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===Temporarily Owned===
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| {{InactivePoké|Guile|Jirachi|Jirachi Emerald chapter.png|Steel|Psychic|link=no}}  
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|desc=Guile finally caught {{p|Jirachi}} for his plan on world domination after failing to do so many times. He used one of its {{m|Wish|wishes}} to summon the {{p|Kyogre|ultimate beast}}. Jirachi left after he was defeated for good.}}

Revision as of 04:53, 29 December 2010

Guile Hideout
ガイル・ハイダウト Guile Hideout
Guile Hideout.png
Gender Male
Hometown Unknown
Region Hoenn
Redirect.png Note: This soft redirect exists to avoid revealing a critical plot twist without warning.
Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Guile Hideout is the main antagonist of the Emerald arc of the Pokémon Adventures manga.


Guile Hideout makes his first appearance in the Battle Factory's storage room where he is seen knocking out Noland who was investigating a disturbance in the Pokémon records of the Battle Factory. It is here that his plans are revealed, the capture of the one Pokémon that is awake for only 7 days every 1000 years, the Wish Pokémon Jirachi. As he lays over the unconscious Noland, Guile mulls over the fact that out of the 7 days Jirachi is awake he only 5 days left to look for it, he laughs as he challenges the one who is trying to stop his plans.

He makes his next appearance at the Artisan Cave where he stops Emerald's attempt to capture Jirachi with a Timer Ball by slicing the Pokéball in two. He briefly battles Emerald and manages to cut off one of his extendable hands but the boy ignores it, catches his hand, and runs off after Jirachi. Guile counters this by releasing several Rental Pokémon to chase after him, he then finds himself surrounded by the Frontier Brains Lucy, Spenser, Brandon, and Tucker. The Brains attack him simultaneously but have their attacks reflected right back at them, Guile sends the Rental Pokémon to attack but Greta counters with her Umbreon's Double Team.

Guile soon finds himself fighting Salon Maiden Anabel and her Raikou who traps him in and electric cage made by a Thundershock while his Surskit drips a strange liquid onto the floor. While he battles Anabel, Emerald continues trying to capture Jirachi and manages to trap it with his borrowed Bonee and Monlee and throws a Luxury Ball at it in an attempt to capture it. When Guile notices this he has his Surskit use Psybeam to force the Luxury Ball open, preventing it from fully capturing Jirachi. Eventually the Poké Ball breaks and Jirachi is freed, Guile takes this brief moment to retrieve his sword and attacks Anabel, Todd, and Emerald who are stuck to the floor thanks to the nectar that Surskit had dropped previously. Emerald’s Pokémon step in to shield them and Guile attempts to grab Jirachi but it flees in fear. Muttering that he has four days left to capture Jirachi, an annoyed Guile takes his leave, insulting his enemies while doing so.

Guile reappears after Emerald's Battle Arena challenger where he finally manages to capture Jirachi. The Frontier Brains attempt to attack to no avail; he manages to escape with his Starmie and reveals his plan, to use the power Jirachi possesses and flood the entire Battle Frontier. He releases all of the Rental Pokémon he had stolen before onto the public, forcing the Frontier Brains to go and save them.

While Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and Noland climb the Battle Frontier Guile tries to get Jirachi to grant his wish. Once they reach the top they find a mind controlled Anabel; Guile reveals that he had kidnapped her and used a Psychic-Type Pokémon to control her mind. While Emerald fights Anabel, Ruby uses his Memory Lighter to try and figure out who Guile truly is, he uses a conversation he had with Spenser earlier and realizes that Guile is a person who must have come in contact with the Blue Orb. After Anabel loses consciousness from the stress of the mind control, Emerald's Latios comes in to save them by bringing his Pokémon; he also reveals Guile Hideout's true identity. No longer needing to hide his face, Guile opens the mask on his helmet and reveals who he truly is.

Guile forces Noland to give him the Jirachi Report by holding the unconscious Anabel captive, Noland is forced to comply and give him the report. With the Report, Guile manages to make his wish, to summon a giant sea monster that will flood the world. He then makes his leave, telling his enemies to drown while laughing.

He soon returns when he finds out that someone has appeared wearing a suit of armor similar to his, angry at the imposter he uses his sword to cut open his armor, revealing the person inside to be none other than Gold. Gold reveals that he wore the armor in an attempt to try and trick his Surskit which failed due to Guile coming back too soon. Guile and Gold begin battling, Gold sends out his Aibo and Exbo who use their abilities to create a wall of flames that Guile attempts to block. the flames are too powerful and he is knocked back. He continues battling Gold and the other Pokédex holders but defeats them by having his monster Kyogre flood the building, he reveals his second plan; to find the legendary Pokémon that lives in the ocean.

Gold and Crystal attempt to fight him while Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire attempt to learn the ultimate moves Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, and Blast Burn but Guile easily defeats them. This angers Emerald who attacks him but like Gold and Crystal, is easily knocked back. Guile steps on the heads of his Pokémon, calling them nothing but garbage due to their being unable to battle and questions the boys concern, stating that he said that he only likes Pokémon Battles and not the Pokémon themselves. This act causes Emerald to reveal the he does in fact like Pokémon, and the people who like Pokémon, this causes Jirachi to grant his wish to free his senior Pokédex Holders from their petrification.

Despite gaining 5 new opponents to fight, Guile is not fazed in the slightest and sends his Rental Pokémon and monster Kyogre to attack them. The Pokédex holders continue battling the Rental Pokémon while Emerald, Gold, and Red battle Guile and with a combination from Red's Poli and Gold's Polibo, they manage to break Guile's armor off. Guile doesn't let this stop him and tries to use the Rental Pokémon to attack but Emerald reveals that he used his abilities to calm them all down; Guile no longer has anything to attack them with. He is finally defeated when all of the Pokédex holders destroy his monster Kyogre with a triple combination of Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, Blast Burn, and Volt Tackle.

After the monster Kyogre is destroyed, Emerald finds Guile’s body floating in the water and grabs him. Guile tells him about how he received the Armor “Eternity” and Sword “Instant” from a mysterious woman. When he sees his armor Guile immediately goes to grab it but finds out that it was the fake armor that Gold was wearing before, he frantically searches for the real one. Before he can reach the real armor, he disappears in a flash of light; the sword and armor disappear along with him. It was revealed later that the woman who gave him the armor was a member of a mysterious team.


Unknown's Masquerain
Debut VS. Dusclops

Masquerain is Guile's most used Pokémon. He was first seen as a Surskit when Guile first appeared at the Battle Factory. It was used in many of his later battles. He later evolved in the final battle against the Pokédex holders where it fought Gold's Polibo. When Guile Hideout disappeared, Masquerain along with him.

His only known move is Psybeam.

Starmie x4
Unknown's Starmie x4
Debut VS. Starmie

Guile's Starmie were used to escape from the Frontier brains after he captured Jirachi

Their only known moves are Hydro Pump and Psychic.

Unknown's Walrein

Walrein was used to battle against the Pokédex holders where it fought Red's Poli

None of its moves are known.

Temporarily Owned

Debut VS. Shuckle

Guile finally caught Jirachi for his plan on world domination after failing to do so many times. He used one of its wishes to summon the ultimate beast. Jirachi left after he was defeated for good.