Join Avenue

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Join Avenue ジョインアベニュー
Join Avenue
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Join Avenue B2W2.png
Map description: A big avenue that keeps developing as you communicate with more people.
Location: Between Route 4 and Nimbasa City
Region: Unova
Generations: V
Unova Join Avenue Map.png
Location of Join Avenue in Unova.
Pokémon world locations
The entrance to Join Avenue in Black 2
The entrance to Join Avenue in White 2

Join Avenue (Japanese: ジョインアベニュー Join Avenue) is a building introduced in Pokémon Black and White 2. It is located between Route 4 and Nimbasa City, replacing Nimbasa Gate which was previously there.

Initially, Join Avenue is an empty building, as it is the player's task to invite visitors, making them residents. These visitors are NPCs visiting daily, known as the player's fans, or avatars of other players which have been registered by the player's game. Visitors can be invited to open their own dream shop or recommended to visit another shop on Join Avenue, increasing its popularity if the customer is satisfied. Exclamations akin to those appearing in the streets of Castelia City can be seen in Join Avenue.

Join Avenue
An avenue that grows as you deepen
exchanges with other people.

Attracting visitors

The amount of NPC fans visiting daily increases with the rank of Join Avenue. In most cases, an NPC fan will yield less popularity points than an avatar of another player, since NPC fans' popularity point yield values are 75% of those of the latter.

To get the avatar of another player to visit Join Avenue, the player can do the following:

  • Register the player on the C-Gear's Tag Log
  • Have a battle or trade with the player (both wireless and Wi-Fi are included)
  • Have a person leave a footprint at the player's Dream World house

Gym Leaders will also visit the avenue once in a while. These cannot be invited to open a shop, but can be recommended to visit one, yielding 1000 popularity points if led to an appropriate shop.

Sometimes, visitors will be persuaded by shop owners to visit shops beyond the one initially recommended, potentially increasing the rank of every shop on the avenue. However, only the final shop popularity gain yielded in such a chain will count on the overall avenue rank.

Visitors frequently greet the player with a souvenir item when engaged.

The avenue can hold no more than twelve visiting NPC fans at a time. Consequently, no NPC fans will arrive on a day where this limit is already reached, even if the player subsequently makes room. This also means that any amount of arriving NPC fans that would have otherwise exceeded the limit will be capped.


Assistants will reside in the player's office, providing various services. This is a list of the assistants that the player can have:

  • Assistant No. 1
"Leave registration to me!"
Can check avenue status, change the player's avenue title, change various phrases, and (after reaching Rank 10) change avenue name (under usual restrictions).
File:Ace Trainer f OD.png Jacci (Japanese: イチミ Ichimi) holds this position by default, residing in the player's office from the start.
  • Assistant No. 2
"Ask me about shops!"
Can tell a perfect shop for the player, letting the player choose from a list of different types of shops. The length of this list increases with the rank of Join Avenue, ultimately containing all eight shop types.
Ace Trainer m OD.png Future (Japanese: ミライ Mirai) holds this position by default, residing in the player's office from the start.
  • Assistant No. 3
"Let me organize everything!"
Can move the player's Pokémon in the Pokémon Storage System, show various statistics about the player and residing avatars of other players, change the roles of assistants, and change the physical order of shops in the avenue. After reaching Rank 6, this assistant can also change the appearance of the avenue's neon arch between four styles: Star Orange, Aurora Purple, Cloud Light Blue, and Stone Green.
Scientist m OD.png Gardner (Japanese: パソキチ Pasokichi) holds this position by default, arriving as a reward for reaching avenue Rank 2.
  • Assistant No. 4
"Leave Pokémon healing to me!"
Can heal the player's Pokémon.
Nurse OD.png Elethia (Japanese: チュ Chu) holds this position by default, arriving as a reward for reaching Rank 4.

The roles of these assistants can be swapped at will by talking to assistant no. 3 (as mentioned above), and after reaching Rank 8, they can be replaced by visiting avatars of other players that the player is able to recruit.

