Appendix:Yellow walkthrough/Section 3

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Pewter City

Pewter City

First, make sure to visit the Poké Center to heal up from the trek through the forest. If you've got the extra money, you may want to buy a few Potions from the Poké Mart in preparation for challenging the Pewter Gym. You won't be able to head east yet, since the kid at the edge of the city will drag you to the Gym if you try to leave.

Pewter Museum of Science

The Pewter Museum of Science is located on the north side of the city. It hosts a wide range of artifacts and exhibits, with a focus on fossil excavation and space exploration. Admission to the main building is $50 for a child's ticket. The second smaller building is closed to the public, but if you come back later and cut past the tree, one of the scientists there will give you the Old Amber; if you take it to Cinnabar Island, the scientists there can resurrect an ancient Aerodactyl.

Pewter Gym

The Rock Solid
POKéMON Trainer!

This could be one tough fight. While Brock officially specializes in the Template:Type2, both his Geodude and Onix are also part of the Template:Type2. This means that Pikachu's electrical attacks be useless, but luckily neither one knows a Template:Type2 attack, or Pikachu would be in real trouble! Grass- and Template:Type2s would be best here, but Fighting- and Template:Type2s also have an advantage. If you caught a Mankey on Route 22, try battling with that and a Pidgey (or Pidgeotto), and you might just win.

Congratulations, you've just won the Boulder Badge! The badge gives a slight attack boost during battle, and also lets you use Flash outside of battle (even though you don't have HM05 yet).
Brock also gives you TM34 (Bide) as a prize. Now that you've beaten Brock, your next destination is Cerulean City in the east. Stock up on Poké Balls and Potions before you leave for Route 3, then it's off to the wilderness again!

Route 3

There are no less than eight Trainers on this route. You've been warned! It's worth it though, you'll be a stronger (and richer) Trainer because of it.

Once you've made it past all of those Trainers, you can look for some new Pokémon. While you've run into Rattata before, you probably haven't encountered Spearow, Sandshrew, or Mankey yet. The next point of interest is the Poké Center. There's a shady guy inside near the PC that will offer to sell you a Magikarp for $500. The fish itself isn't a great Template:Type2 choice, since it can only splash around until Lv 15, but with enough training it will evolve to Gyarados at Lv 20 (with way better stats and moves). It's up to you if you want to fork over the money for the fish here, since they are found almost everywhere with the Old Rod later on. Heal up your team and head into Mt. Moon.

Mt. Moon

File:Mt. moon.png
Mt. Moon, 1F

Mt. Moon isn't a very tough cave to get through, especially if your team is around Lv 15 by now. Since this is the first cave you'll explore, there are some new Pokémon to find. Zubat, Paras, Geodude, and Clefairy would all be welcome additions to your Pokédex.

When you first enter the cave, make a left and grab the TM12 (Water Gun) and Potion, and defeat the nearby trainer on the way. Follow the tunnel around and take the first stairs you see.

Look out for the Team Rocket grunt here, that means that the criminal gang is up to no good somewhere nearby. Grab the HP Up from the ledge and take the stairs back to the first floor.

Head south for two more Trainer battles, as well as a Potion, Rare Candy, and Escape Rope. These are all handy items right now, since the Escape Rope will warp you back to the entrance if you need to heal up; the Rare Candy can raise a Pokémon's level by 1. Head north and follow the tunnel around to the left, and take the next set of stairs you see.

A second Team Rocket grunt is standing here, so get ready to battle! Grab the TM01 (Mega Punch) from the ledge, and check the nearby boulder for an Ether before returning to the main floor.

Follow the tunnel around to the northwest corner of the cave, battling the last two Trainers on this floor along the way (grab the Moon sitting in the corner, too).

You've only got two more Rocket grunts between you and the exit, you're almost there! Follow the winding tunnel to find the only Trainer left, a Super Nerd that claims both of the nearby fossils as his own. After beating him, he compromises, saying you'll each take a single fossil. Like the Old Amber in Pewter City, if you take the fossil to Cinnabar Island, the scientists there can revive a prehistoric Pokémon! The Dome Fossil will become a Kabuto, while the Helix Fossil will become an Omanyte. You can't go wrong with either one; both become Rock/Water-types. Since you can only get one, you'll have to trade if you want the second. Choose your fossil, head towards the stairs, and you're home free... after a couple of familiar Rocket grunts jump you!

Route 4

After the trek through Mt. Moon, Route 4 will seem like a walk in the park. There are no Trainers here, and only a small patch of grass to the south. Pick up TM04 (Whirlwind) from the north side of the route, then head south and jump the ledge into the tall grass (once you do, you can't backtrack through Mt Moon). If you need to train before challenging the Cerulean Gym, this is the best place to do it. Once your team is around Lv 20-25, you should be in good shape.

Time to visit Cerulean City!

← Part 2 Viridian City to Viridian Forest
Cerulean City to Route 5 Part 4 →

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