Field (Egg Group)

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Egg Groups
Monster Human-Like
Water 1 Water 3
Bug Mineral
Flying Amorphous
Field Water 2
Fairy Ditto
Grass Dragon
No Eggs Discovered
Gender unknown

The Ground egg group is one of the sixteen egg groups. Notably it is the largest of the egg groups, with 131 Pokémon.


Ground group Pokémon tend to be terrestrial creatures. Many are based on real-world mammals, though there are several exceptions to this rule. Notably, all Template:Type2 starter Pokémon with the exception of Charmander are in the Ground group.

Strangely, this group contains both Diglett, one of the smallest Pokémon at 8", and Wailord, the largest Pokémon, at more than 47'. More noted, however, is the nearly-as-small Skitty's status in this group, bringing about the HSOWA joke, or HGOWA 'Hot Glameow on Wailord action'.


Only in this egg group

# Name Type
019 019 Rattata Normal
020 020 Raticate Normal
027 027 Sandshrew Ground
028 028 Sandslash Ground
037 037 Vulpix Fire
038 038 Ninetales Fire
050 050 Diglett Ground
051 051 Dugtrio Ground
052 052 Meowth Normal
053 053 Persian Normal
056 056 Mankey Fighting
057 057 Primeape Fighting
058 058 Growlithe Fire
059 059 Arcanine Fire
077 077 Ponyta Fire
078 078 Rapidash Fire
128 128 Tauros Normal
133 133 Eevee Normal
134 134 Vaporeon Water
135 135 Jolteon Electric
136 136 Flareon Fire
196 196 Espeon Psychic
197 197 Umbreon Dark
470 470 Leafeon Grass
471 471 Glaceon Ice
155 155 Cyndaquil Fire
156 156 Quilava Fire
157 157 Typhlosion Fire
161 161 Sentret Normal
162 162 Furret Normal
190 190 Aipom Normal
424 424 Ambipom Normal
203 203 Girafarig Normal Psychic
206 206 Dunsparce Normal
215 215 Sneasel Dark Ice
461 461 Weavile Dark Ice
216 216 Teddiursa Normal
217 217 Ursaring Normal
220 220 Swinub Ice Ground
221 221 Piloswine Ice Ground
473 473 Mamoswine Ice Ground
228 228 Houndour Dark Fire
229 229 Houndoom Dark Fire
231 231 Phanpy Ground
232 232 Donphan Ground
234 234 Stantler Normal
235 235 Smeargle Normal
241 241 Miltank Normal
255 255 Torchic Fire
256 256 Combusken Fire Fighting
257 257 Blaziken Fire Fighting
261 261 Poochyena Dark
262 262 Mightyena Dark
263 263 Zigzagoon Normal
264 264 Linoone Normal
287 287 Slakoth Normal
288 288 Vigoroth Normal
289 289 Slaking Normal
309 309 Electrike Electric
310 310 Manectric Electric
322 322 Numel Fire Ground
323 323 Camerupt Fire Ground
324 324 Torkoal Fire
325 325 Spoink Psychic
326 326 Grumpig Psychic
335 335 Zangoose Normal
352 352 Kecleon Normal
359 359 Absol Dark
403 403 Shinx Electric
404 404 Luxio Electric
405 405 Luxray Electric
431 431 Glameow Normal
432 432 Purugly Normal
434 434 Stunky Poison Dark
435 435 Skuntank Poison Dark
449 449 Hippopotas Ground
450 450 Hippowdon Ground

In this and another egg group

# Name Type Other
023 023 Ekans Poison Dragon
024 024 Arbok Poison Dragon
025 025 Pikachu Electric Fairy
026 026 Raichu Electric Fairy
029 029 Nidoran♀ Poison Monster
032 032 Nidoran♂ Poison Monster
033 033 Nidorino Poison Monster
034 034 Nidoking Poison Ground Monster
054 054 Psyduck Water Water 1
055 055 Golduck Water Water 1
083 083 Farfetch'd Normal Flying Flying
086 086 Seel Water Water 1
087 087 Dewgong Water Ice Water 1
111 111 Rhyhorn Ground Rock Monster
112 112 Rhydon Ground Rock Monster
464 464 Rhyperior Ground Rock Monster
179 179 Mareep Electric Monster
180 180 Flaaffy Electric Monster
181 181 Ampharos Electric Monster
194 194 Wooper Water Ground Water 1
195 195 Quagsire Water Ground Water 1
209 209 Snubbull Normal Fairy
210 210 Granbull Normal Fairy
225 225 Delibird Ice Flying Water 1
273 273 Seedot Grass Plant
274 274 Nuzleaf Grass Dark Plant
275 275 Shiftry Grass Dark Plant
293 293 Whismur Normal Monster
294 294 Loudred Normal Monster
295 295 Exploud Normal Monster
300 300 Skitty Normal Fairy
301 301 Delcatty Normal Fairy
303 303 Mawile Steel Fairy
320 320 Wailmer Water Water 2
321 321 Wailord Water Water 2
327 327 Spinda Normal Humanshape
336 336 Seviper Poison Dragon
363 363 Spheal Ice Water Water 1
364 364 Sealeo Ice Water Water 1
365 365 Walrein Ice Water Water 1
390 390 Chimchar Fire Humanshape
391 391 Monferno Fire Fighting Humanshape
392 392 Infernape Fire Fighting Humanshape
393 393 Piplup Water Water 1
394 394 Prinplup Water Water 1
395 395 Empoleon Water Steel Water 1
399 399 Bidoof Normal Water 1
400 400 Bibarel Normal Water Water 1
417 417 Pachirisu Electric Fairy
418 418 Buizel Water Water 1
419 419 Floatzel Water Water 1
427 427 Buneary Normal Humanshape
428 428 Lopunny Normal Humanshape
448 448 Lucario Fighting Steel Humanshape


  • Strangely, Dawn has owned only Pokémon in the Ground group so far. This will remain true even if she captures a Swinub.