Easy chat system

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The easy chat system (Japanese: かんたんかいわ easy conversation) is a method of inputting personal messages for passwords, interviews, or Mail in the core series games from Generation III to Generation V.

In Generation II

The easy chat system debuted in the Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal. It is used in the Mobile Center and Battle Tower.

  • In the Mobile Center, the player can set six-word responses for a greeting for the player's card in the Card Folder, as well as for the start of battle, winning a battle, and losing a battle in the Mobile Stadium and the Battle Tower.



(ポケモン Pokémon)
  • (All Pokémon seen by the player)


(タイプ taipu)
  • Dark (あく aku)
  • Rock (いわ iwa)
  • Psychic (エスパー esupā)
  • Fighting (かくとう kakutō)
  • Grass (くさ kusa)
  • Ghost (ゴースト gōsuto)
  • Ice (こおり kōri)
  • Ground (じめん jimen)
  • Type (タイプ taipu)
  • Electric (でんき denki)
  • Poison (どく doku)
  • Dragon (ドラゴン doragon)
  • Normal (ノーマル nōmaru)
  • Steel (はがね hagane)
  • Flying (ひこう hikou)
  • Fire (ほのお honō)
  • Water (みず mizu)
  • Bug (むし mushi)


(あいさつ aisatsu)
  • ありがと
  • ありがとう
  • いくぜ!
  • いくよ!
  • いくわよ!
  • いやー
  • おっす
  • おはつです
  • おめでとう
  • ごめん
  • ごめんよ
  • こらっ
  • こんちは!
  • こんにちは
  • さようなら
  • サンキュー
  • さんじょう
  • しっけい
  • しつれい
  • じゃーね
  • すいません
  • それじゃ
  • どうも
  • なんじゃ
  • ハーイ
  • はいはい
  • バイバイ
  • ヘイ
  • またね
  • もしもし
  • やあ
  • やっほー
  • よう
  • ようこそ
  • よろしく
  • らっしゃい


(ひと hito)
  • あいて
  • あたし
  • あなた
  • あなたが
  • あなたに
  • あなたの
  • あなたは
  • あなたを
  • おかあさん
  • おじいさん
  • おじさん
  • おとうさん
  • おとこのこ
  • おとな
  • おにいさん
  • おねえさん
  • おばあさん
  • おばさん
  • おれさま
  • おんなのこ
  • ガール
  • かぞく
  • かのじょ
  • かれ
  • きみ
  • きみが
  • きみに
  • きみの
  • きみは
  • きみを
  • ギャル
  • きょうだい
  • こども
  • じぶん
  • じぶんが
  • じぶんに
  • じぶんの
  • じぶんは
  • じぶんを
  • だれ
  • だれか
  • だれが
  • だれに
  • だれの
  • だれも
  • だれを
  • ちゃん
  • ともだち
  • なかま
  • ひと
  • ボーイ
  • ボク
  • ボクが
  • ボクに
  • ボクの
  • ボクは
  • ボクを
  • みんな
  • みんなが
  • みんなに
  • みんなの
  • みんなは
  • ライバル
  • わたし
  • わたしが
  • わたしに
  • わたしの
  • わたしは
  • わたしを


(バトル batoru)
  • あいしょう
  • いけ!
  • いちばん
  • かくご
  • かたせて
  • かち
  • かつ
  • かった
  • かったら
  • かって
  • かてない
  • かてる
  • かなわない
  • きあい
  • きめた
  • きりふだ
  • くらえ
  • こい!
  • こうげき
  • こうさん
  • こんじょう
  • さいのう
  • さくせん
  • さばき
  • しょうぶ
  • しょうり
  • せめ
  • センス
  • たいせん
  • たたかい
  • ちから
  • チャレンジ
  • つよい
  • つよすぎ
  • つらい
  • つらかった
  • てかげん
  • てき
  • てんさい
  • でんせつ
  • トレーナー
  • にげ
  • ぬるい
  • ねらう
  • バトル
  • ファイト
  • ふっかつ
  • ポイント
  • ポケモン
  • ほんき
  • まいった!
  • まけ
  • まけたら
  • まけて
  • まける
  • まもり
  • みかた
  • みとめない
  • みとめる
  • むてき
  • もらった!
  • よゆう
  • よわい
  • よわすぎ
  • らくしょう
  • リーダー
  • ルール
  • レべル
  • わざ


(こえ koe)
  • !!
  • !?
  • …!
  • ………
  • ーーー
  • あーあ
  • あーん
  • あははー
  • あら
  • いえ
  • イエス
  • うう
  • うーん
  • うおー!
  • うおりゃー
  • うひょー
  • うふふ
  • うわー
  • うわーん
  • ええ
  • えー
  • えーん
  • えへへ
  • おいおい
  • おお
  • おっと
  • がーん
  • キャー
  • ギャー
  • ぐふふふふ
  • げっ
  • しくしく
  • ちえっ
  • てへ
  • ノー
  • はあー
  • はい
  • はっはっは
  • ひいー
  • ひゃあ
  • ふっふっふ
  • ふにゃ
  • ププ
  • ふふん
  • ふん
  • へっへっへ
  • へへー
  • ほーほほほ
  • ほら
  • まあ
  • むきー!!
  • むふー
  • むふふ
  • むむ
  • よーし
  • よし!
  • ラララ
  • わーい
  • わーん!!
  • ワオ
  • わっ!!
  • わははは!


(かいわ kaiwa)
  • あのね
  • あんまり
  • いじわる
  • うそ
  • うむ
  • おーい
  • おすすめ
  • おばかさん
  • かなり
  • から
  • きぶん
  • けど
  • こそ
  • こと
  • さあ
  • さっぱり
  • さて
  • じゅうぶん
  • すぐ
  • すごく
  • すこしは
  • すっっごい
  • ぜーんぜん
  • ぜったい
  • それで
  • だけ
  • だって
  • たぶん
  • たら
  • ちょー
  • ちょっと
  • ったら
  • って
  • ていうか
  • でも
  • どうしても
  • とうぜん
  • どうぞ
  • とりあえず
  • なあ
  • なんて
  • なんでも
  • なんとか
  • には
  • バッチリ
  • ばりばり
  • ほど
  • ほんと
  • まさに
  • マジ
  • マジで
  • まったく
  • まで
  • まるで
  • ムード
  • むしろ
  • めちゃ
  • めっぽう
  • もう
  • モード
  • もっと
  • もはや
  • やっと
  • やっぱり
  • より
  • れば


(きもち kimochi)
  • あいたい
  • あそびたい
  • いきたい
  • うかれて
  • うれしい
  • うれしさ
  • エキサイト
  • えらい
  • おかしい
  • オッケー
  • かえりたい
  • がっくし
  • かなしい
  • がんばって
  • きがしない
  • きがする
  • ききたい
  • きになる
  • きのせい
  • きらい
  • くやしい
  • くやしさ
  • さみしい
  • ざんねん
  • しあわせ
  • したい
  • したくない
  • しまった
  • しょんぼり
  • すき
  • だいきらい
  • たいくつ
  • だいじ
  • だいすき
  • たいへん
  • たのしい
  • たのしすぎ
  • たべたい
  • ダメダメ
  • たりない
  • ちくしょー
  • どうしよう
  • ドキドキ
  • ナイス
  • のみたい
  • びっくり
  • ふあん
  • ふらふら
  • ほしい
  • ボロボロ
  • まだまだ
  • まてない
  • まんぞく
  • みたい
  • めずらしい
  • メラメラ
  • やだ
  • やったー
  • やばい
  • やばすぎる
  • やられた
  • やられて
  • よかった
  • ラブラブ
  • ロマン
  • ろんがい
  • わから
  • わかり
  • わくわく


