TV Mauville

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Reason: list of programs, like Jubilife TV; more Adventures info; Korean and Spanish names for Hoenn TV

TV Mauville
Hoenn TV
TV Kinsetsu
"Hoenn's One and Only TV Network"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Mauville City
Region: Hoenn
Generations: III, VI
Hoenn Mauville City Map.png
Location of TV Mauville in Hoenn.
Pokémon world locations

TV Mauville (Japanese: テレビキンセツ TV Kinsetsu), known as Hoenn TV (Japanese: ホウエンテレビ Hoenn TV) or TVH prior to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, is a television station in Hoenn.

In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, Hoenn TV is based in Lilycove City and broadcasts its programs to televisions. It airs much of the news and television programs seen on TV in the Hoenn region. When a program is on, televisions in houses will be flashing.

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, TV Mauville is based in Mauville City and broadcasts to the BuzzNav on the PokéNav Plus.

Gabby and Ty work for this station, finding strong Trainers to battle and interview.

In the games

Generation III

In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Hoenn TV does not have a physical building. The station does, however, still broadcast various television programs seen on the televisions throughout Hoenn. Show can appear about the player after performing certain tasks or after mixing records with another player.


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Reason: Other missing shows and other possible Pokémon in Pokémon Angler
The World of Masters

A show about catching Pokémon.

Today's Smart Shopper

A show that reviews the recent purchases of a Trainer.

Pokémon Today

A show that reviews a Trainer's Pokémon, like their nickname, how many balls were used to catch it, etc.

Pokémon Angler

A show that discusses about catching a certain Pokémon and the number of recent attempts of a Trainer to catch one. The species that can be disscussed include Wailmer and Magikarp.

In Search of Trainers

The show recorded by Gabby and Ty that covers a recent battle they had with the player.

Bravo Trainer

The show recorded by Gabby and Ty that covers a recent battle they had with the player or a Trainer from mixed records.

Name Rater Show

A show by the Name Rater and reviews a recent change to a Pokémon's nickname.

Generation VI

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Reason: Identify all of the variable lines in the programs below and what the requirements are for the different lines

In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Hoenn TV has been renamed to TV Mauville (Japanese: テレビキンセツ TV Kinsetsu) and relocated to Mauville City. A sign outside the building reads:

Hoenn's One and Only TV Network
TV Mauville

The station still broadcasts shows to the Hoenn region, but they are shown via the BuzzNav on the PokéNav Plus instead of on televisions. Televisions show the same programs as in X and Y.

TV Mauville created the Hoenn Rangers Coexistence Force (Japanese: 共存戦隊ホウエンジャー Hoenn Rangers Coexistence Squadron).

Telemauv (Japanese: テレキンちゃん Telekin-chan) is the station's mascot, a television shaped like Mauville city with eyes, arms, and legs.


Hoenn News Network

A program that reports on recent events in the world.

Today’s Smart Shopper
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Reason: When does the clerk's quote appear?

A program that talks about top sellers at Poké Marts. It focuses on an item bought by a player on a recent Poké Mart trip. The program updates whenever at least 10 of an item are bought.

"Interviewer: Greetings! How are all our viewers doing out there? It’s time for Today’s Smart Shopper! Today, I've come to this great shop in <location> to ask which items have been flying off the shelves lately. Let’s ask one of the staff right now! So, what’s your number-one seller?"
"Clerk: Well, thank you for asking. I’d say that <item> have been selling really well lately. I even had this one Trainer named <name> come in the other day to buy <amount> of them!"
  • Variable lines
  • Randomly selected line:
"Interviewer: Oh, that reminds me! Speaking of <item>, I bought one myself the other day. <item> are handy and wonderful and, well... They're just great to have on you!"
"Interviewer: Really? <item>? And <amount> of them?! I never even imagined that anyone would buy so many at once. I never buy more than one or two at a time myself."
"Interviewer: I remember one time, way back when, I bought a whole lot of <item>, too. But I had so many left over that I ended up with real buyer's regret. Now I just try to buy what I need. Oops! But I guess talking about myself doesn't really help!"
"Interviewer: Phew! It takes some deep pockets to buy up <amount> <item> at once! I bet that <name> of yours was getting ready for an adventure! I know I always want to have a/an <item> or <amount> for any journey that I’m on!"
  • Unknown:
"Clerk: Well, it was a really great sale, so I guess it's natural to want to stock up!"
"Interviewer: Hmm, hmmm... I guess that <name> must really know how to spot a deal. Let's see, the total for that purchase was... Just $<amount>?! Whoa! That really was a great deal! Well, that's all we have time for today, but catch us again for more of the best deals! Bye for now, bargain hunters!"
The Name Rater Show

A program that tells the fortune a Pokémon's fortune from its nickname. This program updates whenever the player gives a Pokémon a new nickname. The fortunes depend on the first letter of the Pokémon's nickname.

