. He, Bryony, and Celosia witness the legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal rampage through Vaniville Town during a battle with each other. They note that they need the Pokémon to power their ultimate weapon, but currently have no means as to capture them.

Xerosic later calls his boss Lysandre, claiming that he has found the tree representation of Xerneas. When Malva becomes Team Flare's new deputy, Xerosic informs her that following the clash of the legendary Pokémon at Vaniville, their residents were captured and imprisoned, and their Pokémon were confiscated. Xerosic agrees to turn the captured residents into a labor force for transporting Xerneas into Team Flare's base.


Xerosic's Malamar
Debut PAXY02

Malamar is Xerosic's only known Pokémon. It was first seen watching Xerneas and Yveltal's rampage from the outskirts of Vaniville Town.

None of Malamar's moves are known.

In the TCG

Full Art print of Xerosic
Main article: Xerosic (Phantom Forces 110)

Xerosic was released as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English XY Series (the Japanese XY Era). It was first released in the Phantom Gate expansion before debuting in English in the Phantom Forces expansion, with an illustration based on the Yusuke Ohmura artwork of the character. It was also released as a Full Art card in both expansions, with an illustration by Masakazu Fukuda. Xerosic allows the player to discard a Pokémon Tool or Special Energy card from any Pokémon.


Language Name Origin
Japanese クセロシキ Xerosicy From the genus Xerosicyos
English Xerosic Similar to his Japanese name
French Xanthin Possibly from the genus Xanthium (cocklebur)
German Xeros Similar to his Japanese name
Italian Xante Possibly from the genus Xanthium (cocklebur)
Spanish Xero Similar to his Japanese name
Korean 크세로시키 Xerosicy Transliteration of his Japanese name

Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.