(じょうたい jōtai)
  • あつい
  • あった
  • あり
  • ある
  • あわてて
  • いい
  • いか
  • イカス
  • いきおい
  • いける
  • いじょう
  • いそがしい
  • いっしょに
  • いっぱい
  • いない
  • いや
  • いる
  • うまい
  • うまく
  • おおきい
  • おくれ
  • おしい
  • おもしろい
  • おもしろく
  • かっこいい
  • かわいい
  • かんぺき
  • けっこう
  • げんき
  • こわい
  • さいこう
  • さむい
  • さわやか
  • しかたない
  • すごい
  • すごすぎ
  • すてき
  • たいした
  • だいじょぶ
  • たかい
  • ただしい
  • だめ
  • ちいさい
  • ちがう
  • つかれ
  • とくい
  • とまらない
  • ない
  • なかった
  • なし
  • なって
  • はやい
  • ひかる
  • ひくい
  • ひどい
  • ひとりで
  • ひま
  • ふそく
  • へた
  • まちがって
  • やさしい
  • よく
  • よわって
  • らく
  • らしい
  • わるい


(せいかつ seikatsu)
  • アルバイト
  • うち
  • おかね
  • おこづかい
  • おふろ
  • がっこう
  • きねん
  • グループ
  • ゲット
  • こうかん
  • しごと
  • しゅぎょう
  • じゅぎょう
  • じゅく
  • しんか
  • ずかん
  • せいかつ
  • せんせい
  • センター
  • タワー
  • つうしん
  • テスト
  • テレビ
  • でんわ
  • どうぐ
  • トレード
  • なまえ
  • ニュース
  • にんき
  • パーティー
  • べんきょう
  • マシン
  • めいし
  • メッセージ
  • もようがえ
  • ゆめ
  • ようちえん
  • ラジオ
  • ワールド


(しゅみ shumi)
  • アイドル
  • アニメ
  • うた
  • えいが
  • おかし
  • おしゃべり
  • おままごと
  • おもちゃ
  • おんがく
  • カード
  • かいもの
  • グルメ
  • ゲーム
  • ざっし
  • さんぽ
  • じてんしゃ
  • しゅみ
  • スポーツ
  • ダイエット
  • たからもの
  • たび
  • ダンス
  • つり
  • デート
  • でんしゃ
  • ぬいぐるみ
  • パソコン
  • はな
  • ヒーロー
  • ひるね
  • ヒロイン
  • ぼうけん
  • ボード
  • ボール
  • ほん
  • マンガ
  • やくそく
  • やすみ
  • よてい


(こうどう kōdō)
  • あう
  • あきらめ
  • あげる
  • あせる
  • あそび
  • あそぶ
  • あつめ
  • あるき
  • あるく
  • いく
  • いけ
  • おき
  • おこり
  • おこる
  • おしえ
  • おしえて
  • おねがい
  • おぼえ
  • かえる
  • がまん
  • きく
  • きたえ
  • きめ
  • くる
  • さがし
  • さわぎ
  • した
  • しって
  • して
  • しない
  • しまう
  • じまん
  • しらない
  • しる
  • しんじて
  • する
  • たべる
  • つかう
  • つかえ
  • つかって
  • できない
  • できる
  • でない
  • でる
  • なげる
  • なやみ
  • ねられ
  • ねる
  • のがし
  • のむ
  • はしり
  • はしる
  • はたらき
  • はたらく
  • はまって
  • ぶつけ
  • ほめ
  • みせて
  • みて
  • みる
  • めざす
  • もって
  • ゆずる
  • ゆるす
  • ゆるせ
  • られない
  • られる
  • わかる
  • わすれ


(じかん jikan)
  • あき
  • あさ
  • あした
  • いちにち
  • いつか
  • いつも
  • いま
  • えいえん
  • おととい
  • おわり
  • かようび
  • きのう
  • きょう
  • きんようび
  • げつようび
  • このあと
  • このまえ
  • こんど
  • じかん
  • じゅうねん
  • すいようび
  • スタート
  • ずっと
  • ストップ
  • そのうち
  • ついに
  • つぎ
  • どようび
  • なつ
  • にちようび
  • はじめ
  • はる
  • ひる
  • ふゆ
  • まいにち
  • もくようび
  • よなか
  • よる
  • らいしゅう


(むすび musubi)
  • いたします
  • おります
  • か!?
  • かい?
  • かしら?
  • かな?
  • かも
  • くれ
  • ございます
  • しがち
  • します
  • じゃ
  • じゃん
  • しよう
  • ぜ!
  • ぞ!
  • だからね
  • だぜ
  • だった
  • だね
  • だよ
  • だよねー!
  • だわ
  • ッス
  • ってかんじ
  • っぱなし
  • つもり
  • ていない
  • ている
  • でーす!
  • でした
  • でしょ?
  • でしょー!
  • です
  • ですか?
  • ですよ
  • ですわ
  • どうなの?
  • どうよ?
  • とかいって
  • なの
  • なのか
  • なのだ
  • なのよ
  • なんだね
  • なんです
  • なんてね
  • ねー
  • の?
  • ばっかり
  • まーす!
  • ます
  • ますわ
  • ません
  • みたいな
  • よ!
  • よー
  • よーん
  • よね
  • るよ
  • わけ
  • わよ!


(あれこれ arekore)
  • ああ
  • あっち
  • あの
  • ありゃ
  • あれ
  • あれは
  • あんな
  • こう
  • こっち
  • この
  • こりゃ
  • これ
  • これだ!
  • これは
  • こんな
  • そう
  • そっち
  • その
  • そりゃ
  • それ
  • それだ!
  • それは
  • そんな
  • どう
  • どっち
  • どの
  • どりゃ
  • どれ
  • どれを
  • どんな
  • なに
  • なんか
  • なんだ
  • なんで
  • なんなんだ
  • なんの

In Generation III

013Weedle.png Easy chat system is in need of spading. See its section on the spading page for more information, and how you can help.
For the customizable six-phrase sentence that the player can enter in the Battle Tower, where can this sentence be seen (if possible)?
Also, can players of FRLG input this phrase anywhere?

The easy chat system was introduced to international games in this generation. It allowed the game to process inputs that were more personal than the typical yes/no choices of Generations I and II.