"The time has come for the latest episode of The Name Rater Show! Using the nickname bestowed on a Pokémon, I will tell its fortune! Today's guest is <name>, with a/an <Pokémon> nicknamed <nickname>! Now let me see... Mm-hmm... Oh, yes. Hmm... This Pokémon's nickname tells me..."
  • Depending on the first letter in the Pokémon's nickname...
  • 1, 8, F, M, T, b, i, p, w, <sad face>, ♦, ♪, #, *, ?, ~
"That this Pokémon has a great penchant for battle! Indeed! Even when you think it might lose, this Pokémon won't give up! It'll strike fear into opponents with a vibe that says, "You're gonna miss!""
  • 2, 9, G, N, U, c, j, q, x, <sun>, <angry face>, ★, +, …, ・ (midline dot)
"That this Pokémon will be very spoiled by its Trainer! What a life! It always wants <name> to fuss over it and care for it. And yet I also get the feeling that... Yes, the sounds of <nickname> tell me that you should definitely give this Pokémon a lot of love in Pokémon-Amie!"
  • 3, A, H, O, V, d, k, r, y, ◎, <cloud>, <up arrow>, é, ♂, %, :, "," (comma), “ (left double quote)
"That this Pokémon has quite a bit of happiness waiting for it! If it uses Thunder in battle, it'll succeed about 70 percent of the time! Yes... That's right. It's quite average, isn't it? <nickname> is a pretty average nickname, after all. What it all boils down to is that being average is no bad thing!"
  • 4, B, I, P, W, e, l, s, z, ○ (circle), <umbrella>, <down arrow>, ♀, -, ;, ” (right double quote)
"That it is one thoughtful Pokémon! That's what kind of name it has. If you put this one in a contest, I don't know why exactly, but I think it could show off its appeal at just the right time to excite the crowd. Yup, that's what "<nickname>" suggests to me anyhow. It makes me think of an old couple."
  • 5, C, J, Q, X, f, m, t, □, <person/snowman>, zz, " " (space), .
"That this Pokémon is destined to have some ups and downs in life! I'd say that the future in store for it will be anything but mediocre! This name is like when you finally meet a Shiny Pokémon in the wild— and then you knock it out with a critical hit! Arrrghhh! Yup, that's what "<nickname>" sounds like to my ears. I see lots of drama for this one."
  • 6, D, K, R, Y, g, n, u, △, <neutral face>, É, ♠, ♣, !, (, /, =, ‘ (left single quote)
"The name "<nickname>." Well, <name>, I have to say that nickname seems a bit lacking in the love department, you know? If you want to understand your <Pokémon> a bit better, how about renaming it "<name>"? With the same name, maybe you'd understand your Pokémon as much as you understand yourself!"
  • 0, 7, E, L, S, Z, a, h, o, v, <happy face>, ◇, ♥, ), ’ (right single quote)
"The name "<nickname>" really captures the love you have for your Pokémon, <name>! My, my... How can I say this? It's like... It's like, <name>, <nickname> completes you. <nickname> supports you a lot, doesn't it? You have noticed that, right? You'd better notice it!"
"This nickname, well... You did spend <number> second(s) on deciding it, so I guess that tells you all you need to know! <name>, you really put a lot into that name, didn't you?"
"But you know, <name>, I've got to say that you pick some fine nicknames for your Pokémon. I hope you'll continue looking after <nickname> with as much care as you clearly put into its name. I hope fate has it in store for us to meet again!"
Trend Shoot!

A program that talks to Trainers to figure out what's trendy in the world. This program updates whenever the player changes the trend in Dewford Town.

