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About Me

034.png This user identifies as male.
VSScientist M.png This user wears glasses.
ResortPianoSprite.png This user plays the piano.
446.png This user likes to eat!
VSBrock.png This user is not in a relationship.
YouTube logo.png This user has a YouTube account.
Red Adventures.png This user reads Pokémon Adventures.

I'm Super10ZX a recent user on Bulbapedia (if you consider April 2016 recent). My original reason for joining Bulbapedia was seeing how outdated some of the pages were, but the straw that broke the Camel's back was 05308's anime predictions page (ironic considering many of my prediction pages are now outdated). Two months before joining Bulbapedia, I grew an interest in voice acting, and now it's kind of my main focus on the website. I try to add (or correct) VA's with official sources.

My Creations

For Bulbapedia

In Userpage



For myself


In things like my Anime Predictions page, I link to Pokémon pages still in userpages (like User:Pattyman/Meyer's Blaziken). If you don't want me to link to your pages still in your userspace, just tell me on my Talk Page, and I'll be ok with removing them.

Me on other things

  • On Youtube [1]
  • On Super Mario Maker [2]
  • On Super Mario Wiki [3]
  • On Behind the Voice Actors [4]