  • In the Generation III games, mail messages are composed using the easy chat system, rather than by inputting text manually as was done in the Generation II games. The player can compose a message using up to nine words or phrases.
  • The NPC next to the PC at Petalburg CityRSE or Pewter CityFRLG Pokémon Centers allows the player to customize their profile, which consists of four phrases from the easy chat system. The player's profile can be seen on their Trainer Card by others who approach the player during link activity (battling, trading or record mixingRSE).
  • In English versions of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, if the player changes their profile to Mystery Event Is Exciting after receiving the Balance Badge, Mystery Events will be activated. In Pokémon Emerald as well as Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, Mystery Events are replaced by Mystery Gift, which is unlocked in a different way: after the Pokédex is obtained, players may activate Mystery Gift at any Poké Mart by inputting a certain four-word phrase in the questionnaire (in English games, this phrase is Link Together With All).
  • In Dewford Hall, various NPCs will be discussing whatever is "trendy" around Hoenn. By telling them about a new two-word phrase, they might start discussing that new trend instead. This phrase determines the six tiles of the river on Route 119 in which Feebas can be found. Additionally, when players mix records, one player's trend can catch on in the other player's game, allowing players to synchronize their efforts to find Feebas.
  • The Berry Master's wife will give out a Berry daily if given any two-word phrase. If she is told (for the first time only) one of the five certain phrases, she will give out the corresponding Berry. Repeating a special phrase will not result in another special Berry, and neither will stating any other phrase. Instead, she will hand out a random Berry from numbers 1 to 10 (Cheri Berry to Sitrus Berry).
  • Throughout Hoenn, the player can encounter interviewers who ask the player to input at least one word or phrase from the easy chat system. The player's interview can then be seen on TV. By mixing records with other players, players' interviews can be seen on the others' games.
  • In the Battle Tower, on the right side of the room, there is an NPC that asks for the player's feelings before beginning a match. The player's response must consist of six words. There is a default message for each topic, all of which include at least one "word" consisting purely punctuation marks. In Pokémon Emerald, the NPC allows the player to additionally input phrases for after a battle is won or lost. All Trainers in the Battle TowerRSE, Trainer TowerFRLG or Trainer HillE, in any Battle TentE or in any Battle Frontier facility except Frontier Brains or apprentices, greet the player using this six-word format, and speak similarly after victory or defeat.



Any regional Pokémon that the player has seen will appear as a phrase for the system. If the National Pokédex is unlocked, non-regional Pokémon are also added as phrases (regardless of whether the player has seen it).


  • I Choose You
  • Gotcha
  • Trade
  • Sapphire
  • Evolve
  • Encyclopedia
  • Nature
  • Center
  • Egg
  • Link
  • Sp. Ability
  • Trainer
  • Version
  • PokéNav
  • Pokémon
  • Get
  • Pokédex
  • Ruby
  • Level
  • RedFRLG
  • GreenFRLG
  • BagFRLGE
  • FlameFRLG
  • GoldFRLG
  • LeafFRLG
  • SilverFRLG
  • EmeraldE


All Abilities and Types known as of Generation III fall under this category, and are available as phrases from the start. Also included are the following phrases:

  • Color
  • Alt. Color
  • Beautiful
  • Beauty
  • Smart
  • Smartness
  • Cool
  • Coolness
  • Cute
  • Cuteness
  • InnerfocusRS (spelled correctly as Inner Focus in other Generation III core games)
  • Type
  • Tough
  • Toughness
  • Shine
  • Pattern


  • Match Up
  • Go
  • No. 1
  • Decide
  • Let Me Win
  • Wins
  • Win
  • Won
  • If I Win
  • When I Win
  • Can't Win
  • Can Win
  • No Match
  • Spirit
  • Decided
  • Trump Card
  • Take That
  • Come On
  • Attack
  • Surrender
  • Gutsy
  • Talent
  • Strategy
  • Smite
  • Match
  • Victory
  • Offensive
  • Sense
  • Versus
  • Fights
  • Power
  • Challenge
  • Strong
  • Too Strong
  • Go Easy
  • Foe
  • Genius
  • Legend
  • Escape
  • Aim
  • Battle
  • Fight
  • Resuscitate
  • Points
  • Serious
  • Give Up
  • Loss
  • If I Lose
  • Lost
  • Lose
  • Guard
  • Partner
  • Reject
  • Accept
  • Invincible
  • Received
  • Easy
  • Weak
  • Too Weak
  • Pushover
  • Leader
  • Rule
  • Move


  • Thanks
  • Yes
  • Here Goes
  • Here I Come
  • Here It Is
  • Yeah
  • Welcome
  • Oi
  • How Do
  • Congrats
  • Give Me
  • Sorry
  • Apologize
  • Forgive
  • Hey, There
  • Hello
  • Good-Bye
  • Thank You
  • I've Arrived
  • Pardon
  • Excuse
  • See Ya
  • Excuse Me
  • Well, Then
  • Go Ahead
  • Appreciate
  • Hey?
  • What's Up?
  • Huh?
  • No
  • Hi
  • Yeah, Yeah
  • Bye-bye
  • Meet You
  • Hey
  • Smell
  • Listening
  • Hoo-hah
  • Yahoo
  • Yo
  • Come Over
  • Count On


  • Opponent
  • I
  • You
  • Yours
  • Son
  • Your
  • You're
  • You've
  • Mother
  • Grandfather
  • Uncle
  • Father
  • Boy
  • Adult
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Aunt
  • Parent
  • Man
  • Me
  • Girl
  • Babe
  • Family
  • Her
  • Him
  • He
  • Place
  • Daughter
  • His
  • He's
  • Aren't
  • Siblings
  • Kid
  • Children
  • Mr.
  • Mrs.
  • Myself
  • I Was
  • To Me
  • My
  • I Am
  • I've
  • Who
  • Someone
  • Who Was
  • To Whom
  • Whose
  • Who Is
  • It's
  • Lady
  • Friend
  • Ally
  • Person
  • Dude
  • They
  • They Were
  • To Them
  • Their
  • They're
  • They've
  • We
  • Been
  • To Us
  • Our
  • We're
  • Rival
  • We've
  • Woman
  • She
  • She Was
  • To Her
  • Her'sRS / HersFRLGE
  • She Is
  • Some


  • !
  • !!
  • ?!
  • ?
  • ..RS / … FRLGE
  • ..!RS / …! FRLGE
  • ……RS / ……… FRLGE
  • -
  • - - -
  • Uh-oh
  • Waaah
  • Ahaha
  • Oh?
  • Nope
  • Urgh
  • Hmm
  • Whoah
  • Wroooaar!
  • Wow
  • Giggle
  • Sigh
  • Unbelievable
  • Cries
  • Agree
  • Eh?
  • Cry
  • Ehehe
  • Oi, Oi, Oi
  • Oh, Yeah
  • Oh
  • Oops
  • Shocked
  • Eek
  • Graaah
  • Gwahahaha
  • Way
  • Tch
  • Hehe
  • Hah
  • Yup
  • Hahaha
  • Aiyeeh
  • Hiyah
  • Fufufu
  • LOL
  • Snort
  • Humph
  • Hehehe
  • Heh
  • Hohoho
  • Uh-huh
  • Oh, Dear
  • Arrgh
  • Mufufu
  • Mmm
  • Oh-kay
  • Okay
  • Lalala
  • Yay
  • Aww
  • Wowee
  • Gwah
  • Wahahaha