"Li'l MC: Yo, everybody! Welcome to Trend Shoot! Today we're gonna surf out again on the new wave of what's trending!"
"Vet MC: Now that does sound like quite the fun trip! Let's go!"
"Li'l MC: OK! Off we go! Hmm, where should we go to check the latest trends?"
"Vet MC: Good question. Let's start by asking what has been trending with the typical kind of <Trainer class> we see around Hoenn."
"Li'l MC: OK, OK! Let's see. When I think of a typical <Trainer class>... That's it! Of course! The one Trainer we all thought of, right? It's gotta be <name>! If we ask <name>, I'm sure we'll be on the real cusp of cool!"
"Vet MC: Ohhh! What a hip idea!"
  • Depending on the type of trend chosen:
  • Schools:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> schools are the hottest thing around!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll check out one of those schools for myself! But what kind of schools are they?"
  • Parties:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> parties are absolutely on fire!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll have to hold one of those parties for myself! But what kind of parties are they?"
  • Masters:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> masters are what everyone's into now!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll try to become one of those masters myself! But a master of what exactly?"
  • Festivals:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> festivals are what's getting people pumped!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll head out to visit one of those festivals myself! But what kind of festivals are they?"
  • Dances:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> dances are the real cool thing right now!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll try out some moves for myself! But what kind of dances are they?"
  • Songs:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> songs are definitely number one!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll try my own hand at one of those songs! But what kind of songs are they?"
  • Collections:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> collections are having a real boom right now!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll start one of those trendy collections for myself! But what are they collecting for?"
  • Qualities:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like <item> qualities are what's real chill these days!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll pursue that kind of quality for myself! But what kind of quality is it?"
  • Houses:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like living in <item> houses is the best symbol of status!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll try renovating one of those houses myself! But what kind of houses are they?"
  • -dexes:
"Li'l MC: So then, lemme see... I went right ahead and asked, and... It seems like making <item>-dexes is what's really on fire!"
"Vet MC: Ho ho! Maybe I'll try to compile a dex like that for myself! But what kind of dex is it?"
"Li'l MC: That's what I want to know, too! Let's see for ourselves! We're off for that trendy town of Dewford to find out more!"
"Vet MC: All right! Now I'll finally be able to be as cool as <name>, too!"
"Li'l MC: Sure you can! This has been Trend Shoot! I hope none of you watching miss out on the next big wave of trends! See ya on the other side!"
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Reason: How does a Pokémon run away? Might Roar or something do it? Or does that quote happen for another reason, or perhaps even not at all naturally?

A program that reviews Trainers' encounters with hidden Pokémon. This program updates whenever the DexNav recognizes a hidden Pokémon and the Pokémon is either encountered or scared away. If the Pokémon runs away without being encountered due to the player entering another battle or moving too far away, the program does not update.

""Search2Catch"! It's the program where we cover the amazing encounters that bring Pokémon to their Trainers! A Trainer named <name> found a hidden Pokémon in <location>."
"I had my fingers crossed for him/her! <name>! There's a/an cute/lovely/great/epic Pokémon right there in front of you! Do your best! Your fated encounter is waiting!"
  • If the player took less than 60 seconds to encounter the Pokemon:
"<name>'s sneaky steps were beautiful and light! I think it only took <number> second(s) to reach that Pokémon!"
  • If the player took 60 seconds or more to encounter the Pokemon:
"<name> is quite the cautious one. He/She's taking his/her time to approach slowly."
  • If the player runs and scares it away:
"But then... <name> walked right on by! <name>! Oh, <name>! How blind are you?! Wasn't it in your field of vision? Couldn't you see that cute <Pokémon>?! I bet you're just the kind of Trainer who complains about how they can never meet new Pokémon! I'm so disappointed!"
  • If the player walks and scares it away:
"And so <name> walked on incredibly slowly! One step...and then another... <name> is being so careful! And that's why... That's why... it got away! <name> looked a bit sad as he/she watched the <Pokémon> fade into the distance."
  • If the player encountered the Pokémon and...
  • The player defeated it:
"Then a Lv. <number> <Pokémon> was encountered... The <Pokémon> was driven back by a powerful attack, though! Being a strong Trainer is lovely, but you end up expecting more from your opponents. Hopefully we can all find that one special Pokémon someday!"
  • The player caught it:
"Then <name> finally found that one special Lv. <number> <Pokémon>! They fell for each other the moment they met! The <Pokémon> looked so happy going into the Poké Ball!"
"Then <name> met a Lv. <number> <Pokémon>. It looks like our fearless Trainer was driven back by a fierce attack! Seeing <name> run for the Pokémon Center was a bit sad."
  • The player ran:
"Then <name> finally found that one special level <number> <Pokémon>! <name> ran away, though! I was so disappointed! Pokémon are nothing to be scared of! They're just waiting for you to approach them!"
  • It ran away:
"Then <name> finally found that one special Lv. <number> <Pokémon>! Although the only one who thought so might have been <name>! That <Pokémon> ran away in flash! Of course, I just felt so sorry for him/her that I couldn't find the words to say."
"That's all for today's stories of new encounters. Be sure to use the DexNav for more lovely new encounters that are hiding in your everyday life."
TM Treasures

A show that talks about TMs the player or another player has used recently and ones they have never used. Whenever a player uses a TM, the program randomly selects an unused TM in the player's Bag and reports on them both. If there is no unused TM in the player's Bag, the program does not change from its previous report.