In addition, NPCs will start residing in the players office and on the avenue, as Join Avenue's rank increases. These will ask the player multiple-choice questions concerning personal information and preferences. The answers given will be used to determine various outcomes when players interact with each other in Join Avenue. One of these NPCs, namely the man residing in the player's office wearing a black suit and shades, does not follow this pattern, and will instead provide some information about the current shop owners in the player's avenue - this applies only to the avatars of other players owning a shop, as the man will have no information about regular NPC fans.

Parade feature

When the avenue has reached Rank 20, the owner will come and congratulate the player on all the effort put in the Avenue. After that, a sequence follows, in which the players joins the four assistants in a walk across every shop the player has opened. The player and the assistants will stop at every shop, followed by what the opening date of the shop was and what the current rank of the shop is. When having passed all shops, the player and the assistants will line up and their names appear on-screen, followed by the current rank of the avenue. The sequence can be repeated any time by talking to assistant no. 1. This feature has its own background music, ジョインアベニューであいさつ! Join Avenue Salutation!


Shops are created when inviting a visitor to open one. Join Avenue can contain a maximum of eight shops at a time. When this limit is reached, the player can replace any shop with a new one.

By recommending a shop to an appropriate visitor, the shop's popularity will increase. Popularity determines the overall rank of Join Avenue, which influences the prices of Join Avenue services. It also determines the individual rank of the recommended shop, which determines the services it provides. A shop starts at Rank 1 and will stop increasing in rank afer reaching Rank 10, although it will still receive popularity points, affecting the overall rank of Join Avenue. All shops change appearance and name when reaching Rank 4, and again at Rank 8.

Upon reaching a new avenue rank or shop rank, the amount of popularity points required to reach the next rank will always be at its maximum, ignoring any popularity point gain exceeding the previous requirement. For example, if the avenue needs 20 points to reach the next rank, there is no difference between an increase of 20 points or 1000 points.

There are eight different types of shops, but some variation in terms of services provided is also found within most shop types, depending on the shop owner. For example, Scientist Anneli and Pokémon Ranger Jenna can both open Dojos, but provide different services. Similarly, Flower Shops offer type-resistant Berries, but one would need all four variations of the shop in order to collect each type of these Berries.

Any service provided by a shop can only be provided once per day, unless the shop's rank goes up, in which case it will refresh.

Raffle Shop

Visitor wanting to open a Raffle Shop:

"I would want to make everyone excited."

A Raffle Shop (Japanese: くじびきや Lottery Shop) provides a free, daily raffle as its only service, where the player wins a random prize. The chance of getting a greater prize increases with the rank of the shop.

The services provided by Raffle Shops do not vary with the shop owner.

Raffle Shop prizes

No. Item
1 Master Ball Master Ball
2 Rare Candy Rare Candy
3 PP Max PP Max
4 PP Up PP Up
5 Max Revive Max Revive
6 Max Elixir Max Elixir
7 Max Ether Max Ether
8 Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
9 Full Heal Full Heal
10 Berry Juice Berry Juice

Beauty Salon

Visitor wanting to open a Beauty Salon:

"I would want to make people's Pokémon more beautiful."

A Beauty Salon (Japanese: びようしつ Beauty Parlor) offers various services increasing a Pokémon's friendship and lowering its effort values. If the chosen Pokémon is already at maximum friendship the Salon owner will decline to provide the requested service.

The services provided by Beauty Salons vary with the shop owner along two different variations, referred to as A and B in this article.

This is a list of the services available for purchase in Beauty Salons. The listed prices decrease by one percent with each Join Avenue rank increase, capping at a 40% discount. A and B represent the two variations of Beauty Salons.