  • Listen
  • Not Very
  • Mean
  • Lie
  • Lay
  • Recommend
  • Nitwit
  • Quite
  • From
  • Feeling
  • But
  • However
  • Case
  • The
  • Miss
  • How
  • Hit
  • Enough
  • A Lot
  • A Little
  • Absolutely
  • And
  • Only
  • Around
  • Probably
  • If
  • Very
  • A Tiny Bit
  • Wild
  • That's
  • Just
  • Even So,
  • Must Be
  • Naturally
  • For Now,
  • Understood
  • Joking
  • Ready
  • Something
  • Somehow
  • Although
  • Also
  • Perfect
  • As Much As
  • Really
  • Truly
  • Seriously
  • Totally
  • Until
  • As If
  • Mood
  • Rather
  • Awfully
  • Mode
  • More
  • Too Late
  • Finally
  • Any
  • Instead
  • Fantastic


  • Will
  • Will Be Here
  • Or
  • Times
  • Wonder
  • Is It?
  • Be
  • Gimme
  • Could
  • Likely To
  • Would
  • Is
  • Isn't It?
  • Let's
  • Other
  • Are
  • Was
  • Were
  • Those
  • Isn't
  • Won't
  • Can't
  • Can
  • Don't
  • Do
  • Does
  • Whom
  • Which
  • Wasn't
  • Weren't
  • Have
  • Haven't
  • A
  • An
  • Not
  • There
  • Ok?
  • So
  • Maybe
  • About
  • Over
  • It
  • All
  • For
  • On
  • Off
  • As
  • To
  • With
  • Better
  • Ever
  • Since
  • Of
  • Belongs To
  • At
  • In
  • Out
  • Too
  • Like
  • Did
  • Didn't
  • Doesn't
  • Without
  • After
  • Before
  • While
  • Than
  • Once
  • Anywhere


  • Meet
  • Play
  • Hurried
  • Goes
  • Giddy
  • Happy
  • Happiness
  • Excite
  • Important
  • Funny
  • Got
  • Go Home
  • Disappointed
  • Disappoints
  • Sad
  • Try
  • Tries
  • Hears
  • Think
  • Hear
  • Wants
  • Misheard
  • Dislike
  • Angry
  • Anger
  • Scary
  • Lonesome
  • Disappoint
  • Joy
  • Gets
  • Never
  • Darn
  • Downcast
  • Incredible
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Boring
  • Care
  • Cares
  • All Right
  • Adore
  • Disaster
  • Enjoy
  • Enjoys
  • Eat
  • Lacking
  • Bad
  • Hard
  • Terrible
  • Should
  • Nice
  • Drink
  • Surprise
  • Fear
  • Want
  • Wait
  • Satisfied
  • See
  • Rare
  • Negative
  • Done
  • Danger
  • Defeated
  • Beat
  • Great
  • Romantic
  • Question
  • Understand
  • Understands


  • Hot
  • Exists
  • Excess
  • Approved
  • Has
  • Good
  • Less
  • Momentum
  • Going
  • Weird
  • Busy
  • Together
  • Full
  • Absent
  • Being
  • Need
  • Tasty
  • Skilled
  • Noisy
  • Big
  • Late
  • Close
  • Docile
  • Amusing
  • Entertaining
  • Perfection
  • Pretty
  • Healthy
  • Excellent
  • Upside Down
  • Cold
  • Refreshing
  • Unavoidable
  • Much
  • Overwhelming
  • Fabulous
  • Else
  • Expensive
  • Correct
  • Impossible
  • Small
  • Different
  • Tired
  • Skill
  • Top
  • Non-stop
  • Preposterous
  • None
  • Nothing
  • Natural
  • Becomes
  • Lukewarm
  • Fast
  • Low
  • Awful
  • Alone
  • Bored
  • Secret
  • Mystery
  • Lacks
  • Best
  • Lousy
  • Mistake
  • Kind
  • Well
  • Weakened
  • Simple
  • Seems
  • Badly


  • Meets
  • Concede
  • Give
  • Gives
  • Played
  • Plays
  • Collect
  • Walking
  • Walks
  • Says
  • Went
  • Said
  • Wake Up
  • Wakes Up
  • Angers
  • Teach
  • Teaches
  • Please
  • Learn
  • Change
  • Story
  • Trust
  • Lavish
  • Listens
  • Hearing
  • Trains
  • Choose
  • Come
  • Came
  • Search
  • Make
  • Cause
  • Know
  • Knows
  • Refuse
  • Stores
  • Brag
  • Ignorant
  • Thinks
  • Believe
  • Slide
  • Eats
  • Use
  • Uses
  • Using
  • Couldn't
  • Capable
  • Disappear
  • Appear
  • Throw
  • Worry
  • Slept
  • Sleep
  • Release
  • Drinks
  • Runs
  • Run
  • Works
  • Working
  • Talking
  • Talk
  • Sink
  • Smack
  • Pretend
  • Praise
  • Overdo
  • Show
  • Looks
  • Sees
  • Seek
  • Own
  • Take
  • Allow
  • Forget
  • Forgets
  • Appears
  • Faint
  • Fainted


  • Chores
  • Home
  • Money
  • Allowance
  • Bath
  • Conversation
  • School
  • Commemorate
  • Habit
  • Group
  • Word
  • Store
  • Service
  • Work
  • System
  • Train
  • Class
  • Lessons
  • Information
  • Living
  • Teacher
  • Tournament
  • Letter
  • Event
  • Digital
  • Test
  • Dept. Store
  • Television
  • Phone
  • Item
  • Name
  • News
  • Popular
  • Party
  • Study
  • Machine
  • Mail
  • Message
  • Promise
  • Dream
  • Kindergarten
  • Life
  • Radio
  • Rental
  • World


  • Idol
  • Anime
  • Song
  • Movie
  • Sweets
  • Chat
  • Child's Play
  • Toys
  • Music
  • Cards
  • Shopping
  • Camera
  • Viewing
  • Spectator
  • Gourmet
  • Game
  • RPG
  • Collection
  • Complete
  • Magazine
  • Walk
  • Bike
  • Hobby
  • Sports
  • Software
  • Songs
  • Diet
  • Treasure
  • Travel
  • Dance
  • Channel
  • Making
  • Fishing
  • Date
  • Design
  • Locomotive
  • Plush Doll
  • PC
  • Flowers
  • Hero
  • Nap
  • Heroine
  • Fashion
  • Adventure
  • Board
  • Ball
  • Book
  • Festival
  • Comics
  • Holiday
  • Plans
  • Trendy
  • Vacation
  • Look


  • Fall
  • Morning
  • Tomorrow
  • Last
  • Day
  • Sometime
  • Always
  • Current
  • Forever
  • Days
  • End
  • Tuesday
  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Friday
  • Monday
  • Later
  • Earlier
  • Another
  • Time
  • Finish
  • Wednesday
  • Soon
  • Start
  • Month
  • Stop
  • Now
  • Final
  • Next
  • Age
  • Saturday
  • Summer
  • Sunday
  • Beginning
  • Spring
  • Daytime
  • Winter
  • Daily
  • Olden
  • Almost
  • Nearly
  • Thursday
  • Nighttime
  • Night
  • Week