"This episode of TM Treasures is brought to you by Poké Mart. Today's TM Treasure is... There it is! That disc shape! It's TM<unused number>! It hasn't even been used once. TM<unused number>... Is this <name>'s Bag? The TM for <unused move> slumbers inside the Bag just waiting to be awakened. TM<used number>, the TM for <used move>, has been used though, so why?! TMs can be used as many times as you like! Before we go, we'll teach you the words to wake it up!"
  • Randomly selected ending:
"TMs... aren't just for show! Thank you."
"TMs... are worthless if you don't use them! Thank you."
"TMs you don't use... are just like scrap wood! Thank you."
"Your TMs... are crying! Thank you."
"TMs... You're missing out if you don't use 'em! Thank you."
Trainer × Trainer
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Reason: Is there a reason behind the change between "Trainer lover" and "lover of Trainers"? (Maybe OR vs AS? Number of rematches? Whether it's VS one or two trainers (Single or Double battle)?)

A program that keeps tabs on Trainers who rebattle each other. This program updates whenever the player has a rematch against a Trainer.

"Everybody out there, get excited if you love Trainers! Trainer × Trainer starts now! Today, I'm bringing you another lover of Trainers/Trainer lover I found recently! So without further ado, here's <name>! He/She has used Trainer's Eye to battle the same Trainer <number> time(s)! Just who was that opponent?! The <Trainer class> <Trainer's name>! But why this Trainer? You know what it must be... Love! It's gotta be! Everybody out there, keep on usin' that AreaNav to love those Trainers!"
Secret Base Crashers!

A show that reviews a Secret Base-related interview.

  • Depending on the type of Super-Secret Base:
"There's no mountain too high nor river too wide to stop us on Secret Base Crashers! Today's Secret Base was found in... <location>! That hole in the cliff over there, no matter how you look at it, must be a Secret Base!"
"There's no mountain too high, nor river too wide, to stop us on Secret Base Crashers! Today's Secret Base was found in... <location>! Those vines hanging from that tree over there... No matter how you see this scene, it must be a Secret Base!"
"There's no mountain too high, nor river too wide, to stop us on Secret Base Crashers! Today's Secret Base was found in... <location>! That clump of grass over there... No matter how you look at it, it must be a Secret Base!"
"Let's go ahead and crash it! Hello! Oh! Someone's coming out. It's <name>! Let's jump right into our interview! I see. I see. And if you were to sum up your Secret Base in one phrase... <quote>?! That's so cool! Oh my! Would you look at the time? My AreaNav found a new Secret Base! Why don't you come crash <name>'s base by <location>, too?!"
The Great Flag Hunter

A show that reviews a recent capturing of another player's flag for their Secret Base.

"Host: It's once again time for The Great Flag Hunter! Flag hunting is creating quite a sensation here in Hoenn. Everyone's competing again today to be the Flag Master!"
"Commentator: I sure would like to collect some flags."
"Host: Very well then! Today's flag hunter is just about to actually enter someone's Secret Base. It's <name>!"
"Commentator: This is nice."
"Host: Oh! <name> just went inside <name>'s Secret Base! Start the timer! ... Did he/she get it?! He/She just got the flag!"
"Commentator: Yes indeed."
  • Variable lines:
"Host: That flag was taken in an unbelievable time: <number> second(s)!"
"Our Trainer was distracted by the surroundings <number> time(s), resulting in an unfortunate time loss."
"<number> Trainer(s) was/were defeated along the way."
"Well, <name> really put on a show for us today! Everyone at home, how about trying to be the next to be called the Great Flag Hunter?"
"Commentator: I sure would like to collect some flags."
Shall We Dowse?

A program that extolls the virtues of Dowsing. This program updates whenever the player finds a hidden item while they have the Dowsing Machine equipped.

