All Stars Collection (ATCG)

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Traditional Chinese TCG expansions
Dreams Come True Collection →
All Stars Collection
All Stars Collection Logo.png
Cards in set 364
Set number 1
Release date October 9, 2019
Theme Decks

GX Starter Deck (All types)

Sun & Moon: All Stars Collection (Chinese: 太陽 & 月亮 眾星雲集組合篇 Sun & Moon All Stars Collection) is the name given to the first of three Sun & Moon Era amalgamated catch-up "Collections" in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is exclusively available in Traditional Chinese and is an amalgamation of the First Impact and Legends Awakened catch-up sets that were released in Indonesian and Thai.


The All Stars Collection and its complementary GX Starter Deck were the first official TCG products translated into Chinese since EX Legend Maker in 2006, and the first released under the unified Pokémon brand transcription. These products were released in Taiwan and Hong Kong on October 9, 2019 and were promoted at a launch event held on October 11-13, 2019 at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store in Taipei, Taiwan.[1]. The collection itself is split into two sets, Set A and Set B, each of which focuses on specific types. Set A features Grass, Fire, Lightning, Fighting, and Darkness-type Pokémon, while Set B features Water, Psychic, Metal, Fairy, and Dragon-type Pokémon. The booster packs for both sets feature specially commissioned artwork by Kouki Saitou[2]. Each pack contains seven cards, including a guaranteed Holofoil card.

Much like the comparable First Impact set released in Thailand and Indonesia, All Stars Collection contains a relatively large selection of cards in effort to catch up with Japanese and international releases. It comprises cards sourced from the first three of the Japanese Sun & Moon Era, as well as a number of Shiny Pokémon from the GX Ultra Shiny subset. The set does not include any Full Art or Secret versions of any Pokémon-GX, however. The cards themselves are created by Creatures, Inc. and feature aesthetics consistent with Japanese releases, albeit with the international design on the reverse. The cards also have similar expansion symbols and use the same rarities as Japanese ones.