  • Highs
  • Lows
  • Um
  • Rear
  • Things
  • Thing
  • Below
  • Above
  • Back
  • High
  • Here
  • Inside
  • Outside
  • Beside
  • This Is It!
  • This
  • Every
  • These
  • These Were
  • Down
  • That
  • Those Are
  • Those Were
  • That's It!
  • Am
  • That Was
  • Front
  • Up
  • Choice
  • Far
  • Away
  • Near
  • Where
  • When
  • What
  • Deep
  • Shallow
  • Why
  • Confused
  • Opposite
  • Left
  • Right


  • Wandering
  • Rickety
  • Rock-solid
  • Hungry
  • Tight
  • Ticklish
  • Twirling
  • Spiraling
  • Thirsty
  • Lolling
  • Silky
  • Sadly
  • Hopeless
  • Useless
  • Drooling
  • Exciting
  • Thick
  • Smooth
  • Slimy
  • Thin
  • Break
  • Voracious
  • Scatter
  • Awesome
  • Wimpy
  • Wobbly
  • Shaky
  • Ripped
  • Shredded
  • Increasing
  • Yet
  • Destroyed
  • Fiery
  • Lovey-dovey
  • Happily
  • Anticipation


These phrases are unlocked after the player has entered the Hall of Fame.

  • Appeal
  • Events
  • Stay-at-Home
  • Berry
  • Contest
  • MC
  • Judge
  • Super
  • Stage
  • Hall Of Fame
  • Evolution
  • Hyper
  • Battle Tower
  • Leaders
  • Battle Room
  • Hidden
  • Secret Base
  • Blend
  • Pokéblock
  • Master
  • Rank
  • Ribbon
  • CrushFRLGE
  • DirectFRLGE
  • TowerFRLGE
  • UnionFRLGE
  • RoomFRLGE
  • WirelessFRLGE
  • FrontierE

Move 1 / Move 2

Moves are added to the easy chat system as phrases after the player has entered the Hall of Fame.

Trendy Saying

One of these phrases is unlocked each time the player interacts with the Hipster in Mauville City Pokémon Center.

  • kthx, bye.
  • Yes, Sir!
  • Avant Garde
  • Couple
  • Much Obliged
  • Yeehaw!
  • Mega
  • 1-Hit KO!
  • Destiny
  • Cancel
  • New
  • Flatten
  • Kidding
  • Loser
  • Losing
  • Happening
  • Hip And
  • Shake
  • Shady
  • Upbeat
  • Modern
  • Smell Ya
  • Bang
  • Knockout
  • Hassle
  • Winner
  • Fever
  • Wannabe
  • Baby
  • Heart
  • Old
  • Young
  • Ugly

In Generation IV

The easy chat system was brought over to Generation IV games as well. Additionally, due to games now being able to connect with games of different languages, easy chat had to adapt. Instead of simply stringing words together, players choose a simple sentence or phrase. Almost all phrases have blank spaces for the player to insert specific words, to modify the sentence's meaning. For instance, the player can select the phrase "I love ______________!" and insert the word "BULBASAUR". Due to this, mail and other messages are readable in games of any language.

In Generation IV, learning trendy phrases will add new words to the easy chat system. Up to thirty-two words can be learned and only one per day. These words appear in the "Tough Words" category.

  • The Union Room allows for participants to send short messages using the easy chat system.
  • For mail messages, the player is given the option of using up to three of these phrases.
  • Throughout the Sinnoh region, various reporters can be found. When approached, they ask questions either regarding recent actions or general opinions. These questions are answered using the easy chat system.
  • The TV producer on the third floor of the Jubilife TV building will give out Mystery Gift or wallpaper if he is told the correct phrases. The required combinations depend on the player's Trainer ID number, except Mystery Gift, which he gives when he is told "Everyone Happy Wi-Fi Connection".
  • In the Johto games, up to four words can be used in conjunction with icons to record notes on the Town Map in the Pokégear.
  • Primo, who resides in Violet City's Pokémon Center, will ask the player's opinion of him when he is spoken to. By telling him specific combinations of four words (determined by the player's Trainer ID number), the player can receive Pokémon Eggs or wallpaper.


What's popular?

  • Hello! <word 1>!
  • I love <word 1>!
  • I love <word 1>! I love <word 2>, too!
  • This <word 1> is <word 2>, isn't it?
  • I can do anything for <word 1>!
  • This <word 1> is <word 2>!
  • <word 1> is the real <word 2>!
  • It might be <word 1>...
  • There's only <word 1> left!
  • It's <word 1>! It's <word 2>!
  • I prefer <word 1> after all!
  • Is <word 1> <word 2>?
  • Do you like <word 1>?
  • What do you think of <word 1>?
  • <word 1> is so <word 2>!
  • <word 1> are <word 2>!
  • <word 1>, right?
  • Did you know <word 1>? It's <word 2>!
  • Excuse me... It's <word 1>!
  • <word 1>, right? <word 2>!

A greeting for the Union Room?

  • <word 1>! Hello!
  • Glad to meet you! I love <word 1>!
  • I'm a <word 1> Trainer! Please battle me!
  • Please trade! I'm offering <word 1>!
  • Please trade! I want a <word 1>!
  • I've entered the Union Room.
  • Let's draw! I want to draw <word 1>!
  • I've got to go! <word 1>!
  • Please leave me alone...
  • Anyone want to <word 1>?
  • Let's <word 1>!
  • Want to <word 1>?
  • I want to <word 1>!
  • OK!
  • I don't want to <word 1>.
  • I'll go wait at the Colosseum now.
  • Please talk to me!
  • Do you know where I am?
  • I want to trade my <word 1>. Please talk to me.
  • I want a <word 1> battle! Please talk to me!

Your feeling at the battle's start?

  • Please! <word 1>!
  • Go! <word 1>!
  • I'll battle with <word 1>!
  • It's <word 1>!
  • <word 1>, I'm going with <word 2>!
  • Look at <word 1>!
  • I'll show you <word 1>!
  • Now! <word 1>!
  • I'll show you my <word 1> strategy!
  • I'll <word 1>!
  • I'll shock you with <word 1>!
  • This is the beginning of <word 1>!
  • This battle is <word 1>!
  • I don't think I'll ever lose at <word 1>!
  • Team <word 1> is here!
  • You think you can beat <word 1>?
  • <word 1>! <word 2> power!
  • This is the <word 1> Pokémon!
  • <word 1> won't lose!
  • Please <word 1>! <word 2>!

What do you say if you win a battle?

  • I win! <word 1>!
  • I won! I won with <word 1>!
  • <word 1> is strong, isn't it?
  • It's <word 1> <word 2> after all!
  • <word 1>, yay!
  • Yay, <word 1>! <word 2>!
  • Sorry, it's <word 1> <word 2>.
  • <word 1>! Thank you!
  • The way I feel now is <word 1>!
  • I wanted people to look at my <word 1>!
  • It's all thanks to <word 1>.
  • I might have won with <word 1>!
  • I get the happiest with <word 1>!
  • <word 1> secured the victory!
  • This <word 1> was really good!
  • <word 1> was fun, wasn't it?
  • Huh? <word 1>?!
  • <word 1> is the toughest!
  • Happy! <word 1> happy!
  • How's that?! <word 1>!