"Host: It's time once again to find that little bit of happiness on... Shall We Dowse?"
"Audience: (Applause)"
"Host: Today, we're bringing you yet another Dowsing experience! <name> has used his/her Dowsing Machine <number> time(s)! Amazingly he/she recently found a/an <item>!"
"Audience member: Oh! Audience member: Awesome!"
  • Randomly selected line:
"Host: What's more, just after that <name> found a girlfriend/boyfriend!"
"Host: What's more, from that day on, apparently <name>'s health greatly improved!"
"Host: What's more, from then on <name> became so popular with the ladies/fellas that it has become a problem!"
"Audience member: (Murmur murmur) Audience member: Just like that?!"
"Host: Well I, for one, am jealous! This, too, is all thanks to the Dowsing Machine!"
"Audience member: Wow! Wow! Audience member: I'll do that, too!"
"Host: All of you out there in TV land, wouldn't you like to find a little happiness of your own with a Dowsing Machine? See you next time!"
Poké Fans!

A program that reports on interviews from the Pokémon Fan Club. This program updates whenever the player gives an interview to the interviewer in the Pokémon Fan Club. The interview is about the player's lead Pokémon.

  • If the Pokémon had no nickname:
"We're the Pokémon Fan Club, otherwise known as the Poké Fans! OK, let's get started! Today, we have responses to our recent Pokémon survey from you, the viewers! Just what sorts of stories will we hear today?! Let's see what we've got! This is the one! It's an interview from <name> about <Pokémon>! Let's learn just how passionate <name> is about <Pokémon>! Let's see here... "<quote>." Wow, what a wonderful interview! Why, it's so nice I'll watch it twice! "<quote>"! It really touches you deep down inside! I guess you could say that, as far as I'm concerned, this interview gets <random number> point(s)! We look forward to another interview, <name>! Well, we're already out of time! See you again, next time, here on Poké Fans!"
  • If the Pokémon had a nickname:
"We're the Pokémon Fan Club, otherwise known as the Poké Fans! OK, let's get started! Here on this show, I'll shout the opinions of you, the viewer, from the hilltops! It's truly an amazing show! Today, we paid a visit to the Pokémon Fan Club. Let's see who will be our Poké Fan today! Hmm... It's <name>! Please share with us your passion for your <Pokémon> that you call "<nickname>," so we can shout it out!"
  • Depending on the question the interviewer asked (random):
"Well, <name>, what did you think when you first met your <Pokémon>? ... "<quote>!" That is a nice thing to shout! It's as if your feelings at that time have come back to life!"
"Well, <name>, what was it that drew you to <Pokémon>? ... "<quote>"! What a wondrous thing to shout! We can really feel your love for <Pokémon>!"
"Well, <name>, if you were to liken your <Pokémon> to something, what would it be? ... "<quote>!" Ooh, such originality! We can really tell how you feel about <Pokémon>!"
""<quote>"! Hearing that makes me want to shout it out, over and over again! And, just as we've found something new to shout, it's time for us to go. Before we do, though, one last time, all together now... "<quote>"!"
Talk of the Town

A program that relates simple stories from Pokémon Trainers. This program updates whenever the player gives the interviewer in the Oceanic Museum an interview.

"Welcome to Talk of the Town. For Pokémon Trainers, each day is a new tale to be told. Here at Talk of the Town, we're delighted to be able to introduce those tales to you. The leading role in today's tale will be played by none other than <name>. What's new in <name>'s world lately? Let's find out right away! Hmm... "<quote>." I see. Now I can understand what's been happening with <name> lately. I'm sure that <name>'s <Pokémon> went through that too, right? <name> shared a pleasant story with us today. And now you, too, can hold in your heart a little story called "<name>." Please join us again for our next broadcast."
Special ☆ Spectaculars

A program that broadcasts Contests from around Hoenn. This program updates whenever the player enters a Contest.

"Once again, we're bringing you the Special ☆ Spectaculars you've been waiting for! I'm already here at the Contest Hall. Oh! The contest is underway as I speak! It's the <category> Contest! And it's <rank>! <name>'s <Pokémon> that he/she calls <nickname> has whipped the crowd into a frenzy!"
"Let's have a look and see how this Contest Spectacular turns out. Whoa! That was quite a shriek from the crowd! <name>'s <nickname> performed <spectacular talent>!"
  • If not:
"While today's Contest Spectacular was not the most exciting, each and every Pokémon carefully displayed its moves for us! <name>'s <nickname> performed patiently, too!"
  • Depending on the contest category:
"Wow, that sure is cool! How lovely!"
"Whoa, that is so totally cute!"
"Oh, that really is beautiful. Bellissima!"
"Would you look at how tough that is? It's great!"
"Hahaha, that certainly does look clever!"
  • If the player won:
"And now, at last, the time has come to present the results of our thrilling contest! Yes, that's right! Of course the winner of the <rank> of the <catgory> Contest is <name>! Congratulations! Look at those tears of joy! We hope you, too, could feel the excitement of our Contest Spectacular! See you again next time!"
  • If not:
"And now, at last, the time has come to present the results of our thrilling contest! I had my eye on <name>, but unfortunately he/she narrowly missed out on victory! What a shame! He's/She's crying tears of disappointment! We hope you, too, could feel the excitement of our Contest Spectacular! See you again next time!"
Seeking Trainers

