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These are Agatha's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow

  • Before battle
"I am Agatha of the Elite Four! Oak's taken a lot of interest in you, child! That old duff was once tough and handsome! That was decades ago! Now he just wants to fiddle with his Pokédex! He's wrong! Pokémon are for fighting! <player>! I'll show you how a real trainer fights!"
  • Being defeated
"Oh ho!RB/Woo-hoo!Y You're something special, child!"
  • After being defeated
"You win! I see what the old duff sees in you now. I've nothing else to say. Run along now, child!"

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

  • Before battle
"I am Agatha of the Elite Four. I hear Oak's taken a lot of interest in you, child./You're the child that Oak's taken under his wing, aren't you? That old duff was once tough and handsome. But that was decades ago. He's a shadow of his former self. Now he just wants to fiddle with his Pokédex. He's wrong. Pokémon are for battling! <player>! I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
  • Being defeated
"Oh, my! You're something special, child!"
  • After being defeated
"You win! I see what the old duff sees in you now. I've nothing else to say. Run along now, child!"

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Indigo Plateau
  • Before battle
"I am Agatha of the Elite Four. I hear Oak's taken a lot of interest in you, child. That old duff was once tough and handsome. But that was decades ago. He's a shadow of his former self. Now he just wants to fiddle with his Pokédex. He's a fool. Pokémon are for battling! <Player>! I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
  • Being defeated
"Oh my! You're something special, child!"
  • After being defeated
"You win! I see what the old duff sees in you now. I have nothing else to say. Run along now, child!"
  • Before battle
"So you've come! It's not in my character to lose over and over. Give this battle everything you've got!"
  • Being defeated
"Not bad!"
  • After being defeated
"Small wonder that old-timer's taken such an interest in you. Oak and I used to be good rivals, too, you know. Just like you and <rival>. Well, what are you waiting for? Head on to the next room!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Agatha (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm Agatha, of the Indigo Elite Four! Let's see what you can do, child!"
  • Sync pair viewer
"Pokémon are for battling."
"I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"You have a good eye, child, asking me to come along."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"I'll see you later."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"I look forward to seeing this move in action."
  • Upon leveling up
"Well, isn't that nice?"
  • Upon reaching max level
"Mark my words, I don't plan on retiring ever!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"I feel unstoppable now."
  • Receiving EX style
"This makes me feel young again. I almost did a little dance!"
  • During conversation
"Excuse me."
"Yes, child."
"Hmm-mmm-hm-hmm-hmm! ♪"
"Not bad."
"Now isn't that something!"
"You did well."
"Don't let me down!"
"What's this?"
"Why, you...!"
"Not a good idea."
"Gh, ghuh, uhuh..."
"How could this be?"
"Now that's unpleasant."
"Oh, of course."
"Right then!"
"You're a dear."
"Sorry about that."
"I can handle that!"
"Not a chance."
"Do me a favor, child."
"Oh, I see."
"Oh, my!"
"I'll see you later."
"Here we go!"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning, child. Make sure you train hard today!"
"Did you sleep well last night? I hope no wandering Pokémon came by to eat your dreams."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Remember—even during the day, darkness is just around the corner. Don't let your guard down."
"How's your training going? Don't forget to take a break every now and then."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"If you're outside on a dark night, remember to watch your back and never trust your shadow."
"My Pokémon's energy always shoots up as soon as the sun goes down."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here, take this."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"Right then!"
  • VS screen
"Let's get this started, shall we?"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Get ready!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Put your back into it."
  • Using item
"Leave it to me!"
  • Using Trainer move
"Now is my chance."
  • Using sync move
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"Here we go!"
  • Switching in
"Ready to face us?"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Hmph. They're good."
  • "Nice" emote
"Good one!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Don't lose your focus!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
  • "Thanks" emote
"You're a dear."
  • Defeat
"Well, a loss is a loss."
  • Victory
"That's how a proper battle's done!"