Service Effect Price A B
Slender Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers HP effort value by 255 points $20000
Calm Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers Attack effort value by 255 points $20000
Gentle Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers Defense effort value by 255 points $20000
Mellow Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers Special Attack effort value by 255 points $20000
Warm Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers Special Defense effort value by 255 points $20000
Slow Makeup 3 Increases friendship and lowers Speed effort value by 255 points $20000
Slender Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers HP effort value by 100 points $8000
Calm Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers Attack effort value by 100 points $8000
Gentle Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers Defense effort value by 100 points $8000
Mellow Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers Special Attack effort value by 100 points $8000
Warm Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers Special Defense effort value by 100 points $8000
Slow Makeup 2 Increases friendship and lowers Speed effort value by 100 points $8000
Slender Makeup Increases friendship and lowers HP effort value by 50 points $4000
Calm Makeup Increases friendship and lowers Attack effort value by 50 points $4000
Gentle Makeup Increases friendship and lowers Defense effort value by 50 points $4000
Mellow Makeup Increases friendship and lowers Special Attack effort value by 50 points $4000
Warm Makeup Increases friendship and lowers Special Defense effort value by 50 points $4000
Slow Makeup Increases friendship and lowers Speed effort value by 50 points $4000
Brushing Increases friendship $1000
Shampoo Increases friendship $1500
Smile Cut Increases friendship $2000
Beauty Cut Increases friendship $2500
Royal Cut Increases friendship $3000


Visitor wanting to open a Dojo:

"I would want to train people's Pokémon and make them strong."

A Dojo (Japanese: どうじょう Dojo) offers various services increasing a Pokémon's effort values and level. A Pokémon will not evolve or learn new moves when its level is increased in this manner.

The services provided by Dojos vary with the shop owner along four different variations, referred to as A, B, C, and D in this article.


Visitor wanting to open a Market:

"I would want to collect a lot of things and surprise everyone."

A Market (Japanese: マーケット Market) sells various items, mainly in large batches at a discount. Some of these items are not sold in regular Poké Marts.

The services provided by Markets vary with the shop owner along four different variations, referred to as A, B, C, and D in this article.

Items sold

This is an incomplete list of the items available for purchase in Markets. The listed prices decrease by one percent with each Join Avenue rank increase, capping at a 40% discount. A, B, C, and D represent the four variations of Markets.

Item Name Price A B C D
Max Revive Max Revive げんきのかたまり $5000
PP Up PP Up ポイントアップ $12500
RageCandyBar RageCandyBar ×2 おみやげセット $2000 ? ? ?
HP Up HP Up ×12 ? $99960 ? ? ?
Protein Protein ×12 ? $99960 ? ? ?
Iron Iron ×12 ? $99960 ? ? ?
Calcium Calcium ×12 Sp. Attack Set $99960 ? ?
Zinc Zinc ×12 とくぼうセット $99960 ? ? ?
Carbos Carbos ×12 Speed Set $99960 ? ?
Ether Ether Ether $1500
? Battle Set E $?
X Accuracy X Accuracy ×12 Battle Set F $8550
? Battle Set G $?
X Sp. Def X Sp. Def ×12 Battle Set H $?
Guard Spec. Guard Spec. ×12 Battle Set A $6300
Dire Hit Dire Hit ×12 Battle Set B $5850
X Attack X Attack ×12 Battle Set C $4500
X Defend X Defend ×12 Battle Set D $4950
Honey Honey ×12 Honey Set $3600
Fresh Water Fresh Water ×48 Water Set 4 $9600
Fresh Water Fresh Water ×36 Water Set 3 $7200
Fresh Water Fresh Water ×24 Water Set 2 $4800
Fresh Water Fresh Water ×12 Water Set 1 $2400
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk ×48 Milk Set 4 $24000
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk ×36 Milk Set 3 $18000
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk ×24 Milk Set 2 $12000
Moomoo Milk Moomoo Milk ×12 Milk Set 1 $6000
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×48 くすりセット4 $43200
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×36 くすりセット3 $32400
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×24 くすりセット2 $21600
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion ×12 くすりセット1 $10800
Full Heal Full Heal ×48 なんでもセット4 $21600
Full Heal Full Heal ×36 なんでもセット3 $16200
Full Heal Full Heal ×24 なんでもセット2 $10800
Full Heal Full Heal ×12 なんでもセット1 $5400
Revive Revive ×48 かけらセット4 $54000
Revive Revive ×36 かけらセット3 $40500
Revive Revive ×24 かけらセット2 $27000
Revive Revive ×12 かけらセット1 $13500
Max Repel Max Repel ×48 スプレーセット4 $25200
Max Repel Max Repel ×36 スプレーセット3 $18900
Max Repel Max Repel ×24 スプレーセット2 $12600
Max Repel Max Repel ×12 スプレーセット1 $6300

Flower Shop

Visitor wanting to open a Flower Shop:

"I would want to help everyone relax with beautiful flowers."