A program where Gabby and Ty report on Trainers they battle around Hoenn.

""Seeking Trainers" Gabby: I'm coming to you today from <location>! We're here today to scout a wonderful talent. The Trainer I've got my eye on today is <name>!"
  • For their first battle with the player:
"I have a feeling about this Trainer! Well, the fastest way to check a Trainer's abilities is to battle! We'll begin our investigation right away! ... So we battled, but Ty and I suffered a spectacularly crushing defeat! <name> is exceedingly strong. Now to share my thoughts on our battle..."
  • For subsequent battles with the player:
"I may have battled <name> before, but he/she certainly seems to have gotten stronger. I expected no less from a Trainer who I had my eye on! Well, the fastest way to check a Trainer's abilities is to battle! We'll begin our investigation right away! ... So we battled, but Ty and I suffered a spectacularly crushing defeat! <name> is exceedingly strong. Now to share my thoughts on our battle..."
  • If the player Mega-Evolved a Pokémon:
"That was so moving! <Pokémon> showed off its Mega Evolution for us! I got so excited that I was in no condition to battle!"
  • If not:
"The team of <Pokémon> and <Pokémon> was the best! Seeing those two help each other out during the battle was wonderful! That <move> came from the friendship between <Pokémon> and <Pokémon>!"
"The victorious Trainer had this to say about the battle: "<quote>." <Pokémon>, <Pokémon>, and <quote>. There's something deep about those words. Good Trainers sure do have good things to say! We'll see you again on our next broadcast!"
Happy, Happy Birthday!

A program that celebrates Trainers' birthdays. This program updates when it's the player's birthday.

""Happy, Happy Birthday!" Just who is the Trainer that celebrated their birthday recently? ... It's <name>! Woo-hoo! Happy birthday, <name>! What a joyous occasion! <name> looked so happy to celebrate his/her birthday at the Pokémon Center. The <Pokémon> that <name> always takes such good care of was saying "happy birthday," with a smile, too! I wonder how old <name> is now... I hope that no matter how old <name> gets, he/she keeps on living the good life with Pokémon! One last time before we go— happy birthday, <name>!"
Mirage Detection Unit

A show that reviews Mirage spots.

""MDU: Mirage Detection Unit" Narrator: Mirage spots. Finding one is every man's dream and every woman's goal. We've been lucky enough to obtain an interview with a legendary explorer. This is what he had to say..."
"Explorer: After obtaining what few hints I could from <name> with great difficulty, I headed for Hoenn's back country. We pushed our way desperately through trackless, overgrown vegetation. That's when it happened! At last we encountered the life form which had previously lived only in our imaginations! It was...a... Umm. Hey, what was it called again?!"
"Explorer: After obtaining what few hints I could from <name> with great difficulty, I headed for Hoenn's back country. We dragged ourselves crawling through a cold, dark cave. That's when we found it at last! Yes, it was all dazzling and had both hands full. It was...a... Umm. Hey, what was it called again?!"
"Explorer: After obtaining what few hints I could from <name> with great difficulty, I headed for Hoenn's back country. We found ourselves on an island that sits silent, not knowing east from west, wandering. That's when we arrived at last! It was a place that only a few humans have entered. It was...a... Umm. Hey, what was it called again?!"
"Explorer: After obtaining what few hints I could from <name> with great difficulty, we made our way through a wasteland, barely escaping with our lives as we struggled to find our footing. That's when we finally discovered it! It's been said that it only reveals itself once a year! It was...a... Umm. Hey, what was it called again?!"
"Narrator: Unfortunately, our explorer failed when using Waterfall and was injured by the ensuing fall. The injury caused him to completely forget the most important part! But Mirage spots definitely exist! Oh, if only I could Soar, I would go looking, too! What comes next in this story is all up to you and your own abilities!"
"Narrator: Unfortunately our explorer failed when using Cut and was shocked when he tripped over a tree. The injury caused him to completely forget the most important part! But Mirage spots definitely do exist! Oh, if only I could Soar, I would go looking, too! What comes next in this story is all up to you and your own abilities!"
"Narrator: Unfortunately our explorer failed when using Rock Smash and was surprised when a rock struck him on the head. The injury caused him to completely forget the most important part! But Mirage spots definitely exist! Oh, if only I could Soar, I would go looking, too! What comes next in this story is all up to you and your own abilities!"
Wonder Trade