What do you say if you lose a battle?

  • You win... <word 1>!
  • <word 1> was the one thing I wanted to avoid...
  • Waaah! <word 1>!
  • I want to go home with <word 1>...
  • <word 1>! <word 2>!
  • Could it be...? <word 1>...?
  • <word 1>! How awful!
  • I was confident about <word 1>, too.
  • You're <word 1>, aren't you?
  • <word 1>! Can't be anything else but.
  • I feel so helplessly angry... It's <word 1>!
  • <word 1> makes me sad...
  • I feel sorry for <word 1>!
  • The way I feel now is <word 1>...
  • I lost, but I won at <word 1>!
  • I would've won if this were <word 1>...
  • My head's filled with only <word 1> now!
  • The way I lost... It's like <word 1>...
  • Isn't <word 1> <word 2>?
  • Aww... That's really <word 1>...


Note: Words that appear identical in English have their Japanese equivalent to distinguish them.

Pokémon / Pokémon 2

  • (All Pokémon seen by the player)

Move / Move 2

  • (All moves seen by the player)


  • (All Abilities and types seen by the player)


  • Match Up
  • No. 1
  • Preparation
  • Wins
  • No Match
  • Spirit
  • Ace Card
  • Come On
  • Attack
  • Surrender
  • Courage
  • Talent
  • Strategy
  • Match
  • Victory
  • Sense
  • Versus
  • Fights
  • Power
  • Challenge
  • Strong
  • Take It Easy
  • Foe
  • Genius
  • Legend
  • Battle
  • Fight
  • Revive
  • Points
  • Serious
  • Loss
  • Partner
  • Invincible
  • Easy
  • Weak
  • Easy Win
  • Move
  • Trainer


  • Opponent
  • I (あたし atashi)
  • You (あなた anata)
  • Mother
  • Grandfather
  • Uncle
  • Father
  • Boy
  • Adult
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Aunt
  • Parent
  • Old Man
  • Me
  • Girl
  • Gal
  • Family
  • Her
  • Him
  • You (きみ kimi)
  • Siblings
  • Kids (こども kodomo)
  • Mr.
  • Ms.
  • Myself
  • Who
  • Friend
  • Ally
  • Person
  • Kids (ボーイ bōi)
  • I (ボク boku)
  • Everyone
  • Rival
  • I (わし washi)
  • I (わたし watashi)
  • Baby


  • Konnichiwa
  • Hello
  • Bonjour
  • Ciao
  • Hallo
  • Hola
  • Oh Well
  • Aah
  • Ahaha
  • Huh? (あら ara)
  • Thanks
  • No Problem
  • Nope
  • Yes
  • Here Goes
  • Let's Go
  • Here I Come
  • Yeah
  • Welcome (いらっしゃい irasshai)
  • Urgh
  • Let Me Think
  • Hmm
  • Whoa
  • Wroooaar!
  • Wow (うひょー uhyō)
  • Snicker
  • Cute Laugh
  • Unbelievable
  • Cries
  • OK (うん un)
  • Agree
  • Eh?
  • Boo-hoo
  • Hehehe
  • Hey (おい oi)
  • Oh, Yeah
  • Oh Wow!
  • Heeey
  • Greetings
  • Oops
  • Well Done
  • Oh My
  • Eek
  • Yaaah
  • Giggle
  • Give Me
  • Gwahahaha
  • Ugh
  • Sorry
  • Forgive Me
  • I'm Sorry
  • Hey!
  • Good-bye
  • Thank You
  • I've Arrived
  • Weep
  • Pardon Me
  • So Sorry
  • See Ya
  • Excuse Me
  • Okay Then
  • Tut
  • Blush
  • Go Ahead
  • Cheers
  • Hey? (なあ )
  • What's Up?
  • Huh? (ねえ )
  • No
  • Sigh
  • Hi
  • Yep
  • Yeah, Yeah
  • Bye-bye
  • Meet You
  • Hahaha
  • Aiyeeh
  • Hiyah
  • Muhahaha
  • Lol
  • Snort
  • Humph
  • Hey (ヘイ hei)
  • He-he-he
  • Heh
  • Hohoho
  • There You Go
  • Oh, Dear
  • Bye For Now
  • Angry
  • Mufufu
  • Mmm
  • Hello?
  • Hi There
  • No Way (やだよ yada yo)
  • Yahoo
  • Yo
  • Welcome (ようこそ yōkoso)
  • OK (よし yoshi)
  • Regards
  • Lalala
  • Yay
  • Wail
  • Wow (ワオ wao)
  • Boo!
  • Wahaha
  • ...


  • Idol
  • Tomorrow
  • Playing
  • Anime
  • Job
  • Song
  • Home
  • Movie
  • Sweets
  • Money
  • Pocket Money
  • Chit-chat
  • Talk
  • Bath
  • Play House
  • Toys
  • Music
  • Cards
  • Shopping
  • Conversation
  • School
  • Camera
  • Viewing
  • Spectate
  • Anniversary
  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Habit
  • Group
  • Gourmet
  • Game
  • Word
  • Collection
  • Store
  • Complete
  • Service
  • Magazine
  • Walk
  • Work
  • System
  • Bicycle
  • Training
  • Class
  • Lessons
  • Hobby
  • Information
  • Sports
  • Daily Life
  • Teacher
  • Software
  • Songs
  • Diet
  • Tournament
  • Treasure
  • Travel
  • Birthday
  • Dance
  • Channel
  • Fishing
  • Date
  • Letter
  • Event
  • Design
  • Digital
  • Test
  • Dept. Store
  • Television
  • Train
  • Phone
  • Item
  • Name
  • News
  • Popularity
  • Stuffed Toy
  • Party
  • Computer
  • Flowers
  • Hero
  • Nap
  • Heroine
  • Fashion
  • Study
  • Adventure
  • Board
  • Ball
  • Book
  • Machine
  • Festival
  • Comics
  • Mail
  • Message
  • Story
  • Promise
  • Holiday
  • Dream
  • Kindergarten
  • Plans
  • Life
  • Radio
  • Craze
  • Vacation
  • Looks
  • Rental
  • World


  • Beauty
  • Delight
  • Strangeness
  • Cleverness
  • Disappointed
  • Coolness
  • Sadness
  • Cuteness
  • Anger
  • Healthy
  • Regret
  • Happiness
  • Depressed
  • Incredible
  • Likes
  • Dislike
  • Bored
  • Important
  • All Right
  • Adore
  • Toughness
  • Enjoyment
  • Useless
  • Drooling
  • Excited
  • Skillful
  • Tears
  • Hate
  • ROFL
  • Happy
  • Energetic
  • Surprise
  • Nervous
  • Want
  • Satisfied
  • Rare
  • Messed Up
  • No Way (やだ yada)
  • Danger
  • Lovey-dovey
  • Anticipation
  • Smile
  • Subtle
  • Recommend
  • Simple
  • Nice
  • Difficult

Tough Words


  • Single
  • Double
  • Mix Battle
  • Multi Battle
  • Level 50
  • Level 100
  • Colosseum
  • Pokémon
  • Drawing
  • Record
  • Gotcha
  • Chat
  • Friend Code
  • Connection
  • Voice Chat
  • Wi-Fi
  • Underground
  • Union
  • Poffin
  • Contest
  • Battle Tower
  • GTS
  • Secret Base

In Generation V

The easy chat system in Generation V continues to allow players to fill preset sentences with words as in Generation IV.