A Flower Shop (Japanese: はなや Florist) sells Berries and Mulch.

The services provided by Flower Shops vary with the shop owner along four different variations, referred to as A, B, C, and D in this article.

Items sold

This is a list of the items available for purchase in Flower Shops. The listed prices decrease by one percent with each Join Avenue rank increase, capping at a 40% discount. A, B, C, and D represent the four variations of Flower Shops.

Rank Item Price A B C D
10 Pomeg Berry Pomeg Berry ×4 $3000
10 Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry ×4 $3000
10 Hondew Berry Hondew Berry ×4 $3000
10 Grepa Berry Grepa Berry ×4 $3000
9 Qualot Berry Qualot Berry ×4 $3000
9 Tamato Berry Tamato Berry ×4 $3000
8 Liechi Berry Liechi Berry ×4 $2000
8 Apicot Berry Apicot Berry ×4 $2000
8 Salac Berry Salac Berry ×4 $2000
8 Rindo Berry Rindo Berry x4 $2000
8 Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry ×4 $2000
8 Wacan Berry Wacan Berry ×4 $2000
8 Petaya Berry Petaya Berry ×4 $2000
8 Occa Berry Occa Berry ×4 $2000
7 Passho Berry Passho Berry ×4 $2000
7 Shuca Berry Shuca Berry ×4 $2000
7 Kebia Berry Kebia Berry ×4 $2000
7 Yache Berry Yache Berry ×4 $2000
6 Chople Berry Chople Berry ×4 $2000
6 Charti Berry Charti Berry ×4 $2000
6 Tanga Berry Tanga Berry ×4 $2000
6 Coba Berry Coba Berry ×4 $2000
5 Payapa Berry Payapa Berry ×4 $2000
5 Babiri Berry Babiri Berry ×4 $2000
5 Colbur Berry Colbur Berry ×4 $2000
5 Kasib Berry Kasib Berry ×4 $2000
4 Haban Berry Haban Berry ×4 $2000
4 Chilan Berry Chilan Berry ×4 $2000
4 Leppa Berry Leppa Berry $1500
4 Bluk Berry Bluk Berry ×4 $600
4 Razz Berry Razz Berry ×4 $600
3 Lum Berry Lum Berry ×4 $800
3 Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry ×4 $800
3 Persim Berry Persim Berry ×4 $600
2 Aspear Berry Aspear Berry ×4 $600
2 Oran Berry Oran Berry ×4 $600
1 Chesto Berry Chesto Berry ×4 $600
1 Pecha Berry Pecha Berry ×4 $600
1 Rawst Berry Rawst Berry ×4 $600
1 Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ×4 $600
6 Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch ×4 $1600
6 Damp Mulch Damp Mulch ×4 $1600
6 Growth Mulch Growth Mulch ×4 $1600
6 Stable Mulch Stable Mulch ×4 $1600
3 Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch ×2 $?
3 Damp Mulch Damp Mulch ×2 $?
3 Growth Mulch Growth Mulch ×2 $?
3 Stable Mulch Stable Mulch ×2 $?
1 Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch $400
1 Damp Mulch Damp Mulch $400
1 Growth Mulch Growth Mulch $400
1 Stable Mulch Stable Mulch $400

Antique Shop

Visitor wanting to open an Antique Shop:

"I would want to collect unique items and surprise everyone."

An Antique Shop (Japanese: ふるどうぐや Secondhand Store) sells various unidentified items which are appraised by the shop owner after purchasing, granting the player a Hard Stone or a surprise item, such as an evolutionary stone.

The services provided by Antique Shops do not vary with the shop owner. However, variation between Antique Shop owners is found in terms of what actual items the, otherwise identical, unidentified items can contain. These variations are referred to as A, B, C, and D in this article.

Items sold

This is an incomplete list of the unidentified items available for purchase in Antique Shops. The listed prices decrease by one percent with each Join Avenue rank increase, capping at a 40% discount.