A program that reports on the latest Wonder Trades going on. This program updates whenever the player makes a Wonder Trade.

"Yee-haw! It's that time again! Time to check out the latest heart-racing, breathtaking Wonder Trades! And who is today's Worldwide Wonder Trader? Look, here to entertain us is <name>! Welcome! All righty then, <name>, what will you be offering for your Wonder Trade? Oh! Would you look at that! A/An <Pokémon>!"
  • If the Pokémon had a nickname:
"OK, it's the <Pokémon> that's been named <nickname>! Let's hope that name brings a little joy to its new Trainer, too!"
  • If not:
"<Pokémon>, you shocker, you! You sure know the Pokémon that everyone wants, don't you?"
"And now's the moment we watch as <Pokémon> is... sent! It's been sent! We have send-off! Here we go! HERE WE GO-O-O! Have fun, little <Pokémon>! I'm sure you'll be loved! And now! Oh! Oh! Here it comes! Who has come to us from beyond? Whoa! Will wonders never cease?! It's a/an <Pokémon>!"
  • If the Pokémon was holding an item:
"A/An <Pokémon>, sent all the way from <name>! And what's it clutching like there's no tomorrow? A/An <item>!"
  • If not:
"A/An <Pokémon>, and it's been sent from <name>!"
"And that's another Wonder Trade gone off without a hitch! What a rush! And our thanks to <name> and <name>! That Wonder Trade was— heart racing! Breathtaking!"
  • If it was the player's first Wonder Trade:
"Phew! And to think that this was your first Wonder Trade, <name>! Haha, you are some sort of Trainer! OK, viewers, isn't it time YOU tried a little Wonder Trade of your own with the PSS? See you next time!"
  • If not:
"The perfect Pokémon to memorialize <number> successful Wonder Trades! You sure are some kind of trader, <name>! OK, viewers, isn't it time YOU tried a little Wonder Trade of your own with the PSS? See you next time!"
Pokémon News