Set lists

Set A
SetSymbolAll Stars Collection Set A.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/158 A Bulbasaur Grass C Promotion
002/158 A Ivysaur Grass C Promotion
003/158 A Venusaur Grass U Promotion
004/158 A Oddish Grass C Promotion
005/158 A Gloom Grass C Promotion
006/158 A Vileplume Grass R Promotion
007/158 A Heracross Grass U Promotion
008/158 A Carnivine Grass U Promotion
009/158 A Shaymin Grass R Promotion
010/158 A Virizion Grass R Promotion
011/158 A Rowlet Grass C Promotion
012/158 A Dartrix Grass C Promotion
013/158 A DecidueyeGX Grass RR Promotion
014/158 A Grubbin Grass C Promotion
015/158 A Dewpider Grass C Promotion
016/158 A Araquanid Grass U Promotion
017/158 A Fomantis Grass C Promotion
018/158 A Lurantis Grass R Promotion
019/158 A LurantisGX Grass RR Promotion
020/158 A Bounsweet Grass C Promotion
021/158 A Steenee Grass U Promotion
022/158 A Tsareena Grass R Promotion
023/158 A TsareenaGX Grass RR Promotion
024/158 A Wimpod Grass C Promotion
025/158 A Golisopod Grass R Promotion
026/158 A GolisopodGX Grass RR Promotion
027/158 A Tapu Bulu Grass R Promotion
028/158 A Tapu BuluGX Grass RR Promotion
029/158 A PheromosaGX Grass RR Promotion
030/158 A Charmander Fire C Promotion
031/158 A Charmeleon Fire C Promotion
032/158 A CharizardGX Fire RR Promotion
033/158 A Alolan Marowak Fire R Promotion
034/158 A EnteiGX Fire RR Promotion
035/158 A Ho-OhGX Fire RR Promotion
036/158 A Victini Fire R Promotion
037/158 A Larvesta Fire C Promotion
038/158 A Volcarona Fire U Promotion
039/158 A Reshiram Fire R Promotion
040/158 A Litten Fire C Promotion
041/158 A Torracat Fire C Promotion
042/158 A IncineroarGX Fire RR Promotion
043/158 A Oricorio Fire U Promotion
044/158 A Salandit Fire C Promotion
045/158 A Salazzle Fire U Promotion
046/158 A SalazzleGX Fire RR Promotion
047/158 A TurtonatorGX Fire RR Promotion
048/158 A Pikachu Lightning C Promotion
049/158 A Raichu Lightning R Promotion
050/158 A RaichuGX Lightning RR Promotion
051/158 A Alolan Geodude Lightning C Promotion
052/158 A Alolan Graveler Lightning U Promotion
053/158 A Alolan GolemGX Lightning RR Promotion
054/158 A Raikou Lightning R Promotion
055/158 A Zekrom Lightning R Promotion
056/158 A Charjabug Lightning U Promotion
057/158 A Vikavolt Lightning R Promotion
058/158 A VikavoltGX Lightning RR Promotion
059/158 A Tapu Koko Lightning R Promotion
060/158 A Tapu KokoGX Lightning RR Promotion
061/158 A XurkitreeGX Lightning RR Promotion
062/158 A Machop Fighting C Promotion
063/158 A Machoke Fighting U Promotion
064/158 A Machamp Fighting R Promotion
065/158 A MachampGX Fighting RR Promotion
066/158 A Cubone Fighting C Promotion
067/158 A Rhyhorn Fighting C Promotion
068/158 A Rhydon Fighting C Promotion
069/158 A Rhyperior Fighting R Promotion
070/158 A Sudowoodo Fighting R Promotion
071/158 A Lunatone Fighting U Promotion
072/158 A Solrock Fighting U Promotion
073/158 A Barboach Fighting C Promotion
074/158 A Whiscash Fighting U Promotion
075/158 A Regirock Fighting U Promotion
076/158 A Stunfisk Fighting C Promotion
077/158 A Crabrawler Fighting C Promotion
078/158 A Crabominable Fighting U Promotion
079/158 A Rockruff Fighting C Promotion
080/158 A LycanrocGX Fighting RR Promotion
081/158 A LycanrocGX Fighting RR Promotion
082/158 A Stufful Fighting C Promotion
083/158 A Bewear Fighting R Promotion
084/158 A Passimian Fighting C Promotion
085/158 A Sandygast Fighting C Promotion
086/158 A PalossandGX Fighting RR Promotion
087/158 A Minior Fighting R Promotion
088/158 A BuzzwoleGX Fighting RR Promotion
089/158 A MarshadowGX Fighting RR Promotion
090/158 A Alolan Rattata Darkness C Promotion
091/158 A Alolan Rattata Darkness C Promotion
