Marion Town

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Marion Town
マリオンシティ Marion City
Marion Town altered present.png
Marion Town
Region Johto
Debut Celebi and Joy!

Marion Town (Japanese: マリオンシティ Marion City) is an anime-exclusive location in the Johto region, which was featured in Celebi and Joy!.

Marion Town was a polluted city prior to Ritchie going back in time

The valley town is home to a stone Celebi Shrine which predates its 50-year-old* Pokémon Center. It is also frequented by the Mythical Pokémon Celebi. Over its history, the area has developed from a small forest village with a few wooden houses, to a larger settlement akin to a city.

At first, the town was very modern, with a lot of high-rise buildings, and described as a polluted urban metropolis. A demolition crew were preparing to demolish the historic Pokémon Center in order to make way for a new office block with a new Pokémon Center at its base.

Ritchie, with Celebi's assistance, went back in time and managed to rescue Nick and his father from their deaths in a rockslide. As a result, Nick was elected as the town's present-day mayor. Marion Town had still developed into a city, though with many older buildings, trees, and a flowing river. The town has now embraced its old traditions and was better connected to nature, even going as far as restoring the historic Pokémon Center.


Pokémon Center Celebi shrine
Marion Town Pokemon Center.png Marion Town Celebi shrine.png

Pokémon seen in Marion Town

Marion Town Machoke Scyther.png
Marion Town Pinsir Rhydon.png
Marion Town Machoke Scyther.png
Marion Town Pinsir Rhydon.png
Marion Town Celebi.png
Nurse Joy Ponyta.png
Nick father Tauros.png

Anime-exclusive locations in Johto
Alto MareArborvilleBattle ParkBig TownBloomingvaleBluefinlandBlue LagoonBlue Moon FallsBlue Point IsleBonitavilleCatallia City
Charicific ValleyCoastline GymColossal Tree Tribe ruinsDiglett VillageDragon Holy LandEclipse CastleEggseterFlorandoGreenfieldHappy Town
Ho-Oh ShrineI.S.S. Raspberry shipwreckInland CityKasado CityLake LucidLake of LifeLake SlowpokeLen TownMarine Pokémon Laboratory
Marion TownMaroon TownMegi CityMount QuenaOgi CityOgi IsleOnix TunnelPalm HillsPalmponaPokémon Jujitsu AcademyPudgy Pidgey Isle
Red Rock IsleRemoraid MountainRikishii TownScarlet CitySecret GardenSilver Rock IsleSilver TownSlowpoke TempleSnowtop Mountain
Sunflora LodgeTransit TownWay Away IslandWhitestoneWobbuffet VillageYellow Rock Isle
Anime-location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther

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