A program that shows special promotions.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
"Hello! It's time for Pokémon News! The wildly popular Energy Guru of Slateport Market is pouring energy into a special promotion in <number> day(s). We don't yet know the details of what this might entail, but the good guru was kind enough to tell us that it might make us want to break open our Pidgey banks! If you are half as curious as I know I am, come out to Slateport City on the big day! Pokémon News signing off for now!"
"Hello! It's time for Pokémon News! Well, the wait is over, at last! Slateport's Energy Guru is putting all of his energy into making his stall at the market a smashing success! Right now, buy your Proteins and Calciums and all at a deep discount! How about taking a little jaunt to Slateport to shop till you drop? That's what I plan to be doing soon! Pokémon News signing off for now!"
"Hello! It's time for Pokémon News! I have some juicy news to report from the Lilycove Department Store! In just <number> short day(s), the store will begin its regular Clearance Sale! Be sure you come and check it out, and you might just spot the deal you've been waiting for! Pokémon News signing off for now!"
"Hello! It's time for Pokémon News! The big day is here! It's the Lilycove Department Store's huge Clearance Sale! Here among the racks, you might discover that perfect find you've been dreaming of! Hurry to the roof of the Lilycove Department Store before this chance passes you by! Pokémon News signing off for now!"
"All we need is love for Pokémon! All you need is a bit of courage! Pokémon Contest Spectaculars: the stage where you and your gorgeous Pokémon will storm the world! New contests are held every day, so don't miss your chance to shine!"
"Aisles full of goods! Floors full of excitement! There's something for everyone to discover in this shopping dreamland! If you're in the market for anything, anything at all, then you need the Lilycove Department Store! Lisia: "It's where I do my shopping!""
"The Lavaridge Hot Springs Where smiles come welling up as warmly as our volcanic waters."
"This program is brought to you by our sponsor, the Devon Corporation. The Devon Corporation: a guiding star of hope for all Trainers."
"We raise your precious Pokémon with all the love they find at home! When you want reliable care for your precious Pokémon, come to the Pokémon Day Care."
"Oh, it looks so GOOOOOOD! I wanna dig in right this second! Wha—? You want a battle? Now?! OK, it's time to eat or be eaten! Our menu's stocked with dishes too good to miss, and our food court's packed with Trainers too good to pass up! The Mauville Food Court is open for battle EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!"
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version
"Aha! Pokémon! Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire are different. Trade Pokémon with your friends and collect them all!"
"Coming soon to screens near you! Narrator: Mirage spots. Finding one is every man's dream and every woman's goal. We've been lucky enough to get an interview with one such legendary explorer, and his tale. The next breakout hit show! “MDU: Mirage Detection Unit”... Begins airing this fall!"
"The Lavaridge Hot Springs Where smiles spring forth as warmly as our volcanic waters."
"Know your type matchups! Water-type moves are super effective against Fire-type Pokémon! Grass-type moves are super effective against Water-type Pokémon! Fire-type moves are super effective against Grass-type Pokémon! Knowledge worth remembering!"
"This program is brought to you by our sponsor, the Devon Corporation. The Devon Corporation: a guiding star of hope for all Trainers."
"We raise your precious Pokémon with all the love they find at home! When you want reliable care for your beloved Pokémon, come to the Pokémon Day Care."
"The time is finally approaching! Clearance Sales resume next month! All those items and goodies you've been seeing in your dreams! The find of a lifetime could be waiting for you! Don't get lost on your way to the roof of the Lilycove Department Store to enjoy the Clearance Sale!"
"A piece of advice— Press the Circle Pad slowly, and you can take a stealthy walk. If Pokémon are hiding, this is how you can sneak up on them."
"Today's adventure tip! When your Pokémon's HP gets low, use a Hyper Potion quickly! When a status condition affects your Pokémon, use a Full Heal quickly. Please remember this tip!"
"Oh, it looks so GOOOOOOD! I wanna dig in right this second! Wha— You want a battle? Now?! OK, it's time to eat or be eaten! Our menu's stocked with dishes too good to miss, and our food court's full of Trainers too good to pass up! The Mauville Food Court is open for battle EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!"
"All we need is love for Pokémon! All you need is a bit of courage! Pokémon Contest Spectaculars: the stage where you and your gorgeous Pokémon will storm the world! New contests are held every day, so don't miss your chance to shine!"
"Aisles full of goods! Floors full of excitement! There's something for everyone to discover in this shopping dreamland! If you're in the market for anything, anything at all, then you need the Lilycove Department Store! Lisia: “It's where I do my shopping!” Ali: “A-li-li~! ♪”"
"A Special Lesson from the Trainers' School! Try switching up your Pokémon! You'll definitely want to change the order of your team when battling wild Pokémon or other Trainers. It's a snap! Here's how! First press the X Button to open the menu screen. Select POKÉMON on the menu, and you can check out your team. Select the Pokémon you want to move, and drag it to the slot you want to move it to. It'll swap places with the Pokémon there. Done! Try hitting that X Button right now, and give it a whirl for yourself!"
"Lady: What's up? It's time for me, someone who knows absolutely everything, to help all y'all troubled kids with worries. It's Trouble Talk time—a special demo version! Today, we'll look at a letter from...“Dasha!” “There is a game that I really, really, really want! But my mom and dad hardly ever buy me games. What should I do?” Lady: Hmm... It sounds simple, yet there's a lot to this question! I'd say...if you help with making meals, doing errands, and taking out the trash, you may inspire them to give it to you as a reward. Give these ideas a try, starting today, and see what happens! I look forward to hosting you again!"


050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: exterior image
Version Exterior Interior
Omega Ruby None.png TV Mauville interior ORAS.png
Alpha Sapphire

In the manga

Hoenn TV in Pokémon Adventures

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Hoenn TV is based in Lilycove City. Archie is the head of the station.

In other languages

TV Mauville

Language Title
France Flag.png French Télé Lavandia
Germany Flag.png German Malvenfroh TV
Italy Flag.png Italian Tele Ciclamipoli
South Korea Flag.png Korean 보라TV방송국 Bora TV Station
Spain Flag.png Spanish Malvalona TV

Hoenn TV

Language Title
France Flag.png French Hoenn TV
Germany Flag.png German Hoenn TV
Italy Flag.png Italian Hoenn TV

Project Locations logo.png This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.