Madame Boss

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554Darumaka.png The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Madame Boss
女ボス Madame Boss
Madame Boss.png
Madame Boss
Gender Female
Hometown Unknown
Region Kanto
Relatives Giovanni (son)
Member of Team Rocket
Rank Boss
Anime debut The Birth of Mewtwo
English voice actor N/A
Japanese voice actor Hiromi Tsuru

(Japanese: 女ボス Madame Boss) is a former leader of Team Rocket and the mother of the current leader, Giovanni.


She is the founder of Team Rocket and passed her rank to her son, Giovanni. She controls armies, and gets Elite Squadrons to capture rare Pokémon and auction them off for money. She hates Pokémon, and that is why she has none. She only cares about the money she gets for selling them. The only Pokémon she truly wants are Mew and Mewtwo. She thinks that with their power, she can rule the Pokémon world. That is why she gave a mission to her best woman, Miyamoto, to capture Mew and brainwash it. However, it would appear that Miyamoto ended up dying in an avalanche, while Madame Boss was succeeded by her son some years later.


Her primary focus seems to be on making money. This can be based upon numerous facts, including her reaction to hearing a recording proving the existence of Mew, a creature that could bring Team Rocket immense fortune; she responds with the quip "Can we make a CD out of it?" However, she is considered to be an effective leader who is adept at her job.

Boss: GiovanniMadame Boss (formerly)
Secretary: Matori
Executives: Iron-Masked Marauder
Notable members: JessieJamesMeowth (TRio)
MiyamotoMondoAttilaHunDominoRocket Scout
Scientists: Dr. FujiDr. NambaSebastianDr. Zager
Lower members: Team Rocket Grunts (Matori Matrix)
Former members: ButchCassidyChristopher
Dub only: AnnieOakley
Locations: Viridian GymTeam Rocket HQ

Villainous team leaders
Core series GiovanniMaxieArchieCyrusNGhetsisColressLysandreGuzmaPiersCassiopeia
Masters EX GiovanniGuzmaCyrusNLysandrePiersGhetsisMaxieArchieColressPauloPenny
BiruritchiGonzapEviceGreevilGordorBaron PhobosBlake HallKincaidSocieteaMunnaDark RustDon RogerGiovanni
Anime GiovanniMadame BossMaxieArchieCyrusGhetsisLysandreGuzmaPiersGibeon
Adventures GiovanniMasked ManMaxieArchieCyrusNGhetsisColressLysandreGuzmaPiers
Other manga FraudMeja

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