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 17 - Ghostly Trio
  • Ghostly Trio: Part 1
"We'll be facing quite the formidable opponent in our next battle. It's <player>'s team."
"They may not be the most experienced, but they've got a lot of momentum. An opponent like that can be tough to handle when they're on a roll."
"Don't let our individual titles get to your head. This is a team battle, after all."
"If each of us doesn't focus on her own strengths and support the others in battle, we may end up losing what should have been a winnable battle."
"Well, well, well. I suppose confidence is a good thing."
"What's so funny?"
"How rude! Comparing me to your old granny!"
"I suppose I'll forgive you. I know you meant it as a compliment, so I'll try to take it that way."
"There's one thing I wanted to say to you girls before this next battle."
"We came together because we thought we had some kind of connection, but this team of ours is really not half bad."
"Then let's give it our all out there and show everyone the strength of Ghost-type Pokémon!"
"This is it—the real thing. Are you girls ready?"
"That's what I like to hear. <player>, was it?"
"As you can see, we are a team of Ghost-type Pokémon Trainers."
"We'll show you just how strong a team full of ghosts can be—and win while we're at it!"
You won't defeat us!: "Oh, we'll see about that!"
W-we're not afraid of gh-ghosts!: "Ahahaha, perhaps this will be over before the battle begins?"
"Enough with the formalities! Let's get started. After all, Pokémon are—"
  • Ghostly Trio: Part 2
"Oh my! I can't believe we lost. You're quite the Trainer!"
"It seems like you all have a better grasp on what it takes to truly battle as a team."
"As long as we understand what we did wrong, that's enough. Reflecting on our mistakes makes us stronger as people."
"I have to thank you, <player>. This defeat will make these girls stronger still."
"This may seem sudden, but could I ask you for a favor, <player>?"
"I'd like you to let these girls join your team. They need more experience battling."
"They could experience many kinds of battles and encounter many kinds of Pokémon with you."
"And also meet many new friends. If you'd let them be a part of your team, I'm sure they could do all those things."
"I need to start from scratch. I'll sit back and watch the tournament and try to learn more about team battles."
"Once I'm satisfied, I'll make a team again. Who knows—maybe someday I'll face you in battle."
"That's the spirit. Keep doing your best."
"Oh, you have a problem with my suggestion?"
"Hmmph. I guess I can't stop you."
"Well then, do me a favor and take good care of Acerola, <player>."
You got it!: "That's what I like to hear. Thanks!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Kanto - Team Rocket Returns
  • Rage and Chaos
"Time to run along! No more causing trouble for an old-timer like me!"
Champion Stadium - Kanto Challenge: Normal
  • Summit of the Strong
"Feh... He's that old duff's grandson, all right. Putting us to work like a real taskmaster."
"Oh, stuff it, Bruno! I'm just an early riser!"
  • After completing Chapter 7 for the first time
"Oh? Is that the Patience Badge you've got there? You're stronger than you look, it seems."
"You have two more badges left to acquire. Keep working your way to the PML tournament matches!"
"I'll be waiting in Champion Stadium to test those skills of yours and see if they still hold up!"
Champion Stadium - Victory Road
  • The Road to Hard Mode
"That's how we're able to make things even more challenging for you in Hard mode! We're not fond of losing, either, you know!"
Story Event - Fight or Fright
  • Off to Find Some Candy!
Did you come here alone?: "Ahh, we were wondering where you ran off to, Shauntal... What's all this, then, hm?"
"That's all fine and dandy, as long as you haven't forgotten the reason we came here in the first place."
"Candy? Ah, you mean that "fight or fright" thing... Sorry, child. That's not why we're here."
Me too!: "I had a feeling you'd say that. What do you think, Morty? Shauntal?"
That sounds like fun!: "Do you want to join in, too, then? Morty, Shauntal, what do you think?"
  • The Midnight Parade
"Oh ho! I think that would be wise, Morty! Best you save that secret training of yours for another day."
"Now, then! I think it's time we show Pasio just how magnificent we Ghost-type users can be."
