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AG159 : Off the Unbeaten Path!
Advanced Generation series
AG161 : Odd Pokémon Out
Harley Rides Again
AG160   EP434
Gonbe's Debut Battle! Harley and Taking the Game Seriously!
First broadcast
Japan January 19, 2006
United States October 28, 2006
English themes
Opening Battle Frontier
Japanese themes
Opening バトルフロンティア
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Assistant director 浅田裕二 Yūji Asada
Animation director 岩根雅明 Masaaki Iwane
Additional credits

Harley Rides Again (Japanese: ゴンベのデビュー戦!ハーリーと真剣勝負!! Gonbe's Debut Battle! Harley and Taking the Game Seriously!) is the 160th episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 434th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on January 19, 2006 and in the United States on October 28, 2006.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Ash and his friends finally arrive in Wisteria Town where May will compete in the Wisteria Contest to try to win her third Ribbon. May practices with her Munchlax by throwing a ball into the air and having Munchlax use Focus Punch to break it which drops confetti everywhere. Everyone comments on how Munchlax looked cute and strong when it hit the ball. May and Munchlax show confidence that they will win and get the third Ribbon. Eevee goes up to May and indicates that it wants to be in the Contest but May told Eevee that they need more practice first. Ash asks May if she has decided whether to use Munchlax in both rounds or not. May says that she will go with Squirtle in the appeals round, and Munchlax in the battle round.

Several girls gather around Brock to admire his Bonsly, while Harley says from the background that he would like to hold Bonsly. Everyone is very displeased to see him. Harley asks May how many Ribbons she has as in which she replies by showing off both of her Ribbons. Harley shows her his three Ribbons and that he would be getting his fourth in this Contest. As they are both stating that they will be victorious, May is shown as a Munchlax and Harley is shown as an Ariados. May's friends all tell her not to get worked up over Harley and to focus on winning the Contest.

Harley runs into Team Rocket as they try to sell him Pokéblock. They say that they can provide information for Harley as they state their motto. Team Rocket says they can help Harley beat May in the Contest and exchange Harley would have to help them capture Pikachu. Harley recognizes them as Team Rocket, the bad guys who are always defeated badly by Ash and his friends. Harley laughs hysterically as he says they are complete and total losers and that he would become a total loser like them if he tried to use any of their help. As Harley leaves, Team Rocket is mad and embarrassed that Harley had said those words in front of the public and says they will show him not to mess with them.

At the Contest Hall, Brock tells Eevee to watch May closely as she shows how great Contests really are and what they are about. Lilian introduces Mr. Sukizo, Raoul Contesta and Nurse Joy as the judges for the Contest. May brings out her Squirtle for the appeals round. Squirtle uses Rapid Spin to spin across the floor horizontally and upright, following it up with Bubble that spins around in the air as Squirtle spins around. May's friends all comment on how well they are doing and say she must have practiced really hard. The judges say that Squirtle was doing a remarkable job with that combination. Harley says May was doing a good job but he would do so much better. Squirtle uses Ice Beam to break the bubbles and then create a frozen fountain surrounded by frozen water. The Judges comment on how great the whole performance was and how great the finishing move was as well. In the other appeals, Rhydon was using Horn Drill to spin a top on its horn, Camerupt was blowing a lot of smoke, Machamp was juggling, and Magneton was using Thunderbolt.

Harley takes the stage and brings out his Ariados who comes out facing Harley instead of the audience. Ariados uses Spider Web to take over the whole stage and starts climbing and crawling around on it. Ariados bungee jumps from the top with the string attached to its abdomen. It spins itself around while wrapping itself with strings and uses Scary Face to scare everyone. Before finishing off its last move, a Wobbuffet falls from the ceiling and crashes onto the ground. Ariados uses Scary Face to scare Wobbuffet and it runs away. Pikachu who has been wearing a Japanese outfit while waving fans for support senses something is up, and runs outside the Contest Hall. Ash and Brock follow Pikachu to see what's up. May is revealed to be in the lead entering the battle stage, while Harley enters the next stage in second place. Harley is not very happy with it, and tells May that she won't be in the lead for long. May tells Harley that she is on her way to winning the whole thing.

The first battle of the battle stage begins. May's opponent brings out Politoed while May brings out Munchlax. Politoed uses Water Gun while Munchlax counters with SolarBeam. SolarBeam takes out Politoed right away allowing May to move on to the next round easily. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is using one of their machines to grab Coordinators' Pokémon while the Coordinators have no idea where they went. Wobbuffet returns to them but Pikachu, Ash, and Brock had followed it to the roof. Ash demands to know what they are up to, and Team Rocket claims to be trying to help May win, but they captured other Pokémon so Ash doesn't believe them. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to blast them away. Lillian announces the finalists as May and Harley for the final round.

Before the match, Lillian says to everyone that because Harley and May have won in the past, that the match will be a high leveled Contest. Harley brings out Octillery while May brings out Munchlax. Brock warns that Octillery will not be easy for May to take down because it is so strong. Munchlax uses Focus Punch and Octillery jumps high in the air, lands on top of Munchlax and uses Constrict. Munchlax tries to use Focus Punch to knock Octillery off of it, but it fails and Octillery uses a powerful Octazooka while letting go. Munchlax uses SolarBeam, and Octillery uses Sludge Bomb which hits and causes an explosion hurting Munchlax. Munchlax uses Metronome which at first looks like it fizzled out, while Harley and Octillery were laughing hard at it. Brock says that they should just wait and be patient for it to come. A Thunder drops down onto Octillery out of nowhere and lands a critical hit. May is still way behind at this point. Octillery uses Rest to fully heal while everyone says that it's bad for May since Octillery will fully heal. Max yells to May to finish Octillery off before it heals but Ash explains that no matter what when Octillery wakes up it will be fully healed. Munchlax uses Tackle, Focus Punch, then another Tackle but it isn't enough as Octillery knocks Munchlax out with Octazooka. Harley wins his fourth Ribbon, and acknowledges the crowd after being handed the Ribbon.

Later that day, Munchlax is being fed and May's friends are telling her that she did a great job during the Contest. Harley says to himself that nice girls finish last. Lillian comes up to May and hands her a flier about the next Contest which is going to be held on Chrysanthemum Island. Lillian also hands May an envelope with a rose attached while everyone says it has to be Drew. She opens up the envelope and the letter says that he will be seeing her there at the Chrysanthmum Island Contest.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.





Various Pokémon seen at the Contest



  • After May's appeal, her skirt turns red.
  • Lillian said that the Trainer who earns five Ribbons moves on to the Grand Festival when she should have said Trainers.

Dub edits

In other languages

AG159 : Off the Unbeaten Path!
Advanced Generation series
AG161 : Odd Pokémon Out
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