092/158 A Alolan Raticate Darkness U Promotion
093/158 A Alolan Raticate Darkness U Promotion
094/158 A Alolan Grimer Darkness C Promotion
095/158 A Alolan MukGX Darkness RR Promotion
096/158 A UmbreonGX Darkness RR Promotion
097/158 A Murkrow Darkness C Promotion
098/158 A Honchkrow Darkness U Promotion
099/158 A Sneasel Darkness C Promotion
100/158 A Weavile Darkness U Promotion
101/158 A Sableye Darkness U Promotion
102/158 A Spiritomb Darkness C Promotion
103/158 A Darkrai Darkness R Promotion
104/158 A DarkraiGX Darkness RR Promotion
105/158 A Zorua Darkness C Promotion
106/158 A ZoroarkGX Darkness RR Promotion
107/158 A Deino Darkness C Promotion
108/158 A Zweilous Darkness U Promotion
109/158 A Hydreigon Darkness R Promotion
110/158 A Hoopa Darkness R Promotion
111/158 A GuzzlordGX Darkness RR Promotion
112/158 A Chansey Colorless C Promotion
113/158 A Blissey Colorless R Promotion
114/158 A Kangaskhan Colorless R Promotion
115/158 A Eevee Colorless C Promotion
116/158 A Porygon Colorless C Promotion
117/158 A Porygon2 Colorless C Promotion
118/158 A Porygon-Z Colorless R Promotion
119/158 A Rayquaza Colorless R Promotion
120/158 A Regigigas Colorless R Promotion
121/158 A Minccino Colorless C Promotion
122/158 A Cinccino Colorless C Promotion
123/158 A Bouffalant Colorless C Promotion
124/158 A Oranguru Colorless R Promotion
125/158 A Type: Null Colorless R Promotion
126/158 A SilvallyGX Colorless RR Promotion
127/158 A Aqua Patch I U Promotion
128/158 A Energy Recycler I U Promotion
129/158 A Enhanced Hammer I U Promotion
130/158 A Counter Catcher I U Promotion
131/158 A Damage Mover I U Promotion
132/158 A Ultra Ball I U Promotion
133/158 A Multi Switch I U Promotion
134/158 A Max Potion I U Promotion
135/158 A Rescue Stretcher I U Promotion
136/158 A Rotom Dex Poké Finder Mode I U Promotion
137/158 B Water Memory I U Promotion
138/158 A Electric Memory I U Promotion
139/158 B Grass Memory I U Promotion
140/158 A Choice Band I U Promotion
141/158 A Psychic Memory I U Promotion
142/158 A Poison Barb I U Promotion
143/158 A Fighting Memory I U Promotion
144/158 A Fire Memory I U Promotion
145/158 A Kiawe Su U Promotion
146/158 A Guzma Su U Promotion
147/158 A Team Skull Grunt Su U Promotion
148/158 A Hau Su C Promotion
149/158 A Hiker Su U Promotion
150/158 A Olivia Su U Promotion
151/158 A Lillie Su U Promotion
152/158 A Lusamine Su U Promotion
153/158 A Aether Paradise Conservation Area St U Promotion
154/158 A Devoured Field St U Promotion
155/158 A Altar of the Sunne St U Promotion
156/158 A Po Town St U Promotion
157/158 A Double Colorless Energy Colorless E U Promotion
158/158 A Warp Energy Colorless E U Promotion
159/158 A Guzma Su SR Promotion
160/158 A Lusamine Su SR Promotion
161/158 A Rowlet Grass S Promotion
162/158 A Dartrix Grass S Promotion
163/158 A Wimpod Grass S Promotion
164/158 A Sudowoodo Fighting S Promotion
165/158 A Zorua Darkness S Promotion
166/158 A Oranguru Colorless S Promotion
167/158 A Type: Null Colorless S Promotion
168/158 A DecidueyeGX Grass SSR Promotion
169/158 A GolisopodGX Grass SSR Promotion
170/158 A CharizardGX Fire SSR Promotion
171/158 A Ho-OhGX Fire SSR Promotion
172/158 A TurtonatorGX Fire SSR Promotion
173/158 A XurkitreeGX Lightning SSR Promotion
174/158 A LycanrocGX Fighting SSR Promotion
175/158 A BuzzwoleGX Fighting SSR Promotion
176/158 A UmbreonGX Darkness SSR Promotion
177/158 A DarkraiGX Darkness SSR Promotion
178/158 A ZoroarkGX Darkness SSR Promotion
179/158 A GuzzlordGX Darkness SSR Promotion
180/158 A SilvallyGX Colorless SSR Promotion
181/158 A Tapu BuluGX Grass UR Promotion
182/158 A Tapu KokoGX Lightning UR Promotion