"I guess it's good to do something festive every now and again, eh?"
Costume Event - Solve the Case! (Part 1)
  • Roles Are Decided!
"But the main idea of the game is that you can still make deductions even if you're not the detective, right?"
"Why don't you just guess the culprit before the detective does?"
"I'm the owner of the mansion. Why, am I a suspect already?"
  • Explore the Mansion!
"Oh hey, Mr. Detective. Are you wandering around because you're bored?"
"That's right. You should show me some respect."
"He was explaining a few things to me regarding the Pokémon that live in the garden."
"This mansion wasn't originally mine."
"It was seized from a distinguished family to clear a debt."
"That's right."
  • An Incident Occurs!
"Guzma's telling the truth. I have the key. See? Here it is."
"As the owner of the mansion, I have all the keys."
"They should be. Why?"
  • Who's the Real Culprit?
"What do you mean?"
Trainer Files - Kanto Elite Four (Part 2)
  • Measuring Strength
"The battle is over for you."
"You seem to be very loyal to that man–Giovanni."
"I hope you respect him as someone you plan to "surpass" in the future."
"...And not just as someone who spoils you."
""A person like you wouldn't hold a candle to Giovanni.""
"I assume that's what you're thinking?"
"If you think like that, you'll never win."
"Not against me and Arbok–not even those kids from Johto."
"Is that so? I won't get my hopes up."
"If you seriously want to become stronger, you better get moving."
"People don't tend to stand still."
"Just as I said."
"I'll be going now. I have something to do."
"Sorry I'm late."
  • Off-screen
"Was Dragonair playing with the kids?"
  • On-screen
"I was wondering what you all were planning on doing..."
"Well, I suppose it's a good opportunity."
"Let's make it clear who of us is the strongest!"
  • Indigo Plateau's Fierce Fighters
"I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
Special Event - Electricity Disruptors
  • Be Careful of the Darkness
"You are correct, child."
"I don't know where they're coming from, but unusual numbers of Ghost-type Pokémon are gathering here."
"These old bones can feel it... Something's amiss."
"Bertha? I'm Agatha! What a rude young man you are, mixing up people's names!"
"Indeed. After all, those you encounter in the darkness may not all be of this world..."
"Be very careful if you speak to anyone today, <player>..."
Story Event - Isle Disciples, Arena Tycoon
  • Teachings of Martial Prowess
"Oh my! You're something special, child!"
Special Sync Pair Event - Professor Oak & Nidorino
  • Reasons to Battle with Nidorino
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"That old duff was tough and handsome."
  • After appearing, as Agatha
"But that was decades ago. He's a shadow of his former self now."
"Indeed. More than I'd have liked to, actually."
"As rivals, we used to battle each other a lot to see which one of us was stronger."
"Oh ho... You've been studying well. I see what the old duff sees in you."
"But Pokémon are for battling!"
"If you want to keep winning, I'd say you ought to evolve your Pokémon."
"Well, well... I guess you both decided to take it easy like that old duff. Best of luck to you anyway."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Agatha
  • Off-screen
Let's battle!/I'll catch you!: "Now, now, dear, you shouldn't frighten guests like that."
  • After appearing
"Sorry about that, <player>."
"You can draw out Gengar's power to the fullest in dark places, which is why we're here."
"I myself like places where the sun doesn't shine. They make me feel calm."
Really?/That's weird.: "Don't judge me. That's just how I am."
Doesn't it get lonely?/Without me, wouldn't it be lonely?: "That's really none of your concern."
"Why is it that I always meet people like you? It's been that way for a long, long time."
What do you mean?/Who are you talking about?: "And on top of being nosy, you're a meddlesome child, too."
"Ah well... I guess it won't hurt to talk a bit."
"Do you know Oak? I've been stuck with him for a long, long time."
"That old duff was once tough and handsome! He's a shadow of his former self now."
"He does know and talk a lot about Pokémon, which might be why he's always surrounded by people. He used to shine so brightly."