  • Mail types with "BridgeMail" in their names work exactly the same as in Generation IV, plus the addition of the ability to add one word at the bottom. Other mail contains a set script with space to fill in words. (The entire phrases cannot be changed.)
  • The Relocator is unlocked by telling a scientist in the Central Plaza of Castelia City four words in the correct order using the easy chat system. In English games, these words are "Everyone Happy Simple Connection". The Relocator allows the transfer of any of the four Pokémon (Celebi and the Shiny legendary beasts) that commemorate the thirteenth movie. This enables the player to obtain Zorua and Zoroark before beating the Elite Four for the first time.
  • The profile greeting on the player's Trainer Card allows one phrase to be input.
  • The quiz at Aha, Wye, and Ditoh's house in Icirrus City uses the easy chat system to answer questions.
  • Although E-Z Mail is not an in-game feature, it exists on the Pokémon Global Link website and is thus part of Generation V. When sending E-Z Mail, the user has the choice of either choosing words or answering questions as the method to write their online letter. If the user selects the "Choose Words" option, the user will then have to select a mostly pre-made letter and fill in the blank(s) with one of the given words. If the user instead chooses the "Answer Questions" option, the user will have to answer questions in order to write the letter.


What's popular?

  • Hello! <word 1>!
  • I am <word 1>! I'm pleased to meet you.
  • I love <word 1>! I love <word 2>, too!
  • My favorite <word 1> is <word 2>!
  • What's your favorite <word 1>?
  • I can do anything for <word 1>!
  • Is <word 1> <word 2>?
  • What do you think of <word 1>?
  • Do you think <word 1> can <word 2>?
  • <word 1> is so <word 2>!
  • <word 1> bothers me.
  • After all, it's <word 1>, isn't it?
  • <word 1> is the real <word 2>!
  • Did you know that <word 1> is <word 2>?
  • <word 1> is the reason for <word 2>.
  • Have you heard of <word 1>?
  • <word 1> is actually <word 2>.
  • Recently, <word 1> seems <word 2>.
  • I wonder if <word 1> is yummy...
  • I never miss <word 1>. It's part of what I do every day.

Your feeling at the battle's start?

  • Please! <word 1>
  • Go! <word 1>!
  • I'll battle with <word 1>!
  • <word 1> is <word 2>, right?
  • <word 1>, I'm going with <word 2>!
  • In comes <word 1>.
  • Watch my <word 1> power take care of <word 2>!
  • Now <word 1> begins!
  • I'll show you my <word 1> strategy!
  • I'll shock you with <word 1>!
  • <word 1>, I see... Go, <word 2>!
  • Ta-da! Here comes <word 1>!
  • I don't think I'll ever lose to <word 1>!
  • <word 1>! <word 2> is here!
  • Good luck, <word 1>!
  • Behold my <word 1> <word 2>!
  • The power of <word 1>! Let me show you!
  • You'll choose <word 1> if I choose <word 2>, right?
  • I beg you, <word 1>. Please go with <word 2>!
  • May <word 1> safely land on <word 2>!

What do you say if you win a battle?

  • I win! <word 1>!
  • I owe my victory to <word 1>!
  • <word 1> is strong, isn't it?
  • It's <word 1> <word 2> after all!
  • When it comes to <word 1>, my choice is always <word 2>!
  • Victory in a <word 1> battle!
  • Yay, <word 1>! <word 2>!
  • Sorry, it's <word 1> <word 2>.
  • <word 1>! Thank you!
  • The way I feel now is <word 1>!
  • <word 1> sure is <word 2>!
  • It's all thanks to <word 1>.
  • <word 1> is the toughest!
  • <word 1>? Wow, I'm so glad!
  • <word 1>? That sounds good!
  • I have no trouble dealing with <word 1>.
  • <word 1> is so much fun.
  • Huh? <word 1>?!
  • The power of <word 1> is awesome!
  • Everyone! <word 1>!

What do you say if you lose a battle?

  • You win... <word 1>!
  • <word 1> is really impressive.
  • Waaah! <word 1>!
  • I want to go home with <word 1>...
  • <word 1>! <word 2>!
  • I see <word 1> right in front of me!
  • <word 1>? I didn't see that coming!
  • I was confident about <word 1>, too.
  • You're <word 1>, aren't you?
  • <word 1>! Can't be anything else but.
  • I want to be like <word 1>!
  • It might be <word 1> already...
  • I think <word 1> should do.
  • The way I feel now is <word 1>...
  • <word 1> won't work!
  • Nothing beats <word 1>!
  • My head's filled with only <word 1> now!
  • Is it because <word 1> was lacking?
  • Isn't <word 1> <word 2>?
  • Aww... That's really <word 1>...

A greeting for the Union Room?

  • Yo! I'm <word 1>.
  • Glad to meet you! I love <word 1>!
  • Do you like <word 1>?
  • Let's draw! I want to draw <word 1>!
  • Let's battle! I say <word 1>!
  • I'm a <word 1> Trainer! Please battle me!
  • Let's have a chat! How about <word 1>?
  • Please trade! I want a <word 1>!
  • Please trade! I'm offering <word 1>!
  • Want to trade <word 1>? Here's a hint: <word 2>!
  • Will you join me for <word 1>?
  • Anyone want to <word 1>?
  • I want to <word 1> with <word 2>!
  • Let's go to <word 1> by <word 2>!
  • OK!
  • <word 1>? I got it!
  • <word 1>? Hold on!
  • I don't want to <word 1>...
  • That was fun! I hope we can <word 1> again sometime.
  • See ya! <word 1>!

Predefined Mail

Note: These sentences can only be used in the corresponding type of Mail.

  • Glad to meet you! I am <word 1>!
    I'm a <word 1>-loving <word 2> Trainer.
    Let's <word 1> sometime. Keep in touch!
  • <word 1> is the best! I love it!
    It's great because it's <word 1>. Don't you agree?
    Tell me your favorite <word 1>.
  • Hi! Do you know <word 1>?
    It's very <word 1> and <word 2>!
    Let's <word 1> soon!
  • Thank you for taking your time with <word 1>.
    It was so <word 1>. I was moved!
    What do you think of <word 1>?
  • It's <word 1>, if you ask me.
    It bothers us, doesn't it? I'm talking about <word 1>.
    Do you know what they call <word 1>?
  • This <word 1> is surprisingly <word 2>!
    <word 1> sure is something. You should try it!
    Thank you for taking your time with <word 1>.
  • <word 1> is <word 2>, don't you think?
    That means <word 1>. Thanks!
    We should <word 1> together again. <word 2>!


Note: Words that appear identical in English have their Japanese equivalent to distinguish them.