Set B
SetSymbolAll Stars Collection Set B.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/158 A Exeggcute Grass C Promotion
002/158 A Alolan Sandshrew Water C Promotion
003/158 A Alolan Sandslash Water U Promotion
004/158 A Alolan Vulpix Water C Promotion
005/158 A Alolan Ninetales Water R Promotion
006/158 A Alolan NinetalesGX Water RR Promotion
007/158 A Psyduck Water C Promotion
008/158 A Golduck Water U Promotion
009/158 A Magikarp Water C Promotion
010/158 A Gyarados Water R Promotion
011/158 A GyaradosGX Water RR Promotion
012/158 A LaprasGX Water RR Promotion
013/158 A Wailmer Water C Promotion
014/158 A Wailord Water U Promotion
015/158 A Regice Water R Promotion
016/158 A Manaphy Water R Promotion
017/158 A Keldeo Water R Promotion
018/158 A Popplio Water C Promotion
019/158 A Brionne Water U Promotion
020/158 A PrimarinaGX Water RR Promotion
021/158 A WishiwashiGX Water RR Promotion
022/158 A Pyukumuku Water C Promotion
023/158 A Tapu Fini Water R Promotion
024/158 A Tapu FiniGX Water RR Promotion
025/158 A Ekans Psychic C Promotion
026/158 A Arbok Psychic U Promotion
027/158 A Slowpoke Psychic C Promotion
028/158 A Slowbro Psychic U Promotion
029/158 A Slowking Psychic U Promotion
030/158 A Alolan Grimer Psychic C Promotion
031/158 A Alolan Muk Psychic R Promotion
032/158 A Gastly Psychic C Promotion
033/158 A Haunter Psychic C Promotion
034/158 A Gengar Psychic R Promotion
035/158 A MewtwoGX Psychic RR Promotion
036/158 A EspeonGX Psychic RR Promotion
037/158 A Wobbuffet Psychic U Promotion
038/158 A Seviper Psychic U Promotion
039/158 A Duskull Psychic C Promotion
040/158 A Dusclops Psychic C Promotion
041/158 A Dusknoir Psychic R Promotion
042/158 A Chimecho Psychic C Promotion
043/158 A Latios Psychic R Promotion
044/158 A Trubbish Psychic C Promotion
045/158 A Garbodor Psychic U Promotion
046/158 A Espurr Psychic C Promotion
047/158 A Meowstic Psychic U Promotion
048/158 A Pumpkaboo Psychic C Promotion
049/158 A Gourgeist Psychic U Promotion
050/158 A Oricorio Psychic U Promotion
051/158 A Oricorio Psychic U Promotion
052/158 A Mareanie Psychic C Promotion
053/158 A Toxapex Psychic R Promotion
054/158 A ToxapexGX Psychic RR Promotion
055/158 A Oranguru Psychic U Promotion
056/158 A Sandygast Psychic C Promotion
057/158 A Palossand Psychic R Promotion
058/158 A Mimikyu Psychic R Promotion
059/158 A Dhelmise Psychic R Promotion
060/158 A Tapu Lele Psychic R Promotion
061/158 A Tapu LeleGX Psychic RR Promotion
062/158 A Cosmog Psychic C Promotion
063/158 A Cosmog Psychic C Promotion
064/158 A Cosmoem Psychic U Promotion
065/158 A Lunala Psychic R Promotion
066/158 A LunalaGX Psychic RR Promotion
067/158 A NihilegoGX Psychic RR Promotion
068/158 A NecrozmaGX Psychic RR Promotion
069/158 A Marshadow Psychic R Promotion
070/158 A Alolan Diglett Metal C Promotion
071/158 A Alolan Dugtrio Metal R Promotion
072/158 A Aron Metal C Promotion
073/158 A Lairon Metal U Promotion
074/158 A Aggron Metal R Promotion
075/158 A Beldum Metal C Promotion
076/158 A Metang Metal C Promotion
077/158 A MetagrossGX Metal RR Promotion
078/158 A Registeel Metal U Promotion
079/158 A Solgaleo Metal R Promotion
080/158 A SolgaleoGX Metal RR Promotion
081/158 A CelesteelaGX Metal RR Promotion
082/158 A KartanaGX Metal RR Promotion
083/158 A Magearna Metal R Promotion
084/158 A Jigglypuff Fairy C Promotion
085/158 A Wigglytuff Fairy U Promotion
086/158 A Ralts Fairy C Promotion
087/158 A Kirlia Fairy C Promotion
088/158 A GardevoirGX Fairy RR Promotion
089/158 A Cottonee Fairy C Promotion
090/158 A Whimsicott Fairy U Promotion
091/158 A SylveonGX Fairy RR Promotion
092/158 A Xerneas Fairy R Promotion
093/158 A Diancie Fairy R Promotion
094/158 A Cutiefly Fairy C Promotion
095/158 A Ribombee Fairy U Promotion
096/158 A Morelull Fairy C Promotion
097/158 A Shiinotic Fairy R Promotion
098/158 A Comfey Fairy R Promotion
099/158 A Tapu Lele Fairy R Promotion