Rank Item Price
6 Chunk A Rank $1500
3 Chunk B Rank $750
1 Chunk C Rank $500
7 Ordinary Box $650
4 Big Box $450
1 Super Big Box $350
8 Dingy Stone $400
5 Black Stone $300
2 Dirty Stone $200


Visitor wanting to open a Café:

"I would want to make delicious meals for Pokémon and make them happy."

A Café (Japanese: カフェ Café) offers various services increasing a Pokémon's friendship, effort values, and level. A Pokémon will not evolve or learn new moves when its level is increased in this manner.

The services provided by Cafés vary with the shop owner along two different variations, referred to as A and B in this article.


Nurseries (Japanese: ほいくじょ Nursery) offer various services that make Eggs hatch faster.

Nurseries are initially inaccessible. Once unlocked, by defeating the Champion and reaching Rank 15, certain compatible visitors (such as Hiker Jaylen or Nurse Jess) will change shop type, meaning that they will ask to open a Nursery upon invitation, rather than their previous shop type. In the event that such a character is already residing in Join Avenue with their initial shop type, the player can change that shop into a Nursery.

The services provided by Nurseries do not vary with the shop owner.

Shop rank requirements

1 2 200
2 3 250
3 4 300
4 5 350
5 6 400
6 7 500
7 8 600
8 9 800
9 10 1000

Shop names

This is a list of the different names shops take on, using "John" as the name of the shop owner.

Shop type Rank 1-3 Rank 4-7 Rank 8-10
Raffle Shops Dream ★ John Lucky ★ John Happy ★ John
Beauty Salons Barber John Salon John Studio John
Dojos John Fitness John’s Ring John’s Colosseum
Markets John Mart John’s Shop John’s Emporium
Flower Shops Florist John John's Flowers John's Garden
Antique Shops John's Antiques Gallery John John Museum
Cafés Deli John John's Kitchen Bistro John
Nurseries John Place John Corner John Land

NPC fans

This is a list of NPC fans and the shops they can open. A, B, C, and D represent shop variations, if any.

English Japanese Shop (variation)
Pokemon Ranger f OD.png Alibena アリビーナ Albina Raffle Shop
Pokemon Breeder m OD.png Anton アントン Anton Raffle Shop
Pokemon Breeder f OD.png Asta アスタ Asta Raffle Shop
File:Ace Trainer f OD.png Jannis ジャニス Janice Raffle Shop
Pokemon Ranger m OD.png Arhippa アルヒッパ Arhippa Raffle Shop
Ace Trainer m OD.png Jephew ジェヒュー Jehu Raffle Shop
File:Ace Trainer f OD.png Alwyn アラベッラ Arabella Beauty Salon (B)
Ace Trainer m OD.png Assar アッサール Assar Beauty Salon (A)
Lass OD.png Assunta アッスンタ Assunta Beauty Salon (B)
Youngster OD.png Axel アクセル Axel Beauty Salon (A)
Scientist f OD.png Janette ジョイス Joyce Beauty Salon (B)
Scientist m OD.png Julian ジャン Jean Beauty Salon (A)
Hiker OD.png Alpi アルピ Alpi Dojo (B)
Scientist f OD.png Anneli アンネリ Anneli Dojo (B)
Scientist m OD.png Anselmi アンセルミ Anselmi Dojo (D)
Pokemon Ranger f OD.png Jenna ジェナ Jenna Dojo (C)
Pokemon Ranger m OD.png Jonas ジョナス Jonas Dojo (A)
Parasol Lady OD.png Anelma アネルマ Anelma Dojo (?)
Nurse OD.png Jeanne ジャンヌ Jeanne Market (B)
Preschooler m OD.png Joelle ジェリー Jerry Market (C)
Preschooler f OD.png Judith ジュディス Judith Market (D)
Preschooler f OD.png Julie ジュリー Julie Market (D)
Roughneck OD.png Justan ジュスタン Justan Market (A)
Preschooler m OD.png Jules ジュール Jules Market (C)
Nurse OD.png Ainikki アイニッキ Ainikki Flower Shop (A)
Roughneck OD.png Aleron アッラン Allan Flower Shop (D)
Preschooler f OD.png Armina アーム Aamu Flower Shop (B)
Pokemon Breeder m OD.png Joakim ジャレッド Jared Flower Shop (C)
Pokemon Breeder f OD.png Joan ジョアン Joan Flower Shop (B)
Preschooler m OD.png Arpo アーポ Aapo Flower Shop (C)
Pokemon Breeder f OD.png Agata アガタ Agata Antique Shop (?)
Pokemon Ranger f OD.png Annetta アンネッタ Annetta Antique Shop (?)
Pokemon Ranger m OD.png Atilio アティリオ Atilio Antique Shop (?)
Parasol Lady OD.png Jane ジョスリン Jocelyn Antique Shop (C)
Hiker OD.png Julio ジョエル Joel Antique Shop (A)
Pokemon Breeder m OD.png Amando アマンド Amando Antique Shop (?)
Lass OD.png Alena アリョーナ Alena Café (B)
File:Ace Trainer f OD.png Antonie アントニナ Antonina Café (A)
Youngster OD.png Artos アートス Artos Café (A)
Ace Trainer m OD.png Azzo アッツォ Azzo Café (B)
Youngster OD.png Jasper ジャスパー Jasper Café (B)
Lass OD.png Jocelyn ジェーン Jane Café (A)
Scientist f OD.png Jaclyn ジャサント Jacinthe Nursery*
Scientist m OD.png Jacorey ジャコブ Jacob Nursery*
Hiker OD.png Jaylen ジェローム Jerome Nursery*
Nurse OD.png Jess ジェシー Jessie Nursery*
Roughneck OD.png Jimbo ジョシュア Joshua Nursery*
Parasol Lady OD.png Josie ジョゼ Josée Nursery*
Youngster OD.png Janus ハジメ Hajime Varies with ID


