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Adon in XD

Adon (Japanese: ハイド Hide) is a minor character in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. He plays a role in the start of the game, where he is playing hide-and-seek with Michael's sister Jovi. He helps Michael discover where Jovi is: Dr. Kaminko's house. Upon returning from finding Jovi, he's asleep. When Michael gives a closer inspection, he makes an observation that Jovi had attempted to put makeup on his face.


"Wah! You startled me! Oh, hi, it's you, <player>. It's me, Adon."
"You're looking for Jovi? We're supposed to be playing hide-and-seek right now, but isn't she around anywhere? Well, maybe she's gone off to Dr. Kaminko's manor."
"It's a big, weird house southeast of here."
"Jovi's "it" in our game of hide-and-seek. I wish she'd find me soon. My back is starting to hurt."

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png European French Gwendal
Germany Flag.png German Karl
Italy Flag.png Italian Adon
Spain Flag.png European Spanish Adon

RuiEagunBeluhProfessor KraneLilyJoviDr. KaminkoChobin
WillieMayor Es CadeJustyCailFateenDukingSilva
Chief SherlesOfficer JohnsonVanderAgnolAncha
Kids Grid (NettBittMeggPerrSeccMarcia) • Makan
Mr. VerichAdonTrestHordelBattlusInfinInity
Name RaterMove TeacherMove DeleterCipherTeam Snagem
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