100/158 A Alolan Exeggutor Dragon R Promotion
101/158 A Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon RR Promotion
102/158 A Dratini Dragon C Promotion
103/158 A Dragonair Dragon U Promotion
104/158 A Dragonite Dragon R Promotion
105/158 A NoivernGX Dragon RR Promotion
106/158 A Zygarde Dragon R Promotion
107/158 A Drampa Dragon R Promotion
108/158 A Jangmo-o Dragon C Promotion
109/158 A Jangmo-o Dragon C Promotion
110/158 A Hakamo-o Dragon C Promotion
111/158 A Hakamo-o Dragon U Promotion
112/158 A Kommo-o Dragon R Promotion
113/158 A Kommo-oGX Dragon RR Promotion
114/158 A Spearow Colorless C Promotion
115/158 A Fearow Colorless C Promotion
116/158 A TaurosGX Colorless RR Promotion
117/158 A Eevee Colorless C Promotion
118/158 A SnorlaxGX Colorless RR Promotion
119/158 A Miltank Colorless C Promotion
120/158 A Starly Colorless C Promotion
121/158 A Staravia Colorless C Promotion
122/158 A Staraptor Colorless U Promotion
123/158 A Noibat Colorless C Promotion
124/158 A Yungoos Colorless C Promotion
125/158 A GumshoosGX Colorless RR Promotion
126/158 A Stufful Colorless C Promotion
127/158 A BewearGX Colorless RR Promotion
128/158 A DrampaGX Colorless RR Promotion
129/158 A Escape Rope I U Promotion
130/158 A Energy Loto I U Promotion
131/158 A Energy Switch I U Promotion
132/158 A Crushing Hammer I U Promotion
133/158 A Super Scoop Up I U Promotion
134/158 A Timer Ball I U Promotion
135/158 A Nest Ball I U Promotion
136/158 A Peeking Red Card I U Promotion
137/158 A Field Blower I U Promotion
138/158 A Rare Candy I U Promotion
139/158 A Rotom Dex I U Promotion
140/158 A Exp. Share I U Promotion
141/158 A Ancient Crystal I R Promotion
142/158 A Weakness Policy I U Promotion
143/158 A Dashing Pouch I U Promotion
144/158 A Wishful Baton I U Promotion
145/158 A Bodybuilding Dumbbells I U Promotion
146/158 A Acerola Su U Promotion
147/158 A Gladion Su U Promotion
148/158 A Hala Su U Promotion
149/158 A Plumeria Su U Promotion
150/158 A Mallow Su U Promotion
151/158 A Lillie Su U Promotion
152/158 A The Masked Royal Su U Promotion
153/158 A Sea of Nothingness St U Promotion
154/158 A Altar of the Moone St U Promotion
155/158 A Brooklet Hill St U Promotion
156/158 A Mount Lanakila St U Promotion
157/158 A Counter Energy Colorless E U Promotion
158/158 A Rainbow Energy Colorless E U Promotion
159/158 A Lillie Su SR Promotion
160/158 A Alolan Vulpix Water S Promotion
161/158 A Seviper Psychic S Promotion
162/158 A Beldum Metal S Promotion
163/158 A Metang Metal S Promotion
164/158 A Ralts Fairy S Promotion
165/158 A Kirlia Fairy S Promotion
166/158 A Diancie Fairy S Promotion
167/158 A Eevee Colorless S Promotion
168/158 A Noibat Colorless S Promotion
169/158 A Alolan NinetalesGX Water SSR Promotion
170/158 A MewtwoGX Psychic SSR Promotion
171/158 A EspeonGX Psychic SSR Promotion
172/158 A NihilegoGX Psychic SSR Promotion
173/158 A MetagrossGX Metal SSR Promotion
174/158 A KartanaGX Metal SSR Promotion
175/158 A GardevoirGX Fairy SSR Promotion
176/158 A SylveonGX Fairy SSR Promotion
177/158 A NoivernGX Dragon SSR Promotion
178/158 A DrampaGX Colorless SSR Promotion

{{Setlist/entry}179/158|A|Tapu FiniGX|Water||UR}}

180/158 A Tapu LeleGX Psychic UR Promotion
181/158 A LunalaGX Psychic UR Promotion
182/158 A SolgaleoGX Metal UR Promotion


AC1a All Stars Collection Booster.jpg
Set A pack
AC1b All Stars Collection Booster.jpg
Set B pack
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
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The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins


Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
Sun & Moon Series: SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
Sword & Shield Series: S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
Scarlet & Violet Series: SV-P Promotional cards
Ancient Times, Future ProgressCollection 151
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box