  • Like other in-game features depending on the DS clock, Join Avenue will be interrupted for a day if any changes are made to the date or time settings of the DS system in use (including those caused by changing to another DS system).
  • Raffle Shops are the only places the player can get a Master Ball outside of the main story without interaction with other players in Generation V.
  • All 49 NPC fans visiting Join Avenue have names beginning with letters J or A, in reference to the location's name. This is also the case in the Japanese versions, with the exception of the differently programmed first visitor, Janus, who is named ハジメ Hajime.
    • Furthermore, their overworld sprite appearances are limited to those available on Trainer cards.
  • In place of landmarks, the Town Map provides three live statistics for Join Avenue: current avenue rank, recommended or invited, and current visitors.

In other languages

Language Title
France Flag.png French Galerie Concorde
Germany Flag.png German Einklangspassage
Italy Flag.png Italian Galleria Solidarietà
South Korea Flag.png Korean 조인애버뉴 Join Avenue
Spain Flag.png Spanish Galería Unión
colspan=3 style="background: #Template:City color light" |

Trio Badge.png Basic Badge.png Insect Badge.png Bolt Badge.png Quake Badge.png Jet Badge.png Freeze Badge.png Legend Badge.png
Basic Badge.png Toxic Badge.png Insect Badge.png Bolt Badge.png Quake Badge.png Jet Badge.png Legend Badge.png Wave Badge.png
Nuvema TownAccumula TownStriaton CityNacrene CityCastelia CityNimbasa CityAnville Town
Driftveil CityMistralton CityIcirrus CityOpelucid CityPokémon LeagueLacunosa TownUndella Town
Black CityWhite ForestAspertia CityFloccesy TownVirbank CityLentimas TownHumilau City
Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
DreamyardWellspring CavePinwheel ForestLiberty GardenDesert ResortRelic CastleBattle SubwayLostlorn Forest
Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
Challenger's CaveVictory Road (BWB2W2) • N's CastleRoyal UnovaGiant ChasmUndella BayAbyssal Ruins
Abundant ShrinePoké Transfer LabP2 LaboratoryEntralinkUnity TowerFloccesy RanchPledge GroveVirbank Complex
Pokéstar StudiosCastelia SewersJoin AvenueCave of BeingPokémon World TournamentReversal MountainPlasma Frigate
Clay TunnelUnderground RuinsStrange HouseRelic PassageSeaside CaveWhite TreehollowBlack Tower
Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

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