"Compared to him, I'm the quiet type when it comes to Pokémon. I like to get lost in thought about them all by myself."
"I was doing what I liked, but that old duff Oak would not stop talking to me."
"I think he was just trying to be nice, but he was giving me help I had never asked for."
"He was taking up the time I wanted to spend in contemplation, so I thought I'd try to shut him up with a Pokémon battle."
"But back then, that old guy was strong—undefeated, in fact. Was he as good as me? He was better."
"So then I battled Oak again and again."
"At some point, the time I spent with him started meaning a lot to me."
"One day, all of a sudden, the old duff said he wanted to make a Pokédex."
"I told him that Pokémon are for battling, but he wouldn't listen."
"He wasted my precious time, and when he'd had enough of our battles, he left. Why do charming men have to be so meddlesome?"
"He trampled all over my youth, even though I never wanted anything to do with him in the first place."
"Hey, Gengar, don't interrupt me when I'm talking. You're just as meddlesome as ever, aren't you?"
Meddlesome?: "That's right. She always interrupts me when she thinks it's for my own good."
Maybe she's bored.: "No, it's not that. She always interrupts me when she thinks it's for my own good."
"Whenever I talk about that old Oak guy, my tone of voice gets harsh, so she worries about me."
"I always tell her she doesn't need to, though."
"But the truth is, she has helped me many times throughout my life."
"That's one thing you should keep in mind, <player>."
"No matter how much you think you're all alone and no one understands you, people are never really alone."
"If you take a look around, you'll definitely find someone meddlesome lurking nearby. Like in the shadow of that rock there."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Professor Oak
  • After tapping the Gengar in the second area, off-screen
"For a youngster, you whine just like that old geezer! It wasn't Gengar's fault at all!"
  • After appearing
Is that Agatha?: "That's right! I'm Agatha, of the Indigo Elite Four!"
"That's my line! What's an old duff like you doing way out here?"
"Even on Pasio, it's nothing but research and more research with you. Feh! How irksome."
"What I mean is that this is Pasio!"
"This is where sync pairs battle in the PML to find the strongest sync pair of them all."
"You doddering old duff! Long ago you were a great Trainer. Surely you must still feel some passion for battle!"
"What's more, you've got a partner Pokémon with you! Do you really not feel anything?"
"Feh... You sure have become a boring old researcher."
"It seems I'll just have to make you remember what a real battle is like! Right here, right now!"
"Well, for a doddering old duff, you've still got some fight left in you."
"Don't go making a fuss! There's nothing there."
  • After moving to the third area
"That's odd..."
"Sense anything, <player>?"
  • If spoken to in the third area
"Sense anything, <player>?"
"We four aren't the only Trainers on this island, you know."
"What's the problem, you old geezer?"
"Seems the great Pokémon Professor is speechless and quaking in his shoes."
"Really? I know that look quite well."
  • Off-screen
"He gets overwhelmed with excitement and his heart is truly touched when he comes across a Pokémon that hasn't been seen on Pasio before."
  • On-screen
"Oh ho! That's quite the expression! It reminds me of how you used to be back in the old days!"
"So, what are you going to do? Don't tell me you're satisfied just with seeing Mew?"
"How was it? Did it fire up your passion as a Trainer again?"
"Seems I can't afford to slack off now. I'll need to prepare if I want to beat you, Oak."
Sync Pair Story - Dusclops's Evolution
  • Before battle
"Our battles are going to get even tougher, and we have to get stronger if we want to be able to stand a chance."
"Exactly. But you're still young yourself. Are you sure you're experienced enough to be looking after others?"
"You sure know how to talk a big game, child. Can you back that up?"
  • After being defeated
"Ho ho! It looks like you have the skill to back up your boastful words!"
"Keep this up in the PML matches, too, Phoebe!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview (Variety)
"I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
  • Random conversation
"It's like the whole town is celebrating with the PML! No matter how old I get, this still gets my blood pumping!"
"Strong Trainers from regions all over are gathering here."