  • (All Pokémon seen by the player)


  • (All Abilities and types seen by the player)


  • (All moves seen by the player)


  • Match Up
  • No. 1
  • Bad Matchup
  • Preparation
  • Wins
  • No Match
  • Spirit
  • Critical Hit
  • Ace Card
  • Come On
  • No Effect
  • Attack
  • Surrender
  • Courage
  • Talent
  • Strategy
  • Match
  • Victory
  • Sense
  • Versus
  • Fights
  • Power
  • Challenge
  • Champion
  • Strong
  • Take It Easy
  • Foe
  • Genius
  • Legend
  • Trainer
  • Good Matchup
  • Battle
  • Emergency
  • Fight
  • Revive
  • Points
  • Serious
  • Loss
  • Partner
  • Invincible
  • Easy
  • Weak
  • Easy Win
  • Move


  • PGL
  • GTS
  • Pokémon DW
  • Wi-Fi
  • Spin
  • Game Sync
  • Colosseum
  • Subway
  • Geonet
  • Single
  • Infrared
  • Double
  • Chat
  • Connection
  • Friend Code
  • Triple
  • Entralink
  • Battle Videos
  • Voice Chat
  • Poké Transfer
  • Multi Battle
  • Musical
  • Union
  • Tag Log
  • Rotation
  • Wireless


  • こんにちは (kon'nichiwa)
  • Hello (hello)
  • Bonjour
  • Ciao
  • Hallo
  • Hola
  • 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo)
  • Hello (コンニチハ kon'nichiwa)
  • ...
  • Thanks
  • No Problem
  • Nope
  • Yes
  • Here Goes
  • Let's Go
  • Here I Come
  • Welcome (いらっしゃい irasshai)
  • Greetings
  • Well Done
  • Give Me
  • Sorry
  • Forgive Me
  • I'm Sorry
  • Good-bye
  • Thank You
  • I've Arrived
  • Pardon Me
  • So Sorry
  • See Ya
  • Excuse Me
  • OK Then
  • Go Ahead
  • Cheers
  • What's Up?
  • No
  • Hi
  • Yep
  • Yeah, Yeah
  • Bye-bye
  • Meet You
  • Bye For Now
  • Hello?
  • Hi There
  • No Way (やだよ yada yo)
  • Yahoo
  • Yo
  • Welcome (ようこそ yōkoso)
  • Regards


  • Oh Well
  • Aah
  • Ahaha
  • Huh? (あら ara)
  • Yeah
  • Urgh
  • Let Me Think
  • Hmm
  • Whoa
  • Roooaar!
  • Wow (うひょー uhyō)
  • Snicker
  • Cute Laugh
  • Unbelievable
  • Cries
  • Ok (うん un)
  • Agree
  • Eh?
  • Boo-hoo
  • Hehehe
  • Hey (おい oi)
  • Oh, Yeah
  • Oh Wow!
  • Heeey
  • Oops
  • Oh My
  • Eek
  • Yaaah
  • Giggle
  • Gwahahaha
  • Ugh
  • Hey!
  • Weep
  • Tut
  • Blush
  • Hey? (なあ )
  • Huh? (ねえ )
  • Sigh
  • Hahaha
  • Aiyeeh
  • Hiyah
  • Muhahaha
  • Lol
  • Snort
  • Humph
  • Hey (ヘイ hei)
  • He-he-he
  • Heh
  • Hohoho
  • There You Go
  • Oh, Dear
  • Angry
  • Mufufu
  • Mmm
  • OK (よし yoshi)
  • Lalala
  • Yay
  • Wail
  • Wow (ワオ wao)
  • Boo!
  • Wahaha


  • Opponent
  • I (あたし atashi)
  • You (あなた anata)
  • Mother
  • Grandfather
  • Uncle
  • Father
  • Boy
  • Adult
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Aunt
  • Parent
  • Old Man
  • Me
  • Girl
  • Gal
  • Family
  • Her
  • Him
  • You (きみ kimi)
  • Siblings
  • Kids (こども kodomo)
  • Mr.
  • Ms.
  • Myself
  • Who
  • Friend
  • Ally
  • Person
  • Baby
  • Kids (ボーイ bōi)
  • I (ボク boku)
  • Everyone
  • Rival
  • I (わし washi)
  • I (わたし watashi)


  • Idol
  • Autumn
  • Tomorrow
  • Playing
  • Anime
  • Job
  • Song
  • Home
  • Movie
  • Sweets
  • Money
  • Pocket Money
  • Chit-chat
  • Talk
  • Bath
  • Play House
  • Toys
  • Music
  • Cards
  • Shopping
  • Conversation
  • Science
  • School
  • Camera
  • Viewing
  • Spectate
  • Anniversary
  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Habit
  • Gourmet
  • Game
  • Word
  • Store
  • Service
  • Magazine
  • Walk
  • Work
  • Bicycle
  • Gym
  • Training
  • Class
  • Lessons
  • Hobby
  • Information
  • Shop
  • Sports
  • Daily Life
  • Teacher
  • Software
  • Songs
  • Diet
  • Tournament
  • Treasure
  • Travel
  • Birthday
  • Dance
  • Channel
  • Fishing
  • Date
  • Letter
  • Event
  • Test
  • Dept. Store
  • Television
  • Train
  • Phone
  • Item
  • Summer
  • Name
  • News
  • Popularity
  • Stuffed Toy
  • Party
  • Computer
  • Flowers
  • Spring
  • Hero
  • Nap
  • Heroine
  • Fashion
  • Winter
  • Study
  • Adventure
  • Board
  • Ball
  • Book
  • Machine
  • Festival
  • Comics
  • Story
  • Promise
  • Holiday
  • Fairground
  • Dream
  • Kindergarten
  • Plans
  • Life
  • Radio
  • Craze
  • Vacation
  • Looks
  • World


  • Beauty
  • Delight
  • Strangeness
  • Recommend
  • Cleverness
  • Disappointed
  • Coolness
  • Sadness
  • Cuteness
  • Simple
  • Anger
  • Healthy
  • Regret
  • Happiness
  • Depressed
  • Incredible
  • Likes
  • Dislike
  • Bored
  • Important
  • All Right
  • Adore
  • Toughness
  • Enjoyment
  • Useless
  • Drooling
  • Excited
  • Skillful
  • Nice
  • Tears
  • Hate
  • Rofl
  • Happy
  • Energetic
  • Surprise
  • Subtle
  • Nervous
  • Want
  • Satisfied
  • Difficult
  • Rare
  • Messed Up
  • No Way (やだ yada)
  • Danger
  • Lovey-dovey
  • Anticipation
  • Smile


  • C-Gear
  • Pass Power
  • Elegant
  • Cute
  • Cool
  • Group
  • Gotcha
  • Collection
  • Complete
  • System
  • Launcher
  • Nature
  • Dowsing
  • Town Map
  • Design
  • Digital
  • Hall of Fame
  • Institute
  • Badge
  • Battle Test
  • Battle Box
  • Pass Orb
  • PKMN Center
  • Pokémon
  • Mission
  • Mail
  • Message
  • Entree
  • Unique
  • Level
  • Rental
  • TM


  • HELLO!
  • I LOVE IT!
  • IT'S FUN!
  • HAPPY!
  • SUPER! ♪
  • SORRY...
  • BYE-BYE!

Project Games logo.png This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.