"I'm here to prove that I'm still in my prime when it comes to battling!"
  • If spoken to again
"I'd be more excited if that old duff Oak were still competing, too, though."
"But enough about me."
  • Random conversation
"My Gengar's mouth is huge."
"She eats a lot and loves to laugh. She's a real lively one."
"She's gentle and cute. Such a good Pokémon!"
"She does like to make mischief, too, though."
  • If spoken to again
"When she tries to sneak up on me for some sort of prank, I have to be quick on my feet to dodge her."
"For Gengar, being mischievous is just how she plays with me. By now, I'm used to it."
  • Random conversation
"Pasio is the place to be right now, but night will fall here, too."
"Even in the brightest of light, there is always darkness lurking nearby."
"On nights when shadows seem to move on their own and cold winds are blowing, take care to watch for what's behind you."
"Mind that ominous lights don't come to steal your soul away."
  • If spoken to again
"How well can you handle Ghost-type Pokémon, child?"
"They can sense a weak heart and will take advantage of it. You must always have a strong heart."
"Once you've grown close to one, there's no longer anything to be afraid of."
  • Random conversation
"Golbat in the Kanto region look scary, but when you get used to them, they can be quite sweet."
"They'll come right down and land on your head and give you playful little bites."
"If you're not watching them closely, though, they'll start to suck your blood, so you have to keep an eye on them."
  • If spoken to again
"For as big as their mouths are, Golbat have pretty short fangs."
"But you still need to be careful around them. Their fangs are thick, so it's tough to get them out once they've sunk them into you."
"Although that is one of the things I find cute about them."
  • Random conversation
"Why did you decide to become a Trainer, <player>?"
"As long as you have a good reason, you've got nothing to worry about."
"Believe in yourself, don't forget what you're doing this for, and keep moving forward!"
"Keep on battling no matter how old you get!"
  • If spoken to again
"That old duff Oak chose to use his talents on research instead. What a waste!"
"If you're a stronger Trainer than other people, you should keep battling as long as you live!"
  • Random conversation
"I've been having Pokémon battles for a very long time."
"I've had times when my skills couldn't cut it."
"But you can't give up at times like those! You have to keep battling again and again until you win!"
"If you give up, you'll never grow as a Trainer!"
  • If spoken to again
"You're still so young, and that's precisely why you have so many more battles ahead of you."
"So take on as many of those battles as you can. That's the only way you'll get stronger, child!"
"There's no doubt about it!"
  • Random conversation
"When I was young, I was reckless at times, and I had the perfect rival."
"And now I've got you youngsters."
"I wonder how much fun I'll have against you."
  • If spoken to again
"The man I accepted as my rival was really strong."
"And now he's just some old duff..."
"Well, at least you've got some pluck. I don't think you'll turn out like him."
"You're not a Trainer if you don't battle! He really is such a waste of talent..."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"If it isn't <player>! I'm so happy to see you here!"
"Keep up with your training! If you do, you'll surely get stronger and stronger!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning, child. Make sure you train hard today!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Did you sleep well last night? I hope no wandering Pokémon came by to eat your dreams."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Remember—even during the day, darkness is just around the corner. Don't let your guard down."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"How's your training going? Don't forget to take a break every now and then."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"If you're outside on a dark night, remember to watch your back and never trust your shadow."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"My Pokémon's energy always shoots up as soon as the sun goes down."
  • Special gift conversation
"Aha! Great timing—I have something for you."
"This is one of my favorite items. I'm sure you'll be able to put it to good use."
  • After giving out item
"Some things never change."
"Like people and items!"
  • Special Ghost-type training event blurb
"I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
  • Special Ghost-type training event conversation
"Pokémon are for battling! Come, child! I'll show you how to command them on the battlefield properly!"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2024) Daily Type Rotation event blurb
"A scary story, eh?"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2024) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Morty and Helena
"Sorry to disappoint, child, but I don't have any ghost stories to tell..."
"The scariest story I know is how I've gotten so old in the blink of an eye."